Uncertain fate of the Ukrainian children evacuated to the West

They say that the first victim of war is truth. That’s not true. The first victim are the most defenceless – the children.

The children, who lose their parents; the children, who lose homes; the children, who lose lives (a testimony to that is the Alley of Angels in Donetsk); the children, who are taken alone abroad; the children, who are sold into adopted families; the children, who are sold as sex slaves; the children, who are killed for donor organs…

Below is a translation of the second part of the article The Ukrainian Mafia Has Occupied Europe, published on the 5th of April 2022:

One can hear more and more often stories about the abduction of Ukrainian refugees right on the Ukrainian-Polish border, as reported by the Reuters news agency. Polish police are distributing leaflets warning about human traffickers who have become more active amid the crisis.

Polish volunteers report that rumours about some men who kidnap children for sale to criminal gangs, and of women who are forced into slavery and prostitution, have been heard for a long time and suspicious people are periodically noticed near the border.

They say that once the Polish military caught two men in a van, in which there were a lot of women. It is alleged that the military took the women out, and the men were handed over to the Polish police. However, those were bribed and the criminals left without charges. Poland has not yet commented on this episode, as well as other rumours about human trafficking.

According to the press secretary of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Shabia Mantu, the organization is “seriously concerned” about the reports and is helping governments to strengthen preventive measures. These include the distribution of those leaflets and some encouragement to countries to create verification systems or procedures for those who offer support to refugees.

Increasingly, there are reports of the abduction of Ukrainian children both on the borders with European countries and on the territory of Ukraine itself.

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Did Josep Borrell just invite the Russian Army to Washington?

In the yesterday’s tweet Josep Borrell made one statement, with which I fully agree.

And a screenshot if the tweet is deleted:

There is a saying that one should be careful of one’s wishes lest they become reality, but not in the way one thought they would.

Yes, “this war will be won on the battlefield”, but, just like in the ages past, it will be won by Russia. And extrapolating the not so recent history:

The Napoleonic wars were finished in 1814 by the Russian troops in Paris.

The German Nazi wars was ended in 1945 by the Russian troops in Berlin.

The USNATO Nazi war (with ukro-Nazis as proxies) will be ended in 202x by the Russian troops in… Washington?

The way the economic warfare by the US/EU/NATO is expanded and how the Russian exclave in Kaliningrad is ever more blockaded, it look like the US and EU are all set for an all out hot WWIII…

In the best case scenario, “this war will be won on the battlefield” of Ukraine, with Russia securing the Russian lands, and USNATO, not wishing to push their luck further, will be looking for a diplomatic way out.