A few days ago I wrote an article, differentiating false flags from fake flags: Warning: a “fake flag” was allegedly prepared by Ukraine in Nikolaev. Yesterday we had a textbook example of a fake flag in Ukraine in the form of a fire at the “Amstor” commercial centre. Zelensky immediately accused Russia of bombing a civilian target with 1000 shoppers inside. His words were dutifully parroted by BBC, which also showed some footage from the site.
Several visual facts immediately lead to questions: If there are 1000 shoppers inside, why is the parking lot in front of the mall empty, save for a couple of civilian cars, fire truck and some military personell? Where are all the victims, their relatives, ambulances? Where is the damage from an explosion – only a typical fire was shown? And as if this was not enough, people started digging up some interesting facts from Google.
First, a German reader in a comment to this post on Russell Bentley’s Telegram channel pointed out that the center is marked as “Permanently closed” by Google
Then AzMilitary1 Telegram channel posted a number of photos and also discovered that France 24 and The Guardian stuffed the news about the bombing into Google 24 hours prior to the event!
Then on Z News Telegram channel in a comment to this post a reader showed that Google suddenly updated the status of the mall from “Permanently closed” to “Open”. A single review was also deleted – one that told that the mall was closed 4 months ago. It is also so that the flow of Google reviews of the mall stopped the same 4 month ago. The comments under that post continue to discuss the possibility of a deliberate arson of the defunct mall as the real target – a military warehouse is some distance away.