The question of the attitude of the Soviet leadership and the Red Army towards the German population at large, is one that is subject to constant manipulation by the NATO – the heirs to the Third Reich.
The manipulation and rewriting of history is best countered by the actual historic documents of the time. Let us start with a quote from January 1945, which we posted at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”. Note that we are still working on tracking down the actual
On January 19, 1945, the USSR People’s Commissar of Defence Iosif Stalin signed an order “On behaviour on the territory of Germany”, which stated:
“Officers and Red Army soldiers!
We are going into the enemy’s country. Everyone must maintain self-control, everyone must be brave…
The remaining population in the conquered areas, regardless of whether they are German, Czech, or Polish, must not be subjected to violence. The guilty will be punished according to the laws of wartime.
Sexual relations with the female sex are not allowed in the conquered territory. Those guilty of violence and rape will be shot.”
Stalin’s order was followed by orders from the commanders of the 1st and 2nd Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian Fronts, Marshals of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov (January 29), Konstantin Rokossovsky (January 21, order No. 006) and Ivan Konev (January 27), who prohibited “oppressing the German population, robbing apartments and burning houses.”
The commanders called on the Red Army soldiers to direct their feelings of hatred “to the extermination of the enemy on the battlefield.”
This order was a continuation of the policy of not extending the wrath against the Nazis to the German nation at large. Let us now read the order issued by Iosif Stalin on February 23, 1942, published in the newspaper “Pravda”. The text in Russian can be found at the Electronic Library of Historic Documents, downloaded as a PDF file, or read below the translation.
Order of the People’s Commissar of Defence of the USSR No. 55 dated February 23, 1942
Comrades, Red Army soldiers and Red Navy seamen, commanders and political workers, partisans!
The peoples of our country celebrate the 24th anniversary of the Red Army in the harsh days of the Patriotic War against Nazi Germany, which brazenly and viciously encroached on the life and freedom of our Motherland. Along the vast front from the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea, soldiers of the Red Army and Navy are waging fierce battles to expel the Nazi invaders from our country and defend the honour and independence of our Fatherland.
This is not the first time that the Red Army has had to defend our Homeland from enemy attacks. The Red Army was created 24 years ago to fight the troops of foreign interventionist invaders who sought to dismember our country and destroy its independence. The young detachments of the Red Army, who entered the war for the first time, completely defeated the German invaders near Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. That is why February 23, 1918, was declared the birthday of the Red Army. Since then, the Red Army has grown and strengthened in the fight against foreign interventionist invaders. It defended our Homeland in the battles with the German invaders in 1918, expelling them from the borders of Ukraine and Belarus. It defended our Homeland in the battles with the foreign troops of the Entente in 1919-1921, expelling them from the borders of our country.
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