I have previously mentioned such independent Western journalists on-the-ground in Eastern Ukraine/DPR/LNR as Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster. I have newly become aware of one more such hands-on reporter there – Eva K. Barlett.
Reporting from Ukraine or telling the truth from Ukraine is a difficult, upwind batle resulting in de-platforming, de-financing of the journalists and threats to personal life and health of the journalists who dare to report from within Ukraine, especially if they are on the territory controlled by the Kiev ukro-Nazi regime. This was experienced first-hand by Gonzalo Lira, who was whisked away and made to keep silence, or else… I wrote about it in Gonzalo Lira may have been murdered by the ukro-Nazis in Khrakov. Where Is Gonzalo Lira? — UPDATE: appears alive after an SBU detention
A news outlet, Consortium News became de-financed by PayPal, with its accound holding potentially robbed. Their guilt – not towing the Party line.
Spanish news outlet Rebelión has a lot on Ukraine with one article standing out: Ucrania, fábrica de fake news – an important read for the Spanish-language world on the background of the conflict, which MSM are mute about.
Back to Eva K. Barlett’s reporting.