Our answer to NOT-A-Chamberlain, by Maria Zaharova. On Imperial British foundation of Nazism.

This is our translation of the response by Maria Zaharova to British Foreign Secretary David Lammy’s blabbering. The article was published on Telegraph. In this context, we would highly recommend re-reading the article How the Anglo-Saxons Promoted Fascism in the 20th Century and Revived It in the 21st – Dmitry Medvedev.

Our answer to NOT-A-Chamberlain

Maria Zaharova, Nikolai Lahonin September 17, 2024

Maria Zaharova, Official Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Candidate of Historical Sciences;
Nikolay Lahonin, Chief Advisor to the Russian Foreign Ministry

Published on the web portal IZ.ru and in the Izvestia newspaper on September 17, 2024.

The other day, the head of the Foreign Office, David Lammy, on the air of one of the British TV channels, talked himself into such a state that he used, two words, apparently of his own invention, in relation to our country – “imperialist fascism”. Our embassy in London immediately commented on this illiterate attack. And I promised to publish a separate article about the Nazi past of the British elites, about how Britain tainted itself by interacting with the Nazis.

We have repeatedly addressed this topic before, whenever David Lammy’s predecessors gave us a reason for it. For example, when the Anglo-Saxons unleashed an information war against the Sochi Olympics in 2014, and in 2018 repeated a Russophobic salvo at the World Cup in Russia.

This time, let’s rummage in the very innards – the intertwining of the Third Reich and Britain.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ideological foundations and the worst practices of Nazism were laid in the “Foggy Albion”. The mutual sympathies of the ruling circles in Berlin and London played the role of the trigger of the Second World War, during which Hitler did not stop trying to create a united anti-Soviet front through his secret British supporters. While after the war, it was Britain that carefully collected the remnants of the collaborationist formations, partially giving them roof of their heads them at home, partially sending them overseas to the USA and Canada for use against the USSR, and took upon itself the fascist mission to fight our people.

But all in due course. What gives us reason to study the British roots of German Nazism? The works of famous island scientists at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, first of all, Thomas Carlyle (“the masses are only a tool in the hands of great personalities”), the racial theorist Houston Chamberlain, as well as Darwin’s cousin and the founder of the pseudoscience of “eugenics” on human selection, Francis Galton.

Their spiritual connection with the founders of the Third Reich is indicated by an entry in the diaries of the future Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels dated May 8, 1926: “Chamberlain is breathing his last. Broken, babbling… He’s holding my hand and won’t let go.… Our spiritual father, greetings to you. A pioneer. The first one…”.

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Adolf Hitler’s Führer Directive #21 – blueprint for Operation Barbarossa

A publication from our Telegram channel «Beorn And The Shieldmaiden».

On June 22, 1941, a genocide, indeed, a Holocaust was unleashed upon the Peoples of the Soviet Union.

Today is a Day of Memory and Sorrow, and commemorating June 22 in the toxic western information space climate of 180° reversion of historic truth by media, politicians and intellectuals, even deepens the pain – and factual contradiction of the rewriting of history is certainly called for.

Here we will present a translation of an authentic historical document: Adolf Hitler’s “Führer Directive #21” of the 18th of December 1940, ordering German forces to prepare for an attack on the Soviet Union in 1941, designated Operation Barbarossa.

The orders in the directive specifically outline the overall operational goals and considerations in the coming operation for each branch of the armed forces of Germany, as well as those of their allies, primarily Finland and Romania.

Launched by Hitler’s order on June 22, 1941, Operation Barbarossa was the single largest invasion in the history of mankind – and its failure in December 1941 outside of Moscow signaled the beginning of the end for the 3rd Reich.

Today, the imperialist powers are going to extremes to rewrite the history of the Second World War. The Soviet Union that defeated fascism is shamelessly smeared with lies and projections, by the same forces that promoted, financed and directed Nazi-Germany towards the East.

The latest twist on the imperialist narratale that switches Hitler with Stalin, thus construing the USSR as the attacking aggressor against Europe, serves precisely the horrific purpose of blinding the populations to that repetition of history, the plundering imperialists are now planning.

“Führer Directive #21” refutes and make obsolete all such attemps to distort the historical facts. And therefore it needs to be solidly imbedded in our collective memory.

The Führer and Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces
OKW/WFSt./Abt.L(I) Nr. 33 408/40 gK Chefs.
The Führer’s Headquarters
18 December 40
(only through officer)
9 copies, 4th copy

Directive Nr. 21
Case Barbarossa

The German Wehrmacht must be prepared to crush Soviet Russia in a quick campaign (Operation Barbarossa) even before the conclusion of the war against England.
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Exhibition of Samples of Trophy Weapons (1943-1948). An article and a documentary.

The article you are about to read is dedicated to the exhibition of the weaponry from Germany and their accomplices, trophied after their invasion of the USSR on the 22nd of June 1941.

On the 22nd of June 1943, exactly two years after the Nazi Germany invaded the USSR, the central park of Moscow, bearing the name of Maxim Gorky, opened its gates to an extensive exhibition over the trophied armaments of Nazi-Germany and its accomplices. The exhibition lasted until 1948.

The article consists of three parts: first comes the cinematographic essay, filmed in 1943 to give an overview of the exhibition, then a short note with the documents from Moscow City Archive, and finally, a portion of a historiographic work, dedicated to the exhibition.

Only one thought to add – the tradition that started during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 has now seen a rebirth during the present-day Patriotic War, with the exhibition of the weaponry of the Nazi Germany’s successor being displayed on the Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow from the 1st of May 2024.

We publish about the trophy exhibition, past and present, at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, for example in this and this post.

Let’s go!

Trophies of the Great Battles

A short cinematographic essay, filmed in colour, presented the visible testimony over the ongoing victories on the battlefield over the invading horde.

The essay is full of jabs and snide remarks, mixed with facts and figures – just the way we like to watch the parallel present-day events unfold now, 80 years later.

Visible evidence of our victories: The Moscow Main Archive tells about the exhibition of captured German weapons


The Main Archive of the capital contains documents documenting the creation of an exhibition of samples of weapons and military equipment trophied by the Red Army in battles with Nazi troops and their allies. The exposition was opened on June 22, 1943 and operated until 1948.

The decision to create an exhibition pavilion “Trophies of War” on the territory of Gorky Park was made back in December 1941, when the successful counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Moscow provided residents of the capital with exhibits of the most diverse kind. In 1942, the exhibition pavilion began to operate. However, it was located deep inside the territory of the park, near the border with the Neskuchny Garden, and did not attract mass attention. A more impressive demonstration of our combat achievements was needed.
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Germany Is Chasing the Cat Back Into the Bag

In this follow-up article to German Cat Is Out of the Bag – representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge we are taking a look at how the Germany handles the embarrassment. The article was first published as a post on our “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” Telegram channel. Please subscribe!

With the much-discussed conversation of the Bundeswehr officials, (https://t.me/BeornAndTheShieldmaiden/2956) the Germans tried yesterday to chase the cat back into the bag, in much the same way and with as much success as when they pushed the gas back into the US-blown Nord Streams.

Maria Zaharova commented it thus on her Telegram channel:

Bild: “The Bundeswehr insisted on blocking accounts on the social network X, which distributed the recording of a conversation between the German military, who discussed the Taurus missile strike on the Crimean Bridge.”

It’s called “covering your tracks.” Will everything follow the same scenario as the German “investigation” of the terrorist attacks on the Nord Streams?

German citizens must learn from Scholtz about the rights of foreigners in Russia, Belarus, China, but not about their own German rights.


However, the only thing that blocking of X-accounts and the subsequent publication in the “Bild” can achieve, is the Streisand effectan unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing public awareness of the information.

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German Cat Is Out of the Bag – representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge

If you are coming here from our Telegram post at “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, you can continue reading the transcript from where you left off. If you are using the translation, please reference t.me/BeornAndTheShieldmaiden to help our channel grow!

Photo: German Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz.
Master in Aero-nautical Science

RIA Novosti writes, that the conversation in which representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge, took place on February 19th 2024.

The topic was discussed by the head of the operations and exercises department of the Air Force Command Graefe, Air Force Inspector Gerhartz and employees of the air operations center Fenske and Frostedte.

At the same time, one of the officers mentioned a planned trip to Ukraine on February 21st to coordinate strikes on Russian targets. 

Russia’s MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova notes on the Telegram channel of the ministry:

I’m interested in Annalena Baerbock’s perspective on this matter. This presents a prime opportunity for German media to demonstrate its independence by asking probing questions and for Russian media to seek the opinion of the German Embassy in Moscow.

Margarita Simonyan, Editor-in-Chief of RT (https://t.me/rtnews):

Our people in uniform shared some intriguing information with me on the day when Scholz said that NATO was not and would never be involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

The information and videos are so riveting that I immediately wanted to share them with our audiences to bring them joy.
In that captivating footage, high-ranking German officers discussed the bombing (would you believe it) of the Crimean Bridge and methods to execute it discreetly so that Scholz could keep up to his talk of non-involvement.

The Bundeswehr officers have also spilled the beans about the Americans and the Brits who, they said, had been directly involved in the conflict for a long time.

In short, it’s 40 minutes of pure delight. In this connection, I have an official journalistic inquiry for the German Ambassador, the German Foreign Minister and Chancellor Scholz personally:

What does this mean, gentlemen? Should Russia jog Germany’s memory about what happened last time when Germany blew up Russian bridges?

As your media usually say, we expect an answer today.

Because nobody knows what may happen tomorrow.

Following is our English translation of Margarita Simonyan’s publication of the…

Transcript of a conversation between high-ranking Bundeswehr officers dated 02/19/2024

On February 19th 2024, the following conversation took place between the Head of the Operations and Exercises Department of the Bundeswehr Air Force Command Graefe, the Bundeswehr BBC Inspector Gerhartz and the employees of the Bundeswehr Space Command Air Operations Center Fenske and Frostedte.

Gerhartz: Hello everyone! Graefe, are you in Singapore now?

Graefe: Yes.

Gerhartz: Okay. We need to verify the information. As you have already heard, Defence Minister Pistorius intends to carefully consider the issue of supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. We have a meeting planned with him. Everything needs to be discussed so that we can start working on this issue. So far I do not see that the start date of these deliveries has been indicated. It was not like the Chancellor told him: “I want to get information now, and tomorrow morning we will make a decision.” I haven’t heard anything like this. On the contrary, Pistorius evaluates this entire ongoing discussion. Nobody knows why the Federal Chancellor is blocking these supplies. Of course, the most incredible rumours appear. Let me give you an example: Yesterday, a journalist who is very close to the Chancellor called me. She heard somewhere in Munich that the Taurus missiles would not work. I asked who told her this. She replied that someone in military uniform told her this. Of course, this is a low-level source of information, but the journalist latched onto these words and wants to make a big deal out of it with the headline: “Now we know the reason why the Chancellor refuses to send Taurus missiles – they won’t work.” This is all stupidity. Such topics are available only to a limited circle of people. However, we see what kind of nonsense is spreading in the meantime, they are talking complete nonsense. I want to coordinate this issue with you so that we do not move in the wrong direction.
First of all, I now have questions for Frostedte and Fenske:
Has anyone talked to you about this topic? Did Freuding contact you?

Frostedte: No. I only communicated with Graefe.

Fenske: The same thing, I only communicated with Graefe.

Gerhartz: Perhaps he will contact you again. I will probably have to participate in hearings in the Budget Commission, because problems have arisen related to rising prices for the conversion of infrastructure for the F-35 in Büchel. I have already conveyed my recommendations through Frank so that we have slides to visualise the material. We showed him a test presentation where Taurus missiles were installed on a Tornado carrier or on another carrier required by the assignment. However, I have a hard time imagining this. It is necessary to remember that this is a half-hour meeting, so you should not prepare a presentation of 30 slides. There should be a short report. It is necessary to show what a rocket can do, how it can be used. It is necessary to take into account, if we make a political decision to transfer missiles as aid to Ukraine, what consequences this may lead to. I will be grateful to you if you tell me not only what problems we have, but how we can solve them. For example, if we talk about delivery methods… I know how the British do it. They always transport them in Ridgback armoured vehicles. They have several people on site. The French don’t do that. They supply Q7 with Scalp missiles to Ukraine. Storm Shadow and Scalp have similar technical specifications for their installation. How will we solve this problem? Will we be transferring to them the MBDA missiles with Ridgback? Will one of our people be assigned to MBDA? Graefe, report to us what our position is on this issue. Misters Fenske and Frostedte, please report how you see the situation.
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“Gauleiter” for Ukraine. The West revived the practise of the Nazis under Hitler

On the 12th of February 2024 “Argumenty i Facty” published an article, drawing the reader’s attention to the clear parallel between the Nazi position of the Gauleiter in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine and the proposed “special representative”.

A few days later, on the 15th of February, KM.RU in an article titled simply “Ukraine: The Return of the Gauleiter”, further revealed who may become the candidate for this noose-promising title:

Stoltenberg in Kiev

The whole performance is reminiscent of the fascist practice of Gauleiters in Ukraine. This is not surprising. According to the forecasts of many historians, Europe was doomed to return to its terrible historical past.

The other day, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, said that the West wants to appoint a “viceroy” in Ukraine “in order to strengthen the mechanism of external control of the territory controlled by the Kiev regime.”

According to the SVR, it is planned to appoint Jens Stoltenberg – who currently holds the position of NATO Secretary General – to the post of special envoy for Ukraine. His mandate expires on the 1st of October 2024. “It is assumed that he will have constant access to President Vladimir Zelensky and know about all his plans,” Naryshkin explained. The tasks of the special envoy will include blocking decisions of the Ukrainian leadership that are not coordinated with the United States and Great Britain. Instead, Stoltenberg will propose the “right” steps, from the point of view of the Anglo-Saxons.

And now, the the article from “Argumenty i Facty”:

The “Viceroy” will be coming. The West revived in Ukraine the idea of Nazis under Hitler

Reichskommissar Ukraine, Erich Koch (right) and Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Alfred Rosenberg (center) surveying Kiev Lavra.

The West’s intention to appoint its collective special representative in Ukraine is “an attempt to strengthen the enslavement of the people close to Russia,” said Sergei Naryshkin, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) on February 12. “Such practices were introduced by the leader of the German Nazis, Adolf Hitler, and all his ‘viceroys’ the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Ivannikov told aif.ru. Ukrainians are capable of kicking this “special representative” out of the country along with President Vladimir Zelensky, the expert believes.

The West intends to appoint its “special representative” in Ukraine, who should oversee the Kiev regime. According to Naryshkin, when discussing this forgotten idea, “such conditions were factored in, as an increasingly difficult situation at the front, difficulties with mobilization and hitches in obtaining Western military assistance, when many Ukrainians began to realize the inevitability of Moscow achieving the goals of a special military operation.”

“This yet another crude attempt by the West to strengthen the enslavement of the Ukrainian people, who are close to us, cannot but cause concern. At the same time, there is a high probability that the implementation of the idea with the appointment of a “viceroy” in Ukraine will not lead to the results desired by the United States and Great Britain,” the head of the SVR believes.

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“To The Barricades!” – German TV Satire of the 2014 Euromaidan in Kiev

Euromaidan in Kiev – “To The Barricades!” – Invasion of The Madhouse

Originally published on our Telegram channel Beorn And The Shieldmaiden

German 2014 satirical ZDF television-show “Die Anstalt” (The Madhouse) play out political cynicism and absurdity of the event in Ukraine 10 years ago

A few days ago a protester in Serbia, either really ignorant or sold-out, sported a flag with “Euromaidan” on it.

The absurdity of this is off the charts!

So, let’s return to the events of the Euromaidan in Kiev 10 years ago, which lead to the tragedy we are witnessing now.

Let’s gaze back through the prism of satire to ZDF on the 15th of March 2014 – 3 days before Crimea in a referendum decided to return home to Russia.

The brutal honesty and the razor-sharp multi-layered humour of this program leaves no doubt that the events in Kiev were correctly understood in Europe.

Enjoy the show, and remember the freedom of speech, which is now unimaginable on any mainstream Television channel in today’s “European Garden” – or, as Hitler preferred to call it “The Blessed Pastures of Europe”.

Nowadays, the whole program, had anyone been allowed to produce it in the first place, would have immediately been banned as “Putin’s Propaganda” threatening “our democracy” – yes, criminal charges would probably have been the result.

2014 is only 10 years ago, nevertheless watching this show resembles something from another world.

In English:

In Russian:

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Snipers on Maidan – A German newsreel from 2014

It was clear already in 2014 that the Maidan massacre was a false flag

As a follow-up to the Grayzone publication about the Ukrainian trial that demonstrates 2014 Maidan massacre was false flag, and a comment from our subscriber, pointing to this fact being known in Germany, we have found in our archives a German newsreel that was aired on the First German TV channel sometime between mid-March and mid-April of 2014, and translated it to English.

The newsreel is interesting for several reasons.

It comes from the time, when the investigative journalism in Europe was not yet dead, and the journalists could challenge the official line, unlike what is happening now, when the German journalist Alina Lipp is persecuted in Germany for reporting from Donbass.

The trees mentioned in the reportage were a few week later cut down by the Kiev coup regime to hide precisely the evidence that these reporters showed.

Pay attention to the background in the scene with the lawyer representing the victims – you will notice the red-and-black Banderite flag on his table.

And there is a tangible parallel to the unidentified snipers who shot at people during the October 1993 Yeltsin’s coup in Russia.

After the reportage from Kiev, there is a fragment about Turkey and the “civil war” in Syria. There is still a year ahead, before Russia will be forced to respond to this threat, on the request from the Syrian government. We left the episode in for its historical importance,and especially one phrase, spoken by the news anchor: “Until now, NATO has maintained that it is not interested in a military confrontation with Russia.”

This video appears on our Telegram channel Beorn and The Shieldmaiden.

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Myths about Stalin. Where do legs grow from? Reblog of a detailed research article

Black myths have always been attached to the Russian leaders who looked after the interests of the country and did not fall under the spell of the outside influences. Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin is one such leader, whose memory was defamed and desecrated both by the internal political rivals, like Hrushov, and by the external enemies. I plan to publish several articles that take aim at debunking these black myths surrounding the historical figure of Stalin. As always, when looking at history, one must remain dispassionate and look at the events not through the prism of modern sensibilities, but as a contemporary to the events, with all the challenges that the leadership of the USSR faced at that time.

Today, on the 145th anniversary of Iosif Stalin’s birth, I want to start with a reblog of an excellent article by Olga of the Siberian Matrëshka Telegram channel, which I can warmly recommend.

Myths about Stalin. Where do legs grow from?

Olga🪆July 21, 2023

First of all, there was no Communism in the USSR. The USSR had a communist state ideology and a socialist system.

One of the most terrible and destructive myths about the Soviet Union is the lie about the “bloody regime” of Stalin, who allegedly destroyed tens of millions of innocent people. Few people know that this myth was created back in Nazi Germany, and only later it was used by the United States in the information war against Soviet civilization.

Despite a number of fundamental studies based on the factual material of the archives, which showed the inconsistency of Joseph Stalin’s accusations of mass repressions and terror, the false myth supported by slanderers like Solzhenitsyn, Radzinsky, Suvorov-Rezun continues to dominate the information field of Russia and the world community. The dirty work of denigrating Russian and Soviet history continues, within the framework of the global historical and informational confrontation between Russian civilization (Rus) and the West. Citizens of Russia (especially young people), not to mention Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics, continue to be stuffed with horror stories about death and murder in labour camps of the GULAG (Main Directorate of Camps and Places of Detention), stories about millions of people who died of starvation and were deliberately destroyed in the USSR, about the alleged premeditation of the Holodomor in Ukraine, about the inhuman cruelty of the Soviet punitive system, “the bloodiest in the world”. The repressions against the kulaks and the “fifth column” take on an absolutely fantastic character in these stories, and Stalin becomes a villain of a literally galactic scale. All this is superimposed on the image of the USSR-Russia in the world – as an “evil empire” and “Russian Mordor”, where there live “fierce” Muscovites, scoops-padded coats, ready at the first opportunity to drown in the blood of all dissidents in Russia itself, as well as to drive to their “concentration camp” and the surrounding peoples.

The myth of the “bloody Stalinist regime” was created back in Nazi Germany. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, they used information and psycho-technologies to properly indoctrinate the population. The Minister of Propaganda was Joseph Goebbels, who propagated dreams of a racially pure people living in Greater Germany, an empire with vast living space. This living space included the territory to the east of Germany, the Russian lands, including Little Russia-Ukraine. The conquest of living space meant a big war, a war with the USSR. Therefore, the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, headed by Goebbels, launched an information campaign around the alleged genocide organized by the Communists in Ukraine, the terrible famine (Holodomor) organized personally by Stalin. The purpose of the Nazi propaganda was to prepare the world community for the “liberation” of Ukraine by German troops from the “bloody Bolshevik yoke”. Later, the Ukrainian Nazis (Bandera) used the same lie about an artificial famine to sit on the neck of the people of Little Russia-Ukraine.

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The myth of the Holodomor. Reblog of a detailed research article

Below is a complete re-blog of an excellent, thoroughly researched and objective article about how the myth of “Holodomor” of 1932-1933 was created and neutered in the West and then picked up by the nationalistic forces in Ukraine. The article is written by Olga of the Siberian Matrëshka Telegram channel.

There is only one additional comment that I want to make about the name “Holodomor”. The article mentioned why “H” was chosen as the first letter. The fact is, the Russian word “holod” means “cold”, while “famine” or “hunger” is “golod”; “mor” means “mass death”. So the official “Western” name actually means “death from freezing”, but as will be come apparent from the article, the choice of the leading “H” was intentional.

The myth of the Holodomor

Olga🪆July 21, 2023

The myth of the Holodomor is blatantly at odds with reality. Supporters of the Holodomor theory argue that the Soviet government and Stalin personally wanted to destroy the Ukrainian people. This statement is not supported by facts: the famine of 1932-1933 covered the territory of several Soviet republics, and in Ukraine it was not at all widespread. Well, did the Soviet government starve Ukrainians selectively, depending on the territory in which they lived?

The forces that are now planting their blatantly anti-historical “Ukrainianism” in Ukraine attach great importance to the theme of the “Holodomor”. I invite the reader to first get acquainted with how the myth of the “Holodomor” was created – a famine allegedly artificially organized by Stalin for the purposeful destruction of the Ukrainian people. And only then move on to historical realities.

The famine of 1932-1933 is a bitter page in our real history. But this famine, firstly, was far from the first in the history of Russia. And, secondly, it affected not only Ukraine, but also the Don, Kuban, Volga, Central Black Earth, Kazakhstan. However, the Ukrainizers immediately, in hot pursuit, tried to isolate the “Ukrainian” component from this tragic event, which affected many regions of the USSR, and make the theme of the famine of 1932-1933 an irrelevant one. in Ukraine as an instrument of struggle against the “communist regime”.

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Ukraine is where NATO(‘s Wunderwaffe) goes to die

The NATO countries have been sending wave after wave of increasingly lethal weapons to Ukraine, each touted by the Ukro-Reich as the next «Wunderwaffe» (the German for «wonder weapon», a term harking from Nazi Germany) that would sweep away the Russian forces.

So far, the only thing these NATO weapons were used for, are terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure and residential areas in Donbass – with over 300 HIMARS rockets being fired at the Kahovskaja HPP dam alone. The military significance of these «Wunderwaffe» has been close to 0, and with each new wave NATO draws itself more and more into a direct confrontation with Russia, and thus its own demise.

The picture belowe illustrates it really well, though it omits a few of the weapons.

Let’s see… the Wunderwaffe so far have been:

  • Bayraktar (Turkey)
  • Javelin (USA)
  • NLAW (Britain)
  • M-777 (USA)
  • CAESAR (France)
  • Starlink (USA)
  • Patriot (USA)
  • Storm Shadow (Britain)
  • Leopard (Germany)
  • Challanger with depleted uranium (UK)

Next up???

  • F-16 (USA)
  • Mirage (France)

What the Third Reich planned to do with the Soviet population in case of a victory

Below is a translation of a short and concise article on the Nazi German plans regarding the occupied territories of the USSR – in the first place, those of Ukraine, Belorussia, Russia. They didn’t wait for the victory, but started implementing this plan right away as they occupied new lands, so they German actions spoke louder, than any documents – surviving or not.

It is worth mentioning here two quotes from the Danish press, which are reprints of the German publications of the time:

2nd of September 1941.

–––work is now being done to save the harvest on the conquered territory. A German army commander has issued a proclamation to the rural population, in which they are held responsible for ensuring that the crops are not destroyed.

30th of November 1941.

From the German side, as is also evident from the wording of the army report, they make no secret of the fact that the war of extermination, which they now intend to unleash against Rostov, is directly aimed at the city’s civilian population.

And then re-reading the following article: The Great Patriotic War in Ukraine. A historical retrospective by Rostislav Ischenko, in which the author tells of the Nazi German occupation of Ukraine, quoting what his grandmother told him of that time.

As further reading, there is a more detailed article (in Russian) General Plan “Ost”: What awaited the Peoples of the USSR after the Victory of the Nazis?

Now, to the grand Nazi German plan at hand, a plan that, thankfully was stopped in its tracks by the Soviet Union.

What the Third Reich planned to do with the Soviet population in case of a victory

February 3, 2021

Long before the invasion of the USSR, the leadership of the Third Reich knew what it would do with the occupied territories and their population. Hitler had a grandiose goal – to forever turn Germany into the strongest country in the world. The resources captured in the USSR were to serve this purpose: minerals, fertile lands and free labour.

Hitler and his strategists planned, as a result of the blitzkrieg, to reach the “A-A” line (“Arhangelsk – Astrahan”) in the autumn, to establish and strengthen the new border of the Reich on it (mainly along the Volga line). In subsequent years, they wanted to advance it to the Urals.

Leave 25% of the Slavic population as a labour force

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A letter from grandfather “Tiger” to his grandson “Leopard”, sent to Ukraine

This humorous continuity, or historical parallel that there’s been so many of lately caught my eye on the TopWar site. So, without further ado, here is a translation that tries to preserve the wit of the original.

A letter from grandfather “Tiger” to his grandson “Leopard”, sent to Ukraine


Grandfather and grandson

Guten morgen, mein lieber grandson! I am infinitely glad that you decided to continue “Drang nah Osten”. The Russians have a lot of good fertile land. But for some reason they cling to, and do not want to give it to us, the Aryans. After all, only we are able to administrate this wild land and the barbarians that inhabit it.

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“Fainting Piglet”, aka. “Unconscious Piggy” Satirical Cartoons Explain the Core of Ukraine and Why SMO Was Unavoidable (with future updates)

In the August of 2022 the CGI animator Evgenia from Krasnodar Krai started creating something that grew into an in-depth satirical reviews of all what was failing Ukraine, and explaining the Special Military Operation’s goals.

The character personifying Ukraine became a little wayward, Nazi-tainted piglet. The Russian title of the series is “Свинка в обмороке” (Svinka v obmoroke), which is a play on the shortened name of the Special Military Operation (SMO) – SVO in Russian. In English the series have got several varying names, trying to convey the essence: “Unconscious Piggy”, “Fainting Piglet”, “Piglet in a Swoon”, “Swooning Pig”.

All episodes are released at the official Telegram channel of the Fainting Piglet. Evgenia writes in the description: “The Piglet is not the whole of Ukraine, but only her demented part!” I have additionally uploaded them to Yandex Disk for easy download.

Jump to the newly-added episode(s)

While the later episodes were released bilingually, earlier episodes require translation (and most of them also require some context for the Western audience, who have been subjected to the heavy Mains Stream Media censorship). This honourable task was undertaken by the admin of The Putinger’s Cat Telegram channel.

As more and more episodes get release and translated, they are becoming increasingly more difficult to trace. And, additionally, not everyone has Telegram. That is why I decided to upload them to Odysee and create this collated post that will get updates as new episodes see the light of day.

But first, a very short clip that cuts to the chase, and shows the very essence of the conflict and the role Ukraine plays in it!

The very first Unconscious Pig episode – “What is Russia Punishing Ukraine For?” or “Why do Russians support the SMO?” – is finally translated! (Translation at Putinger’s Cat)

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The Legacy of Gorbachev. Germany is denying Russia what it got from Russia 30 years ago.

After Gorbachev’s passing, a lot can be said about his deeds and legacy. Little of it will be positive.
At best, he’s remembered as a bumbling fool, who started reforms that he was in no position to bring to a positive fruition.
At worst he – along with Yeltsin – is remembered as a malicious traitor to the Russian world, responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people as the result of the demolition of the USSR, which started several years before the fateful events of 1991.
As a middle-ground, I would recommend Scott Ritter’s article in Consortium News SCOTT RITTER: Mikhail Gorbachev, a Vector of Change

My today’s translation takes a look at Gorbachev’s legacy from a different angle – from the perspective of the reunification of Germany. It was in 2014 that first read a short comment about the German counter-historical stance on the reunification of Crimea in light of the prior reunification of Germany. Back then it was just that – a comment in some other discussion. Yesterday I came across an article at the Federal News Agency site that makes a much deeper , and more passionate dive into the matter. And article, a translation of which I am presenting below.

Germany refuses the Russians what Russians gave her thirty years ago


Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look

In Germany, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is very much loved. Much more than in Russia and many former Soviet republics. Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev was even called “the best German” because he did a huge historical thing for the German people. He united a divided Germany.

But he demolished his own country.

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