A cumulative update on the American bioweapons labs in Ukraine – COVID-19, Nuland and more

It’s been a while since I posted the last update on the American bioweapons labs in Ukraine. This post is a collection of several articles on the topic. Some articles are reposts and some are translations. The topic of the American biolabs has been sidelined by the liberation of Mariupol, and the Kiev regime’s false flag in Bucha – the latter seems to have specifically coincided with the increasing media attention to the biolabs so as to draw attention away from that topic.

As a reminder and food for thought: this is the distribution of the haplogroups in Europe. The R1A and R1B are so close genetically, that a bioweapon developed against the Slavic population would wipe out the rest of the Western Europe as well…

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation named the names of Western curators of Ukrainian biological laboratories
April 14, 2022, 17:00

The documents received by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation confirm the connection of the UNTC with the US military department through the main contractor of the Pentagon – the company “Black & Veatch”
Peter Kovalev/TASS

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