This short animation by the French studio “Barracuda” says all there is to say about the root cause to the current conflict in Ukraine and other world conflicts in just under 2 minutes. A true case of when a picture – or a shot video – says more, than a 1000 words.
really nice , I love it
In this short video, you displayed the power that an animated video can have to convey a message. Well done
Made under the direction and at the expense of the Russian occupiers
The French were occupiers of Russia in 1812 (if they had their way, what today is known as «Ukraine» would have been called «Napoleonida» – I posted about it a few years back), but they are more aware of who is the occupier now – the US/NATO, who also happen to control and occupy the ancient Rus lands, known for the past 100 or so years as «Ukraine» or «Okraina» – i.e. «Borderlands».
It is not Russia that is running around Ukraine with swasticas, wolfensagels, and other Nazi paraphenalia, heiling Bandera. Ukraine is indeed occupied – by the US/NATO-sponsored Nazi ideology, and Russia is doing again what it did in 1945 – liberating the world (at least the Russian heartland, for now) from the Brown (or should it now be called «Yellow-Blue»?) Plague.