This post will be a sticky list pointing to the independent, critical thinking journalists, analysts and sources of information on the conflict in Eastern Ukraine / Donbass / Novorossia. These resources proved themselves to be reporting what they see on the ground and are not beholden to the NATO-agenda of the Western MSM. But before we proceed, here is a list of Telegram channels with the running news feeds:
- Intel Republic (Russia Ukraine Donbass USA EU and beyond)
- Chronicles of the Conflict (All important military and social events in Ukraine)
- Intel Slava Z (Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.)
- Az Geopolitics (War, politics, geopolitics, geoeconomy,history for everyone)
- Putinger’s Cat (Translations of videos, posts in two languages)
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