WARNING: USA is likely to stage a nuclear or bio-chemical false flag to blame on Russia

The evil witch who oversaw the Nazi coup in Ukraine in 2014 has again made herself heard. Victoria Nuland came today with the following statement:

US warns Russia of ‘astronomical’ nuclear price

In an interview for the Ukrainian outlet European Pravda, Nuland was asked to assess the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons. She responded that she could not rule out such a “catastrophic scenario” as Putin “has already ordered” what, she alleged, were “brutal war crimes,” and the world must be prepared for the worst. At the same time, Nuland stressed, the consequences of such steps would be catastrophic for Russia and for Putin personally.

She refused to provide any details about the potential response from the West, saying instead that use of nuclear weapons would take the situation to a “fundamentally new level” where the price will be “simply astronomical.”

Unlike the US, neither Russia, nor its predecessor, the Soviet Union, have ever used atomic armaments against another state. Moscow’s military doctrine states that they can only be used when the very existence of the country is threatened, or if another power opts for a first strike.

The US is likely frustrated by Russian accurate, surgical strikes against the military targets in Ukraine, aimed at keeping the civilian and infrastructural damage to the absolute minimum. Having failed with their false flag in Bucha and Kramatorsk, the USA is likely to raise the stakes and go either chemical or nuclear. In Syria the USA staged – through the White Helmets terrorists – a now-proven chemical false flag against the Syrian government forces when they were on the winning path. So can USA create a nuclear false flag in Ukraine now, when Russia is winning against the ukro-Nazi regime. Net it be remembered that USA have already used nukes against the civilians targets in Japan and that they used the depleted uranium nuclear munitions against the Yugoslavian and Iraqi targets – civilian and military alike. Serbia has 4 times as high cancer mortality rate now as prior to the America use of nuclear weapons there!

Zelenski actually threatened Russia with a dirty nuke prior to the start of the Special Military Operation – a threat, which was one of the several triggers, which forced Russia to react. And it’s not the first time that Zelenski was speaking that what was on the mind of his overseas handlers.

Russian military and diplomatic offices have already issued warnings of a high probability of a false flag with the use of either biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Here are fragments of two articles from SputnikNews, one of the many sources censored in the West for speaking the truth.

A link to the briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defence and the accompanying infographics detailing the previous American false flags can be found at the following Voenkorr post on Cont.

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