Did Putin Deport or Save Children?

Below is a re-blog of an article by Putinger’s Cat from their Telegram channel.

Kids from Mariupol at a Crimean children’s camp. August, 2023

Could the fact that children were taken to safety on passenger planes belonging to the Russian military and from military airfields be considered as extreme in given circumstances?

The topic of forced deportation of children from the war zone periodically pops ups in the Western and Ukrainian media. In such recent publications, a report put together by Yale University, a prestigious US school, and supported by the State Department has been cited frequently. The author of the report, Nathaniel Raymond, who happens to head the Yale Humanitarian Research Laboratory, claimed that “planes and vehicles under the direct control of Russian President Vladimir Putin were used in a program to remove children from the occupied Ukrainian territories.” According to the report, this happened in the mid-2022, and the mentioned children from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions were first brought to Rostov and, from there, transported, by plane, to the Chkalovsky military airport near Moscow. Mr. Nathaniel Raymond went as far as actually claiming that one such flight took place on September 16, 2022, by a Tu-154 M aircraft, registration number RA-85123, operated by the 223rd flight detachment of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Due to thе air traffic restrictions and temporary local airport closures implemented at the onset of the SMO, at times, it’s only possible to fly out of the region on special flights of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The receiving Chkalovsky airport in Moscow is, essentially, no different from civilian airports. The Tu-154 plane that allegedly transported children to Moscow is a legendary Soviet passenger plane from the 1970’s. Another seventeen such aircraft are currently in service with the Ministry of Defence. Therefore, the fact that children were taken to safety on passenger planes belonging to the Russian military and from military airfields should not be viewed as something extraordinary in these circumstances, as the Yale University author suggests.

The topic of forced deportation of children from war-torn territories received little attention and was rarely commented on by the Russian public. “Russia did not kidnap but rather rescued Ukrainian children, bringing them out of the war zone. What were we supposed to do, leave children in orphanages, under artillery fire?” This question was raised by President Putin at last year’s Russia-Africa summit.

Ten-year-old Kira and thirteen-year-old Bogdan, from Kherson, are among the four hundred children who returned, from Russia, to their parents in Ukraine via third countries. In an interview with CNN’s correspondent Nick Patton in April of 2023, Kira repeated, twice, that her time spent in an orphanage in Crimea was “great”. On the other hand, Bogdan claimed that he was “bored” because children were taught “singing Russian songs” and that “Ukrainians and Russians are fraternal peoples who must live in harmony.” In the report, Kira’s father, Alexander, and Bogdan’s mother, Irina, admitted that they voluntarily sent their children to an orphanage in Crimea because, as single parents, they did not have the means to support them in wartime conditions. After the withdrawal of the Russian army from Kherson, they changed their minds, and, a few months later, Russian authorities returned their children, through a third country, as per procedure.

However, the Yale University report claims that children from Ukraine were subjected to “pro-government and paramilitary propaganda”, which “was documented in camps where thousands of children were transferred to and subjected to patriotic re-education” as part of the process of “forced naturalization” of Ukrainians, which, according to the report, represents “elements of crimes against humanity.” Kira and Bogdan spoke with Nick Patton in Russian, the use of which has been prohibited in Ukraine’s public spaces since 2019. In some parts of Ukraine, for example, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the so-called language police are tasked with punishing anyone who is heard speaking Russian. Logically, the “language police” would have punished Kira and Bogdan’s parents, had they caught their children speaking Russian to an American journalist.

The Hague based International Criminal Court (ICC), which many mistakenly identify as the Special Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, charged Russian President Vladimir Putin, in March 2023, with the “illegal deportation of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine” and issued a warrant for his arrest. Maria Lvova-Belova, an employee of the presidential administration in the Kremlin who oversees children’s rights, was accused of the same crime – the “crime” of taking children from war-torn areas, with the available means, and returning them to their parents when possible.

“Amstor” shopping center fire – exposing a Ukrainian fake flag

A few days ago I wrote an article, differentiating false flags from fake flags: Warning: a “fake flag” was allegedly prepared by Ukraine in Nikolaev. Yesterday we had a textbook example of a fake flag in Ukraine in the form of a fire at the “Amstor” commercial centre. Zelensky immediately accused Russia of bombing a civilian target with 1000 shoppers inside. His words were dutifully parroted by BBC, which also showed some footage from the site.

Several visual facts immediately lead to questions: If there are 1000 shoppers inside, why is the parking lot in front of the mall empty, save for a couple of civilian cars, fire truck and some military personell? Where are all the victims, their relatives, ambulances? Where is the damage from an explosion – only a typical fire was shown? And as if this was not enough, people started digging up some interesting facts from Google.

First, a German reader in a comment to this post on Russell Bentley’s Telegram channel pointed out that the center is marked as “Permanently closed” by Google

Then AzMilitary1 Telegram channel posted a number of photos and also discovered that France 24 and The Guardian stuffed the news about the bombing into Google 24 hours prior to the event!

Then on Z News Telegram channel in a comment to this post a reader showed that Google suddenly updated the status of the mall from “Permanently closed” to “Open”. A single review was also deleted – one that told that the mall was closed 4 months ago. It is also so that the flow of Google reviews of the mall stopped the same 4 month ago. The comments under that post continue to discuss the possibility of a deliberate arson of the defunct mall as the real target – a military warehouse is some distance away.

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Warning: a “fake flag” was allegedly prepared by Ukraine in Nikolaev

First let me clarify the title. Everyone knows about the “false flags” – it is when someone performs a lethal attack on their own to blame it on the other side. Case in point – Bucha, where Ukrainian “forces” spent two days killing the pro-Russian people and setting up the stage for the “Wester indignation over Russian atrocities”.

Then there are outright fakes – staged footage or simple hear-say, which gets disproved pretty quickly, but leaves a scar of mistrust. For example, Gonzalo Lira exposed fakes from James Vasquez, but it was deleted by YT (or, maybe the Ukrainian KGB – SBU). “Untold Truths” has a mirror below:

And finally, there is something that I called for a “fake flag”. It’s like a mix of the two above, a staged performance with limited to no casualties, but aimed at igniting the “indignation of the ‘civilized’ West”.

Incidentally, the White Helmets terrorists did all three things in Syria, which is not surprising, given that both the White Helmets before and the Ukrainians now are tutored and controlled fromt the same centres. The “chemical attack” video shoot is the most exposed example of the White Helmets’ “fake flag”.

Back on June the 3rd the Russian Ministry of defence posted the following Telegram post with two videos of the “behind the scenes” of the British/Ukrainian filming effort that was leaked:

Against the backdrop of Kiev’s political catastrophe in Mariupol and military failures in Donbass, the Kiev regime, with British financial support, has organised the production of “morale raise” videos for Western and Ukrainian audiences.

▫️In particular, on May 28, staged video was filmed near Meshkovka, Nikolaev Region, of the alleged “high efficiency” of the use of Western weaponry by Ukrainian nationalists.

▫️To add more drama to the future film, at the insistence of British supervisors, a re-enactment of never-existing battle between Ukrainian Nazis and outnumbered “Russian soldiers” was created on the set.

▫️The roles of “opponents” of the Ukrainian Nazis in the staged short film were performed by members of the local territorial defence unit wearing red armbands.

▫️In the absence of trophy Russian equipment, the mock enemy appears in the frame using Ukrainian APCs and armoured vehicles.

▫️The next video shoot is scheduled for June 5 and 6.

And now to the warning. On June the 18th they published the post with the following message (quoting for those, without Telegram). What it describes is the quintessence of a “fake flag”!

⚠️ According to reliable information, it has been established that Ukrainian special services in Nikolaev have organized the preparation of video clips of allegedly destroyed private households and local residents left homeless as a result of shelling by the Russian Armed Forces.

▫️More than 40 actors were involved in the staged video filming and all participants were paid cash reward of $25.

▫️In the future, the staged footage will be distributed in the Ukrainian and Western media, accusing the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate strikes against civilian targets.

▫️Once again we emphasise to the entire international community that such fakes, cultivated by the Ukrainian “lie factory” at the order of Western curators, do not contain reliable and objective information.

❗️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation treat civilians extremely humanely and do not strike at civilian infrastructure.

➡️ More

A case study of projection and blame-shifting

Wester media and Ukrainian propaganda have two things in common – a rampant trend of projection and blame-shifting, and the fact that both take their marching orders from the same origin.

An earlier article worth reading in this context is Russian FM Sergej Lavrov’s Article “On dramatizations as a method of Western politics”.

Exhibit A:

This exhibit was reposted on https://t.me/UkrainianPolicyMatters/3615

Bloomberg: Gas Rationing Is Getting Closer for Europe

The region is on high alert after Russia made its biggest moves yet to use energy as a weapon.

Throughout the entire Cold War and in the decades since, Russia was a stable supplier of gas to Europe. That changed this week.

Russia slashed gas supplies in apparent retaliation over Europe’s support for Kyiv. After its biggest moves yet to use energy as a weapon, gas rationing in the region is now a very real prospect.

The squeeze caused prices to surge, added pressure to the region’s economy and could strain European solidarity — all victories for the Kremlin that came as European leaders underlined support for Ukraine during a high-profile trip to the country.

With European utilities forced to tap reserves intended to cover needs for the winter, government controls of gas distribution could start within months. If Russia completely shuts its main link, the region could run out of supplies by January, according consultant Wood Mackenzie Ltd

This is the customary shifting of the blame onto Russia. The reality that the Western business knows of, but which the regular people have little to no idea about is far different. But articles, like the Bloomerg’s above, aim to leave the people with the feeling that it is Russia that is responsible for their freezing the coming winter and the increasing utility bills.

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The Navalny’s Palace – Fake Documentary from Fake Opposition (with a list of past crimes)

Navalny’s fake documentary, readied for him by his American 3-letter-agency handlers in Germany (as uncovered by German journalists) and scheduled to coincide with his staged return to Russia has been peddled uncritically in both the Western MSM and on YouTube, where it was pushed as automatic “algorithmic” continuation to any watched Russian-language video, as well as being shown as a “commercial”. This manipulation along with some other peddling netted the fake documentary somewhere around 103 million views (as of writing) with 80% of views lasting less than 10 seconds. The goal was two-fold.

To entice the teenagers to go to protests, which failed miserably – only about 50000 gatehred across the whole of Russia with its 145 million population. And half of those gathered were journalists. Children as young as 9 years of age were drawn to the street in search of something cool and exciting, in search of a party. For this stunt Navalny got a byname in Russian social media sphere of “Oppositionsführer” (that’s how he was called in the German media), while the unfortunate children that he flocks to himself are often referred to as “Navalnyjügend”. But that is just his latest crime. Scroll down to a detailed list, compiled by Alexander Rogers.

The other goal was to place the Russian authorities in an awkward position: if they arrest Navalny for floundering the law (remember that he was released from the German hospital around November, while the deadline to register with the Russian penal services for his suspended embezzlement sentence was in end of December, so he had time to do it!), then it would demonstrate to the Russian population that Navalny and his ilk are above the law, and if he is arrested, then a mighty howling would be raised about “suppressing the opposition”.

Back to the palace video. That particular place in Gelendzhik was first attributed to the-then target of Navalny’s and his handler’s slander – Pesident Medvedev. When Putin was elected President, the “ownership” suddenly became ascribed to him. In 2012 Vladimir Kozhin, the Superintendant for Presidential Affairs gave an extended interview to “Rossijskaja Gazeta”:

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Fake satellite images release by US intelligence on social media

The twists and turn of lies performed by the US to demonise Russia and to foster Rossophobic sentiment are mind-boggling. In the recent charade, the US released several “sattelite” images of presumable Russia shooting with artillery over border at Ukrainian positions.

Before I go on to the images, I’d like to say a few words about the shelling of Russian territory by Ukraine. This lead to deaths of at least two Russian citizens and destruction of property on Russian soil. In one of the latest event, when criminal investigators came to the scene of shelling, Ukrainian troops did a repeat performance, targeting the team of investigators and journalists. If anything like this happened in the US, the global bully would have retaliated on the spot with an over-dimensioned retributary attack, removing the offending country from the face of the earth. Russia on the other hand limited itself to several warnings. Not surprisingly, none of this was reported by the Western presstitute MSM. In the latest statement, Russia’s foreign minister Lavrov said that any further provocation from Ukraine will be met by force and the firing positions in Ukrain that can be proven firing at Russia will be suppressed by return fire.

The whole situation reminds of the time prior to NATO’s invasion into Yugoslavia. Massive provocations and murder of Serbian population remained unreported by Western MSM, yet as soon as Serbs started to retaliate, the same MSM began trumpeting about mass murders of the US and EU best friends, the Muslims.

Now, the images. Here are two articles reporting on them:

US releases satellite images ‘proving’ Russia is firing into Ukraine
‘Fake’: Russian Defence Min rebuffs US sat image claims

Here are the images in question. Note that all images are labelled as “Artillery strikes within Ukraine”.

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