Rebranding the NAZIs of Azov – a Wolf(sangel) in new Sheep’s clothes

So, The Times is writing that the “Azov” Nazis are changing their Nazi symbology to something more… neutral. Never mind what is in their actual heads – the hatred, the chants of “Ukraine above all”, and all the rest of the Nazi packaging. According to the NATO mouthpiece The Time, it’s only about the symbols, not the actions. And The Times admits that “Azov2” is using the neo-Nazi symbology, but according to them, that is not the problem – the British establishment loves Nazis – it’s that the “Russian propaganda” is “exploiting” this fact that is the problem in their eyes!

In any case, the Blue-Yellow flag of Ukraine (The Ukro-Reich) is more and more equalled to the Red-White-Black flag of the Third Reich, so in all honesty, such rebranding does not help. If a country named “Ukraine” remains” after all is said and done, then it will have to do a deep soul-searching, healing and, yes, a change in its state symbology. Just like what Germany – at least its Eastern part – did after WWII.

This is the popular reaction to this change of clothing, ridiculing this Boggart. Apparently, if one follows the same logic, if only Hitler changed this symbols in time, everything would have been all right

But what can one expect from the Anglo-Saxon/American establishment, who did not see the problem with the Nazis even before WWII…

In the picture below once can see the Wolfsangel symbol – the future marking of the ukro-Nazi “Azov” battalion:

More pictures follow after the translation of the Telegram post below. Note that the USA already did that in the Middle East with the “moderate headchoppers”, sorry, “rebels”.

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