The woman used by the Azov in the staged maternity ward attack tells her story. Azov is “what they are”, as Zelensky put it

The West made a huge amount of noise around the would-be attack on the maternity ward in Mariupol, which was, in fact, staged by Azov (a terrorist organisation, forbidden in Russia) in the best traditions of the White Helmets.

But everything secret becomes known, and the woman, whom Azov used in the set-up could tell her story! Who would have known it was a staged performance of the Azov’s part using civilians to reach their goals. But as Zelensky said in an interview to FoxNews, Azov are what they are… More on that at the bottom of the post, but first, the testimony.

The article, a portion of which I am translating below was published in on the 2nd of April 2022.

Zelensky’s propaganda was refuted, the storming of Azovstal began in Mariupol. Results of April 2 in Ukraine
Egor Leev
02.04.2022, 19:00E

The words of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky about the bombing of the maternity hospital in Mariupol were refuted by a participant of the famous photo report.

On the night of April 2, an interview with Marianna Vyshemirskaya, a model who participated in the production of the Western journalists and the Ukrainian military in Mariupol, appeared on the Internet. She told how the military occupied the maternity hospital.

“They motivated it by the fact that now the military will come here (to the maternity hospital — Ed.), they need to settle here, because there are solar panels. They moved the women in labour to the only other remaining maternity hospital — they had a small single generator that worked for the lung ventilator for children,” she said.

Husbands of women in labour lived with them — in the basement of the maternity hospital. The guys created a field kitchen at the maternity hospital, where they cooked.

“The military did not help in any way. They came one day and said, “Give us food” <...> And took our food,” Vyshemirskaya said.

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