Alina Lipp – the new “White Rose” of Germany. Independent journalist may face 3 years behind bars for speaking the truth

The ideal “democracy” of the West… The freedom of speech… It all is starting to crumble, like it did not so long before, in the 1930s in Germany. The independent German journalist Alina Lipp of whom I wrote on a few occasions before (The trickle of truth from Donbass thanks to more international independent journalists, The Independent Journalists and Resources in Donbass (with future updates)) may face 3 years behind bars for giving the voice of the people of Donbass, for going to that part of the word and doing what any real journalist does – talk to the locals, watch the events and relay that to the world at large.

In the title I mentioned “The White Rose” which was a heroic anti-fascist underground youth movement in the Nazi Germany. More about them, their fate, and the unexpected “Russian connection” in a translation coming after the materials from Alina Lipp – you will see why there is such a pronounced historic parallel.

⚡️The German government is fighting against freedom of speech. I am a free journalist who covers the special operation in Ukraine. They are going to sentence me now to 3 YEARS IN PRISON for telling the truth⚡️

According to current German law, it is only allowed to publish one-sided information that benefits the authorities. Anything that goes against this unwritten law is punished by the biased judicial machine.

But: The independent blogging community is ready to resist censorship in the West.

👉 I continue to work in Donetsk. If you are interested in the special project I mentioned, email me at:

My channel: @neuesausrussland

The German authorities have frozen the journalist’s and her father’s bank accounts.

“When the Nazis came to take away the Communists,
I kept silent since I was not a communist,

When they imprisoned the Social Democrats,
I kept silent since I was not a social democrat,

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest since I was not a trade unionist,

When they came to take the Jews away,
I did not protest since I was not a Jew,

When they came for me
there was no one else who could protest.”

Incidentally, there may be a positive side-effect from the trial and the publicity surrounding it. I recall an episode of the murder of Simon Petljura in Paris in 1926, a ruthless bandit leader from Western Ukraine and an ideological “teacher” of Stepan Bandera and the present-day ukro-Nazis, responsible for many mass murders (incidentally, Ukraine glorified Petljura in 2005 and in 2008 one of the streets in Kiev was renamed after him, which tells you all you need to know about Ukraine after the USSR collapse, when it switch to the USA’s payroll). The murderer of Petljura was found not guilty after the numerous accounts of the atrocities against the Jews were presented in the court. And even though it later turned out that NKVD was behind the organisation of the murder, the fact remains – those testimonials that freed the executioner of Petljura were very much real and substantiated by facts.

Below is a translation of a major historical article from Cont.

The White Rose against Hitler. The Life and Execution of the Saint Anti-Fascist
May 7 2022, 19:33

Photo from urmindace. com

Dozens of German schools and streets bear their names. They are national heroes and idols of several post-war generations in Germany. Hans and Sophie Scholl, Alexander Schmorel, Christoph Probst — leaders of the student anti—fascist organization “White Rose” – became one of the main symbols of the resistance movement in the Third Reich.

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Rebranding the NAZIs of Azov – a Wolf(sangel) in new Sheep’s clothes

So, The Times is writing that the “Azov” Nazis are changing their Nazi symbology to something more… neutral. Never mind what is in their actual heads – the hatred, the chants of “Ukraine above all”, and all the rest of the Nazi packaging. According to the NATO mouthpiece The Time, it’s only about the symbols, not the actions. And The Times admits that “Azov2” is using the neo-Nazi symbology, but according to them, that is not the problem – the British establishment loves Nazis – it’s that the “Russian propaganda” is “exploiting” this fact that is the problem in their eyes!

In any case, the Blue-Yellow flag of Ukraine (The Ukro-Reich) is more and more equalled to the Red-White-Black flag of the Third Reich, so in all honesty, such rebranding does not help. If a country named “Ukraine” remains” after all is said and done, then it will have to do a deep soul-searching, healing and, yes, a change in its state symbology. Just like what Germany – at least its Eastern part – did after WWII.

This is the popular reaction to this change of clothing, ridiculing this Boggart. Apparently, if one follows the same logic, if only Hitler changed this symbols in time, everything would have been all right

But what can one expect from the Anglo-Saxon/American establishment, who did not see the problem with the Nazis even before WWII…

In the picture below once can see the Wolfsangel symbol – the future marking of the ukro-Nazi “Azov” battalion:

More pictures follow after the translation of the Telegram post below. Note that the USA already did that in the Middle East with the “moderate headchoppers”, sorry, “rebels”.

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Harkov as an example of what ukainisation does to the Russians

Those who read my previous posts and translations, know that I give preference to the review of the historical events and only address the events on the “battlefield” when they intertwine with the larger historical perspective. It’s been observed by many (and I’ve seen it on at least one example myself), that Russian people, who were born and raised in some central Russian region, upon moving to Ukraine and settling there become ardent Ukrainians with all what that entails, like denial of their Russian heritage. And conversely, when a person from Ukraine moves to Russia, after a few years they become perfectly normal, reasonable people. It’s become so obvious that people joke that something must be added to the drinking water in Ukraine for people to loose their minds there.

This is also a reason why “Ukrainian” is more and more viewed by people in Russia not as a nationality but as a belonging to a sect. Becauase people who live in the Southern Russia, Rus Minor, Novorossia are just that – Russians, who tragically became reprogrammed to turn them into anti-Russians.

And thus there is a growing tendency of speaking of “Ukraine” in the same sense as one now speaks of “The Third Reich” – both are seemingly designations of the countries, yet at the same time they now both carry the exact same stigma.

This post is about the Northern-Eastern, historically, Russian town of Harkov, which has seemingly been turned into a bastion of “anti-Russian-ness”. My previous translation that touched upon this city was that of the NTV documentary, where the political prisoner of SBU, the professor of Harkov University was interviewed: Zelensky Is Hiding This – NTV Documentary, 20.03.2022 (English Subtitles).

Today I came across a much deeper analysis of the situation in Harkov, an analysis which was written following the demolition of the statue to king (knjaz) Alexandr Nevsky in Harkov. It’s an article, filled both with resolve and with sadness for brothers lost. But I think there is hope, based exactly on what I wrote about in the first paragraph – in de-ukrainiasation of the Russians for them to become Russians once again.

One historical parallel that comes to mind, is how the Southern Russians were “ukranised” in the Austro-Hungarian concentration camps of Thalerhof and Teresin during WWI. This is described as part of this documentary: Project ‘Ukraine’. Documentary by Andrei Medvedev (with English subtitles)

UPDATE 21.05.2022: It seems that ukro-Nazis are racing to erase as many monuments and memorials to the Russian heritage and roots of the former Ukraine. Today they quietly removed a memorial to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in Nikolaev! The Mayor posted that this is done to “prevent vandalism” and that they’ll figure out what to do with it after the war.

Here is the article published on AfterShock News about the demolition of the memorial to Alexander Nevsky, and how it reflects on Harkov:

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Ukrainian children – zombified, brainwashed and trained by “Azov” terrorists to become children-soldiers

I have known for some time that the Ukrainian “education” system took a sharp turn to the worse in the 2000-s, when the school books were written on the grants from Soros and the like, but I was not aware how much worse it became after the USNATO-backed Nazi coup d’etat of 2014, though I should have guessed.

I wrote earlier about children displaced to the West, and often-times disparaging without a trace. But the brainwashing that the Ukrainian children were subjected to over the course of the last 8+ years is equally disturbing.

Below, there are two articles. One is a complete repost (with locally-hosted images) of an article from Sputnik News, seeing as the West is blocking the truth from reaching the people. The second article is a translation of how the ukro-Nazi “Azov” battalion was creating the children-soldiers, ISIS-style.

Zombified Nation: How Young Ukrainians Were TAUGHT to Hate Russians

The psychological warfare front in Ukraine was opened decades ago, but the distortion of history became a key strategy after the 2014 Maidan coup. Western consultants distributed budgets in a diversified manner. Information strategies directed at children became a key focus of their work, regardless of the harm caused to children’s psyche.

‘Invincilble Ants’ by Larisa Nitsoy is a national bestseller – a brightly coloured book with good printwork and printed on quality paper telling the story of an ‘invincible ant’. The book is meant for children ages five and up.

Cover of ‘Invincible Ants’ – a book by children’s writer Larisa Nitsoy. © Photo

The book is about an ant community that lived, worked, and knew no sorrow before getting attacked by a neighbouring insect colony who had beforehand sworn their fraternal affection. The neighbours attacked and destroyed the anthill and ruined their happy life. However, in the end the good ants unite, defeat the invaders, and drive them from their land.

Excerpt from ‘Invisible Ants’ by Larisa Nitsoy. © Photo

“Grandfather, let’s take away the weapons from the ants. Why should children learn about such things? We are a peaceful people. Why should they shoot?”
“When I was young”, the old ant said, “we were attacked by enemies”.
“What enemies grandfather? When was this?”
“Ordinary enemies! Ant lions. They were our neighbours, and always looked upon us with envy, and eventually got up and attacked us.”
– Excerpt From Larisa Nitsoy’s ‘Invisible Ants’

The little ants are taught to shoot, with the main character – a tiny tot ant, always carrying a machine gun with him. Because the ‘enemies’ are always nearby.

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The Russian military was transferred from near Kiev to lift the water blockade of Donbass – TopCor

As the sire TopCor reported yesterday, there is an indication that Russian military is now working against the clock to prevent a humanitarian disaster in Donbass. Translation below:

The Russian military was transferred from near Kiev to lift the water blockade of Donbass

The information that the Russian military are voluntarily withdrawing from Kiev and the northern regions of Ukraine and are being transferred to Eastern Ukraine has caused quite justified bewilderment and indignation among the overwhelming majority of Russians who support the Special military Operation. How so, what for did our paratroopers die in Gostomel and near Irpen? However, it has now become clear that the resolution of the problem for which they were promptly transferred to Donbass does not tolerate any delay.

Military experts give various arguments, trying to explain the reasons why the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation suddenly decided to give up the previously occupied positions to the Ukrainian Armed Forces without a fight. These include both the impossibility of reliable supply of the Russian group hanging on a thin line, where our columns will be subjected to constant attacks by Ukrainian special forces, and the DRG from Zelensky, which is about to go. This is also the inexpediency of storming “head-on” such a giant metropolis as Kiev, which will either have to be demolished under the foundation, or pelted with the corpses of the Russian military. It also includes a perfectly reasonable argument that after the defeat of the offensive group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass, the criminal Zelensky regime will de facto lose the most combat-ready units, which will radically facilitate the implementation of the third stage of liberation of the rest of Ukraine. But this is not what forced the Russian military to break away from the already conquered positions and rush to the eastern front.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation needed to put together a powerful strike fist with a multiple numerical advantage over the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to have time to defeat it in the shortest possible time. This must be done to prevent the genocide of the Russian population of the DPR and LPR. The count-down goes in days, a maximum of a couple of weeks left. And this is not an exaggeration.

Genocide “the Ukrainian way”

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The face of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, not shown in the Western press

This is a follow-up translation of an article telling of what the people of Mariupol faced at the hands of the Azov neo-Nazis – the very same so vehemently supported by the official Germany, Britain, Latvia, and the rest of the “collective West”. But what to expect if NATO was training these monsters! According to the article from the 15th of March “This is what we were taught in NATO.” How the Ukrainian army is fighting: “And during interrogations, the captured servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confess: NATO instructors taught them to hide military equipment in residential areas and hide behind civilians. And this is not surprising — the North Atlantic Alliance is used to fighting in distant countries, ignoring civilian casualties.”

Previous articles and documentaries are:

The article below contains a number of links to the related articles at RIA and video fragments, which can be viewed by following the main link to RIA below.

“A swastika is burned into her chest”: what does Azov leave behind in Mariupol

Soldiers check men for nationalist tattoos – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/28/2022

DNR, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. Used syringes, pills scattered on the floor and a mutilated corpse of a woman — such a picture was seen by the fighters of the People’s Militia of the DPR in the basement of an elementary school in Mariupol, recaptured from the national battalion “Azov”. The other day, the nationalists were pushed back several blocks to the south, artillery duels continue there. What is happening in the courtyards of residential buildings on the firing line and how the “Azovites” behave is in this RIA Novosti report.

“Covered us with his body”

Zelinsky Street is shot through by snipers, so you need to move between houses in short dashes. The “One—eyed” work cleanly, – explains a soldier of the DPR army with the call sign “White2. — Three of our people were removed. Moreover, they aim not only at people in uniform, but also at civilians.”

“White” has been at the front since 2014. He fought at the Saur-Grave, remembers the Debaltsevo cauldron, and many other operations. He commands a platoon in which both experienced soldiers and recruits called up at the end of February are fighting. In Mariupol, the unit held the defence for three days in a surrounded nine-story building until the Russian troops arrived to help.

“This is the key to victory.” The turning point of the Russian special operation

“The battles are hard, the “Azov” rarely surrender,” the fighter continues. — Those who managed to survive are trying to escape. There is no other option. After all, they are fighting not so much for an idea as for money. Very big money. And their captivity, to put it mildly, is not welcome.”

The sidewalk, strewn with broken glass, shell fragments, burnt—out cars and the bodies of the Ukrainian nationalists who there was yet not time to remove – this is how the block looks a few hundred meters from the Azov positions. Mir Street (Peace Street): on the one side are the DPR servicemen, on the other is the enemy.

[Quoted video at RIA Novosti]

There is a mass grave now in Victory Park, where people once walked in the evenings and honoured veterans of the Great Patriotic War. There is a burnt—out tank on the site where the attractions were. Mines periodically fall here and in the surrounding houses. Locals recall how the other day the nationalists killed two dozen people at once with an accurate hit in a high-rise building. There are also losses in the Republican army.

“One of the guys literally sacrificed himself,” says a resident of the neighbouring “panel” block Vika. — When there was a whistle in the air, he grabbed the child in his arms, threw him into the entrance, then pushed me. And a second later he collapsed on the asphalt.”
The fighter died on the spot from shrapnel wounds. The body has not been retrieved still – because of the continuous shelling, it is impossible to approach the house.

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Showing Z to the Nazis is like showing the Cross to the Devil. The resurgence of neo-Nazism in the West

Just like in this image from 2014, the collective neo-Nazism in the West is reacting both to the Victory – St.George – ribbon and to the symbol Z, which has become the symbol manifesting the Russian fight against the Bandera breed of neo-Nazism in Ukraine. Naturally, those backing Nazism in the EU and the “collective West” would react adversely to any attempt to nip neo-Nazism in the bud. I earlier posted a translation of an article The collective West’s support of the Nazis in Ukraine is a familiar practice for them — Alexander Rodgers that exposes this trend. And what do you know, both Germany and Latvia are set to criminalise the anti-Nazi symbolism and commemoration.

Note that all the prohibitions in Latvia do not apply to the marches commemorating Nazi Latvian SS battalions.

The president of Ukraine himself has urged the West to prohibit letter Z (and why stop there, ban “V for Victory”, too)! So in fact, Ukraine is headed by: _Ladimir _Elensky!

In Germany

“Anyone publicly approving the war may be liable to prosecution in Germany”

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The collective West’s support of the Nazis in Ukraine is a familiar practice for them — Alexander Rodgers

I want to present a translation of an article by Alexander Rodgers, published on the 27 of March 2022. The topic of the article echoes closely the blooming support of racism and Nazism in the West, to the point of condoning such dark practices in the Baltics and in Ukraine. The roots of this can bes seen in the not so recent and in the recent history, where the idea of the crusades against Russia (in search of resource and land) always found hold in the Western society. A related documentary in this context is: The Great Unknown War. A must-see documentary about the WWII prelude. By Andrei Medvedev

The collective West’s support of the Nazis in Ukraine is a familiar practice for them

Now is the time to talk about the justification of Hitler and Nazism in general. It has been going on for many years, one might even say decades. And in this very Europe, it began during Hitler himself, in the thirties of the last century.

How did it happen? The formula “Stalin is worse than Hitler” and “the Bolsheviks are worse than the Nazis” was used, telling about the terrible Bolshevik threat, repression, totalitarianism, the terrible GULAG and so on.

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Ukraine used cluster bomb, killing civilians in Donetsk, yet the “civilised” West did not notice. Again.

According to the reports from Donetsk, the warhead of Tochka-U missile was loaded with 50 cassettes of clustered charges. After the interception, fragment of the rocket fell on the city not far away from the target, and one cluster exploded, causing death of the civilians, including women and a child. Shortly before that, a fake invitation was placed on the social media, asking women to gather in the center of the city, reportedly to get information about the state of their men fighting at the front, thus luring victims to the point of attack. If it were not intercepted, the death toll would have been in the order of hundreds of people.

“The Alley of Angels. To the memory of the killed children of Donbass.”

From Sputnik news Moscow Disheartened by US, EU Silence on Deaths of Donetsk Civilians in Ukrainian Missile Attack

20 people were killed and 36 more were injured on Monday after a Ukrainian Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile exploded in the heart of the Donetsk People’s Republic’s capital. The Russian Foreign Ministry characterised the attack as a “crime against humanity” and warned that it would “not go unpunished.”
Moscow is disappointed over Western silence in the wake of the 14 March attack on Donetsk civilians, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov has said.

“We are very, very disappointed that European leaders, my colleague [White House press secretary Jen] Psaki, her boss, US President Joe Biden, the leaders of international organisations, the leadership of NATO, have not said anything yesterday or today about Donetsk, or those civilian residents who died from the missile launched by the Ukrainian military,” Peskov said, speaking at a briefing with reporters on Tuesday.
“I will not give any personal assessment on this matter. I just want to state this and urge everyone to pay attention to this fact,” Peskov added.
A Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missile equipped with cluster munitions was shot down over the centre of the city of Donetsk on Monday, killing 20 civilians and injuring 36 others.
Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov suggested that the shelling of the Donetsk People’s Republic using such illegal cluster munitions was evidence that Ukrainian forces were seeking to kill as many civilians as possible, and said a decision on the Tochka-U’s use would require approval from the Ukrainian military leadership in Kiev.

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The Great Unknown War. A must-see documentary about the WWII prelude. By Andrei Medvedev

UPDATE: Please read the very relevant to this documentary, poignant, and important insights in President Vladimir Putin’s article The Real Lessons of the 75th Anniversary of World War II, published in The National Interest on the 18th of June 2020.

UPDATE 16.03.2022: After YouTube censored the Russian-language channel Rossia24, where the official untranslated video of the documentary was hosted, I am uploading the film with embedded subtitles to Odysee platform. The YT-related portion of the text is moved to the bottom of this article for historic reference.

These days mark 71 year since the start of the Great Patriotic war of the USSR against the invading Nazi horde, and 75 years since this horde was defeated. And it is of utmost importance to understand how this horde came to be, who nurtured it. Andrei Medvedev’s documentary “The Great Unknown War” does just that.

It is assumed in our historiography that the USSR and its allies – the United States, Britain and France – fought with Nazi Germany, which was supported by its allies – Hungary, Romania, Italy, and Japan. And the Soviet Union won this unbearably difficult war.

But it is very important to understand whether our allies were really sincere, on whose side were the so-called neutral countries, and why the war on the Eastern front was so violent with mass destruction of the population.

Without understanding who brought Hitler to power, who financed him, who earned money from the war, we will never realize the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people.

Without a deep understanding of the causes of the war and an analysis of diplomatic agreements, we will not see that the attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 was the result of a serious geopolitical process.

An important question is: who was behind Hitler, who in Europe needed such a Germany and why? Aggressive, militarized, anti-Bolshevik and anti-Russian.

What would Germany be without American loans? Without investment from American companies? Germany could not have fought in the East without receiving for free the top-notch factories of Czechoslovakia, which it gained by the Munich Conspiracy of 1938, when England and France gave up the whole country to Hitler. What for? What were the Western politicians planning?

Why did the allies take so long to open a Second front and what is the Bank for International Settlements? Why did its participants meet every month throughout the Second World War?

How many foreigners fought in the SS, and who defended the Reich Chancellery in May 1945? For whom in Europe were Hitler’s ideas so dear: nationalism, anti-Semitism and living space in the East.

The film “The Great Unknown War” is a story about what the Soviet Union actually faced. And the terrible cost at which we won a war that we were not supposed to win.

As promised a month ago, I have now translated the entire documentary to English. White writing this translation, a lot of background checks were done, and every date and name were verified. Most quotes of the Western politicians are re-translations from Russian, except for a few, where open original sources were available. The links to the sources are added both to the transcript further down the page and the downloadable subtitles (as comments).

The Great Unknown War. A documentary by Andrei Medvedev, 2020 (English subtitiles)

While watching the documentary, I could not shake off the feeling of the stark parallel of how the Nazi Germany was propped up, and how, in much the same way, the Nazi Ukraine is being propped up now. One example: just replace the name of Henri Deterding of the British-Dutch “Shell” with that of Biden Jr. to see the present-day play of interests. Or replace “Bank for International Settlements” (BIS) with the International Monetary Fund. But there are big differences, too. While Germany was heavily invested into, to make it into a battering ram against Russia, Ukraine is being turned into an ideological battering ram, while at the same time being plundered of its last Soviet industrial legacy.

However, the target was always Russia, and WWII was just a fifth act in a war that lasted for several hundred years, dotted by a few armistices. Here is a list of those wars (with some documentaries in Russian):

  1. The Napoleonic Wars of 1812
  2. World War 0 of 1853-1856, mis-nomered as “The Crimean War”, when that was but one of many battles. Just think of one simple fact: if Russia lost the Crimean War, why did Russia retain Crimea?
  3. The war with Japan and the first attempt to conduct a coup d’etat in Russia in 1905
  4. World War I, which was a suicide for Europe, started in 1914, and culminated in the capitalistic coup d’etat in Russia in February of 1917.
  5. World War II and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945…
  6. …immediately followed by the Cold War, which was planned to not be that cold. Even before it started Winston Churchill ordered development of the “Plan Unthinkable”, the goal of which was to strike the USSR in July of 1945. I am not quoting The Guardian often, if ever, but this article from 2002 is worth the read: The Soviet threat was a myth
  7. This “Cold War” lead to another coup d’etat in Russia and a forced instalment of the bloody Yeltsin regime in November of 1993, the Wild 90’s that took the lives of over 30 million Russian and Soviet people over the course of 7 years of oligarchic rule; and the destruction of the Yugoslavia by NATO in the process.

It is all intertwined. But now, let as zoom in on the developments between WWI and WWII.

One other parallel that sprung to mind is how the German Weimar Republic and its achievements were appropriated and privatised by the Anglo-Saxon (or, rather, “Naglo-Saxon” West), while the Republic itself became demonised once West-sponsored Hitler took power. The same happened to the great legacy of the Soviet Union now, after the West-sponsored Yeltsin took power in Russia. For example, IG Farben Industries, which gave to humanity fertilisers, magnetic tape and magnetophones and many other things during the Weimar Republic, but once it got taken over by the Nazi state and developed the murderous gas “Zyklon B”, that’s all that remained, while origins of the prior works were earased and ascribed to the “victors” after WWII. More about it in the article “IG Farben – the main weapon of the XX-th century“.

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Ukraine: Still Smouldering Tinderbox (I) [Re-blog with comments]

Below is a re-blog of Michael Jabara CARLEY’s article Ukraine: Still Smouldering Tinderbox (I) published at the Strategic Culture Foundation site.

But before I present the text, I want to add a few comments of my own, which the reader can keep in mind while reading the article.

The city of Odessa was founded in 1794 by Russian Empress Catherine II and was the first free trade port in Russia.

The city of Nikolaev was founded in 1789 by Russian Count Potjomkin as a ship-building docks. It got its present name in commemoration of the victory by the Russian troops, when Turkish fortress Ochakov was taken in 1788 on the day of St.Nikolaj.

Regarding what the American handler of the Ukrainian puppet government, Proconsul Pyatt was saying, that Russia wants to “create Novorossia”. Russia has no need to create Novorossia. Novorossia is actually an old concept – it was an administrative region within Russia at the time, when the European emigrants were still stealing the land from the Native Americans. For an in-depth look at Novorossia, see my article Two Ukraines.

Ukraine is indeed a smouldering tinderbox. For a look at what is going on, I recommend watching the English-subtittled Donetsk Republic’s Ministry of Defence Briefing: Jan. 29, 2016 Ceasefire Violations by Kiev, published at Lada Ray’s blog.

And finally, I disagree with the author’s conclusion in the last paragraph. Putin is not intimidated, but is rather trying to resolved the conflict and free Ukraine from the American occupation diplomatically and not militarily. There was also no homogeneous resistance in Donbass, but rather several groups with varying interests, which were united by not wishing to cow-tow to the coup government. This cost Donbass the loss of momentum. The situation is all to close to what Russia (an by that I also mean Ukraine) experienced after the coup d’etat of 1917 and the subsequent civil war and Western interventionism…

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One Year Since Journalist Andrei Stenin Was Murdered in Ukraine While Covering the Conflict in Donbass

One year ago, on the 5th of Agust 2014, Russian journalist Andrei Stenin and tens of other civilians were killed. Below is my translation of a Russian article, where a female local witness sheds more light on the circumstances of Stenin’s murder and the chronology of the event is reconstructed. The original article in Russian can be read at site.

A year after the death of photojournalist of the international news agency “Russia Today”, Andrei Stenin, in Donbass, the picture of the tragedy became more complete. Witnesses of the events told RIA Novosti what occurred near the village of Dmitrovka in those days. Back then, as a result of shelling by the Ukrainian security forces, dozens of civilians were killed, most of them still remain unidentified.

A terrible equation with many unknowns

From the set go, there were a lot of mysteries in the case of disappearance of Stenin and his friends from the newssite Andrei Vyachal and Sergei Korenchenkov. The last time they had contact, was on August 5, 2014 from Snezhnoe (translator: mean “Snowy” in Russian. Note that all villages there have Russian names) (80 kilometers east of Donetsk). In the city headquarters of the militia, the journalists said they were going to go south, to the village of Dmitrovka on the Russian-Ukrainian border – there was fighting going og there, the army and the National Guard tried to surround DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) and cut off the Republic from Russia. Journalists could shoot some footage there. However they did not seem to reach Dmitrovka – at least, the head of its headquarters with the call sign “Poet” did not see them.

Stenin’s, Vyachal’s and Korenchenkov’s phones and did not respond. A few days later, the adviser to the Interior Minister, Anton Gerashchenko, said the photojournalist of “Russia Today” was detained by the security forces. The fact that signal from Stenin’s phone was detected in Slavyansk – 160 kilometers north-west of the Snezhnoe gave plausibility to Gerashchenko’s words – after the retreat of militia, Slavyansk was turned into the headquarters of the military operation. On the 8th of August, everyone who phoned him, received and SMS that the subscriber is available again. There was hope that Stenin was alive, even if in captivity.

But then Anton Gerashchenko denied his words, that only increased the confusion and suspicion. Soon, one of Stenin’s friends managed to get through to his number. A strange voice responded, presenting itself as a Ukrainian military. “This phone came to me by chance, through a third party. It’s owner is dead, he’s near Stepanovka. Come, take the body,” – said the stranger.

Stepanovka is located eight kilometers from Dmitrovka and about 20 kilometers from the real place of Stenin’s death. A local would never say that it’s nearby. But for newcomers, such as the military from other regions of Ukraine, it is really very close.

Today’s view of the place where Stenin was killed.

“He’s ‘Beard’ and I’m ‘Beard'”

RIA Novosti correspondent managed to find a volunteer militia fighter, who saw Stenin with colleagues in Dmitrovka on the evening of August the 5th. This is a local resident with the call sign ‘Beard’, who a year ago fought under the command of ‘Poet’. ‘Beard’ testifies: the guys came from Snezhnoe, but didn’t go into Dmitrovka further than DPR’s checkpoint.

Armed forces tried back then to surround Dmitrovka – it is one of the key settlements near the Russian border. Apparently, the journalists were afraid to be surrounded and drove back to Snezhnoe. No one knew that by being surrounded you could still be saved, but the road back would be deadly.

“Serge ‘Greek’ (militia – Ed.) then came out of Snezhnoe, ate. The journalists then came together with them, we saw them.” – ‘Beard’ suggests while browsing portraits of Andrei Stenin on a pad.

“I remember him well. He’s – beard, and I’m beard, militiaman is laughing. – Especially since I saw him before in Kozhevnja (translator: means “tannery” in Russian) (another town on the border, where there also were intense battles – Ed.).

Stenin, Korenchenko and Vyachal did not know that the situation, as so often happens on the front, changed dramatically over a few hours. The road by which they have arrived safely to Dmitrovka, was already under the control of armed forces.

Lilija and Kostja Filjushins were wounded at the same time as Stenin, but survived.

NatsGuard was shelling and refused to help

“Nazigs (local reference to National Guard fighters – Ed.) appeared here in the evening of the fifth (August). Immediately they shelled the wheat field so that it caught fire – a villager from Rassypnoe (translator: means “scattered” in Russian) recalls Stenin’s death. – They went from home to home, told everyone to sit quietly. You can eat burdocks, but remain sitting in the cellars – they said.”

Taking control of the road between Snezhnoe and Dmitrovka, security forces started firing at all the passing cars. They did not inspect, dis not hinder the passage, simply fired at them.

On the 6th of August Vladimir Zolotous and his wife Maria went from Dmitrovka to Snezhnoe to pick up her daughter and grandchildren. Snezhnoe was already de-facto surrounded. Two weeks before the city was struck by an airstrike – 13 people were killed. Then in a nearby town of Shahtersk (translator: means “Miner’s Town” in Russian) street battles began (Stenin filmed them), and on August the 4th Ukrainian security forces opened fire from Snezhnoe using “Smerch” (multiple reactive rocket launcher). Daughter asked Zolotous’ to pick them out of the horrible city and take them to Russia. However, it turned out that the real danger was awaiting not the residents of Snezhnoe, but their would-be rescuers.

“Early in the morning we went to Snezhnoe. My husband did not want to go, as if knowing what would happen to us. He said: let’s not go! It’s not far away from here, so I convinced him – says Maria Zolotous. – Once we came up onto a hill (near Rassypnoe – Ed.), bullets suddenly started punching into the car. The first bullet hit her husband. He turned off the road into a ditch. And only said, “Run!”.

A cross at the spot where Vladimir Zlatous was killed and his wife wounded

And then a miracle happened: the door of the old “Lada”, which is always jammed (Vladimir always open it from the outside, so Mary could sit) opened instantly. Mary, whose legs were hit by bullets, burst outside.

“Guys, do not shoot! We are a peaceful people!” – Shouted Maria to the soldiers. “And she dares saying something,” – they responded and shot at the car from a grenade launcher. Injured woman crawled to the village.

“I saw a car there. Later, when watching news on TV, I realized that that was Stenin’s car. Then, of course, there was no time to look at it. I only remember that the car was already burning. And I did not see whether there were people in it” – said Maria.

“Two soldiers sat in the bushes – she continues her story. – I told them I was wounded, help me!”. “We have no medicines, crawl into the village, there is help,” – said the military. Already crawling away, Mary heard one say to the other: “What is in her bag? Why did you not check and let her go.”

Gotsutsovs family sheltered Mary in Rassypnoe. The woman lived for six days in their basement, so as not to become a victim of shelling – they did wound dressings and pain was relived by simple Analgin. A week later, Zolotous relatives were able to negotiate with the military so that her son in law would come and fetch her. The woman was taken for treatment in Russia.

Like in the movies about the Nazis and partisans

Sudakov family was less fortunate – both spouses were killed in the massacre, common cleaner and a driver of the village administration. It happened the day after the death of Stenin and Zolotous, August the 7th. “Dmitrovka was shelled the day before – recalls their son Denis. – Our whole family was hiding in the basement, but my mother did not make it in time. She was wounded by shrapnel.”

Denis Sudakov at the grave of his parents, who died at the same spot as Stenin

In spite of the continued shelling, Denis’ father, a 50-year-old Vladimir Sudakov, decided to take his wife to the hospital in Snezhnoe. On the way, they were ambushed and killed on the spot. But Dennis learned about it only a few days later. “We have not had any news from them. They did not reach Snezhnoe. I called all the hospitals – even on the Russian side. They were seen nowhere.”- says Sudakov Jr.

In mid-August, when the road was unblocked, Denis found there a burnt-out car of his parents and their remains. “My mother was lying in the back seat just like I put her. Rather everything that was left of her. I collected the remains and buried them,”- he said.

It is difficult to answer what was the tactical meaning of this brutal massacre, which lasted several days. Perhaps the security forces did not want anyone to even travel along this road, and that DPR would remained blockaded. Maybe they were afraid of a surprise attack by the militia. At least six of the militia, including Sergey “Greek”, who arrived with Stenin in Dmitrovka, were also killed at Rassypnoe.

“On the 7th of August, at 04:00 in the morning, we went in a column to Snezhnoe and came under fire near Rassypnoe – says another militia fighter, Vladimir Berezov, who was wounded, but managed to escape. – We were under heavy crossfire, the car tire was shot through, we were thrown into a ditch. We abandoned the car and retreated through the “greens”. I was wounded by a bullet – shattered ankle. We decided that I would stay in the village, while the rest will go for help.”

“Vladimir crawled to us, I hid him,” – says a local resident Galina Bulygin. But soon Nazguards came searching for wounded militia.

“Beryozov hid behind the house, in a cornfield. They searched the house, walked through the area. They asked whether we saw any DPR’ers. I felt like in some movie about Nazis and partisans – says Bulygin. – They found his bunk in the basement and asked who sleeps on it. I told them that it’s my husband’s, that he is sick, and the bed is in the basement, so that not to go down every time the shelling starts.” Nazguards went away.

Personal file of Ljudmila Sudakova, who was killed at the same time as Stenin

Accurate lists of the killed are still unavailable

Stenin’s, Vyachalo’s and Korenchenkov’s car was only found on August the 20th. It was identified by two professional lenses, burned in the trunk. Camera’s body itself was not in the car – we can assume that it had been taken with the mobile phone, which was then “heard” in Slavyansk.

To one side of the car there lay unopened vials of painkillers, which the professional war correspondent Stenin always carried with him, and his expensive Italian red plaid shirt with rolled up sleeves. Again photographer’s friends started to get hope that he is alive. But the results of the examination were ruthless: the charred remains in the car belonged to Stenin, Vyachalo and Korenchenkov.

But here’s another mystery: there were remains of two more people in the car. Who are these people and how did they appear in the car, were they riding along with the journalists or were they thrown in to burn all together – it is still not known.

In total, about 20 cars were shot at near Rassypnoe in those days – some died on the spot, some managed to escape. On the 6th of August, the locals and relatives of the victims gathered at this terrible place, to commemorate all victims of the tragedy. They want to put on this place a memorial with the names of all the victims. But their exact list is still being constructed, says the head of the local village administration Oleg Harichkov.

Some of the remains were buried by the compassionate locals – in mass graves. Some took relatives with them. For example, the remains of Vladimir Zolotous are buried in two places – part of the remains were collected by the relatives of his wife in Dmitrovka, then the rest that could be recovered, was taken away by the relatives to the city of Shahtersk.

This case is still waiting for its investigation. Someday, perhaps, the names of the actual perpetrators of the massacre will be announced.

Shedding light on the real history of Ukraine

The history of Ukraine has been muddied over the recent years, especially with the release of modified school books for Ukrainians and the accentuation of the agenda “Ukraine is not Russia”. The new school books teach that Julius Caesar and Homer are Ukrainians, that Ukrainian is a separate ethnos and other such nonsense.

I urge the reader to study the following articles, coming from two authors, who bring back the historical truth and make the current events in Ukraine to start making sense.

FREE Earth Shift Report 2: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History

Ukraine – The US Vote at the UN is Holocaust Denial – Here’s Why

Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU