25 years of US-NATO’s terrorist attack on Yugoslavia

Presenting a translation of an article taking a close look at NATO’s terrorist attack on Serbia in 1999, putting it into perspective of the current NATO’s destructions of Ukraine that is being used as a ram against Russia. The quote from the article summarises its whole message:

It was not just a military operation, but a barbaric demonstrative execution, an act of intimidation, let’s face it – a terrorist act without any quotes, because “terror” means “fear”, and “terrorism” is actions committed with the goal of intimidation.

The topic of Yugoslavia has been covered on this blog for some time, with the following articles being of special interest: Democracy of Mass Destruction. A Documentary by Pavel Selin (with English subtitles), “The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton.” A Documentary by Alexei Denisov with English subtitles., and The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Final Acts. Abduction of Milosevic to the Hague. While “The Great Gas Game” – An Excellent Documentary from Vesti touches upon the NATO strikes on the oil and chemical infrastructure of Serbia.

25 years of the terrorist attack on Serbia, which stood in the way of US domination in Europe

by Dmitry Rodionov

A quarter of a century ago, in 1999, a unipolar world was being born in Yugoslavia, the one which will soon end in Ukraine.

NATO airstrikes on Serbia in 1999

This spring is full of anniversaries. we have been remembering the 10th anniversary of the events in the former Ukraine throughout February and March, and somehow undeservedly forgot another landmark date – NATO attacking Serbia on the 24th of March 1999.

During the two and a half months of this aggression, up to 5,700 civilians were killed, including about 400 children. Houses, infrastructure, and facilities critical to the economy were destroyed…

Without exaggeration, that was a significant event. This was the first case of illegal use of force in Europe since the Second World War. Similar acts had previously been committed all over the world – in Africa, Asia, Latin America, but in Europe this happened for the first time since the time of Hitler.

It was a marker of the onset of a new unipolar world. Someone believes that Operation Desert Storm in 1991 was such a marker, but this could be attributed to the dwindling of the Cold War era. In addition, that operation was authorized by the UN Security Council.

In 1999, the West no longer bothered to legitimize its actions through the UN. They gave Serbia an ultimatum – to accept the imposed Rambouillet Agreement, in which the Serbs were offered to give up part of their territory, and, having received a natural refusal, committed an act of aggression against a sovereign country.

I repeat: bypassing the UN, bypassing all international norms established after the victory over Nazi Germany, in fact returning the world to the pre-war era, where everything was decided by the right of the strong. At that time, this right was in the hands of NATO, which had lost its main rival, its main deterrent – the USSR and the Eastern Bloc, which meant there was no one to object to it.

The Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs, bombed out by US-NATO

Russia tried to object: Yeltsin, a few hours before the start of the aggression, was outraged and called for “stopping Clinton from taking a tragic step,” while Primakov made his famous “U-turn over the Atlantic.” It was the first attempt in Russia’s recent history to object to the United States, and it was both amazing and impressive, but it couldn’t change anything. The Americans needed to demonstrate to everyone that the unipolar world is a new reality that everyone will have to come to terms with. That is, of course, you can object as much as you want, express concern, but you can’t change anything. From now on, there is only one country on the planet that can dictate conditions and punish for the failure to fulfil them.

The second goal was to punish the Serbs. To punish for the audacity to resist the will of the new world master. For the 8 years of resisting the collapse and destruction of the country, the genocide of their people, trying to save whatever was still intact. For not wanting to give up their identity, betray the memory of their ancestors and become the submissive herd into which the whole of Europe had turned.

It was more a demonstrative political move than a military one. It did not destroy Serbia, she could have still resisted, but it was able to break her morally. Yes, Serbia has been living in a state of war for 8 years, the Serbs are used to losses, they are used to coffins, they are used to defeats. But they continued to resist the destruction of their country, especially when it came to Serbia itself, from which the outside forces wanted to tear off the territory sacred to all Serbs. The territory where there were traces of more than 1,500 Serbian Orthodox churches, monasteries (four of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites), cemeteries, etc. The territory where the history of the country was created, where in 1389 the significant for the Serbs battle of the Kosovo field took place. They were offered to give up this land, threatened to take it away by force if they refused, and the Serbs could not accept it.

Then they began to kill Serbs in their own cities.

Yes, Serbia was used to the war, but all previous years the war was raging outside its borders, but then it came to their home, to the home of every peaceful family who had previously seen the war only on TV, heard about it from friends. The Americans needed the war to come to every home in order to scare the overwhelming passive majority and force them to influence those who were still ready to continue the fight. A year later, a “colour revolution” will happen in Serbia, President Slobodan Milosevic will lose power and after another year he will be extradited to The Hague court for punishment. And seven years later, the Serbs themselves will extradite Radovan Karadzic to The Hague. And three years later, Ratko Mladic. So the Americans undoubtedly achieved their goal by breaking the will of the Serbs to resist.

It was not just a military operation, but a barbaric demonstrative execution, an act of intimidation, let’s face it – a terrorist act without any quotes, because “terror” means “fear”, and “terrorism” is actions committed with the goal of intimidation.

NATO planes purposefully hit peaceful targets in order to intimidate the population of Serbia, demoralize them, and deprive them of their will. Yes, the strikes were mainly carried out on military targets, but also on social ones, on residential buildings, so that everyone would understand: the war is already here, on your street, in your house!

All the targets were personally coordinated by the then US Secretary of State and the main ideologue of this aggression, Madeleine Albright. So if American politicians start making excuses, saying they hit civilians by accident, it’s a lie!

In addition, the barbarians specifically hit chemical industry facilities – a nitrogen plant, an oil refinery and a petrochemical complex in order to provoke environmental disasters. They also used depleted uranium shells, which some experts liken to nuclear weapons. And although this issue is still debatable, the fact is that the use of depleted uranium in Serbia caused a boom in cancer, at some point bringing Serbia to first place in Europe and second place in the world in this indicator.

Today, the collective West is once again using these weapons in Europe, supplying depleted uranium shells to Ukraine. Not the Americans, though, who hypocritically excuse themselves, shifting the “honorable mission” (and at the same time responsibility) onto the shoulders of their British brothers. However, what’s the difference?

By the way, in Ukraine, for the first time in 15 years, they faced resistance, rejection of the decisions they imposed. This explains the manic stubbornness with which they continue their proxy war with Russia. It is not Ukraine that is important to them, it is important for them to punish us for our disobedience. And they are ready to use the entire arsenal of means that had previously been used against Yugoslavia.

However, Russia is not Yugoslavia, you can’t just go and make a barbaric air raid. And the proxy war does not lead to anything: despite the support of the whole of NATO, despite the hundreds of billions spent on supporting Kiev, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to retreat. And now there is a murmur all over Europe: why do we need all this? Why are we giving away the last of our money, forcing our citizens to tighten their belts, ruining entire sectors of the economy? Why should we tolerate Ukrainian migrants who do not want to work, but only increase the crime rate? Why should we give up our last weapons and ammunition, making our countries defenceless in the event of war? Why are we being dragged into a war with Russia that will end in complete annihilation for us?

Yes, today’s Ukraine is somewhat similar to Kosovo – it is a criminal enclave in Europe, a hotbed of terrorism, a haven for traffickers in weapons, organs, and living people. Only it is much bigger than Kosovo and brings much more problems, including for those who have supported it for years, but now do not know how to “jump off” it.

It does not work out to “jump off” because it is a mutual responsibility, because the NATO bloc is tied with blood. Including the blood of the Serbs. The whole European Union is bound, allowing itself to be dragged into this carnage. Only two countries in the EU opposed the attack on Yugoslavia at that time – Austria and Switzerland. Partly because they are not members of NATO. But today Switzerland is already openly supporting Ukraine. Today, the West has finally crossed the red line. But the first step was taken in March 1999.

Maybe they’ve gotten smarter in 25 years? Maybe the failure in Ukraine has changed something in their minds? Of course, it changed the mind of some of them, but the “hawks” still rule there. This means that no one will simply be consulting with those who do not want war, no matter how many there are. Yes, their number is growing, but it is still not enough to move into a qualitative phase.

And Yugoslavia… The former Yugoslavia still remains a sore point in Europe. The very same Bosnia and Herzegovina, which they are rapidly pushing into NATO and the EU, remains a “powder keg” that will certainly explode as soon as the West weakens control over it. There is nothing to say about Kosovo – in recent years, the shadow of a new war loomed so strongly there that even American and European patrons had to persuade their “proxies” to give up. And not everyone has yet understood the dangers of a new war, which is unlikely to be the same “easy walk” as 25 years ago.

“I call on NATO to immediately prepare an intervention against Serbia. Bomb Belgrade right now,” Gunther Felinger, chairman of the NGO European Committee for NATO Enlargement, said last year, commenting on the aggravation of the situation in Kosovo. Fortunately, this is not the leader of the country, not an official, not a politician, but just the head of some kind of NGO. But these people influence, and in some places form public opinion.

Alas, they are incorrigible. You can’t make them think otherwise. Only fear of responsibility for crimes can deter them from aggressive steps. In order for them to never think of trying to realize the “right of the strong” again, they need to finally understand that their time is over. I believe this will happen when Russia can bring its SMO to a victorious end, demonstrating that NATO can be defeated and kicked out of its zone of interests. Then, by the way, there will be real hope for a solution to the problem of Kosovo and other long-standing conflicts that they have set on fire around the world in order to divide and rule.