Crimea That Sailed Away From NATO – Vesti, 23.04.2014

One of the publications from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Crimea reuniting with Russia. Please subscribe!

On the 18th of March 2014, exactly 10 years ago, Crimea returned to the home shores, based on the results of the referendum.

The news program that we present was aired a month later, on the 23rd of April 2014, and tells about the unhealthy interest that NATO displayed for Crimea before it managed to escape its clutches.

An American military hospital and a CIA-affiliated school would have been the cherries on top of the Sevastopol Bay naval base.

This clip also marks 10 years of my acquaintance with Lada Ray, when I first came across her article Breaking! US Planned to Turn #Crimea into Military Base Against Russia on the Futurist Trendcast blog. That article is still worth re-reading, 10 years later, as it contains additional information, not present in the news clip.

One of the readers there pointed to “US government/US Navy solicitation for “Renovation of Sevastopol School #5″, dated September 05, 2013” with a link to the official site. As expected, the tender documents are no longer there, but they were archived by the WebArchive, and are therefore still available to the public, including all the PDF files, the front page of one of which – EUCOM Humanitarian Assistance Program – Renovations to School#05 – Sevastopol, Ukraine OHASIS ID-20420 – you can see here.

Transcript of the program:

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False Flag Warning! Russian MoD warns: Kiev plans a chemical false flag!

As usual, the best way to avert a looming false flag is to alert about it. And the best false flag is the one that ultimately does not materialise. So, in view of this, here comes a die warning:

The Message from the Russian Ministry of Defence:

⚡️Joint Coordination Headquarters of Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine

❗️According to the available information, confirmed by several independent sources, a large-scale provocation is being prepared under the leadership of the Ukrainian president’s office aimed at discrediting the Russian Federation on the international scene.

◽️ In order to distract the attention of the international community from the facts of numerous war crimes committed by the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and militants of nationalist formations published by the UN, Kiev regime has planned a special information campaign.

◽️ For its implementation, within the last two weeks, in Akhtyrka in Sumy region, an allegedly ‘advanced defence line of the AFU on the line of contact with the Russian troops’ has been prepared.

◽️ The bodies and remains of dead Ukrainian servicemen, whose deaths allegedly occurred as a result of hit by ‘Russian’ artillery ammunition filled with ‘poisonous substances’, are planned to be delivered to the equipped pseudo-positions.

◽️ Kiev regime envisages the treatment of this area and the remains of the Ukrainian servicemen with a poisonous substance. This will allow invited experts from the Western countries currently on Ukrainian territory to document the alleged ‘use of ‘chemical weapons’ by the Russian armed forces’.

◽️ To make the provocation more plausible, Ukraine’s special services have been instructed to prepare and publish on social media fake radio intercepts allegedly discussed by Russian servicemen preparing to use ‘chemical weapons’, as well as fabricated orders to receive special ammunition for Grad MLRS units.

◽️ According to Kiev regime’s intention, this provocation will make it possible to launch another media campaign to discredit the Russian Federation in the Western media, including an attempt to initiate UN Security Council meeting with accusations against the Russian Federation.

⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ URGENT! Poisonous substances have already been delivered to the region for Western experts to record the “use” of “chemical weapons” by the Russian Armed Forces

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A short look at the short history of Kazahstan through the lens of a 1922 map

The result of sitting on two chairs with one side of your backside on each chair is well-known, especially when the chairs are steadily moving apart.

Yanukovich barely made it alive in 2014, while Ukraine became engulfed by the Brown Plague which tormented the South-East of the country for long 8 years, before Russia was forced to put an end to it.

Lukashenko waited until a Polish-Ukrainian attempt at a colour revolution was staged in Belorussia, but stood his ground with massive Russian help. He drew the right conclusions about who’s Belorussia’s real friend. Thankfully.

Tokaev faced a colour revolution in Kazahstan and only with the collective help of Russia and the ODKB military block did Kazahstan avoid being plunged into a civil war. One can listen to it in greater detail in Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Report 9: ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN. WHO DESTABILIZES EURASIAN UNION?. But it does not seem that he drew any conclusions from that and continues the dual-chair-sitting act. Newly, he tried to please the US/NATO-West by imposing sanctions on Russia in a round-about way, while trying to make it look like he doesn’t. As the result came a mild warning, and the oil export from Kazahstan was suspended “for technical reasons” through the Caspian Sea. (There is a real technical reason for suspension, but the Russian authorities did not look too closely at it before Kazahstan started making destabilising moves in the Southern underbelly of Russia.)

Before the start of the Special Military Operation to free Ukraine from the Brown Plague, President Putin said in his address to the nation – and the World at large – that there are countries that have their statehood and territories thanks to the presents from Russia. It did not apply just to Ukraine, but it seems not all had ears to listen. Even Ukraine can sport a history that is about 60 years longer than that of Kazahstan…

I came across a map from the textbook “History of the USSR” published in 1971, depicting a map of the foundation of the USSR in 1922 and the emergence of the Central-Asian Republics in 1924-1925. I remember this map well, having had a similar textbook in my schooldays.

USSR 1922
(Click on the map to enlarge)

Let me give a short translation of some parts of the map above:

The big map is the formation of the USSR on the 30th of December 1922, where Russian SFSR was established on the 7th of December 1917, Ukrainian SSR on the 25th of December 1917 with the capital in Harkov. Orange is the tiny Belorussian SSR (01.01.1919) founded on the remains of the Minsk Governorship of the Russian Empire. Between the Black Sea and the Caspian is the Trans-Caucasian Socialist Federative Republic, founded on the 12th of March 1922.

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The Slow Flow of the Special Military Operation Explained

Some time ago Lada Ray made an excellent audio report on the reason of the slow flow of the military operation:

And a couple of days ago I saw that Russel Bentley posted a series of posts on his Telegram channel that explain well the reason for the slow progress of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine (and also why it is a SMO, and not a War). By the looks of it, the English text is a translation from Russian. I am reposting the text here in full and unaltered.


Why so slow?

The liberation of Donbass is not going as fast as we would like. And probably it seems especially slow to those who are waiting for it the most. Unbearably slow.

One of the reasons for the low speed of advance is the numerical superiority of the enemy and the well-fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were built over 8 years.

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Lada Ray Repost: IMAGINE… AND WAKE UP! An Open Letter by LADA RAY to all English-speaking people

Commemorating the 22nd of June 1941, I am reposting Lada Ray’s powerful open letter and a call to remembrance. Indeed, the game of assigning blame is ever so much on in the West, as I wrote only a few days ago: A case study of projection and blame-shifting. But as long as the Truth is remembered, the world has a chance of surviving…

I fully agree with Lada that at times the urge to give up and throw the towel just creeps in. At these times it is actually the words of a British writer that come to mind. The writer who departed from this world all too early and who shone the torch of truth through satire. I am thinking of Terry Pratchett, and the quote here comes from a novel for young readers “The Wee Free Men”:

Them as can do has to do for them as can’t. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.

An Open Letter by LADA RAY to all English-speaking people






Still, I decided to write it, because there are a few who do hear and pay attention! Who do care about the truth and who calibrate high enough to see the world for what it is!


I was first inspired to write this essay as a follow-up to Stanislav’s How They Broke Through Prohibitions of Everything in Germany! and mine VICTORY DAY 2022 mega-EVENT! Those Who Never Learn from History… and How Banned Becomes LARGER THAN LIFE!

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Lada Ray releases some of the Earth Shift Reports free to public

First, my review of Lada’s ESRs: This is a very valuable contribution to all the people seeking the truth and the deeper understanding of the matter. I have purchased and read most of the reports earlier, and would highly recommend everyone to read them! Now that some of them are available for the general public, use that opportunity to glean the first glimpses of the wider knowledge available in the reports.

ALERT! 4 KEY EARTH SHIFT REPORTS NOW FREE TO PUBLIC! Please help promote them so more people could learn the REAL TRUTH!

Created between 2014 and 2020, the original Earth Shift Reports (ESRs) by Lada Ray document, analyze, investigate and predict the most important global events of the first two decades of the 20th century, sometimes also going substantially deeper in history.
The reports’ focus is current events and geopolitics, with emphasis on Lada Ray’s trademark Earth Shift and Great Rebalancing system, as well as her acclaimed predictions.
These reports are for you if you want to study the true events (not the falsified versions presented to the public elsewhere)!
It’s for you if you want to understand the deeper meanings of these events and developing patterns through the eyes of Lada’s special brand of geopolitics, the unfolding Great Earth Shift and Russia the Great Balancer’s mission on our planet!

The ESRs, which I wrote and/or recorded between 2014 and 2020, have been a huge amount of work and they are where I share massive amounts of info on various topics! Many of them are the size of a minor book or a good webinar!

I can tell you that I won’t be able to repeat such amazing feat again, and therefore, Lada Ray’s EARTH SHIFT REPORTS have now become historic documents!

And I think it’s important that more people read them and learn the truths hidden from them for a long time!
Why am I making some EARTH SHIFT REPORTS FREE?

And Why should people read the FREE ESRs?

Here’s why!

If you want more people to learn the REAL TRUTH about:

Russia and Putin (ESR 1, 2, 8 and 14)

Ukraine, Novorossia, Donbass, Moldova, Romania (2, 8, 14)

Central Asia, Uzbekistan & post-Soviet space as a whole (2, 8, 14)

And of course, about the Earth Shift, Russia the Great Balancer and the true role and games played by the West, then ESRs (both freebies and all others) ARE FOR YOU!

The Independent Journalists and Resources in Donbass (with future updates)

This post will be a sticky list pointing to the independent, critical thinking journalists, analysts and sources of information on the conflict in Eastern Ukraine / Donbass / Novorossia. These resources proved themselves to be reporting what they see on the ground and are not beholden to the NATO-agenda of the Western MSM. But before we proceed, here is a list of Telegram channels with the running news feeds:


Reposting from Lada Ray’s Patreon…


On May 2 is the anniversary of the tragedy in Odessa! On that date in 2014, 48 or more people were burned alive by ukro-nazis and Kiev regime, simply because they disagreed with the Maidan coup in Kiev.

Due to the current Ukraine events, the fakes and lies everywhere, and because the truth is so hard to come by, I’m making the whole ESR8 available to anyone who wants to learn!



Parade in Moscow Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of Victory over Nazism

This year marks the 75th Anniversary of victory over the Western-neutered Nazism in Germany. But more than that, it marks the full reawakening of Russia when it finally says, enough of the history rewriting, enough of painting white as black, enough of selective amnesia in the West, enough of trying to spare the feeling of the Eastern-European “brothers” when uncomfortable for them truths were swept under the rug.

No one’s forgotten. Nothing’s forgotten.

The suspiciously-timely COVID-19 pandemic was seemingly going to falter this reassertion and stop the Parade. But the events unfurled in an unfathomable way and allowed to push the day of the Parade further in time, to the 24th of June, the day, when the very first Victory Parade was held on the Red Square. The dark forces tried to demolish memory by demolishing the memorial, like it was done in Prague in May, but all they did was to awaken the sacred wrath.

And so it commenced…

This is a parade, where memories and history are reaffirmed with a detachment of the legendary T-34 tanks and soldiers in WWII uniforms

and the present-day Russias commitment to the defence of peace is reasserted

These images are from the following two RT reportages:

Moscow marks 75 years since victory over Nazis with traditional parade on Red Square (FULL VIDEO)
New additions & battle-proven hardware on display as Russia marks 75th anniversary of Nazi defeat with military parade (PHOTOS)

More at Lada Ray’s Futurist Trendcast: Full Red Square Parade Dedicated to 75th Anniversary of Great Victory in WWII, June 24, 2020, Moscow

History comes full circle: 75th Victory Anniversary Parade in Moscow will be held on the 24th of June

And so it is official!

The Victory Day parade in Moscow, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Victory over Nazism will be held on the 24th of June. Exactly 75 years after the first such parade, when the defeated Nazi banners were thrown at the foot of the Lenin Mausoleum.

Lada Ray has written an extended free article covering this announcement, and more: Turning Lemons Into Lemonade! Putin Announces New Victory Parade Dates… And So Much More! (and at Patreon)

Here are videos from that parade, reposted from my earlier translation article Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, 1945. With English subtitles and in colour:

Criminalisation and persecution of St.George Ribbon in Ukraine: why the Ukro-Nazis are after the centuries-old symbol of Russian heroism

This post is a translation of an article by a Ukrainian politolog and historian in exile Rostislav Ischenko. The translation will be supplemented with commentary, references and images added by yours truly. This is an important reading to understand the symbolism and history of St.George ribbon – “Georgievskaja lentochka” in Russian.

Two years ago Lada Ray published an extensive article on the topic: The Importance of Victory Day, The Immortal Regiment, St. George Ribbon – AND GLOBALIST PLAN FIASCO!, and since then the situation in Ukraine has only gone from bad to worse.

And now, without further ado, the article:

Anton Drobovich against St.George

by Rostislav Ischenko, published 05.05.2020 on the portal and at the open blog platform Kont.

On the eve of the Victory Day in Ukraine, as it happened before, there is an increased activity among the nationalists who indict how to “properly” celebrate the holiday. Naturally, leading them all is the Institute of National Memory, the head of which, Anton Drobovich, zealously continues the work of his predecessor Vladimir Vyatrovich to eradicate the memory of the great Victory from the citizens of Ukraine. [Translator note: the naming of the “institute” is the direct nod to Orwell’s “1984”]

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USA and the West are continuing to impudently re-write the WWII history. Let’s remind the Naglosaxons: Soviet Soldier Saved the World! #Victory75 #IRemember #ImmortalRegimentOnline

It is not accidental the “Anglosaxons” are derisively called “Naglosaxons” by lots of Russian-speaking Internet users. By swapping the first two letters, the meaning of their name starts to reflect their deeds: “impudent saxons”.

I wrote a year ago how is History being rewritten in front of our eyes… when a memorial coin without the Soviet flag was issued in the West. And now it happens again, with even greater impudence!

Soviet banner over Reichstag
The iconic image of the Soviet soldiers raising the Red Banner over Reichstag in the defeated Berlin. The image, which Facebook is, incidentally, censoring in its colourised form!

Ironically, it is Germany that best keeps the memories of that war against Nazism…

From Lada Ray’s Futurist Terndcast: Autographs of Victory | THE DAY OF VICTORY AGAINST FASCISM – wartime graffiti left by Soviet soldiers in the Reichstag #Victory75 #ImmortalRegimentOnline #БессмертныйПолкОнлайн

…while the rest of the West is unifying in its enforced amnesia:

United States officially REWROTE history this V-day when it IGNORED Soviet Union’s role in defeating Nazism

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Prague’s Shame – Petty-minded Prague-6 mayor Ondřej Kolář erases the memory of Prague’s saviour, Marshal Ivan Konev

This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the Victory over the German Fascists, where Soviet Union played the decisive and definitive role in sealing that Victory. This role of USSR is like a thorn in the eye of the modern day revisionists and neo-Fascists, who over the past decades have been ferociously rewriting history and smearing Russia as the heir to the USSR. The history is remembered as long as there are physical manifestations of said history left in the world.

As such, the especially vicious battle has been wielded against the monuments commemorating the Soviet (and by that meaning all nationalities, not just Russian) soldiers and commanders on the post-Soviet space. Poland, Czech Republic, Romania and others started the trend as soon as the CIA assets took power in those countries. After 2014, once the neo-Fascits took hold of power in Ukraine with the help of the USA and EU, the demolition of the WWII memorials was put on the assembly line rate level, at the same tempo as the destruction of the Ukrainian economy that it inherited after the USSR.

Now, that the date of the 75th Anniversary is drawing ever nearer, the newest salvo in the war on the historical monuments was heard from Prague, Czech Republic, where the memorial to Marshal Ivan Konev – the saviour of Prague – was torn down. If not for Konev’s army and his decisive, yet careful actions, Prague would be looking like Dresden now. Albeit, not because of the American firebombing, but because of the demolition charges that the retreating German forces put all around the city. It is the remembrance of the salvation of such cities as Prague and Krakow – at great self-sacrificial cost on the part of the Soviet troops – that the CIA assets are eager to destroy.

Addendum Lada Ray published a very forceful article about the desecration of the memorial to Prague’s saviour on Patreon: 75 Years Later, Nazism Won in Europe? Czechia Demolishes Monument to Russian Marshal Konev, Liberator of Auschwitz & Prague! (LADA RAY REPORT)
Please read it, as it contains a much deeper historical perspective around the liberation of Prague, as wellanalysis of the situation with the war on monuments in particular and the state of the Western world in general.

Related article translation that I published 5 years ago, the the 70th Anniversary: Prague Winter. What is the Czechs’ attitude towards the coming 70th anniversary of the Victory?

Below is my speed-translation of an article from “Argumenty i Facty” from 09.04.2020, showing the shame of Prague district 6 in all its ignominious glory.

“Let’s return Marshal home!” Will the memorial to Ivan Konev come to Moscow from Prague?

Descendants of the Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev began collecting signatures for the transfer to Russia of the monument to the commander that was dismantled in Prague. The daughter of the Marshal, Natalia Koneva, hopes that the monument will be installed in Moscow.

“We have Marshal Konev street. And it will be natural if the monument would stand on it.”

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The roots of the looming global religious war uncovered

In her recent article, Lada Ray covered some very important, yet hidden for a Westerner facts about the brewing religious war, which USA and Canada are instigating by promoting the schism in the Orthodox (Pravoslavnaya – “True Faith”) Church.

Please read the full article at

NEW From the Creators of Kiev Maidan: USA Actively Subverting Greece & Instigating Religious War!

with a fragment reposted below:

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BREAKING, UPDATED: Head of DNR Aleksander Zaharchenko killed in a blast

Aleksandr Zaharchenko, head of the Dontsk People’s Republic, has died in what appears to be an act of state terrorism by Ukraine. Another party, that benefits from his death, is USA, who would thus attempt to reignite the civil war in Eastern Ukraine and tie up Russi’s resources there, as Russia would not be in a position to leave a hot war raging right on its border.

In any case, with his death, the last hope for a diplomatic settlement, for the end to the civil war, and for the salvation of Ukraine as a state is gone, and it seems that this time, just like in 1945, Nazism will have to be defeated with the use of the force of arms.

Aleksander Zaharchenko was a true statesmen, who in the short span of time built up the statehood of the Donetsk People’s Republic, just as Ukraine was losing the last vestages of its statehood and sanity. He was a brave man, taking up the banner of fight against the McCainsian breed of neo-Nazism. He was a patriot, who could not stand idle and indifferent to the fate of his compatriots. He was a good man, one of those people who keep the darkness at bay and stand guard over this world. Rest in peace, you shall be remembered!

Rest in peace, brave statesman and patriot, Aleksandr Zaharchenko.

Leader of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic killed in E. Ukraine blast

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