The attack on Russian dry cargo ship “Ursa Major” in the Mediterranean

The attack on the Russian dry cargo ship “Ursa Major” that happened on December 23, 2024, was a targeted torpedo or sea drone attack, and is thus an act of terrorism. Using the British official terminology, it was highly likely an attack carried out by NATO. The ship sank with a hole in its hull, resulting in death of two crew members (they are still reported missing). 14 members of the crew were rescued, but even that did not go without a dramatic turn of event, when the Norwegian bulk carrier did not let the crew members to go onboard. This prompted a harsh respons from the Russian authorities. The Norwegian side has their own simple explanation, and we shall present it further down in this article.

However, the motive for the refusal raises an added question about the origin of the attack on “Ursa Major”, and if the Norwegian ship had something to do with it, taking into account the Norwegian involvement in the terrorist attack against the Nord Stream pipeline, which greatly harmed Germany and the European Union, but lead to extra profits for the Norwegian gas producers.

Below we present translations from several articled from the Russian newspaper “Argumenty i Fakty” and a translation from the Norwegian newspaper “VG”, describing the key points and theories surrounding this act of terrorism.

Ursa Major

The ears of the GUR are sticking out. The cause of the demise of our ship in the Mediterranean Sea has been named

A new version has emerged in the mysterious case of the sinking of the Ursa Major vessel. As the group of companies “Oboronlogistics” (Defence Logistics), which owned the ship, stated in an interview with RIA Novosti, the cause of the tragedy was a terrorist attack.

There were three explosions

“Oboronlogistics” believes that on December 23, 2024, a targeted terrorist attack was carried out on the “Ursa Major” ship owned by the company. According to the testimony of the ship’s crew members, at 13:50 (Moscow time), three consecutive explosions occurred from the starboard side, in the aft part area,” the press service of the ship’s owner said.

Oboronlogistics believes that “Ursa Major” was in good condition, was regularly serviced and set sail without exceeding loading standards. Who could have committed the attack and why? The first to come to mind are the Ukrainian special services SBU and GUR, which benefited from the sinking of the Russian ship for many reasons. By the way, these “specialists” work under the strict guidance of their Western senior colleagues.

Ursa Major is an important target due to its unique status in “Oboronlogistics”. It belongs to the most versatile class of “Ro-Ro/Lo-Lo”, which, translated into ordinary language, means that the vessel can be loaded using cranes, or simply by delivering cargo on special platforms through the bow, side and stern. A kind of “universal fighter”, and in this class, the ship was the largest at “Oboronlogistics”.
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Jens Stoltenberg gets grilled on China – Йенса Столтенберга поджарили на теме Китая

In a not so recent article, we demonstrated how Jens Stoltenberg of NATO wanted to get Norway out of NATO in his younger political days: “Norwegian Break-up With NATO Is Our Goal” – Jens Stoltenberg, 1985

Now, with the sunset of Stoltenberg’s NATO career, we want to present a Putinger’s Cat production, admiring Stoltenberg’s depth of historical knowledge. We might translate the entire interview at some later point.

Yama Wolasmal, an Afghan-born Norwegian news anchor, grills Jens Stoltenbert, the then-NATO secretary general, a former leader of The Workers’ Youth League and, later, of the Norwegian Labour Party, and a proud holder of a 5-year degree in economics earned at the age of 28, after the young son of Thorvald Stoltenberg, former minister of foreign affairs and minister of defence of Norway, came to his senses after participating in the Vietnam war protests in front of the USA embassy in Oslo. The multitalented Jens Stoltenberg was supposed to leave the post in 2022 to become the head of Norges Bank, Norway’s central bank, but, apparently, there was literally nobody better qualified to fill his shoes as NATO’s secretary general. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a more worthy person in the role of the face of NATO.

In this cut from an interview published on September 25, 2024, just days before the famously eloquent Jens Stoltenberg left the position he had held for ten years (2014-2024), the then-NATO secretary general failed to demonstrate basic knowledge absolutely necessary for someone holding the position of the secretary general of the world’s largest military alliance.

Instead, he got schooled by a news anchor.

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“Norwegian Break-up With NATO Is Our Goal” – Jens Stoltenberg, 1985

This material was previously postet under the title “The meandering steadfastness of Jens Stoltenberg” at out Telegram channel, “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”. There, we accompanied this material with a number of recent video-quotes of Jens Stoltenberg to emphasise the duplicity and to set the contrast to his 1985 self.

Some time ago, Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, answered the question of “Is NATO bracing for a full-scale war with Russia?” thus:

It’s important to draw a distinction between official NATO policies and what have increasingly become the independent statements of a NATO secretary general who is divorced from reality.

Incidentally, a version of that question was raised in an article on the pages of this blog on June 24 2014: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?, but we digress.

Let us assume for a moment that Jens Stoltenberg was not “divorced from reality”, but was actually trying to fulfil the political goal of his youth: To free Norway from NATO!

– What better way to achieve that than to destroy NATO from within?

Facsimile of the article in Aftenposten from 23.02.1985, reprinted in

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane with Jens. Below, is the English translation of the 1985 interview in one of Norway’s main newspapers.

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The Srebrenica “genocide” UN resolution – a closer look

On the 24th of May 2024, the UN General Assembly adopted the scandalous resolution on the “genocide in Srebrenica”:

84 countries voted in favour,
19 against,
68 abstained.

On our Telegram channel “Beorn and the Shieldmaiden”, we published a note of protest and translated two responses – one from the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Nebenzia, and one from Serbia:

Nebenzia said that the initiators of the adoption of the resolution on the “genocide in Srebrenica” are pushing Bosnia and Herzegovina to confrontation. The Russian Federation sees the resolution as a threat to peace and security in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region as a whole


In response to the scandalous UN resolution on Srebrenica, Belgrade began displaying a running line on a high-rise building:
“We are not a genocidal people. We remember.The proud Serbia and Republika Srpska.”

This elicited a rather vehement reply in the chat from someone who claims to have lived through the events. The ensuing discussion did not result in any agreement. However, the discussion itself was very valuable and polite. In the discussion, we referenced fragments of one report that we now decided to present in full below.

Genocide is a term that needs the strictest caution when used. The discussion directed attention to several points as to whether the claim of genocide is substantiated. These points get omitted when emotional responses to the tragedy in 1995 stand alone. Here, we want to address and outline those points:

  1. Was what happened in Srebrenica a genocide? No! The very name, limiting the scope of the crime to one place, indicates this. In the discussion, Israel and the genocide of the Palestinians was argued as a parallel with a request that we abstain from using double standards.
    Here, the case in point is: if some IDF officer bombed out one Palestinian village without the consent of the top command, then that would not be a genocide either, but a war crime, a massacre. What makes the killing in Gaza a genocide is precisely the fact that the IDF is acting systematically and methodically, exterminating all Palestinians with political consent of Netanyahu and the top Israeli military command.
    Hence, Srebrenica can be classified as a war crime, a massacre – just like the massacre of the Serbs in the village of Sijekovac by the Croatian army in April of 1992.
  2. In continuation, what the UN ruling on Srebrinica does is to dilute the definition of what “genocide” is, making it less meaningful in those cases when the genocide is really taking place.
  3. The resolution seeks to place guilt on the Serbs alone. This is done as a continuation of the fragmentation of the Serbian society into several enclaves and, where they can not be displaced, sucking the life force out of them as a nation. The same was done to Russia during the “Wild ’90s” when the constant imposition of guilt and the demand to apologise for all the achievements of the USSR was forced upon the Russians, singling out that one nationality.
  4. Who profits? The strong Serbian communists were the backbone of the Yugoslavian anti-fascist partisan forces during WWII, and the Serbian people to this day carry the collective memory of suffering from collaborators and horror.
    The festering ripping off of old wounds and the push for disintegrating internalisation of blame into a feeling of guilt is intended to become for Serbia what the “Versailles Treaty” was to Germany. The two likely outcomes – either Serbia collapses directly and Serbs disappear, or Serbs fight back, causing the war to flare up again with chaos and countless victims, including as many Serbs as possible – are equally beneficial to US-NATO as they both serve the ultimate goal since the start of the breakup of Yugoslavia: To end the existence of a Serbian people.
  5. The long-term goal of the “Srebrenica genocide” resolution is the real systematic genocide of the Serbs – just like the one that happened during WWII – and which won’t be treated as a genocide as the USA would say it’s OK, having pre-emptively labelled the Serbs as “sub-humans” with, among other things, this resolution.

Before going on, a highly-recommended documentary to watch is “The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton.” A Documentary by Alexei Denisov with English subtitles. The interview with Thierry Meyssan at VoltairNet, “Serbia was my textbook about lies”, is also of highest relevance.

Srebrenica, facts without propaganda


While collecting material on the events in Srebrenica, I very often saw references to this article or quotes from it, but this is how I saw the entire article for the first time. I hope the reader will be interested to read it. Moreover, over the past few months, Srebrenica has once again become a very hot topic. This happened after the publication in July 2021 of the report of the Independent International Commission for the Study of Crimes against All Peoples in the Srebrenica region in 1992-1995. The chairman of this Commission, Gideon Greif, who himself survived all the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp in childhood, made a report to the Government of the Republika Srpska on June 11 last year [2021]. The need to create such a Commission is also mentioned in this article.

Of course, the events in Srebrenica were investigated before the work of this Commission, and many research papers were written. I would like to bring one of them to your attention. There are a lot of myths and various judgments around the events in Srebrenica. Let’s try to figure out the most common ones.

SREBRENICA 1995 – 2015


Authors: Stefan Karganovich, Aleksandar Pavich
Consultants: Branko Pavlovic, Chaslav Mancic
Preparation: Miodrag Zharkovich
Editor: Mr. Anya Filimonova
Published by the Strategic Culture Foundation
Belgrade, June 2015


The twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Srebrenica enclave in July 1995 is a very important event. We appeal to those who are primarily interested in the truth, not the politicization of events. The 20th anniversary is an occasion to draw a line. Enough time has passed to collect in one place everything that is reliably known, what can be assumed, what can only be guessed. This is an event whose consequences have shaken the entire former Yugoslavia and influenced global world politics in general. The purpose of this publication is to present both to an expert and a layman in this matter in a concise form everything that has been determined so far on the basis of the verdicts of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), as well as what is still being disputed.

What motivated us to work on this publication?

– The truth is always needed by both victims as well as the accused and convicted, by historians who care about science, and politicians who care about the moral side of the case.

– When we do not know for sure what happened, we can confidently say that it did not happen, and the denial will be presented as the truth. The figures presented in the information space at the international level, on the territory of the former SFRY and for the Serbian public – about the “genocide” and the execution of 7-8 thousand Muslim prisoners of war from the Srebrenica enclave committed by “Serbian forces” do not stand up to any criticism. They simply do not correspond to the established facts;

– Arbitrary figures, virtually unsupported accusations, parliamentary and international “resolutions” and even sentences are used to poison the social, political, interreligious and interethnic atmosphere, sow discord, deepen disagreements and encourage extremism in the territory of the former SFRY. And this is definitely not in the interests of all countries and peoples. Except for those who are interested in constant destabilization, unrest and artificial separation of peoples;

– Srebrenica has been used many times and is still used as a convenient pretext for military aggression against sovereign states or interference in their internal affairs and for provoking internal conflicts (“we must prevent another Srebrenica” is a usual battle cry). That’s why it’s so important to establish the truth about what happened there, no matter how painful or cruel the truth may be for any party in that tragedy;

– After almost 20 years, the ICTY has failed to establish the truth, but only to label an event that has not yet been properly investigated, there is no reliable information about it. Therefore, in order to definitively establish the truth about the events in Srebrenica in July 1995, it is extremely important to create an international independent commission to determine exactly what happened in Srebrenica, so that this event ceases to have a political connotation and the mention of it ceases to be abused. This would finally bring peace to the victims, satisfy the families of the victims – and all normal people sympathize with these families, and it is not disputed anywhere that a crime occurred. The work of such a commission would open up an opportunity for truly facing up the past and for the reconciliation.

This publication is our contribution to the establishment of the truth about Srebrenica in the hope that it may encourage interested international forces, albeit with a huge delay, to take appropriate measures to finally determine its rightful place for this international problem. Without abuse, not to be used as a tool in politics, with no hidden intentions.

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How the US and NATO reuse the 1990s Yugoslavia wars playbook in Ukraine – RT repost

The following is an article published on the 29th of March 2023 on RT, written by Nebojsa Malic, a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. The article becomes even more relevant now that UN has played the faux-“genocide” card with regard to Srebrenica. I am reposting it in full in the blog.

How the US and NATO reuse the 1990s Yugoslavia wars playbook in Ukraine

If certain strategies and tactics seem familiar, that’s because they are over 20 years old

The emotionally charged and often hyperbolic terms used by the US and its allies to describe the conflict in Ukraine gives the notion that it is something unprecedented and unseen since the Second World War. That is quite literally not true.

If anything, the behaviours, tactics and even strategies embraced by the government in Kiev and its Western patrons bear an uncanny similarity to the conflicts that destroyed Yugoslavia in the 1990s. In sharp contrast to all the reminiscing – though nowhere near enough remorse – on the recent anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, even the critics of the Western establishment seem to have forgotten about the Kosovo War, which began on March 24,1999.

After all, Operation Allied Force (NATO’s official name for the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia) is proof that NATO’s claim of being a “defensive alliance” is a lie. So is the notion that changing borders by force is something that is simply not done in the “rules-based world order,” what with the US-led bloc occupying Serbia’s province of Kosovo and endorsing its “independence” in 2008. The West was so law-abiding, it tried to justify the unjustifiable by inventing the doctrine of “responsibility to protect” and setting up an “independent” commission to declare the war “illegal but legitimate.”

No wonder, then, that the “international community” wants this forgotten, to the point where they are trying to pressure Serbia to legitimize it by threatening sanctions, isolation, and “internal turmoil.”

In May 1999, after weeks of failing to bomb Serbia into submission, NATO sought to shore up its unity and credibility by having its pet tribunal in The Hague charge President Slobodan Milosevic with war crimes. Parallels with events of the past weeks write themselves.

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25 years of US-NATO’s terrorist attack on Yugoslavia

Presenting a translation of an article taking a close look at NATO’s terrorist attack on Serbia in 1999, putting it into perspective of the current NATO’s destructions of Ukraine that is being used as a ram against Russia. The quote from the article summarises its whole message:

It was not just a military operation, but a barbaric demonstrative execution, an act of intimidation, let’s face it – a terrorist act without any quotes, because “terror” means “fear”, and “terrorism” is actions committed with the goal of intimidation.

The topic of Yugoslavia has been covered on this blog for some time, with the following articles being of special interest: Democracy of Mass Destruction. A Documentary by Pavel Selin (with English subtitles), “The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton.” A Documentary by Alexei Denisov with English subtitles., and The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Final Acts. Abduction of Milosevic to the Hague. While “The Great Gas Game” – An Excellent Documentary from Vesti touches upon the NATO strikes on the oil and chemical infrastructure of Serbia.

25 years of the terrorist attack on Serbia, which stood in the way of US domination in Europe

by Dmitry Rodionov

A quarter of a century ago, in 1999, a unipolar world was being born in Yugoslavia, the one which will soon end in Ukraine.

NATO airstrikes on Serbia in 1999

This spring is full of anniversaries. we have been remembering the 10th anniversary of the events in the former Ukraine throughout February and March, and somehow undeservedly forgot another landmark date – NATO attacking Serbia on the 24th of March 1999.

During the two and a half months of this aggression, up to 5,700 civilians were killed, including about 400 children. Houses, infrastructure, and facilities critical to the economy were destroyed…

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People against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia – archived documents of solidarity from 25 years ago

25 years ago, on the 24th of March 1999, NATO began bombing Serbia, disintegrating the state of Yugoslavia, and Time magazine authoritatively explained why this was a good thing, under a cover title “Bringing the Serbs to heel. Massive bombing attack opens the door to peace”.

This was a stark example of applying “white gloves to the bloodied hands”, that was so aptly illustrated in a Soviet caricature from 1980 that we showcased yesterday on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”!

Already several months before the aggression against Yugoslavia started, it was clear what the USA was planning.

This article is comprised of four archival materials that have been waiting in my digital archive for the past 25 years.

  1. The warning from October 1998.
  2. “Hey, Joe! – Message to the Troops of NATO”.
  3. April 24th, 1999 – Stop the War, a small rally in Heidelberg.
  4. May 1st, 1999 – reportage from the large anti-war campaign throughout Germany.

The first, is a warning that was written by yours truly on the 12th of October 1998 – five months before US-NATO started its act of terrorism – and posted on several forums and message boards. A warning, not dissimilar to the one appearing in this blog in 2014 with regard to the coup in Ukraine: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?.

NATO bombed Yugoslavia on the 50th anniversary of its existence, raining on the country the radioactive democracy of mass destruction (a link to a must-see documentary on the blog!). Today NATO is depopulating Ukraine on its 75th anniversary.

The Warning

The United States are about to start an aggression against an independent state – Serbia. I say the United States, and not NATO because NATO-countries would do exactly what USA tells them to do.

This mindless aggression can bring us to World War III. The USA have learnt nothing from its earlier experiences – Hiroshima and Vietnam. I wish to remind everybody that several years of bombing in Vietnam didn’t break the will of Vietnamese liberation army. Meddling with internal affairs of a state (especially with a case of civil disagreements) brings nothing but misery and destruction to all the nations involved.

The USA and the world are utterly inconsistent in their moves. When Russia had a case of civil war with Chechen republic, the world community (read USA) did not react in any way – more precisely, they did not send bombers to crush Russia. Why? Because Russia could fight back, because Russia had atomic weapon, after all, because Russian territory is so large. Serbia does not have atomic weapon, Serbia, marauded by rebels, cannot fight back, and Serbia is small. Thus it can be attacked without any great fear for being hit back. That’s cowardice! The following quote only confirms it: “The six B-52s that arrived Sunday at a British air based would be used to launch cruise missiles from outside the range of Serb’s air defences.” (from

So why to launch this assault at all? The answer is: to justify NATO’s existence and to show who is the boss. Since the threat from Soviet Union disappeared NATO was in acute lack of enemies. So the enemies and wars should be created to justify budgets. Iraq was first, Serbia is next.

Why World War III? Russia has newly declared its support to Serbia – diplomatic and military – as to a bother-state. In an utmost case this would mean that any country declaring war on Serbia, declares war on Russia, meaning that Russia can strike back, targeting any European country.

USA behaves now like “the wold’s hooligan”, striking the one who is weaker, but avoiding the one who is equal or stronger. It was not so long ago we saw banners “USA out of Vietnam”. I am afraid that soon we will see banners “NATO (USA) out of Serbia!”

This paragraph is for Americans only in connection with their constant paranoia: No, I am not a communist; I am a person who loves the thing that Americans lost long ago – freedom.

The 12th of October 1998.

Hey Joe! Where ya going with that gun in your hand?

Message to the Troops of NATO

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Crimea That Sailed Away From NATO – Vesti, 23.04.2014

One of the publications from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Crimea reuniting with Russia. Please subscribe!

On the 18th of March 2014, Crimea returned to the home shores, based on the results of the referendum.

The news program that we present was aired a month later, on the 23rd of April 2014, and tells about the unhealthy interest that NATO displayed for Crimea before it managed to escape its clutches.

An American military hospital and a CIA-affiliated school would have been the cherries on top of the Sevastopol Bay naval base.

Backup at Rumble.

This clip also marks 10 years of my acquaintance with Lada Ray, when I first came across her article Breaking! US Planned to Turn #Crimea into Military Base Against Russia on the Futurist Trendcast blog. That article is still worth re-reading, 10 years later, as it contains additional information, not present in the news clip.

One of the readers there pointed to “US government/US Navy solicitation for “Renovation of Sevastopol School #5″, dated September 05, 2013” with a link to the official site. As expected, the tender documents are no longer there, but they were archived by the WebArchive, and are therefore still available to the public, including all the PDF files, the front page of one of which – EUCOM Humanitarian Assistance Program – Renovations to School#05 – Sevastopol, Ukraine OHASIS ID-20420 – you can see here.

Transcript of the program:

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Germany Is Chasing the Cat Back Into the Bag

In this follow-up article to German Cat Is Out of the Bag – representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge we are taking a look at how the Germany handles the embarrassment. The article was first published as a post on our “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” Telegram channel. Please subscribe!

With the much-discussed conversation of the Bundeswehr officials, ( the Germans tried yesterday to chase the cat back into the bag, in much the same way and with as much success as when they pushed the gas back into the US-blown Nord Streams.

Maria Zaharova commented it thus on her Telegram channel:

Bild: “The Bundeswehr insisted on blocking accounts on the social network X, which distributed the recording of a conversation between the German military, who discussed the Taurus missile strike on the Crimean Bridge.”

It’s called “covering your tracks.” Will everything follow the same scenario as the German “investigation” of the terrorist attacks on the Nord Streams?

German citizens must learn from Scholtz about the rights of foreigners in Russia, Belarus, China, but not about their own German rights.


However, the only thing that blocking of X-accounts and the subsequent publication in the “Bild” can achieve, is the Streisand effectan unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing public awareness of the information.

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NATO’s terrorist attack on Russia’s Belgorod. President of Czechia Petr Pavel murders 4-month-old baby Valentina

On the 15th of February 2024, NATO, through their Ukrainian proxies, conducted a terrorist attack on the city of Belgorod. We have covered the attack on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, but the memory of it shall also be preserved on the pages of this blog.

If someone thinks that the title of this article is over the top or is not factual, I would beg to differ! The terrorist attack was carried out by an MLRS complex, delivered by Czechia, in full knowledge that the Ukro-nazis will be using them to fire at civilian targets, just like they’ve been doing for a decade. During that decade, NATO was pumping Ukraine with weapons and hatred, while the OCSE was providing targeting coordinates within Donetsk city.

And now the Czech president – through hired killers – murdered the 4-month-old baby girl in the Russian city of Belgorod.

This caricature from 2014 illustrates the naivety Russians had towards the role of the EU, but not the US. The USA says: “I just acquired an awful bitch almost for free”, and the EU responds: “Just don’t forget to give it the vaccines against the Brown Plague and rabis.” But in fact, both the USA and the EU, needed a rabid, Brown Plague-contaminated biting bitch to sick onto Russia!

Ukro-Nazis strike again at Belgorod

At approximately 12:30, 14 missiles of the Czechoslovak-made, Ukrainian-operated MLRS rocket complex RM-70 Vampire (NATO designation – M1972) were shot down over Belgorod, yet some managed to come through.

Seven citizens, including a 4-month-old baby girl Valentina, were killed as a result of the Ukro-Nazi rocket attack at Belgorod, where a shopping center and the territory of school #42 were hit. 18 people, including 5 children, are wounded. Seven private houses were damaged and five apartment blocks lost windows.

Maria Zaharova writes:

Yet another act of terrorism by the Kiev regime, which resulted in the death of civilians in Belgorod, including one child, as well as many injured, will be submitted by Russia to relevant international organisations, including the UN Security Council.

The Nazi Terror Must Be Stopped!!!

Today’s terrorist attack on Belgorod by the NATO-puppeteered rogue state of Ukraine is one of the latest acts of terrorism – the first shot, though, was fired 10 years ago:

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“Gauleiter” for Ukraine. The West revived the practise of the Nazis under Hitler

On the 12th of February 2024 “Argumenty i Facty” published an article, drawing the reader’s attention to the clear parallel between the Nazi position of the Gauleiter in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine and the proposed “special representative”.

A few days later, on the 15th of February, KM.RU in an article titled simply “Ukraine: The Return of the Gauleiter”, further revealed who may become the candidate for this noose-promising title:

Stoltenberg in Kiev

The whole performance is reminiscent of the fascist practice of Gauleiters in Ukraine. This is not surprising. According to the forecasts of many historians, Europe was doomed to return to its terrible historical past.

The other day, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, said that the West wants to appoint a “viceroy” in Ukraine “in order to strengthen the mechanism of external control of the territory controlled by the Kiev regime.”

According to the SVR, it is planned to appoint Jens Stoltenberg – who currently holds the position of NATO Secretary General – to the post of special envoy for Ukraine. His mandate expires on the 1st of October 2024. “It is assumed that he will have constant access to President Vladimir Zelensky and know about all his plans,” Naryshkin explained. The tasks of the special envoy will include blocking decisions of the Ukrainian leadership that are not coordinated with the United States and Great Britain. Instead, Stoltenberg will propose the “right” steps, from the point of view of the Anglo-Saxons.

And now, the the article from “Argumenty i Facty”:

The “Viceroy” will be coming. The West revived in Ukraine the idea of Nazis under Hitler

Reichskommissar Ukraine, Erich Koch (right) and Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Alfred Rosenberg (center) surveying Kiev Lavra.

The West’s intention to appoint its collective special representative in Ukraine is “an attempt to strengthen the enslavement of the people close to Russia,” said Sergei Naryshkin, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) on February 12. “Such practices were introduced by the leader of the German Nazis, Adolf Hitler, and all his ‘viceroys’ the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Ivannikov told Ukrainians are capable of kicking this “special representative” out of the country along with President Vladimir Zelensky, the expert believes.

The West intends to appoint its “special representative” in Ukraine, who should oversee the Kiev regime. According to Naryshkin, when discussing this forgotten idea, “such conditions were factored in, as an increasingly difficult situation at the front, difficulties with mobilization and hitches in obtaining Western military assistance, when many Ukrainians began to realize the inevitability of Moscow achieving the goals of a special military operation.”

“This yet another crude attempt by the West to strengthen the enslavement of the Ukrainian people, who are close to us, cannot but cause concern. At the same time, there is a high probability that the implementation of the idea with the appointment of a “viceroy” in Ukraine will not lead to the results desired by the United States and Great Britain,” the head of the SVR believes.

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17 Years Since the Munich Speech by President Putin. The message that the West didn’t want to hear.

On the 10th of February 2007, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin of the Russian Federation delivered his famous Munich speech.

During the Cold War, the heads of the defence ministries of the NATO powers gathered in Munich. From 1993 onwards, the event became less militarised and began to invite not only NATO members, but also anyone deemed worthy of attention.

Vladimir Putin’s speech was devoted to the expansion of NATO, the problem in the field of disarmament, the unipolarity of modern world politics, the degradation of the OSCE institution, the vision of Russia’s place and role in the modern world, taking into account current realities and threats. In Western political circles, this has sparked controversy over the resumption of the Cold War.

The speech can be summarised as follows:

The Cold War left us with ideological stereotypes and other patterns of block thinking. The unipolar world is disastrous for everyone, including the sovereign, because it destroys it from the inside. And it has nothing to do with democracy. Russia is constantly being taught democracy by those who do not want to learn it themselves. Unilateral illegitimate actions have not solved a single problem — there are no fewer wars, even more people are dying in conflicts. The United States imposes its system of law on others, both economically and politically. Well, who would like that?

We need a new security architecture that takes into account the interests of all. The Soviet regime transformed peacefully, so why is it necessary to bomb now at every opportunity? Only the UN can use force, it is not necessary to replace it with NATO or the European Union. Why are they deploying missile defense in Europe? NATO expansion has nothing to do with security. Who is the target of this expansion? What happened to the assurances made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?

Among other things, thanks to the choice of the people of Russia, the Berlin Wall fell, and now new walls are being imposed on us. The OSCE was created to ensure the security of all, but in fact it has turned into a vulgar tool to ensure the interests of a group of countries. We would like to have responsible partners in order to build a world, in which security and prosperity would be not for a select few, but for all.

Alternatively, the speech can be listened to with English subtitles:

This is a publication from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”. Please subscribe for the most current materials.

The Cannibalistic Ukraine with full NAFO support

When I first heard the term “NAFO” last year, I did not go looking for what it was, but rather deduced from the context of its usage that it was some kind of derogative term “North Atlantic Organisation” where “F” stood for “fool” at best or one of the other eF’ings at worst, and that its meaning was to describe a person who lacked any capacity for critical thinking. A week ago I learned that NAFO was an actual thing with people parading under this abbreviation. Their actions, however, only reinforced by initial interpretation of what NAFO means.

The other inspiration for the definition of NAFO being…

Anyway, at the NAFO summit in Lithuania, convening before the NATO summit, NAFO revealed themselves in the context of Ukraine, which has had a standing mental NAFO condition. As I do not cover severe mental disorders on these pages, and have no tags for that, a combination of NATO and Ukraine should do the trick to illustrate the total “Borderline condition of the Brain”, also known as “Ukraine of the Brain” (“ukraina/ukraine”, meaning “borderland”).

Maria Zaharova, the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry had several choice scathing remarks to make about NAFO and NATO:

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas found a couple of minutes in her busy schedule, and between two Nazi salutes to the Kiev regime, she recorded a solemn video message in support of anonymous Internet trolls from NAFO – North Atlantic Fella Organization. Kaya sang praises to the “humour, intelligence and enthusiasm” of the fighters against “Russian disinformation” and thanked them “for their service.”

Let’s take a closer look at these intellectual comedians.

The community first made itself known on Twitter in May 2022. The “fellas” loudly proclaimed their goal of supporting Ukraine and “countering Russian propaganda with the help of memes.” However, the whole struggle came, in fact, down to harassment by a pack (a tactic habitual for neo-Nazi rabis-infected “activists”) on Twitter of all insufficiently pro-Ukrainian commentators and, in general, of everyone who doubts the line of Washington and Brussels, and also, as they call it there, “shitposting”. If the comedians come across hard nuts on their path, who do not give in to a tsunami of slops, then the “fellas” bombard the administration of the social network with tons of complaints in order to block the victim’s account.

Anthony Burges, exploring the theme of ultra-violence, wrote the novel “A Clockwork Orange”, which was then made into a film production under the same title by Stanley Kubrick. Watch it – it is precisely about the inner world of such bandits.

The group was marked by truly cannibalistic antics: for example, at yesterday’s “NAFO Summit in Vilnius” (apparently, at the opening act for their senior comrades from NATO, who will gather there for their summit in a couple of days). A plush shark was brought onto the stage amid hooting and idiotic laughter, in order to once again laugh at the recent tragedy with a Russian in Hurghada. the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis did not fail to deign this revolting meeting with his presence, and he, of course, also appreciated the “humour and intelligence” of the NATO protégés. At the same time, progressive Europeans are very proud that “fellas” is a gender-neutral term. In the context of this orgy, the name “cannibals” would be more appropriate.

NAFOs personify exactly what until recently the EU itself seemed to be fighting: hate speech, intolerance, trolling, spam, bullying, and all possible types of xenophobia.

Now, however, the Estonian prime minister is openly expressing gratitude towards this Internet scum, although it seems that until recently the “advanced” Western democracies were hysterical from the mythical “pro-Kremlin trolls”, who were, according to their morbid fantasies, allegedly interfering literally in all processes of state administration abroad.

This is the whole point of the innate hypocrisy of the West, which they now prefer to call for a “rules-based order”. And they modernized the rule “this is a son of a bitch, but this is our son of a bitch”. Now it sounds like this: “we ourselves will become sons of bitches, if only to spite Russia”.”

Moving on to the cannibalistic nature of Ukraine, the epitome of the “Ukraine of the Brain” condition that I talked about above is described in the following AiF article from 09.06.2023. The comments in the parenthesis are my translator notes, clarifying the terms and giving the context.

After the article there is a set of Telegram posts illustrating what the article is talking about.

The Shark and The Cannibals. The death of a Russian in Egypt became a diagnosis for Ukraine

“A steak in vyshivanka (Ukrainian embroidered shirt) was served to the wolves in the Carpathians”, “A chubby fan of Bandera went to the wolves for dinner”, “A lover of lard was devoured by the lovers of hohlyatina (ukros)” — it is impossible to imagine such headlines in the Russian media.

“I want to see more often how a shark devours Russians alive”

Despite everything that has happened in Nezalezhnaya (“independent” Ukraine) in recent years, Russians are not thrilled about the death of Ukrainians. And certainly, if a Westerner (Western-Ukrainian) had fallen into the clutches of hungry wolves, no one would have savoured such a tragedy.

But the “svidoms” (“the conscientious ones” as Ukrainians call themselves), who declare themselves as a part of the “civilized world”, have a completely different idea of what is good and what is bad.

Creepy footage from the Egyptian Hurghada, where a young Russian became a victim of a shark, has become a real hit in Ukraine. A wave of schadenfreude and “bubbly humour” covered both the media and social networks. So much so that it seems that the events at the front in Zaporozhye have receded into the background for the residents of Ukraine.

“I want to see more often how a shark devours Russians alive”, “While taking a subway, I watched a video where a shark eats a Russian, and smiled for the first time in a day” — this is the softest thing that can be found in Ukrainian social media. Believe me, it gets even worse the further one goes.

The legacy of the “ancestors”

As far as we know, the deceased guy had nothing to do with either the SMO or the army structures in general. An ordinary person, far from political passions, who has done nothing wrong to Ukrainians. But here a conditioned reflex got triggered — the death of a Russian is good, savouring a tortured body is great.

As you know, the Banderites of the 1940s, elevated by the current Kiev regime to the rank of heroes, loved not just to kill, but to torment their victims. Babies with broken heads, stabbed with bayonets, women with opened up bellies, men sawed alive into pieces — all these are common practices of the “fighters for freedom of Ukraine”. Such “intimidation tactic” was rapidly turning the humans of yesterday into animals on two legs.

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False Flag Warning: USA is setting up the board for a nuclear flase flag to send NATO troops to Ukraine

Several disjointed reports from the past couple of days form into a picture that indicates that the USA is setting up the stage for a nuclear false flag in Ukraine with the aim to send NATO troops there.

First, a statement by Zelensky who «predicts» a nuclear disaster at Zaporozhie NPP (trabslation below the Telegram post):

Nuclear terror continues — Zelensky joined the “predictors” of an imminent explosion at the NPP

Kiev continues to disperse the hysteria around the Zaporozhye NPP. In his daily address to the people of the country 404, the supreme Ukrainian Zelensky, following the head of the GUR Budanov, said that the evil Russians were going to blow up the nuclear power plant controlled by them — “not again, but again,” yes.

Allegedly, Ukrainian intelligence received information that Russia is preparing to stage a “terrorist act with the release of radiation” at the NPP.

The hysteria around potential man-made disasters in Ukraine is growing day by day, and the NPP is far from the only object in the “risk group”. In parallel with nuclear blackmail, the Kiev regime is stoking panic by conducting exercises in case of a “breakthrough” of the Kiev hydroelectric power station. Considering what happened after a similar “shake—up” with the Kakhovka dam, it can be assumed that in the near future the APU may arrange another man-made disaster – public opinion has already been prepared.

Reports of unusual vibration at the DneproGES do not add calmness either. Judging by the shallow rapids downstream of the Dnieper, the spillway gates at the station are closed again, and water is accumulating. This leads to even greater drainage of the Kakhovsky reservoir at the cost of increased load directly on the dam.

But what could the enemy’s next move be? The most obvious target for a terrorist attack may be the cooling pond of a nuclear power plant. If there is nothing to cool the station with, most likely, it will have to be completely shut down. In addition, we should not exclude provocations on the surviving Ukrainian hydroelectric power plants. Perhaps the enemy will try to simulate an attack by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the dams.

Kiev has already shown that it is capable of open terrorism and is ready to use man-made disasters as a weapon, which means that it is necessary to prepare for any turn of events. Especially after such sudden “revelations”.

Next, the US senator Graham Lindsey – the same who laughingly said to Zelensky that Russians are dying and that’s the best use of American money (and as Ukrainians are just wayward Russians, that genocidal statement included the Ukrainians, too) – introduced the bill to expand the kurisdiction of NATO’s Article 5:

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Ukraine is where NATO(‘s Wunderwaffe) goes to die

The NATO countries have been sending wave after wave of increasingly lethal weapons to Ukraine, each touted by the Ukro-Reich as the next «Wunderwaffe» (the German for «wonder weapon», a term harking from Nazi Germany) that would sweep away the Russian forces.

So far, the only thing these NATO weapons were used for, are terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure and residential areas in Donbass – with over 300 HIMARS rockets being fired at the Kahovskaja HPP dam alone. The military significance of these «Wunderwaffe» has been close to 0, and with each new wave NATO draws itself more and more into a direct confrontation with Russia, and thus its own demise.

The picture belowe illustrates it really well, though it omits a few of the weapons.

Let’s see… the Wunderwaffe so far have been:

  • Bayraktar (Turkey)
  • Javelin (USA)
  • NLAW (Britain)
  • M-777 (USA)
  • CAESAR (France)
  • Starlink (USA)
  • Patriot (USA)
  • Storm Shadow (Britain)
  • Leopard (Germany)
  • Challanger with depleted uranium (UK)

Next up???

  • F-16 (USA)
  • Mirage (France)