The Historic Interview of President Putin by Tucker Carlson, with History at the Forefront

The interview with Vladimir Putin by Tucker Carlson on the 9th of February 2024 has made headlines, and been discussed in and out on all platforms.

We covered it extensively on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, and we would like to take the opportunity to invite everyone to subscribe to it for daily updates.

The complete interview can be watched in English on the site of Tucker Carlson and on the site of The Kremlin.

One aspect of the interview rightfully caught the attention of the Western audience – the 25 minute quick summary of the history of Russia, including the lands currently carrying the name of “Ukraine”.

What was conveyed by the President is nothing new, at least for the Russians and those who went to school in the USSR – it is part of the standard curriculum of history in the elementary school.

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Oliver Stone’s Documentaries on Ukraine and the Interview with President Putin

While the interview of Vladimir Putin by Tucker Carlson – see a series of posts about it on our “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” Telegram channel – is now firmly in the focus, it is high time to remember a series of interviews and programs by Oliver Stone, which got censored away by YouTube, but are still available on other, free platforms, like Rumble.

👉 Oliver Stone’s Interview with Putin in four parts (2017)

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

👉 Ukraine on Fire (2016)

👉 Revealing Ukraine (2019)

Gonzalo Lira Has Been Murdered by the Ukro-NAZI GESTAPO – the SBU

“Only the guilty fear judgement,” Gonzo had written in his Twitter bio. “Only liars need stifle the truth.”

On the 13th of January 2024, the American-Chilean citizen and blogger/journalist Gonzalo Lira was murdered in jail by the Ukro-NAZI GESTAPO equivalent – the SBU – for the crime of speaking critically of the Zelensky/Biden regime.

Gonzalo Lira used to start his broadcasts on YouTube in 2022 with the call of “Where is Tiffany Dover?”, referring to the nurse who became ill on-camera during a PR stunt that was supposed to show the safety of the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, and subsequently “disappeared” from all the records. Having become stranded in Ukraine in 2022, Lira was rightly fearful of becoming equally “disappeared”.

On the 20th of April 2022 – almost 2 years ago – he, indeed got apprehended by the SBU, and the call of “Where is Gonzalo Lira?” went up, including on this blog in the article Gonzalo Lira may have been murdered by the Ukro-Nazis in Harkov. Where Is Gonzalo Lira? — UPDATE: appears alive after an SBU detention.

Back then he got released, and behaving somewhat uncharacteristically, continued with his broadcasts, raising concerns that he may have been compromised by the SBU. If he really was or if he throught he could out-fox the SBU… that we will never know, for the present answer to the call-out of “Where is Gonzalo Lira?” is, sadly, the silence of death.

While Gonzalo Lira’s YouTube channel still exists, most of the videos there disappeared from public access after his arrest in 2022. Some may still be accessed if the direct link is known, like the Victoria Nuland stream, embedded below.

At the moment of his arrest in 2022 I took a snapshot of his YouTube videos, and have now uploaded all the 11GB of them to a file sharing service for the sake of record keeping.

YouTube deletes accounts of Graham Phillips and Scott Ritter in order to fortify free speech

YouTube continues to do what it’s been doing for some time now – “fortifying” the free speech and enforcing “our democracy” (as opposed to any other old inconvenient common democracy) – and deleted accounts of two prominent journalists and truth speakers – Graham Phillips and Scott Ritter. Apparently they were speaking too freely, misunderstanding the purpose of the “free speech”.

Already in May 2022 Graham wrote the following post on telegram:

YouTube has removed more than 9000 channels, and 70,000 videos ‘connected to the war in Ukraine’. Proud to say that several of my videos are among the 70,000 removed, must be doing something right!!!

And in July 2023 YouTube deplatformed Graham (link to WebArchive snapshot of his channel here), deleting many years of independent journalism from Donbass. Graham is currently re-creating the channel on Rumble.

Well, my friends, that day when I log in to my YouTube channel to find the ‘monkey of death’ awaiting me – meaning YouTube has deleted my account. That day is today.

Of course I saw how things were going on YouTube a long time ago, and had stopped uploading videos there, in order to preserve the channel as an archive. Even that wasn’t enough.

What to say, Graham’s YouTube channel, 2013-2023, over a hundred million views, watched all over the world, brought truth to people all over the world! It was a wonderful ride, and thanks for being with me on it – your every comment along the way I read, and hugely appreciated!!!

I’ll go on doing video reportage on other platforms, and YouTube will continue their self-determined journey into the abyss 😇

As RT reported on the 11th of August, YouTube continues in its effort in making itself irrelevant as a platform. So, Scot Ritter is now also publishing on Rumble, including his Scott Ritter Extra channel.

YouTube bans Scott Ritter

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Daily Shincho: DPR and Mariupol through the eyes of a Japanese journalist

I came across this summary of an article in a Japanese newspaper Daily Shincho, written by a journalist who actually went to DPR and Mariupol and saw everything with her own eyes. Thus, the article is an outlier in the overall landscape of the Japanese pro-Ukrainian publications, and rather highlights the rule by becoming an exception. Still, every trickle of truth in the “Western” press is very much welcome!

Daily Shincho: DPR and Mariupol through the eyes of a Japanese journalist

Japanese journalist Asuka Tokuyama visited Donetsk and Mariupol, after which she wrote an article published in the Daily Shincho. This article differs in many ways from those published in the Japanese media, since Tokyo officially supports Kiev.

“The Japanese Embassy in Moscow has a new “neighbour”. The Embassy of the Donetsk People’s Republic has officially opened across the street from our diplomatic mission. The fighting in the DPR was fierce then, the embassy was busy supporting evacuees and refugees, so the ceremony was not held”,

– writes Daily Shincho.

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A must-watch John Mark Dougan interview – “I took a LIBERAL, ANTI WAR Protester to see the truth in Donbass, and THIS Happened!”

UPDATE 30.05.2024: This post is retained for historical purposes. John Mark Dougan has discredited and dishonoured himself, as best described in the following post by Graham Phillips:

The interview/project that he published yesterday is something that everyone should watch, especially those, sceptical of the situation in Donbass.

This is my most powerful interview yet. I took Maria, a fierce liberal, anti-war protester to the FRONT LINES of the war in the Donbass to see things for herself, to speak to the people for herself. This woman, with balls of steel, even walked with me through the streets of Svyatogorsk, with Ukrainian snipers just 200 meters away, to speak to civilians trapped in their basements and bring them food. How much of what she believed was right? Or wrong? This is an interview you must see to believe.

UPDATE: In March 2023 YouTube deleted the entire channel of John Mark Dougan (to fortify free speech, I presume), so here is the documentary on John’s Odysee channel:

Not much to add, just some comments from YT that sum it up the best:

As Schopenhauer stated: ‘Truth has three stages. First, it’s ridiculed. Second, it is violentally opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident’. Truth is not what we would like it to be: Truth is the naked reality… God bless you, John, for showing the Truth to the world…

When you discover that the people you trust lied to you, it’s like finding your lover with another person. It’s shocking, heartbreaking, betrayal, confused.
I think she experienced all of these feelings. And I’m sorry she went through that. I’m thankful you were there when it “hit her”.

It’s hard for me to comment… because I have never doubted my country, my president’s intentions, I have never felt ashamed for a second that I am Russian. I perfectly remember the events of 2014 in Odessa, when all the channels showed how people were burning, how the Nazis of the right sector drove, locked and set people on fire. It was hell. After that, I didn’t have a single question about the existence of Nazism in Ukraine. I only had the question “Why did we wait 8 years?”. Over 14,000 people have died in the Donbas during this time. It is enough to see a photo of only one alley of angels, as it becomes clear why this should be stopped. I admire Putin’s patience, but at the same time I understand that he is acting too gently. After all, Azov and APU are now equal. Those who littered Donetsk with petal mines deserve the most severe punishment.
But respect for Maria for allowing doubts to lead her on the right path.
Mark, Thomas, thank you so much! What you are doing is truly priceless!

PS: Indoctrination of Ukrainian Children, Interview with Yan Gagin

The British government imposes sanctions on own citizen – Graham Phillips – for giving the people of Donbass a voice

There was a great British novelist and humanist for whom I have great respect, Terri Pratchett, who in his work “The Wee Free Men” put these important words in the mouth of one of his heroines:

“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

― Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

Graham Phillips, a British independent journalist for whom I have a great respect as well, has done just that ever since the ukro-Nazi regime in Kiev took power though the Western-backed coup in 2014 and started oppressing and conducting the genocide against the Russian population of the eastern Ukraine. Graham gave the voice to the people of Donbass, which the Western Main stream Media denied them by first pretending for 8 years that the conflict was not happening and that Kiev was not shelling the people of Donbass on a daily basis

And in 2022 he he once again gave the Western audience a glimpse into the life and hopes of people of the now-former Eastern Ukraine as it became liberated from the Nazi occupation, seeing as the Western MSM went on a complete perversion of truth, and blocking any access to the views of the locals that could have been told by the outlets like RT and Sputnik News. Now he also helps organise and distribute the humanitarian aid among the population of Donbass, who were left in dire straits following the “scorched earth” retreat technique applied by the Ukrainian Army under the NATO tutelage.

For this, on the 26th of July 2022, the British government placed sanctions on the British journalist and froze (stole) all his assets at home without any due legal process. It bears reminding that the German government did a similar thing against the German independent journalist in Donbass, Alina Lipp. Below are two Telegram posts, one linking to an article in The Telegraph, and the other is Graham’s response to the news, of which he learned from his subscribers – the government did not official inform him of this extrajudicial decision!

Alina Lipp – the new “White Rose” of Germany. Independent journalist may face 3 years behind bars for speaking the truth

The ideal “democracy” of the West… The freedom of speech… It all is starting to crumble, like it did not so long before, in the 1930s in Germany. The independent German journalist Alina Lipp of whom I wrote on a few occasions before (The trickle of truth from Donbass thanks to more international independent journalists, The Independent Journalists and Resources in Donbass (with future updates)) may face 3 years behind bars for giving the voice of the people of Donbass, for going to that part of the word and doing what any real journalist does – talk to the locals, watch the events and relay that to the world at large.

In the title I mentioned “The White Rose” which was a heroic anti-fascist underground youth movement in the Nazi Germany. More about them, their fate, and the unexpected “Russian connection” in a translation coming after the materials from Alina Lipp – you will see why there is such a pronounced historic parallel.

⚡️The German government is fighting against freedom of speech. I am a free journalist who covers the special operation in Ukraine. They are going to sentence me now to 3 YEARS IN PRISON for telling the truth⚡️

According to current German law, it is only allowed to publish one-sided information that benefits the authorities. Anything that goes against this unwritten law is punished by the biased judicial machine.

But: The independent blogging community is ready to resist censorship in the West.

👉 I continue to work in Donetsk. If you are interested in the special project I mentioned, email me at:

My channel: @neuesausrussland

The German authorities have frozen the journalist’s and her father’s bank accounts.

“When the Nazis came to take away the Communists,
I kept silent since I was not a communist,

When they imprisoned the Social Democrats,
I kept silent since I was not a social democrat,

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest since I was not a trade unionist,

When they came to take the Jews away,
I did not protest since I was not a Jew,

When they came for me
there was no one else who could protest.”

Incidentally, there may be a positive side-effect from the trial and the publicity surrounding it. I recall an episode of the murder of Simon Petljura in Paris in 1926, a ruthless bandit leader from Western Ukraine and an ideological “teacher” of Stepan Bandera and the present-day ukro-Nazis, responsible for many mass murders (incidentally, Ukraine glorified Petljura in 2005 and in 2008 one of the streets in Kiev was renamed after him, which tells you all you need to know about Ukraine after the USSR collapse, when it switch to the USA’s payroll). The murderer of Petljura was found not guilty after the numerous accounts of the atrocities against the Jews were presented in the court. And even though it later turned out that NKVD was behind the organisation of the murder, the fact remains – those testimonials that freed the executioner of Petljura were very much real and substantiated by facts.

Below is a translation of a major historical article from Cont.

The White Rose against Hitler. The Life and Execution of the Saint Anti-Fascist
May 7 2022, 19:33

Photo from urmindace. com

Dozens of German schools and streets bear their names. They are national heroes and idols of several post-war generations in Germany. Hans and Sophie Scholl, Alexander Schmorel, Christoph Probst — leaders of the student anti—fascist organization “White Rose” – became one of the main symbols of the resistance movement in the Third Reich.

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The Independent Journalists and Resources in Donbass (with future updates)

This post will be a sticky list pointing to the independent, critical thinking journalists, analysts and sources of information on the conflict in Eastern Ukraine / Donbass / Novorossia. These resources proved themselves to be reporting what they see on the ground and are not beholden to the NATO-agenda of the Western MSM. But before we proceed, here is a list of Telegram channels with the running news feeds:

Another Western Truthspeaker – French Adrien Bocquet in a video interview

I am continuing to mention the Western thruthspeakers who cannot stand idle in the face of lies pushed by the Western main stream propaganda machine. Earlier I wrote about British, Canadian, German journalists. In this post I present a re-translation from Russian of a fragment of the interview with French Adrien Bocquet. I do not speak French myself, but leave the links to the original interviews for my readers who know that language.

“J’ai vu des crimes abominables commis par Azov.” De retour d’Ukraine, Adrien Bocquet raconte

Adrien Bocquet, ancien fusilier de l’armée française, témoigne après 3 semaines passées en Ukraine

Bercoff dans tous ses états

The Russian translation appeared on Cont on the 11th of May 2022.

“I take full responsibility for what I say. Being in Ukraine, I witnessed war crimes. All of them were committed by the Ukrainian army. But in France we don’t talk about it!”
— Adrien Bocquet

Here, a demobilized French soldier, the author of the book “Get Up and Go thanks to Science,” went to Ukraine on a humanitarian mission spening three weeks there. Upon his return, he made a difficult decision that could cost him his life or, at least, create a lot of problems: he decided to inform the French public about the crimes he witnessed in Ukraine.

Here are quotes from his interview:

When I returned to France from Ukraine, I was shocked: TV channels invite people as experts who have not been to Ukraine and do not know anything about what is happening there now. However, they dare to talk about these events. There is a gap between what I hear from the TV screen and what I saw with my own eyes.

Azov fighters are everywhere. With neo-Nazi stripes. It shocks me that Europe supplies weapons to neo-Nazis. SS symbols are embroidered everywhere on their uniforms. Not only do they not hide their views. They advertise them. I worked with these people and treated them. They openly say that they are ready to destroy blacks and Jews.

Being there, I couldn’t do anything. Just watch and shoot videos. I have these clips and will use them as evidence of Ukraine’s crimes.

I witnessed how the Ukrainian military shot through the knees of captured Russian soldiers and shot at the head of servicemen with a rank higher than an officer.

I have personally seen American cameramen carrying out fake filming from a scene, staging dramatizations.

All the destroyed civilian buildings presented by Ukraine as bombing of the civilians are nothing but the result of inaccurate shooting of Ukrainians at military facilities.

The UAF hides ammunition in residential buildings at night, without even informing residents. This is called using people as a shield.

Bucha is a dramatization. The bodies of the victims were moved from other places and deliberately placed in such a way as to produce a shocking shooting.

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The trickle of truth from Donbass thanks to more international independent journalists

In these hard times we get to know who the real journalists are – those who take the risk and go to the site of a conflict to see what is happening with their own eyes, to talk to the locals, to document the events. Nowadays, they are working against the other side – the court “journalists” who simply parrot whatever memo is sent to them from Kiev or Washington.

The independent Journalists, in addition to risking their lives while reporting from a hotspot, also face the smearing campaign in their home countries, where the MSM does everything it can to preserve the Party narrative and cannot allow any trickle of truth to seep through. But as the Russian saying goes, everything that is hidden eventually becomes uncovered.

I’ve written earlier about the British Graham Phillips, American Patrick Lancaster, Canadian Eva K. Balrett.

Today I learned of two more: German Alina Lipp and Turkish historian Mehmet Perinçek.

I couldn’t find Alina Lipp’s TY channel, only a few reposts and some smearing videos trying to discredit her.

I did find an interview with her in English:

And I also located this short video on Rubmle, in which she is visiting the Mariupol harbour. In the beginning she mentiones that there are other international journalists with her – from Holland, Greece, Serbia, France… So it does look like the truth is being reported from there. The other question is whether somebody is listening…

I first hear of Alina in a re-translation article on Tsargrad:

“Russia feeds us”: A resident of Mariupol concisely but succinctly conveyed “hello” to the Germans

A journalist from Germany, Alina Lipp, showed who the residents of Mariupol really blame for their troubles.

A journalist from Germany, Alina Lipp, talked to a local resident in Mariupol and found out his opinion about what is happening in the Donbass.

She asked a local resident how he feels about the fact that, according to German media reports, Russia is responsible for the devastation in eastern Ukraine: “I read the German news, and they say that Russia destroyed everything in Mariupol… and at killed everyone.”

The man did not hesitate to express himself:

Tell these Germans of yours to go f**k themselves..! Russia feeds us!

Alina Lipp was born in a suburb of Hamburg, she has a Russian father and a German mother. Last year she came to Donetsk for the first time and saw that the reality is very different from what German propaganda publications write. The journalist decided to stay and started posting her reports on social networks. Alina plans to continue to stay in the DPR and tell the truth about what is happening in the Donbass.

Likewise, as I do not know Turkish, I first learned of Mehmet Perinçek from a Russian publication, which I am translating to English below:

If Russia had not launched a special operation in Ukraine, a more serious armed conflict would have occurred…

Turkish historian Mehmet Perinçekk:

— I can say with confidence: if Russia had not launched a special operation in Ukraine, there would have been a more serious armed conflict, there would have been many times more destruction and casualties among the civilian population of Ukrainian cities.

— Kiev wanted to use these areas as a springboard against Russia. In this case, not only Ukrainian, but also many Russian cities located near the border with Ukraine would suffer. They would have turned into ruins.

— I visited Mariupol, Berdyansk, Donetsk and Melitopol. Local residents tell terrible things about the actions of neo-Nazis, about the “Azovites” who used them as a human shield. Neo-Nazis bombed the homes of civilians to blame the Russians, to blame the Russian army for the murder of children. Many say that the strikes on Mariupol were carried out even before Russian soldiers entered the city.

— Today, life in Mariupol is gradually recovering. Children and the elderly have the opportunity to walk quietly through the streets of the city. The most important thing that I was able to understand is that almost all residents of Donbass do not want to link their future with Kiev, while the Western media writes the opposite.

— This is reminiscent of the events in Iran and Iraq. In the end, the talk about some kind of weapons of mass destruction in these countries turned out to be nothing more than a fabrication. Today, almost the same thing is happening in Ukraine. In Zaporozhye, we visited a local nuclear power plant. If what the Western media say – that there is powerful radiation there – were true, then we would have died long ago. The station was operating normally. The Russian forces did not even change the local leadership of the facility.

Independent Western journalists uncover Ukrainian fakes in an upwind battle. Eva K. Barlett’s reports.

I have previously mentioned such independent Western journalists on-the-ground in Eastern Ukraine/DPR/LNR as Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster. I have newly become aware of one more such hands-on reporter there – Eva K. Barlett.

Reporting from Ukraine or telling the truth from Ukraine is a difficult, upwind batle resulting in de-platforming, de-financing of the journalists and threats to personal life and health of the journalists who dare to report from within Ukraine, especially if they are on the territory controlled by the Kiev ukro-Nazi regime. This was experienced first-hand by Gonzalo Lira, who was whisked away and made to keep silence, or else… I wrote about it in Gonzalo Lira may have been murdered by the ukro-Nazis in Khrakov. Where Is Gonzalo Lira? — UPDATE: appears alive after an SBU detention

A news outlet, Consortium News became de-financed by PayPal, with its accound holding potentially robbed. Their guilt – not towing the Party line.

Spanish news outlet Rebelión has a lot on Ukraine with one article standing out: Ucrania, fábrica de fake news – an important read for the Spanish-language world on the background of the conflict, which MSM are mute about.

Back to Eva K. Barlett’s reporting.

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Gonzalo Lira may have been murdered by the Ukro-Nazis in Harkov. Where Is Gonzalo Lira? — UPDATE: appears alive after an SBU detention

“Only the guilty fear judgement,” Gonzo had written in his Twitter bio. “Only liars need stifle the truth.”

UPDATE 4: Gonzalo Lira was detained by SBU, but has was released with prohibition to leave Kharkov.

Fate of missing American Zelensky critic revealed

Gonzalo Lira said he had been taken by the Ukrainian Security Service last Friday

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, who went missing in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov a week ago, has appeared online on Friday, revealing that he had been held by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU).

“I’m in Kharkov. I’m OK. I just want to say that I’m back online.” Lira said in short video chat with journalist Alex Christoforou on The Duran’s YouTube channel.

“I was picked up by the SBU on Friday, April 15,” the blogger revealed.

Speaking about his condition, the 54-year-old said that he was “fine physically,” but “a little rattled” and “a little bit discombobulated.” Lira made it clear that he was forbidden from revealing any details about what had happened to him in detention.

“I’m still in Kharkov and for the time being I cannot leave. The authorities here told me that I cannot leave the city,” he said, adding that his computer and phone were taken away and that he didn’t have access to his accounts on social media.

“There seems to have been like a lot of interest in my case, which is wonderful. Thank you. But there are a lot of other people, who are frankly more deserving of the attention,” the blogger said. Lira was referring to his tweet from March 26, in which he listed the names of Ukrainian opposition figures, who are thought to have died or disappeared since the outbreak of the conflict, adding then that “if you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.”

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Graham Phillips reporting from Malorossia and Novorossia; Interview with captured Aiden Aslin

The number of honest, independent Western journalists who report from Donbass can be counted on the fingers of one hand. While I think it was only Graham Phillips who was there from the very start of the resistance to the neo-Nazi coup d’etat in 2014 and still reporting to this day (correction: Patrick Lancaster is another Western journalist who is still there from the very start). Graham is a completely independent, crowdfunded, British journalist, who has been reporting what he sees without bias or need for conformism and self-censorship expected from the Western journalists. Graham is back in the Eastern Ukraine – Malorossia and Novorossia – reporting what he sees. This unbiased, unembellished reporting has earned him respect among the free-thinking audience both in the West and in Russia alike, and the hate of the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine, who are trying to hunt him down and kill him for the crime of honest reporting.

Here are a few of his recent videos, including the one with a very level-headed interview with the captured British mercenary Aiden Aslin. Reading people’s comments on various resources, I can say that the Russian world does not see any reason to show mercy and exchange Aiden for anybody, that he should be tried by a court for coming to the Russian lands to kill Slavs for money, and that he should serve whatever sentence the court finds appropriate in full.

It is not often that I ask for repost, but in this case if you are on any social platform and is politically active there, please, spread the word about Graham Phillip’s work!

UPDATE 2: Graham now has a dedicated Rumble channel for the materials censored on YouTube. The interview is now published there:

UPDATE: Youtube has removed the interview, but it was salvaged on Odysee (keeping it as a backup to the official Rumble upload above):

Censorship is Free Speech, according to YouTube and the Western MSM – Links to alternatives: Odysee and Rumble

I have a sense of deja-vu, yet on a whole different level.

In 1984 I, a Soviet schoolboy, got my first transistor radio with a short wave receiver. Not long after I stumbled upon the “enemy voices” – “The Voice of America” and “Radio Liberty”. Well, the lure of the unknown and the desire to get an alternative view kept me tuning in to the oft-barely discernable audio of these stations. They were blocked and often-times it was almost impossible to get a good signal. Their programs were interesting – some music, some historic programs, some incomprehensible to the mind of a youngster, going right over the top of my head. The historic programs were probably of most interest to me, and a second opinion was important to form a complete view, but I always had a nagging feeling of a hidden agenda. Only many years later, thinking back on those early mornings (the best reception time), I came to realise that they were trying to form a nationalist world-view in the Russians. In today’s world, a nationalist Russian is known as a Ukrainian…

But despite all that, it was important to have a second point of view, and it is my firm belief that the greatest mistake the Soviet government did, was to try to block these “voices”, instead of making them a part of the official newsfront, with explanatory commentary. Take today’s Russia. On today’s “Vesti” (the News at 20:00) they devoted almost 1/3 of the air time to re-transmission of what was aired on the American TV – CNN, FoxNews, official statements from the US President, commentary of the American analysts. This way a Russian person knows exactly what is happening on the other side of the border, what is being said and though about Russia.

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