The face of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, not shown in the Western press

This is a follow-up translation of an article telling of what the people of Mariupol faced at the hands of the Azov neo-Nazis – the very same so vehemently supported by the official Germany, Britain, Latvia, and the rest of the “collective West”. But what to expect if NATO was training these monsters! According to the article from the 15th of March “This is what we were taught in NATO.” How the Ukrainian army is fighting: “And during interrogations, the captured servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confess: NATO instructors taught them to hide military equipment in residential areas and hide behind civilians. And this is not surprising — the North Atlantic Alliance is used to fighting in distant countries, ignoring civilian casualties.”

Previous articles and documentaries are:

The article below contains a number of links to the related articles at RIA and video fragments, which can be viewed by following the main link to RIA below.

“A swastika is burned into her chest”: what does Azov leave behind in Mariupol

Soldiers check men for nationalist tattoos – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/28/2022

DNR, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. Used syringes, pills scattered on the floor and a mutilated corpse of a woman — such a picture was seen by the fighters of the People’s Militia of the DPR in the basement of an elementary school in Mariupol, recaptured from the national battalion “Azov”. The other day, the nationalists were pushed back several blocks to the south, artillery duels continue there. What is happening in the courtyards of residential buildings on the firing line and how the “Azovites” behave is in this RIA Novosti report.

“Covered us with his body”

Zelinsky Street is shot through by snipers, so you need to move between houses in short dashes. The “One—eyed” work cleanly, – explains a soldier of the DPR army with the call sign “White2. — Three of our people were removed. Moreover, they aim not only at people in uniform, but also at civilians.”

“White” has been at the front since 2014. He fought at the Saur-Grave, remembers the Debaltsevo cauldron, and many other operations. He commands a platoon in which both experienced soldiers and recruits called up at the end of February are fighting. In Mariupol, the unit held the defence for three days in a surrounded nine-story building until the Russian troops arrived to help.

“This is the key to victory.” The turning point of the Russian special operation

“The battles are hard, the “Azov” rarely surrender,” the fighter continues. — Those who managed to survive are trying to escape. There is no other option. After all, they are fighting not so much for an idea as for money. Very big money. And their captivity, to put it mildly, is not welcome.”

The sidewalk, strewn with broken glass, shell fragments, burnt—out cars and the bodies of the Ukrainian nationalists who there was yet not time to remove – this is how the block looks a few hundred meters from the Azov positions. Mir Street (Peace Street): on the one side are the DPR servicemen, on the other is the enemy.

[Quoted video at RIA Novosti]

There is a mass grave now in Victory Park, where people once walked in the evenings and honoured veterans of the Great Patriotic War. There is a burnt—out tank on the site where the attractions were. Mines periodically fall here and in the surrounding houses. Locals recall how the other day the nationalists killed two dozen people at once with an accurate hit in a high-rise building. There are also losses in the Republican army.

“One of the guys literally sacrificed himself,” says a resident of the neighbouring “panel” block Vika. — When there was a whistle in the air, he grabbed the child in his arms, threw him into the entrance, then pushed me. And a second later he collapsed on the asphalt.”
The fighter died on the spot from shrapnel wounds. The body has not been retrieved still – because of the continuous shelling, it is impossible to approach the house.

© RIA Novosti / Viktor Zvantsev
“White” over the body of the deceased comrade

Torture chamber at school

Retreating, the “Azovites” occupied the building of primary school No. 18. They were kicked out. What was seen there shocked even the seasoned military: on the floor in the corner of the basement — the body of a woman with a bag on her head. Her hands were cut off, her face was mutilated, and a swastika was burned into her stomach. Her age cannot be determined.

“Only inhumans could have done this,” the soldiers say with difficulty restraining themselves. — “Let the whole tolerant world now think about who we are fighting against here. Probably, this is not the only victim — here and in other places where the “Azovites” were sitting, girls were raped regularly.”

“The Russians have to get bogged down there.” How the US is fueling the conflict in Ukraine

Pills, used syringes, empty ampoules, clothes with Nazi symbols are scattered nearby. Everywhere on the floors — green metal helmets, military shoes, leftovers. A knife stuck in the broken door of one of the offices.

“Apparently, they left in a hurry,” the DPR fighters notes. — Usually they try not to leave the mutilated bodies of the victims. After all, this is direct proof of their war crimes. But here, apparently, something went wrong.”

© RIA Novosti / Viktor Zvantsev
Grenade F-1

Human Shield

Nationalists settled in the area of the Azovstal metallurgical plant. The plant is essentially a ready—made fortified area with numerous underground passages. It’s not easy to smoke out the enemy from there.

Some “Azovites” are trying to leave the war zone under the guise of refugees, so at checkpoints, the DPR fighters carefully inspect all men, checking for injuries and specific tattoos, bruises from gun-butts and traces of long-term wearing of bulletproof vests.

“This is what we were taught in NATO.” How the Ukrainian army is fighting

“Several people have already been caught pretending to be “civvies”, — says the shooter of the international battalion “Pyatnashka”, entrenched in the western part of the city. — We are sending the detainees to the Donetsk prosecutor’s office.”

The clean-up of Mariupol is in full swing — machine gun bursts crack, mines explode. There are still a lot of civilians in the city — nationalists use civilians as human shields. This greatly hinders the military.

[Quoted video at RIA Novosti]

“The Ilyichevsky district is still under the control of Azov,” says Ilona, a resident of Donetsk, who came to Mariupol to look for her sister. “They don’t let out women, old people, or children. Three relatives were lucky — they escaped under fire. The fate of eight more is unknown.”

Ilona was also stuck in a blockaded city for several days. Starved, lived in someone else’s abandoned apartment, hid in the basement. The other day she returned home safely.

© RIA Novosti / Viktor Antonyuk
Refugees from Mariupol at one of the food distribution points organized by volunteers from Donetsk

“We have already survived the worst”

The residents of a nine-storey building on Shevchenko Street, which was recently cleared of nationalists, are returning from basements to apartments where there is no water, electricity, or heating. It’s below zero outside at night, and to keep warm, they burn bonfires right on the balcony. Here, food is prepared on improvised “BBQs”.

“We have already survived the worst,” says the wife of a former civil aviation pilot Dana Boyko. — Our house was shot by Banderites from an armoured personnel carrier. They plundered apartments, mocked residents, looted shops, and when the troops came, they fled. Is that how defenders behave?”

“Eight years in the basements”: the fate of people affected by the war in Donbass

In April, Dana was supposed to go to her daughter’s wedding in Russia, but for a month she has not been able to tell her that she is alive and well.
The trouble has united all the inhabitants of the “panel” block house — people let each other in, share the last food, water and medicines.

“Our neighbour, an honoured teacher, has not received the medicines she needs for several weeks,” says pensioner Irina Ivanova. — She lives with us now, because she can’t get up herself, and there are no relatives nearby. We don’t know for how much longer she will be able to hold on. Show this and let Europe see what’s going on here.

The humanitarian situation in Mariupol remains extremely difficult. There is no light, communication and heating in the city, the water supply is disrupted. Nationalists from the Azov regiment, on pain of execution, forbid civilians to leave the combat zone. But as the Russian military and the DPR army push the enemy out of the central areas, more and more civilians can get out to safe areas. Food, medicine, and warm clothing distribution points were organized on the outskirts. Everyone willing is is evacuated deeper into the DPR or to Russia.

© RIA Novosti / Viktor Zvantsev
Houses in Mariupol