Latest on the US bioweapons in Ukraine – suspected use in LNR

The latest developments remind of the early history of the USA and the first recorded use of the bioweapons to genocide the native population of the America – when the Anglo-Saxon invaders distributed blankets infected with smallpox among the locals. Below is the translation from the summary of the Russian MoD briefing of the 11th of May 2022, republished on Cont:

Briefing of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on specific experiments of the Pentagon with biological weapons in Ukraine.
In particular:

1. Counterfeit money spread in the LPR were infected with drug-resistant tuberculosis
Banknotes were distributed among minors in the village of Stepovoye. The organizers of this crime took into account the peculiarities of the behaviour of children who have a habit of “pulling everything into their mouths” and taking food with unwashed hands. According to the conclusion of the Lugansk Republican Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, the bills were infected, most likely, artificially.

2. Details of the Pentagon’s experiments in a mental hospital in the Kharkiv region
The main category of experimental subjects was a group of male patients aged 40-60 years with a high stage of physical exhaustion. In order to conceal their affiliation with the United States, experts conducting biological research arrived through the territories of third countries. Here is a photo of a native of Florida, Linda Oporto, who directly participated in these works.

3. Mariupol under Ukrainian control was used as a regional centre for the collection and certification of the causative agent of cholera.
The selected strains were sent to the Public Health Center in Kiev, which is responsible for the further shipment of the biomaterials to the United States. This activity has been carried out since 2014, which is confirmed by the acts of transmission of strains.

A cumulative update on the American bioweapons labs in Ukraine – COVID-19, Nuland and more

It’s been a while since I posted the last update on the American bioweapons labs in Ukraine. This post is a collection of several articles on the topic. Some articles are reopsts and some are translations. The topic of the American biolabs has been sidelined by the liberation of Mariupol, and the Kiev regime’s false flag in Bucha – the latter seems to have specifically coincided with the increasing media attention tot he biolabs so as to draw attention from that topic.

As a reminder and food for thought: this is the distribution of the haplogroups in Europe. The R1A and R1B are so close genetically, that a bioweapon developed against the Slavic population would wipe out the rest of the Western Europe as well…

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation named the names of Western curators of Ukrainian biological laboratories
April 14, 2022, 17:00

The documents received by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation confirm the connection of the UNTC with the US military department through the main contractor of the Pentagon – the company “Black & Veatch”
Peter Kovalev/TASS

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WARNING: USA is likely to stage a nuclear or bio-chemical false flag to blame on Russia

The evil witch who oversaw the Nazi coup in Ukraine in 2014 has again made herself heard. Victoria Nuland came today with the following statement:

US warns Russia of ‘astronomical’ nuclear price

In an interview for the Ukrainian outlet European Pravda, Nuland was asked to assess the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons. She responded that she could not rule out such a “catastrophic scenario” as Putin “has already ordered” what, she alleged, were “brutal war crimes,” and the world must be prepared for the worst. At the same time, Nuland stressed, the consequences of such steps would be catastrophic for Russia and for Putin personally.

She refused to provide any details about the potential response from the West, saying instead that use of nuclear weapons would take the situation to a “fundamentally new level” where the price will be “simply astronomical.”

Unlike the US, neither Russia, nor its predecessor, the Soviet Union, have ever used atomic armaments against another state. Moscow’s military doctrine states that they can only be used when the very existence of the country is threatened, or if another power opts for a first strike.

The US is likely frustrated by Russian accurate, surgical strikes against the military targets in Ukraine, aimed at keeping the civilian and infrastructural damage to the absolute minimum. Having failed with their false flag in Bucha and Kramatorsk, the USA is likely to raise the stakes and go either chemical or nuclear. In Syria the USA staged – through the White Helmets terrorists – a now-proven chemical false flag against the Syrian government forces when they were on the winning path. So can USA create a nuclear false flag in Ukraine now, when Russia is winning against the ukro-Nazi regime. Net it be remembered that USA have already used nukes against the civilians targets in Japan and that they used the depleted uranium nuclear munitions against the Yugoslavian and Iraqi targets – civilian and military alike. Serbia has 4 times as high cancer mortality rate now as prior to the America use of nuclear weapons there!

Zelenski actually threatened Russia with a dirty nuke prior to the start of the Special Military Operation – a threat, which was one of the several triggers, which forced Russia to react. And it’s not the first time that Zelenski was speaking that what was on the mind of his overseas handlers.

Russian military and diplomatic offices have already issued warnings of a high probability of a false flag with the use of either biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Here are fragments of two articles from SputnikNews, one of the many sources censored in the West for speaking the truth.

A link to the briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defence and the accompanying infographics detailing the previous American false flags can be found at the following Voenkorr post on Cont.

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More news on the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, links to Biden, and the means to spread bioweapon pathogens using drones

More documents were made public by the Russian Ministry of Defence, pertaining to the American-funded biolabs in Ukraine. The most disturbing part is the apparent intent to use long-range drones to spread aerosols with bioweapon pathogens. First two links to the articles on RT from the 30th and 31st of March 2022:

Russia makes new allegations about US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

Documents and other evidence from US-funded laboratories in Ukraine suggest that Kiev was planning to use drones to deploy pathogens against the Donbass, as well as Russia itself, Moscow claimed on Wednesday.

The Defense Ministry also alleged that it has identified specific US officials involved in the development of bioweapons in the East European country. No direct evidence was provided to back up the assertion.

Of particular interest to Russian investigators are “documents testifying to the plans of the Kiev regime to use unmanned aerial vehicles capable of carrying and spraying deadly substances,” military spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov outlined during a briefing.

Facts in the possession of the Russian military “prove that the Kiev regime was seriously considering the possibility of using biological weapons against the population of the Donbass and the Russian Federation,” Konashenkov added.

Russia has also identified “specific officials who took part in the creation of components of biological weapons,” the general went on to reveal. He did not name any of them, however, saying only they were “the heads of divisions and employees of the US Department of Defense, as well as its main contractors.”

These campaigns were “directly related to the son of the current US president, Hunter Biden,” Konashenkov added, citing investigations in the Western media. Last week, the Daily Mail published emails showing Biden’s ties to the Pentagon contractor Metabiota, which specialized in researching potential pandemic-causing pathogens that could be used as bioweapons.

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Hunter Biden’s Investment Fund and other updates on the American biolabs in Ukraine

UPDATE 25.03.2022: added link to RT and infographics. For other articles, related to the American biolabs in Ukraine, follow the Bioweapons tag.

Sputnik News has just published a length article on the topic. Sputnik News is blocked in the west, and is only possible to read through VPN. Either set up a VPN or use Tor browser to get access to the information that the West does not want you to know.

After a few excerpts, I will present a translation from Russian of an article from RIA News.

Hunter Biden’s Investment Fund Connected to Financing of Pentagon-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine: MoD

And a machine-translated version (by Yandex Translate):

In recent weeks, the Russian Defence Ministry has peeled back layers of information about 30+ Pentagon-funded biolabs feared to be engaged in dangerous and illegal research into deadly pathogens in Ukraine. US officials and media initially denied that the labs existed, but a senior Biden administration official later confirmed their presence.
An investment firm connected to US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden has been implicated in the financing of the Pentagon’s military biological programme in Ukraine, the head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Troops has announced, citing fresh documents.

“Incoming materials have allowed us to trace the scheme of interaction between US government bodies and Ukraine’s biolabs. The involvement in the financing of these activities by structures close to the current US leadership, in particular the Rosemont Seneca investment fund managed by Hunter Biden, draws attention to itself,” RCBD Troops chief Igor Kirillov said in a briefing Thursday.

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Russian Ministry of Defence continues to unveil data on the American-Ukrainian biolabs

Russian MoD has just held a press conference, unveiling more details around the American-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

The English transcript of the briefing can be found at their official site:

Briefing on analysis of documents related to US military and biological activities in Ukraine

Sputnik News and RT had the following features on the topic:

Russian MoD Names Curator of Pentagon-Funded Biolabs in Ukraine, Releases Original Docs

Russia promises more disclosures on Ukraine biolabs

Earlier, Ukraine pushed the racial theory worthy of Hitler in their stance that “Ukrainian are not Russians”:

Ukrainians are Slavic while Russians engaged in ethnic mixing – Kiev

That, despite all the genetic evidence pointing to the contrary. They seem to want to dupe the Western Slavs into thinking that those biolabs with biological wepons targeting Russians, would not concern them. They will. Any bioweapon targeting Russians, will also target Ukrainians, Belorussians, Rusins, Slovacs, Slovenians, Serbs, Poles, Eastern Germans, Swedes, Norwegians. The latter do not differ that much genetically from Slavs, having been Slavs themselves not so log ago, and the viruses are notorious for being able to mutate rapidly, finding new closely-related hosts.

Russian Defence Ministry: US biolabs studied the possibility of virus transfer by birds migrating to Russia; Study of bat coronavirus

As they say in Russia: “All that is hidden becomes unveiled”. I am presenting today several translations regarding the American biolabs in Ukraine, the existence of which was confirmed by Nuland, and the picture that starts forming around them.

Before I proceed with the translations, fist a link to an English-language article on RT, which contains some of the new information.

US-funded labs in Ukraine dealt with bat coronavirus, Moscow claims

Russia’s Ministry of Defense cited documents it claims it captured at the facilities, while the US denies developing bioweapons

Igor Konashenkov, spokesperson for Russia’s Ministry of Defense, said that “experiments with samples of bat coronavirus were being carried out in the bio-laboratories, created and funded [by the US] in Ukraine, as documents show.” The Russian official went on to claim that in 2022 the US was intending to “work on bird, bat and reptile pathogens,” with plans to move on to research into whether those animals can “transmit African swine fever virus and anthrax.”

According to Konashenkov, the scientists were looking into, among other things, the possibility of pathogen transmission by wild birds migrating between Russia, Ukraine and other neighboring countries.

On, the following article was published today, the 10th of March:

Russian Defense Ministry: US biolabs studied the possibility of virus transfer by birds migrating to Russia
According to the documents, experiments with samples of bat coronavirus were also conducted in biolabs created and funded in Ukraine.
Alexander BOYKO

The Russian Defense Ministry continues to recapture settlements from Ukrainian nationalists, and at the same time, specialized personnel of the department in the field of radiation, chemical and biological protection analyse documents given by employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories about secret military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine.

– Of particular interest was the detailed information about the implementation of a project by the United States on the territory of Ukraine to study the transfer of pathogens by wild birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia and other neighbouring countries. According to the documents, the American side planned to conduct work on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022, with a further transition to studying the possibility of their transmission of African swine fever and anthrax. According to the documents, experiments with samples of bat coronavirus were conducted in biolabs created and funded in Ukraine,” said Igor Konashenkov, an official representative of the Russian Defence Ministry.

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Nuland admits to the US Biolabs in Ukraine; What was developed there

Let me start this post with the de-facto admission of Victoria Nuland to the existance of the pathogen-generation biowepons labs in Ukraine. Yes, the same f*ck-the-EU, here’s-a-cookie-for-you-country’s-destruction Nuland. After pressure from Russia and China,

US comments on Ukrainian ‘biolabs’

US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has confirmed that Washington has been involved in an effort to make sure no “materials” Ukraine keeps in its biolabs end up with the Russian military.

“Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned… Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of,” Nuland said on Tuesday as she testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“We’re working with Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach,” she added.

The Russian military previously claimed that the Ukrainian authorities have been hastily destroying dangerous materials, including highly pathogenic bacterial and viral agents they allegedly kept in laboratories linked to the Pentagon.
Russia makes new claims on US-financed biolabs in Ukraine READ MORE: Russia makes new claims on US-financed biolabs in Ukraine

On Monday, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov said the documents seen by the Russian military suggest that some of these laboratories worked with anthrax, among other things. Kirillov also claimed that the only reason Kiev reportedly moved to destroy the materials was out of concern that Russian experts “will highly likely prove Ukraine and the US have been in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention,” once they study the samples.

While Moscow has expressed concern over the alleged development of bioweapons in Ukraine, Nuland appeared to preemptively blame Russia for any potential release of hazardous materials amid the ongoing military conflict.

Nuland agreed with Senator Marco Rubio that if a chemical or biological “incident” or “attack” takes place in Ukraine, then Russia would be the culprit.

“There is no doubt in my mind, senator, and it is a classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves,” she said.

Kiev has denied it was designing bioweapons. The Pentagon said speculation about its involvement in these programs in former Soviet states is ‘Russian disinformation’.

So, first of all this quote: “We’re working with Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach”. If the research in those labs was indeed aimed at betterment of mankind with the goal of fighting (and not spreading) diseases, the US would not have been in a panicked spree to “prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces”, so the only logical conclusion is that those materials are weapons of mass destruction, which would incriminate their creators.

Second, projection and deflection are the techniques, used by the US, and not ” classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves”. Russia calls a spade for a spade, and if you don’t like it, that’s your problem. And this is what Nuland is actually doing here! Yes, there are implicitly malicious American biolabs in Ukraine, but it’s Russia’s fault.

Reminds me of:

Russia is actually seeking to prevent proliferation of biological weapons. These are far worse, than nuclear, if such a comparison can be made. Those thinking of developing viruses that would target only one specific ethnos, like what was developed in Ukraine to target the Slavic people, full themselves, and after the coveted genocide is done, other ethnoses will follow into the grave, Anglo-Saxon inclusive (and they are not that genetically different from the Slavs) due to rapid mutation of the viruses, seeking new victims among the survivors.

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More on the American Biolabs in Ukraine

As promised, I am presenting here translations of several more articles, pertaining to the topic of the American biolabs on the territory of Ukraine. Three articles, to be exact. They have some intersecting information, and some unique aspect, all of which help build a fuller picture of the situation there.

But first, a word from China… It is not often that China speaks up on the international affairs, and it was pretty reserved on the Russian ukro-nazi clean-up operation, to the point where Australia had to yup-up, demanding China broke its silence. Well, China just did that, but not in the way Australia wanted:

China urges Pentagon to open up about ‘biolabs’ in Ukraine

China’s foreign ministry has called on the US to disclose information on the Pentagon’s alleged biological laboratories in Ukraine “as soon as possible”.

Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday, however, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian claimed that, according to his country’s information, the laboratories in Ukraine are just “a tip of an iceberg” and that the US Department of Defense “controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world.” This is done under the pretext of “cooperating to reduce biosecurity risks” and “strengthening global public health,” Zhao said.

It is the first time that Beijing has disclosed the alleged figure. Zhao said that according to data “released by the United States itself,” there are 26 US laboratories in Ukraine. In light of Russia’s military offensive in the country, he urged “all parties concerned” to ensure the safety of the labs.

“In particular, the United States, as the party which knows these laboratories best, should publish the relevant details as soon as possible, including which viruses are stored and which research has been carried out,” he said.

He claimed the US “has been exclusively obstructing” the establishment of an independent verification mechanism. Such behaviour, Zhao said, “further aggravates the concerns of the international community.”

Before we proceed, however, there is a need to comment on the difference in the reported number of the biolabs: 15 in some cases, 30 in other. The reason for this can be gleaned from my previous translation, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Kiev has created a network of 30 biological laboratories commissioned by the United States. Counting seems to depend on how the different laboratories are classified, if they are institutes, labs or epidemiologic centres. I think it is best to go with the number presented by the Russian Ministry of Defence, while other numbers can serve as more “optimistic” references.

But back to the translations. First in line was published on Cont on the 7th of March 2022.

US laboratories: Ukraine can become a new Wuhan at any time

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Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Kiev has created a network of 30 biological laboratories commissioned by the United States

I am continuing the series of translations of the materials, pertaining the American biological warfare labs in Ukraine.

UPDATE: RT has just published an article on the topic: Russia makes new claims on US-financed biolabs in Ukraine

The article below is published on Ren.TV 07.03.2022

Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Kiev has created a network of 30 biological laboratories commissioned by the United States

The Russian Defence Ministry said that in these laboratories work was conducted on pathogens of dangerous infections. According to the Russian military department, biological programs are being urgently curtailed in Ukraine. This is confirmed by documents discovered the day before by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, which state that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has set a task from February 24 to completely destroy bioagents in the laboratories.

“The infrastructure of the financed by the US biological laboratories on the territory of Ukraine”
Photo: © Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

“The analysis of acts of destruction indicates that they worked with pathogens of plague, anthrax and brucellosis in the Lvov biological laboratory, pathogens of diphtheria, salmonellosis and dysentery in the laboratories in Kharkov and Poltava,” Igor Kirillov said.

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Russia claims Ukraine destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program – RT

More news regarding the network of 15 American biological laboratories in Ukraine including research centres in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lviv, Kiev, Kherson, Ternopil, as well as two suspicious objects in Kharkiv and Nikolaev. Many of these laboratories have achieved biosafety Level 2 status, which allows scientists to experiment with viruses and bacteria.

From RT:

Russia claims Ukraine destroying evidence of US-funded bioweapons program

As Russian troops entered Ukraine, the government in Kiev ordered the “emergency destruction” of pathogens including plague and anthrax at US-funded laboratories near the Russian border, the Ministry of Defense in Moscow claimed on Sunday. Earlier rumors that the Russian military was targeting US-run biolabs were written off as conspiracy theories, but the ministry has promised to back up its claims with documents.

“We have received documentation from employees of Ukrainian biolaboratories on the emergency destruction on February 24 of especially dangerous pathogens of plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases,” read a statement from the ministry.

The statement accused the “Kiev regime” of conducting an “emergency cleansing” to hide evidence of the supposed biological weapons program, which the ministry claimed was funded by the US, and involved the production of “biological weapons components” at at least two laboratories in the cities of Poltava and Kharkov, both of which have seen intense fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces in recent days.

The documents published by the ministry purportedly include an order from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health to destroy the pathogens, and lists of the germs in question.

The Biological Bomb of Ukraine. What are the Americans developing there?

Below is a speed-translation of an article published in “Argumenty i Fakty” on 05.03.2022

The Biological Bomb of Ukraine. What are the Americans developing there?

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that, according to Russian data, the Americans are very concerned about the situation with their military laboratories in Kiev and Odessa. “The Pentagon in Ukraine has actively built two biological military laboratories and has been developing pathogens there. Now they are concerned that they will lose control over these laboratories,” the head of the diplomatic department said.

According to experts, during the years of independence of Ukraine, a dozen and a half American biological laboratories were opened on its territory. In particular, outbreaks of infections in the east of the country, which had not previously occurred there, are associated with their activities. And the beginning of the special operation of the Russian troops coincided with the expected commissioning of two such laboratories near Odessa and Kiev. That’s what Sergey Lavrov had in mind.

According to the papers – quite peaceful institutions

The US Embassy officially recognized the presence of American laboratories in Ukraine for experiments with viruses in April 2020. Then, the opposition deputies of the Verhovna Rada sent a request to Vladimir Zelensky, and this fact was confirmed. True, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health denied everything, but the American Embassy itself admitted that “the US Department of Defense, in cooperation with the Ukrainian government, is working on the peaceful study of dangerous viruses.”

It turned out that Ukraine gave the go-ahead to the Americans for the construction of biological laboratories after the “Orange” Revolution by signing an agreement with the US Department of Defense’s Military Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). These laboratories were one of the points of the plan to pump up the country’s military infrastructure, although according to the papers they are quite peaceful research institutions working exclusively for medical purposes.

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