The Sad State of the Modern Ukrainian Anthem

Ukraine hasn’t died yet…

Those who have heard the present-day Ukrainian anthem wondered what it is they’ve just listened to. It’s such a sorry wailing, indeed… In fact, one a capella performance inspired a netizen to overlay it with Frédéric Chopin’s “Marche Funèbre” (Funeral March), which resulted in a perfect match! Many think that the Ukrainian anthem starts with the line “Ukraine hasn’t died yet…”, and while not exactly correct, there is a grain of historical truth to it.

But it wasn’t always like this. As a republic of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had a joyous anthem, starting with the words “Live, Ukraine, beautiful and strong,…”. But then came 1992, and Ukraine – like the rest of the former republics of the Union – traded its heroes for ghosts.

State Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR (1949 – 1953)

More about this edition of the anthem at our Beorn And The Shieldmaiden Telegram channel.

State Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR (1978 – 1992)

More about this edition of the anthem at our Beorn And The Shieldmaiden Telegram channel.

The article below is one of a series tackling the myths surrounding Ukraine, addressing the history of their modern anthem. Some of the surrounding events are also described in Project ‘Ukraine’. Documentary by Andrei Medvedev (with English subtitles)

Myths about the origin of Ukraine and Ukrainians.
Myth 4. A requiem instead of an anthem

The origin of the anthem of Ukraine, like everything related to Ukrainians, is shrouded in a fog of lies. When you listen to the Ukrainian anthem, its tedious, drawling melody, there is no desire to cry with pride for the country and admire this symbol of the state. Many people don’t even want to stand up. It is not so much an anthem, but a requiem, a memorial song.

It cannot be said that when listening to the anthem, there is a feeling of weight and spaciousness. On the contrary, the very first line of the anthem (“Ukraine hasn’t died yet…”), combined with the melody in minor tune, creates a feeling of heaviness, monotony, sadness and oppression. Why is that? Why is the Ukrainian anthem – a carbon copy of the Polish anthem, which outlines the program for the revival of the Polish state?

Before talking about the authorship and melody of the anthem, it is worth recalling the historical period when this anthem was written. It is 1862, Poland as a state has not existed for more than half a century. It is divided between Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Polish uprising of 1830 was suppressed, and a new uprising was being prepared, which would also end in failure in the following 1863.
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About Human Dignity. Russian scientist Artem Oganov resists the International Geological Congress which follows in the steps of IOC in their fear of light (“russophobia”)

Russian scientist Artem Oganov was invited to speak at South Korea’s 37th International Geological Congress scheduled for August this year. He then received a letter from the event organizers demanding he change his affiliation like other participants with Russian citizenship, otherwise he won’t be allowed to take part in the conference. Oganov’s reply was an unequivocal refusal.


A couple of months ago I was invited to give a lecture at the International Geological Congress (South Korea, August 2024). Two days ago I received a letter from the organizers demanding that the Russian affiliation be removed. I refused to do this – you can’t allow yourself to be humiliated. Science must not be turned into a tool of discrimination. Here is a letter from the organizers of the congress and my response. I ask for maximum reposts.

Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 11:08 AM
Subject: [IGC 2024] Request for modification of your affiliation on the official website of IGC 2024

Dear Russian abstract submitters,

Warm greetings!

IGC 2024 Organizing Committee is very grateful for your submission of abstracts. 

Nevertheless, we earnestly ask you to change your Russian affiliation to the other country’s affiliation by 7th April, 2024 (UTC+9),

if possible.

If not, we cannot accept the abstracts from Russia during review period next week according to IUGS’s policy.

If your abstacts are not accepted because of the nationality, your fee may be refunded.

Thank you again for your cooperation.


IGC 2024 Organizing Committee

From: Artem Oganov
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 11:39 PM
Subject: Fw: [IGC 2024] Request for modification of your affiliation on the official website of IGC 2024
Dear colleagues,

I am appalled, shocked and disappointed by your discrimination against Russian scientists. Such discrimination is against the spirit of science and is not compatible with the international status of the International Geological Congress that you are organizing. 

While some people can be susceptible to xenophobia and hysteria induced by media and politicians, intellectuals should be above that. I hope that after a second thought you will agree that discrimination should have no place in science, in any international events, and more generally, in society – and will allow me and all other Russian scientists to use our Russian affiliations at IGC. Otherwise I will be unable to attend and will have to give this case maximum possible international publicity, in order to eradicate discrimination and racism from science. 

P.S. I have never visited Korea, but visited other Asian countries (especially China) many times, and got used to their welcoming attitude and hospitality. I expected a similar attitude in South Korea, but your letter showed that perhaps I was wrong.  

Cordially yours,

Artem R. Oganov PhD DSci FRSC

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The “Crimean” War misnomer – A bigger picture

What is known as The Crimean War was much larger and had far-reaching consequences not only for Russia but for many other states. In a way it is as much about Crimea as the “Caribbean Missile Crises” was about the Caribbeans. The theatres of war of 1853-1856 covered the Danube delta, the Baltic Sea, the Far East – the Kamchatka and Petropavlovsk-on-Amur that were under siege and partially captured during 1854-55.

While it is true, that one of the main battles happened in Crimea, it could better be described as the “Eastern War”. It was closer to a “world war”, and was definitely the second large “information war”.

The “Crimean” War – The Baltic Front, prevention of the British Navy assault at St.Petersburg

Telling are the stated goals of the warring parties.

Initially, it was a war that Russia initiated against the Ottoman Empire. Ideologically, it was started to liberate the Orthodox Christian people of the Duchy of Moldavia (Romania did not yet get created – that would happen after that war). The more pressing geopolitical goal of Russia was to secure the Southern flanks and get control over the Bosphorus and the Dardanells, and influence over the Balkans. That decision did not come out of the blue, and was not a simple whim of Nicolas I. The Ottoman Empire had moved a 50,000 strong army that included Polish and Hungarian revolutionaries to the border of Austria, while at the same time trying to conquer Chernogoria (known in the West as “Montenegro”).

The “Crimean” War – Danube Theatre

Russia had two military strategies – one assumed a large-scale assault along the Black Sea coast with landing parties deployed to the Turkish ports and to the straits. The other strategy was a limited “military operation” with crossing of the Danube, avoiding direct confrontation with the Turkish army, with the outlook that this limited display of force would lead to a favourable peace treaty with the Turks. The latter strategy was adopted. Drawing a historical parallel, it is similar to the peacekeeping operation in Georgia on the 8th of August 2008, when such strategy worked, or the start of the SMO in 2022, when it almost worked before the British forbade Ukraine to sign the peace treaty.

The same happened in 1853-54. The British used this opportunity to accuse Russia of aggression against Turkey, and build a coalition that fought with Russia on behalf of Turkey. France joined its not so recent adversary, Britain, partly for the sake of Poland and partly as a revenge for the 1814 defeat.

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Crimea That Sailed Away From NATO – Vesti, 23.04.2014

One of the publications from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Crimea reuniting with Russia. Please subscribe!

On the 18th of March 2014, exactly 10 years ago, Crimea returned to the home shores, based on the results of the referendum.

The news program that we present was aired a month later, on the 23rd of April 2014, and tells about the unhealthy interest that NATO displayed for Crimea before it managed to escape its clutches.

An American military hospital and a CIA-affiliated school would have been the cherries on top of the Sevastopol Bay naval base.

This clip also marks 10 years of my acquaintance with Lada Ray, when I first came across her article Breaking! US Planned to Turn #Crimea into Military Base Against Russia on the Futurist Trendcast blog. That article is still worth re-reading, 10 years later, as it contains additional information, not present in the news clip.

One of the readers there pointed to “US government/US Navy solicitation for “Renovation of Sevastopol School #5″, dated September 05, 2013” with a link to the official site. As expected, the tender documents are no longer there, but they were archived by the WebArchive, and are therefore still available to the public, including all the PDF files, the front page of one of which – EUCOM Humanitarian Assistance Program – Renovations to School#05 – Sevastopol, Ukraine OHASIS ID-20420 – you can see here.

Transcript of the program:

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Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Crimea’s Reunification with Russia

Congratulations to the people of Crimea on the 10th anniversary of their sailing back home to Russia! Much of what can be said, has already been written in the article, commemorating the 5th anniversary, but let us once again admire the cover image of the “Argumenty i Fakty” newspaper, published 10 years ago, on the 18th of March 2014.

Here are the earlier celebrations: Celebrating 3 years of Crimea’s reunification and Crimea Celebrates the 2nd Anniversary of Reunification – Legendary Sevastopol.

On our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” we marked the occasion with several posts, and the translation of Lavrov’s congratulatory speech, now presented below with a complete transcript at the bottom of this article.

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Russian Fleets in America in 1863 – a condensed lecture by Webster Tarpley from 2013

What does it take to create a war?

– Forget history. Re-write history. Divide people. Pit them against each other. Conquer. Make war. Cash in the profit for the military-industrial complex.

How to undo that and stop a war?

– Learn the real history.

This is what has been done to Ukraine and Russia on a short-term time scale. But did you know that the same was done to the people of the USA vs. Russia?

Presenting a condensed and informative video of Webster Tarpley’s lecture, edited by Putinger’s Cat.

As the complimentary reading to this lecture, the book “The U.S.-Russian Entente That Saved The Union” by Konstantin George, first published in July of 1978 in The Campaigner magazine.

This is a condensed version of the lecture given by American historian Webster Tarpley in Washington, DC, in 2013, on the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Russian navy squadrons to New York City and San Francisco to assist the Union against the Confederacy in the fall of 1863.

Webster Tarpley discusses the contribution of Russian Tsar Alexander II to a northern victory in the US Civil War. Sadly, this great chapter of Russian-American relationship has been nearly forgotten in the US, even though it played a very important role in the very existence of the United States of America as we know it.

The entire talk is about an hour and a half long. It contains a lot more information about the Russian-American relationship than was cut to put this video together. It is filmed as a single-camera shot, so it won’t have any graphics in it, but it is well-worth the time!

It is available for viewing on C-SPAN as well as on YouTube:

I highly recommend watching (or listening to) this entire very informative lecture!

Русский перевод лекции:

Heroines of Russia. Putin visited the Higher Military Aviation School.

The day before the 8th of March – the International Women’s Day – President of the Russian Fe deration, Vladimir Putin and the Defence Minister of Russia Sergei Shoigu visited the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A. K. Serov. below is a translation of an article from “Argumenty i Fakty”, telling about the visit. More photographs are available at the end of the original article in Russian.

Heroines of Russia. Putin revealed unknown details about himself to military women

Russian President Vladimir Putin is photographed with graduates of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Hero of the Soviet Union A. K. Serov. On the right in the center is Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu

The strategic bomber that President Vladimir Putin flew in, has not yet been put into operation, he personally made a “barrel” on the Su-27, he has been hardening since childhood, and respects women’s work on an equal basis with men’s. The head of state told about this in a frank conversation with graduates of the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots on the eve of March 8. And in the end, he wished the female participants of the SMO to return home as soon as possible.

During the conversation with the military pilots, the head of state noted that in any profession women show a responsible attitude to work, carefully work out all the little details, therefore they achieve good results. He called the School a “heroic educational institution”, whose graduates performed many feats during the Great Patriotic War, were prototypes of books, films and opera. And he expressed confidence that the graduates will continue these traditions.

“There are certainly elements of the romance of the sky, but it requires good professional training and a serious attitude to the work at hand. You need to know the technique, be able to control it. Today, our women and young lasses are serving in the zone of a special military operation, and that in different fields, and everywhere they serve the Motherland with dignity,” Putin assured.

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Germany Is Chasing the Cat Back Into the Bag

In this follow-up article to German Cat Is Out of the Bag – representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge we are taking a look at how the Germany handles the embarrassment. The article was first published as a post on our “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” Telegram channel. Please subscribe!

With the much-discussed conversation of the Bundeswehr officials, ( the Germans tried yesterday to chase the cat back into the bag, in much the same way and with as much success as when they pushed the gas back into the US-blown Nord Streams.

Maria Zaharova commented it thus on her Telegram channel:

Bild: “The Bundeswehr insisted on blocking accounts on the social network X, which distributed the recording of a conversation between the German military, who discussed the Taurus missile strike on the Crimean Bridge.”

It’s called “covering your tracks.” Will everything follow the same scenario as the German “investigation” of the terrorist attacks on the Nord Streams?

German citizens must learn from Scholtz about the rights of foreigners in Russia, Belarus, China, but not about their own German rights.


However, the only thing that blocking of X-accounts and the subsequent publication in the “Bild” can achieve, is the Streisand effectan unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing public awareness of the information.

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German Cat Is Out of the Bag – representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge

If you are coming here from our Telegram post at “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, you can continue reading the transcript from where you left off. If you are using the translation, please reference to help our channel grow!

Photo: German Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz.
Master in Aero-nautical Science

RIA Novosti writes, that the conversation in which representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge, took place on February 19th 2024.

The topic was discussed by the head of the operations and exercises department of the Air Force Command Graefe, Air Force Inspector Gerhartz and employees of the air operations center Fenske and Frostedte.

At the same time, one of the officers mentioned a planned trip to Ukraine on February 21st to coordinate strikes on Russian targets. 

Russia’s MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova notes on the Telegram channel of the ministry:

I’m interested in Annalena Baerbock’s perspective on this matter. This presents a prime opportunity for German media to demonstrate its independence by asking probing questions and for Russian media to seek the opinion of the German Embassy in Moscow.

Margarita Simonyan, Editor-in-Chief of RT (

Our people in uniform shared some intriguing information with me on the day when Scholz said that NATO was not and would never be involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

The information and videos are so riveting that I immediately wanted to share them with our audiences to bring them joy.
In that captivating footage, high-ranking German officers discussed the bombing (would you believe it) of the Crimean Bridge and methods to execute it discreetly so that Scholz could keep up to his talk of non-involvement.

The Bundeswehr officers have also spilled the beans about the Americans and the Brits who, they said, had been directly involved in the conflict for a long time.

In short, it’s 40 minutes of pure delight. In this connection, I have an official journalistic inquiry for the German Ambassador, the German Foreign Minister and Chancellor Scholz personally:

What does this mean, gentlemen? Should Russia jog Germany’s memory about what happened last time when Germany blew up Russian bridges?

As your media usually say, we expect an answer today.

Because nobody knows what may happen tomorrow.

Following is our English translation of Margarita Simonyan’s publication of the…

Transcript of a conversation between high-ranking Bundeswehr officers dated 02/19/2024

On February 19th 2024, the following conversation took place between the Head of the Operations and Exercises Department of the Bundeswehr Air Force Command Graefe, the Bundeswehr BBC Inspector Gerhartz and the employees of the Bundeswehr Space Command Air Operations Center Fenske and Frostedte.

Gerhartz: Hello everyone! Graefe, are you in Singapore now?

Graefe: Yes.

Gerhartz: Okay. We need to verify the information. As you have already heard, Defence Minister Pistorius intends to carefully consider the issue of supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. We have a meeting planned with him. Everything needs to be discussed so that we can start working on this issue. So far I do not see that the start date of these deliveries has been indicated. It was not like the Chancellor told him: “I want to get information now, and tomorrow morning we will make a decision.” I haven’t heard anything like this. On the contrary, Pistorius evaluates this entire ongoing discussion. Nobody knows why the Federal Chancellor is blocking these supplies. Of course, the most incredible rumours appear. Let me give you an example: Yesterday, a journalist who is very close to the Chancellor called me. She heard somewhere in Munich that the Taurus missiles would not work. I asked who told her this. She replied that someone in military uniform told her this. Of course, this is a low-level source of information, but the journalist latched onto these words and wants to make a big deal out of it with the headline: “Now we know the reason why the Chancellor refuses to send Taurus missiles – they won’t work.” This is all stupidity. Such topics are available only to a limited circle of people. However, we see what kind of nonsense is spreading in the meantime, they are talking complete nonsense. I want to coordinate this issue with you so that we do not move in the wrong direction.
First of all, I now have questions for Frostedte and Fenske:
Has anyone talked to you about this topic? Did Freuding contact you?

Frostedte: No. I only communicated with Graefe.

Fenske: The same thing, I only communicated with Graefe.

Gerhartz: Perhaps he will contact you again. I will probably have to participate in hearings in the Budget Commission, because problems have arisen related to rising prices for the conversion of infrastructure for the F-35 in Büchel. I have already conveyed my recommendations through Frank so that we have slides to visualise the material. We showed him a test presentation where Taurus missiles were installed on a Tornado carrier or on another carrier required by the assignment. However, I have a hard time imagining this. It is necessary to remember that this is a half-hour meeting, so you should not prepare a presentation of 30 slides. There should be a short report. It is necessary to show what a rocket can do, how it can be used. It is necessary to take into account, if we make a political decision to transfer missiles as aid to Ukraine, what consequences this may lead to. I will be grateful to you if you tell me not only what problems we have, but how we can solve them. For example, if we talk about delivery methods… I know how the British do it. They always transport them in Ridgback armoured vehicles. They have several people on site. The French don’t do that. They supply Q7 with Scalp missiles to Ukraine. Storm Shadow and Scalp have similar technical specifications for their installation. How will we solve this problem? Will we be transferring to them the MBDA missiles with Ridgback? Will one of our people be assigned to MBDA? Graefe, report to us what our position is on this issue. Misters Fenske and Frostedte, please report how you see the situation.
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The Historic Interview of President Putin by Tucker Carlson, with History at the Forefront

The interview with Vladimir Putin by Tucker Carlson on the 9th of February 2024 has made headlines, and been discussed in and out on all platforms.

We covered it extensively on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, and we would like to take the opportunity to invite everyone to subscribe to it for daily updates.

The complete interview can be watched in English on the site of Tucker Carlson and on the site of The Kremlin.

One aspect of the interview rightfully caught the attention of the Western audience – the 25 minute quick summary of the history of Russia, including the lands currently carrying the name of “Ukraine”.

What was conveyed by the President is nothing new, at least for the Russians and those who went to school in the USSR – it is part of the standard curriculum of history in the elementary school.

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17 Years Since the Munich Speech by President Putin. The message that the West didn’t want to hear.

On the 10th of February 2007, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin of the Russian Federation delivered his famous Munich speech.

During the Cold War, the heads of the defence ministries of the NATO powers gathered in Munich. From 1993 onwards, the event became less militarised and began to invite not only NATO members, but also anyone deemed worthy of attention.

Vladimir Putin’s speech was devoted to the expansion of NATO, the problem in the field of disarmament, the unipolarity of modern world politics, the degradation of the OSCE institution, the vision of Russia’s place and role in the modern world, taking into account current realities and threats. In Western political circles, this has sparked controversy over the resumption of the Cold War.

The speech can be summarised as follows:

The Cold War left us with ideological stereotypes and other patterns of block thinking. The unipolar world is disastrous for everyone, including the sovereign, because it destroys it from the inside. And it has nothing to do with democracy. Russia is constantly being taught democracy by those who do not want to learn it themselves. Unilateral illegitimate actions have not solved a single problem — there are no fewer wars, even more people are dying in conflicts. The United States imposes its system of law on others, both economically and politically. Well, who would like that?

We need a new security architecture that takes into account the interests of all. The Soviet regime transformed peacefully, so why is it necessary to bomb now at every opportunity? Only the UN can use force, it is not necessary to replace it with NATO or the European Union. Why are they deploying missile defense in Europe? NATO expansion has nothing to do with security. Who is the target of this expansion? What happened to the assurances made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?

Among other things, thanks to the choice of the people of Russia, the Berlin Wall fell, and now new walls are being imposed on us. The OSCE was created to ensure the security of all, but in fact it has turned into a vulgar tool to ensure the interests of a group of countries. We would like to have responsible partners in order to build a world, in which security and prosperity would be not for a select few, but for all.

Alternatively, the speech can be listened to with English subtitles:

This is a publication from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”. Please subscribe for the most current materials.

Brutality of the Polish landowners as the driving force for the Pereyaslav Rada in 1654

The article you are about to read continues the topic of the Pereyaslav Rada from yesterday’s article Pereyaslav Rada of 1654 – the story of Zaporozhie Cossacks joining Rus, which looked more at the events surrounding the Pereyaslav Rada, which the present article explores more of the preceding decades and reasons while Malorossia wanted to escape the Polish yoke. The introductory note about the term “Ukraine” apply equally to today’s article. A highly-recommended documentary, Project ‘Ukraine’, has a mention of these events as well.

“We wish for the ruler”. The Pereyaslav Rada united two parts of the Russian people

“Argumenty i Fakty”, 18.01.2024

Alexey Kishchenko, “Bogdan Hmelnitsky. The Ascension of Malorossia”, 1880 /

It is generally believed that the Pereyaslav Rada marked the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. However, a structure called “Ukraine” did not exist at that time.

370 years ago, on the 18th of January 1654, cries were heard in the city of Pereyaslavl-Russkij (Pereyaslavl-Russian): “We are wishing to be under the Tzar of the East, the Orthodox one! Oh, God! Approve it! Oh, God! Strengthen it! May we all be one forever!”

This is how the people who gathered at the Pereyaslav Rada reacted to the letter of Tsar Alexei Mihailovich, which confirmed that the Russian sovereign “ordered them to take them under his high hand.”

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Pereyaslav Rada of 1654 – the story of Zaporozhie Cossacks joining Rus

The article below was first published on Dzen on the 18th of January 2021, but it seems to be from 2020. It covers the historical background for Pereyaslav Rada (Accord), the result of which was the so-called unification of Ukraine and Russia”. It this regard, it is worth noting that “Ukraine” was not established as a geopolitical term at that time. One rather spoke of the Zaporozhie Getmanate (or of “Gulyaj-Pole” – “Free-for-all field” in the sense of the lawlessness on those territories). Before 1800-s, “Ukraine” featured in its dictionary form of “borderland”. The term “Ukraine” first became descriptive of a geographic location in the political sense in the first half of the 1800-s. And it was only after the October revolution of 1917 that “Ukraine” acquired the true meaning of geopolitical entity.

As an aside, I am puzzled by some in the Communist circles who distance themselves from the factually correct statement that “Ukraine was created by Lenin (as a geopolitical entity)”. In doing so, not only do they do a disservice to Lenin’s legacy, but also play into the hands of the Ukrainian nationalists. There is nothing wrong with Lenin creating Ukraine in the sensibilities of that difficult time. The similar sensibilities governed the establishment of the Far-Eastern Republic on the shores of the Pacific, and the creation of then tiny Belorussian Republic. What Lenin did made sense in that historical context, short-term. But he could not foresee and cannot be held responsible for how the decision played out long-term. That was something for the future generations to solve. And that future is happening now.

For more details, see the earlier article How Malorossia Was Turned into the Patch-quilt of Discord that is “Ukraine”.

Ukraina – thus were called the South-Western Russian lands of Rzeczpospolita. This name was never official, it was used only in private conversations and became common in folk poetry. It is difficult to define the boundaries of the lands, known as “ukrainnyi”, more so that this name was not permanent and at different times covered varying stretches of land…

With this in mind, let us continue to the article at hand…

Pereyaslav Rada: How Ukrainians were seeking to come under the wing of the Russian Tzar, while in Moscow they’ve been thinking for the longest time

January 18, 2021

Pereyaslav Rada, 1654

The beginning of January 2020 was marked in Ukraine by regular “Bandera” marches of nationalists, which caused a timid protest from the ambassadors of Israel and Poland. Meanwhile, in addition to the birthday of one of the leaders of the Ukrainian nationalists, another historical date falls on January, which is carefully hushed up and ignored by the current authorities of Ukraine. Meanwhile, no matter how hard Zelensky and Co. tried to sweep the inconvenient facts under the rag, it was that date that determined the choice of the Malorossian (Rus Minor, Ukrainian) people for several centuries to come.

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The Netherlands Plundered the Crimean Museums. The Scythian Gold Was Transferred to Ukraine.

On the pages of this blog I previously followed the long-drawn saga with the Crimean Scything gold that the Netherlands refused to return to the museums that owned the artefacts. These articles are from 2016 and 2019 and can be found, following the Scythian Gold tag. The collections that were lent out to Holland, technically belong each to its legal entity (therein, the 4 Crimean museums).

Holland now sent the valuables to Kiev, and with the current kleptocratic neo-Nazi regime in power there, the chances to this heritage of mankind staying there is very slim. Ironically, if Holland was hell-bent on not returning the items to the proper owners in Crimea, it would have been better for the collection to stay in Holland until the end of the SMO and the de-Nazification of Ukraine, but that is, apparently, not in the interests of the overseas managers of Holland.

Below are two articles from “Argumenty i Fakty”. The first one is with the breaking news from yesterday regarding the delivery of the invaluable cargo to Kiev, while the second is from last year, that looks into the troubled legal canvas that surrounded the case. The articles overlap somewhat in the historical section, complementing each other.

The Netherlands Plundered the Crimean Museums. The Scythian Gold Was Transferred to Ukraine.

by Konstantin Mikhalchevsky, RIA Novosti, 27.11.2023

Collection of Scythian gold, Central Museum of Taurida, Simferopol, Crimea, Russia.

The collection of Scythian gold from Crimean museums has been handed over to the Kiev regime. Representatives of the authorities announced the arrival of a truck with the valuable cargo in the Ukrainian capital.

A truck with valuables

The Ukrainian portal “Strana”, with reference to the customs, reports that a truck with 2694kg of cultural valuables arrived on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. It is planned to perform the identification and registration of the cargo with the subsequent transfer of the valuables to the treasury of the museum.

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