“Fainting Piglet”, aka. “Unconscious Piggy” Satirical Cartoons Explain the Core of Ukraine and Why SMO Was Unavoidable (with future updates)

In the August of 2022 the CGI animator Evgenia from Krasnodar Krai started creating something that grew into an in-depth satirical reviews of all what was failing Ukraine, and explaining the Special Military Operation’s goals.

The character personifying Ukraine became a little wayward, Nazi-tainted piglet. The Russian title of the series is “Свинка в обмороке” (Svinka v obmoroke), which is a play on the shortened name of the Special Military Operation (SMO) – SVO in Russian. In English the series have got several varying names, trying to convey the essence: “Unconscious Piggy”, “Fainting Piglet”, “Piglet in a Swoon”, “Swooning Pig”.

All episodes are released at the official Telegram channel of the Fainting Piglet. Evgenia writes in the description: “The Piglet is not the whole of Ukraine, but only her demented part!” I have additionally uploaded them to Yandex Disk for easy download.

Jump to the newly-added episode(s)

While the later episodes were released bilingually, earlier episodes require translation (and most of them also require some context for the Western audience, who have been subjected to the heavy Mains Stream Media censorship). This honourable task was undertaken by the admin of The Putinger’s Cat Telegram channel.

As more and more episodes get release and translated, they are becoming increasingly more difficult to trace. And, additionally, not everyone has Telegram. That is why I decided to upload them to Odysee and create this collated post that will get updates as new episodes see the light of day.

But first, a very short clip that cuts to the chase, and shows the very essence of the conflict and the role Ukraine plays in it!

The very first Unconscious Pig episode – “What is Russia Punishing Ukraine For?” or “Why do Russians support the SMO?” – is finally translated! (Translation at Putinger’s Cat)

Episode #1“The Heritage of the USSR” – does not require a translation. It is a start of a sub-series, titled “No to Russophobia” that can also be translated as “There’s no Russophobia”.

Episode #2 Bears the title “Martryoshka”, which is the name of a traditional Russian nested doll. This episode requires no translation.

Episode #3 is called “The Fence”. It did not get a translation, but basically, as the camera pans across the fence, you see Piglet’s scribbles of all the well-known Ukrainian slogans: “Glory to the nation, death to RF”, “Bandera is out father”, “OUN/UPA”, “Death to the Bears (Russians)”, “Damned orcs”, “Russian military ship go f— yourself”, “Crimea is Ukraine”, “America is with us”…

Episode #4‘s title is “Poland”, and it is in a way a continuation of “The Fence”. (Translation at Putinger’s Cat)

Episode #5 is about the activity of the Ukrainian CIPSO (Center for Phycological Operations) that performs a massive informational onslaught on Russia from both Ukraine and Poland. Loosely translated, it’s title is “CIPSO Swinery”. (Translation at Putinger’s Cat)

Episode #6 is called “Palyanytsia”. Here is an explanation from Putinger’s Cat, the translator: A bit of context for those, who don’t speak Russian. The Ukrainian word “palyanytsia” (a round bread) is very difficult for Russians to pronounce for some reason. Almost all Russian speakers say it in the same incorrect way. It became a check-word for whether one is Russian or Ukrainian, and you better get it right or else. In this video from a few months ago, a wounded Russian POW is mocked for being unable to say “palyanytsa” properly.

Episode #7 has a title that is a play on words “lard”, “self” and “delusion”. It does not lend itself to a direct translation. So instead of “Self-delusion”, I think going with a more catchy and truer to the original intent “Swindelusion” (an attempt to play on the words “swine”, “swindle” and “delusion”). The episode is pure visual and does not require any additional translation.

Episode #8, “At the Crossroads”. The episode is not translated. It builds on a Russian folk tale with a twist. The inscriptions on the stone: “Go straight – hit the stone with the forehead; Go left – take weapons and die; go right – lay down your arms and live; down below – the domain of a mole”.

Episode #9. “Lezginka on a Piggy”. The episode has been translated by Putinger’s Cat. A couple of comments from the translator: Lezginka is a folk dance of the people of the Caucasus region. The first Churchill quote is nowhere to be found in English, may be false.

Episode #10. A polite translation of the title is “Europe and the Refugees”. The episode does not require a translation as the images say it all. A separate comment on the title, though. “Hlevropa” is a play on word “a barn” (can also mean “a mess”) and “Europe”, something akin to “Messrope”. And the second word – “refugees” – is wiritten with “sh” instead of “zh”: “beshency”, playing on the word “beshenyj” – “crazy, rabid”. So, the result could have been something like “Rabigees in Messrope”.

Episode #11 bears the title of “Prodigal Pig”. Here there is also a play on the word “son” in the “prodigal son”. In Russian is is “syn”, while the word pig is a rhyming “svin”. The European Bison represents Belarus and respectively has a Belarusian flag on the arm. The Polish eagle deserves a special mention! The creators gave it the name «kurvjol», which is an amalgam of the words «plucked chicken» (kur’) and «eagle» (orjol) in Russian, plus a Polish swearword that I will not mention here… The episode was translated by Putinger’s Cat.

Episode #12 is a harsh, yet truthful depiction of the USA and is called simply “Mr. President”. It is the first bilingual episode, so no additional translation is required. However, a small comment about one placard is in order. When asking for more money, the piglet is not simply saying “Give me money now!”, which would be a polite way to state this demand. The Ukrainian text is true to the way the demands are made in reality: “Hey, quickly money to me now, you dumb creature!”

Episode #13 shows the world through the prism of “UkroTV”. It is a bilingual episode. When watching it, remember to repeat the mantra of the Western MSM – “There is no Nazism in Ukraine”…

Episode #14 is New Year-themed, with a title “Who’s Not Jumping on the New Year’s Eve?” The title alludes to the 2014 Maidan chant “Who’s not jumping is a Moskal” that war bringing the young crowds into a hypnotic frenzy. Here is the translated message from the creator: New Year’s holiday episode No. 14 “Who’s not Jumping On New Year?”. I understand that the mood of the people is far from festive, but I think that despondency would be worse. Don’t take the series as something serious. It’s just a congratulation. I will start working on the meaning in the new year. There are a lot of ideas. I wish our fighters to return alive and well from the front. I wish our citizens to be strong in spirit. I wish Russia (and the entire collective east) victory over the collective West. I wish the pigs in the new year to get out of the darkness of their ignorance to spiritual and literal warmth and light. I wish our Ukrainians (those, who are brothers) courage, good luck, patience and a speedy return home (to history, to traditions, to faith, to brothers). Thank you to all those today who are united with Russia in spirit. Victory will be ours!

Episode #15 is called “No Knife Is Needed Against the Piglet”. The title is a reference to a song from the 1975 Soviet children’s film “Buratino”, where the referenced verse is: “No knife is needed against a fool / Tell him a load of lies and do whatever you like with him”

Here’s the song, and the verse is right at the end:

And the film:

Episode #16 bears a peculiar title of “Piggie, pass the round”. The meaning of the expression is “you’re so dumb, the only thing you can do is pass stuff around”. This episode is laden with references: from dodging the falling “geranium” pots, to crushing the busts of Pushkin and Dostoyevsky – a wholesale destruction of the cultural heritage that the Ukrainians are very proud of, calling it for “Pushkinokad”. In the process the “culture” is chopped off to become a “cult” that Ukraine now represents. There is a reference to “Zrada” that the piglet dodges (when in reality “Peremogas” – victories are turning into “Zradas” – betrayals). The piglet shoots at the beloved cartoon characters – “Winnie the Pooh”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Nu, Pogodi”, “Cheburashka”. And finally he rushes to face an oversized by the propaganda bear, while the real bear is saving his strength, eyeing the real opponent.

The final word at the end of the clip reads: “The Beginning”.

For additional background, see this post from Putinger’s Cat.

Episode #17 is called “Lend-(pod)Lease”, and contains a double play on words in the second word. “Podlizyvat’sja” means to “suck up to somebody”, and “Podlizyvat'” has a a meaning of “licking up something clean after somebody”. Take your peak what kind of Lend-(pod)Lease” Ukraine is doing.

Episode #18. The Russian title contains a play on the words “grunt” and “shitty”. The closest parallel that comes to mind, is “porky” and “poor”, so here are the “Poor’ky Plans”! Most of the allusions in the cartoon should be familiar to those living outside of the Western MSM bubble.

Episode #19. The title is just what is says on the packaging: “The Torn Off Turret”. Though there might be a double entendre to it, as one can say that someone is without a turret, when that person possesses no common sense and sensibility.

Episode #20. “Not Every Mushroom Is a Truffle”, because when the UK sends depleted uranium to the Ukraine, the resulting mushroom might not be to the piglet’s liking…

Episode #21. “Swined is a Find for the State Department”. This episode is dedicated to all the Russian “piggies” inside Russia. The title is a reference to the WWII slogan: “A chatterbox is a find for a spy”.

And a “swined” – or “piggy-bear” – is, per definition, a citizen of Russia, who wishes for her defeat and, for a payment, is ready to commit any crime against the country and its people.

This caricature from 2014 might have served as an inspiration for this episode:

Episode #22. When the Wagner-related day of unrest happened in Russia, Zelensky and his clique suddenly went into a full overdrive, cheering on Wagner that overnight, in their minds, transformed from their worst enemies to their best friends – a clear example of a “Stockholm Swinedrome”.

The conclusion to that bewildering day in Russia is illustrated by this short clip:

Episode #23. “Surrender, Or Else They’ll Babahmut” – the name of this cartoon is a play on words “Bahmut” and “babahnut”, which is the future tense, 3rd person plural form of one of the many verbs that translate as “to strike”.

Guys, these images were not included in the new series due to time constraints, but I think they are important. This is information about what Russia has rebuilt in Crimea since 2014. So that you understand, for 23 years under Ukraine, Crimea had received only ruins. This is not all, of course, but even here you can see how much work has been done. I have no doubt that everything will be finished. Our country defends and ennobles everything it concerns. An asterisk marks those objects that are almost finished or are planned for construction. For example, 20 schools are planned, but 13 have already been built. The Tavrida cave, of course, was not built 🙂 But it was ennobled and made a tourist destination. Gambling zone in the project. In general, I am proud of my country. I hope you do too. 🥰 👇

Episode #24 – “Russian HackerZ”. Not much to say, just come and see…

Episode #25 – “The History of the Ancient Oinkrainians”. Official translation by Putinger’s Cat.

The Ukrainian Soros-funded schoolbooks plant the idea that Ukrainians are the most ancient humans on earth, with Jesus Christ, the Pharaohs and Sumerians being ancient Ukrainians. This is a satirical twist on such teachings.

Other such examples of “ancient Ukrainian history” (also, make sure to follow the links out from the post below):

Episode #26 – “Ain’t Dead Yet”. «Ain’t dead yet» alludes to the first line of the Ukrainian anthem, which translates as «It hasn’t died out yet, Ukraine’s…», but with a tiny change to the grammatical case of «Ukraine», it becomes «Ukraine hasn’t died out yet…»

Episode #27 – “The Dream of an Oinkligarch”. Every dream of an “oligarch” has to face the reality. Towards the end of the episode, the Belorussian bison holds a “Pripyat” dosimeter. No allusions, he just want to be on the safe side.

Episode #28 – “Bear Moroz and the Oink Maiden”. A bit of an explanation. The Russian Grandpa Frost has a granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, who helps him deliver gifts to children. In this episode, well… it’s pretty obvious who was chosen to be the granddaughter this year 🙂

Episode #29 – “TCR for the Piggy”. The TCR mentioned in the song is the Territorial Center of Recruitment. They are the guys you see in videos grabbing people off the streets.

This reminds strongly of a very short clip from the 1978 Italian comedy “Uncle Adolf, Nicknamed Führer” (known under the English title “Loggerheads”) by Franco Castellano and Giuseppe Moccia, starring Adriano Celentano, showing precisely how the Ukraine is now performing its mobilisation.

“Nowadays, all were indiscriminately conscripted into the army”

Episode #30 – “Sacral Swine”, or rather – “$acral $wine”.

From the Author:

Hello, world!

The most popular question on my channel:

“Why is Uncle Sam a human being in the Piggy universe when all other countries are represented by animals?”

I want to answer at both with the words and the cartoon that Uncle Sam has not represented the modern States for a long time, which once believed in God and was a Christian country. The USA is represented by an old, arthritic eagle in a diaper. And Uncle Sam is the force that stands behind many countries today and finances the death (including of his own people). I have a positive and sympathetic attitude towards true believers in America. They are being hunted today. They are not to blame for what the inhumans do in their power. Therefore, Uncle Sam is not a man, but rather a death machine controlled by the devil himself. Something between a Terminator and an artificial intelligence possessed by demons.

I hope that I managed to convey this image in the cartoon. I warn you in advance that this series can scare children and impressionable people. But there was no purpose to frighten or insult OUR PEOPLE. And how can you show Uncle Sam without Satanism? It’s impossible. Anyone who has ever studied US war crimes against the world will agree with me. DO NOT SHOW THIS SERIES TO CHILDREN without your approval. Initially, my cartoons were for adults, but children do watch them. We must take care of the children. P.S. I want to note that the Putinger channel translated the song correctly, but I mistakenly used my own translation. Therefore, if there are errors or inaccuracies in the translation, then know that they are mine. LET’S GO!

Episode – “Carlson Is Back!”

The accompanying comment from the author:

Russians, don’t get mad at ordinary Americans for their lack of understanding of the situation. I have lived in the USA for 16 years and have seen how they are getting brainwashed daily with the image of bad Russia. The zombifying is only worse in Ukraine. They literally live under a dome of lies, knowing nothing about the East, about where their soldiers are being sent and what they are doing in different countries of the world. You can see this for yourself as it’s the first time in 2 years when they honestly ask Russia’s opinion about the SMO, which directly concerns it.

Even before the interview came out, they already called Tucker a liar and urged people not to listen to the interview, and afterwards they now urge their citizens not to watch it under any pretext. Hellos, Americans, do you have freedom of speech? Since Soviet times, they have been taught that our country is an evil empire. We are taught this by the country where children’s gender is changed, the country that is the first in the world in crime rate, obesity and cardiovascular diseases, the country where LGBT people dance striptease in kindergartens, where taxes are rampant, where you can go broke by going to the hospital, where it is becoming more difficult to buy your own real estate every day… this country is calling us the evil empire. In the USA, I was surprised that Americans know absolutely nothing about the USSR and do not understand why Russians are nostalgic for those times. They have been inflating this bubble of lies about our country for decades. I really hope that Tucker Carlson managed to make at least a small crack in it. The world will change anyway, whether they want to see it happen or not. The United States is almost on the verge of collapse, and the common people don’t even know. The East will strengthen, the West will weaken, such is the dynamics today. Now the Americans have a small opportunity to hear the Russian side in the conflict. In order to understand the truth, you need to listen to BOTH SIDES, not just one, Americans! I hope they will take advantage of this opportunity, realize that they themselves financed the Ukrainian genocide, and retreat from the nuclear war scenario. Or at least they will stop sending their soldiers to certain death on Russian lands. We are listening to the American, European, and Ukrainian sides in the conflict. Americans and Europeans, why do you refuse to listen to ours? Are you afraid that a lie that has been heated up for years will shatter into pieces, without a chance to compete with the truth? Is that why you’ve been silencing Russian opinion for decades? Is that why you ban and block our bloggers and our channels? As I try to post my series somewhere, it instantly gets banned, as all my YouTube channels were banned. My video calling for friendship with Ukraine was instantly deleted. Is this democracy and freedom of speech? Why do we need such freedom and democracy, Americans? Why do you think I and almost all my Russian friends returned back to Russia and don’t want to return to the USA? Are those who stayed going to leave? If everything is fine with you, but everything is bad with us, why have thousands of relocators returned to Russia? Think about it, why do I choose to live in Russia after I have travelled half of Europe and lived in the USA for many years? May the truth set you free.

Song – “Let’s Play Nazis!”

Translation from Putinger’s Cat Telegram channel.

Episode #31 – “DEMONcracy Arrived”

Some musings from the creator:

Previously, it was difficult to identify in a crowd someone who does not study history and does not understand politics (I’m talking about ordinary citizens of any country, not politicians). However, today they are easily recognised in the crowd by their faith in democracy, cries of “NO WAR” and support for Ukraine.

I regret that I did not make a small series about democracy earlier. A bigger write-up from me on this topic here: https://t.me/svinkavobmoroke_chat/625819

Even those who do not learn, believe in such fairy tales as freedom of speech, or that the president of any country is guided solely by his emotions during military operations, that TV never lies or makes mistakes, and in the good intentions of the United States. [I refer such people] to the full list of armed conflicts unleashed by the United States throughout history.

For those who want to delve into the topic and understand how entire countries are being destroyed, I strongly recommend reading John Perkins’ book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”.

I want to emphasize right away that for me the American people and American politicians are not the same thing. Not all Americans allow themselves to be brainwashed. Many are learning, so they do not support the actions of their government at all. A recent example of this is Tucker Carlson, his entourage and his followers. I wish such Americans fortitude and thank them for not being afraid to tell the truth in a country where there is no freedom of speech.

Episode #32 – “The Oinkligarch’s Reality”. This episode continues the story arch of episode 27, “The Dream of an Oinkligarch”. Before watching it, please read the foreword by the author of the series. Although those words are mainly addressed to the Russian domestic audience, quite a lot of it applies also the the Westerners under the sway of the MSM NATO propaganda.

I wanted to finish the series by the holiday. I did it! 🙂

I am not at all surprised when any country that has been subjected to the Western propaganda considers Russia terrible, gloomy, squalid and unsuitable for life. I forgive these people, because you need to make an effort to look for drone views of different cities of Russia on YouTube, while Western propaganda is pouring readily into your ears. I am more surprised when any of the Russian liberals talk about “unwashed Russia” (translator note: a reference to poem that is attributed to Lermontov, though his authorship is highly questionable, as the first mention of it appeared 35 years after the poet’s death), while living in cities that are much more beautiful, cleaner and safer than many cities that I have seen in Europe and the United States. I would like to ask:”Are you blind? Are you out of your minds? Are you stupid? Or has the search for garbage in paradise become the meaning of your life?” But hey, liberals, what wouldn’t you do for money, right? You’ll even start beating your own mother, which your Motherland is for you. I can understand such behaviour if a person does not consider Russia his native country. But then such a person should not live in it. Please don’t come back.

We have been taught for so long that our country is squalid, ugly and terrible to live in, that even many Russians have really begun to believe it. Well, it’s time to wake up, because it’s a long time ago that Russia has been living through the nineties. I saw these big changes when I returned. This is what the series is about. Wake up! We live in a beautiful, rich, safe country, with healthy concepts of life, history, traditions, wonderful people, where children strive to grow up in love. Our country today is a haven for conservative families, believers of all faiths and true patriots. Common sense, truth and God are with us! Our enemies know this, which is why they are so desperate to destroy us, drag us into war and feast on the ruins of our country again, in order to continue to rob and bomb foreign countries with impunity, zombify people, promote rotten agendas in schools and kindergartens, pit peoples against each other, and destroy countries. If Russia loses today, the whole world will lose! We cannot allow this to happen. Maybe Ukraine will also have time to understand this during its lifetime, before it is too late for it. And about the “unwashed”, I will answer you now not only with a series, but also with a poem.

“Unwashed Russia?”
(Eugene’s reply to those who left)

Good-bye, you traitor of the country,
A shameful fart of liberals.
You’re regularly in love of money
Show-offs, of glamour and of clothes.

Godless, eternally disgruntled,
The one who’d sell your country for a dime.
I wish that your descendants
Would neither live with us again.

As a post-script, Eugenia posts a list of videos on YouTube from various Russian cities that were not included in the series. Pay attention to how clean everything is everywhere. It looks like Belarus in terms of cleanliness. Order in thoughts = order in the streets.

If anyone is not familiar with Belarus, I leave you a video that surprised me. It’s in English

Minsk from a drone:

For foreigners, I recommend this video in English. These are 30 largest cities of Russia with a description.

The miniature “Go, Russia!” or “Onwards, Russia!” was created on the occasion of the Presidential elections in the Russian Federation, showing all the failed sabotage attempts by the wayward piggy.

Episode #33 – “NATO Is Creeping East”. A fragment of the comment to this episode from the author:

Good time of day. I congratulate myself and all Russians on the inauguration of the president! I apologize for the long absence. Problems can come up for anyone. Thanks to everyone who waited.
Doesn’t it surprise you that today there are still people who ask “WHY?”. They had 10 years to figure out the reasons, but nothing helped. I decided to make a video on this topic. It is unlikely to reach the crazy part of Ukraine. Everything is impenetrable there. But maybe at least our “no-to-war”‘s [liberals] will see the light.

Song – “The New Anthem of Ukraine: Give!”

Given that “Give!” (“Daj!”) is the most commonly-heard demand from the former Ukraine, it is only fitting for it to adopt a new anthem that reflects the nature of the… country.

Episode #34 – “About Future”. Here is an opening comment from the author:

I know it’s a little early to talk about what’s going to happen next, because the SMO is not finished, but I think it’s possible and already necessary to think about it. My computer died the death of the brave during this episode. That’s why it’s been so long and buggy.
THIS CHAPTER IS NOT ABOUT THE WAR CRIMINALS who have stained their hands with blood and murder. A completely different future awaits them.
The chapter is about that zombie-ridden part of Ukraine, poisoned by the Ukro-nazi ideology, a part that we still have to live alongside with. In short, these are my fantasies about the future, which are not so far from reality, because I relied on history, which tends to repeat itself.

Children’s bonus to Episode 34 – “Why the piggy fainted during the laser tattoo removal.” I think it turned out to be a little prophetic. We are really going to wash the piggy for a very long time. And not without the help of Belarus. And everything could have been done without violence if the piggy had not resisted.

Episode #35 – “How to Squander a Country Away”. The abbreviation seen at the title screen stands for «Kaput, even if the “kind” Americans intend to sincerely please the piggies»

Episode #36 – “Grabby Britain”.

Here is author’s comment:

Honestly, I tried to create a jazz song, but for some reason it turned out to be rock again. In any incomprehensible situation, it turns out to be rock for me. And this, despite the fact that I’m not a rocker at all. 😅🤷‍♀️

The series may not be suitable for children because of all the blood. But I believe that children should be told about Britain’s atrocities against the world, starting almost from kindergarten so that they do not repeat the fatal mistakes of Ukraine.

Musical Review – Ukrainian SSR of 1991 vs. Ukraine of 2016 – The Results of Degradation.

The article that served as the inspiration for this episode and which the author mentions below, is translated at our blog: Ukrainian SSR of 1991 vs. Ukraine of 2016: Shocking statistics of the pogrom (with “Fainting Piglet”)

Here is what the author of the series said on her Telegram channel about Ukraine’s independence in general and the episode in particular:

I made the video in one day, so there are bugs in it. And it was also very difficult to write a song in Ukrainian when you don’t speak it. But the goal was not so much a video as an advertisement for a very useful article that I would like you to read. An article about the degradation of Ukraine since its separation from the USSR. It specifically shows the degradation from the moment of the collapse of the USSR until 2016, so that they would not start shouting “we are degrading because you are bombing us.” No, Ukraine started rolling towards its grave much earlier.

I am grateful to the people who write such articles. This makes it much easier for me to search for information. Today, the lands of Ukraine are actively sold to foreign corporations not in order for the Ukrainians to live happily on them. The West does not give a damn about the population of Nezalezhnaya and its ecology. Almost every one of us has relatives, loved ones, friends or acquaintances living in Ukraine, so we DO care, but for the West we are all second-class people for whom there is not pity. It is a shame that Ukraine has not caught up on this yet. Therefore, when she celebrates independence day from Russian protection, it is like a patient in the last stage of cancer would happily celebrate oncology day.

The miniature “Oinkpito Circus” shows what piggie does when its dreams come true.