Ever wondered what is the common denominator between Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Iraq? How democratic values are dropped from the US war planes? Why Agent Orange, white phosphorus and depleted uranium are the tools of democracy?
I have earlier posted a short article about two revealing Russian documentaries. Now, translation of one of them is done. The original untranslated video is published here: Демократия массового поражения. Фильм Павла Селина (no longer available after YouTube started enforcing “free speech and democracy” in 2022).
The formatted subtitle file in ASS format can be downloaded separately. Full text of the script is below the video frame.
UPDATE, June 2023: In 2023 this “democratisation” took a new step with the UK providing the Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions. However, before the whole of Donbass could have been contaminated with them , the stash was destroyed by the Russian aerial strike, with the radioactive plume travelling with the wind towards Poland, Scandinavia, and – in a “return to sender” gesture – to the UK. The dangers of the depleted uranium are described in the article Ukraine’s Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of ‘Environmental Disaster’ by Dr. Chris Busby, physical chemist and scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk.
After YouTube made the translated video private, removing it from public view, I have now re-uploaded it to Odysee.
Note: re-translations of English language interviews will not be word-accurate.
Donbass. Summer of 2014.
The residents of Slavjansk will for a long time remember this blindly white fiery rain in the night sky.
Phosphorous bombs – a terrible weapon.
They literally turn people into ashes, and their use have long been banned.
In Donbass, the Ukrainian army used white phosphorus in violation of all conventions.
But the West did not notice this.
Such lack of care angered liberal politicians and all human rights watchdogs,
but left indifferent the veterans of the US Army, who had fought in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
They had used phosphorus bombs there without any limitations.
And even deaths of their own brothers in arms from the forbidden types of weapons,
didn’t frighten or put them on their guard.
[Doug Rokke. Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Ph.D. in Health Physics]
People from my division: Bill O’Reil, Kiefer, Sitton, Peterson, Blue, etc…
There are many names. All these people served in Iraq. There’re thousands of them.
And all of them are dead.
USA. Rantoul. Illinois.
The participant of several wars that the Americans conducted in various parts of the world,
Major Doug Rokke is convinced that by using new, little studied types of weapons.
the USA is for several decades, knowingly, sparing neither foreign nor its own citizens.
Kosovo. City Zvechan.
The goals of those, who justify usage of WMDs become clear even to the children.
Serbian girl Christina Milutinovich, who was born in 1999,
during the massive bombings of Yugoslavia by the NATO countries,
has long ago guessed that both the Serbian tragedy and her own plight
have in reality nothing to do with advancing of democratic freedoms.
[Christina Milutinovich. resident of town Zvechan (Kosovo)]
I think that they never gave thought to anything, but their interests
and the goal was to destroy the country.
Maximum efficiency in elimination of the enemies, and not building of an abstract democratic idyll.
This is the main task of the US Army.
Many American politicians and political scientists say so directly nowadays.
[Robert Legvold. Professor Emeritus in the Department of Political Science at Columbia University]
No president during the entire history of USA did ever state
that USA brings the world democracy through the means of military intervention.
Once more, Iraq.
[Elena Ponomareva. Doctor of Political Science, Proff. MGIMO]
During the period since WWII, the Americans
attempted to conduct at least 50 political coup d’etats,
participated in organisation of assassination of 50 political leaders,
participated in 30 open military conflicts,
and I think this list is far from complete.
But for whose interests do tens of thousands Americans died and continue dying in the wars?
Is it a coincidence that the new types of WMD became
equally deadly both for the surviving NATO bombing 15 year old Serbian girl, Christina Milutinovich,
and for the carrying munitions American Doug Rokke?
At the very beginning of the XXth century, for WMD was called a machine gun,
invented by an American weapon-maker of British origin, Stephen Maxim
In Russia, this machine gun, a compulsory attribute of the revolution-connected armed carts, got the name Maksim.
Exceptionally rapid-shooting, compared to rifles and revolvers,
the machine gun made cavalry charges pointless.
While for centuries, it was cavalry that was considered the main tactical offensive force
WWI, which came soon after, quickly made many of the military strategies obsolete.
The first gas attack showed that bayonets and bullets
are equally powerless before the new technologies of truly mass extermination of people.
Machine gun “Maxim” took a modest place among the classic types of weapons.
While tens of thousands of victims of the barbaric chemical attacks,
made both military and politicians think hard.
Geneva Convention was signed in 1925,
according to which it was agreed not to use poisonous gasses in warfare.
But not even half a century had passed, when chemists again helped military in shocking the humanity.
[Andrej Kuznecov. Co-director of Russian-Vietnamese tropical centre]
Hair glued together, deer died. Feathers glued together, birds died.
In mid-60’s of the last century, the most powerful herbicides, combined with inflammable napalm,
turned into a kind of time-bomb both for the Vietnamese and the warring against them American soldiers.
These American soldiers, posing in front of the camera, do not suspect what awaits them upon their return home.
The very air of that war in Vietnam turned out to be literally poisonous.
There are veterans of various wars buried here.
From WWII here, as we move over – from Korean war
All is mixed here – Vietnam, Korea, Iraq…
Here is a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars.
Veteran Doug Rokke is convinced:
A weapon of mass destruction need not be a nuclear explosion of unimaginable power.
At the end of WWII, US bombers dropped nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Over 240.000 people died.
Tens of thousands of civilians died of leukaemia already after the war.
The “mushroom” of a nuclear explosion has forever etched into the common consciousness
the ideal image of a weapon of mass destruction.
However, the employees of the secret laboratories knew:
even the terrible reality of the nuclear explosions is deceitful.
[Leuren Moret. Geologist, PhD]
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just an arena for the demonstration of the weapons of total destruction.
In reality, there are many ways to kill people by the tens of thousands.
The officially acknowledged types of WMDs are
the munitions with nuclear, biological or chemical charge.
While poisonous gasses became outlawed after WWI,
then the terrors of WWII forced imposition of strict restrictions on creation, storage
and usage of nuclear and biological weapons.
USSR, while having a nuclear bomb, never made use of this type of WMD,
and demanded that others follow the agreed upon rules when conducting military operations.
But the common human norms do not always agree with the plans of the USA and its NATO allies.
In the beginning of the 50s, American warplanes dropped on North Korea
bombs, containing Plague and Cholera.
According to different sources, several thousand people died back then from the artificially induced epidemics.
The 15-year old Serbian girl Christina Milutinovich has, of course, also heard that WMDs
is, first and foremost, a nuclear bomb.
But Christina knows from her own experience,
that tens of thousands people can be killed not only by an off-the-scale radiation or blast.
It lasted for a long time. It was very hard.
I felt pain in the back, had frequent vomiting, and I was very scared. Awful.
American Doug Rokke also had surprisingly similar symptoms.
He didn’t fight in Yugoslavia, but in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Both places, missiles with the so-called depleted Uranium were used.
If this is not a WMD, then why Christine, Doug and thousands of people across the world became invalids.
Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Somali, Kuwait, all the places where US Army performed
military interventions after 1999, the military personnel there knew about the dangers, connected with usage of munitions with depleted Uranium.
It is to this day used by armies of many countries: Israel, Canada, Great Britain, Australia.
USSR also worked in this direction, but as far as I know, they never made use of it.
Stop the murder in Ukraine.
In this archive footage of summer 2014, American veterans of Vietnam war
demand of the US government not to inflame the war in Ukraine.
And remember the disaster that they themselves lived through in Indo-China half a century ago.
[John Hirsch. Vietnam War veteran]
It was a genocide of the Vietnamese people.
The so-called “Army” charged into villages with unarmed people,
and killed as many people as they wanted.
In 1968, the officer of the US Military Intelligence John Hirsch thought that in Vietnam
his country was liberating the world from the Communist plague.
Now John is convinced that he simply took part in mass murders.
I understood that I do something wrong.
War is a terrible thing.
However, all the propaganda of that time showed us only enemies.
In reality it was a war against common folk.
Half a century ago, phosphorus and cluster bombs turned this land into hell.
And still, on the second decade of the XXI century, it is equally mortally dangerous.
Vietnamese minesweepers are still disarming thousands of such charges.
This work is not not paused even for a single day.
And there is no end in sight.
The long ago forbidden cluster and ball bombs are only the tip of the iceberg.
The most terrible heritage of the Vietnam war is that these weapons act as a time bomb,
literally permeating the blood of thousand of people.
Elements of these weapons are carried on at a genetic level.
But unlike radiation or combat viruses, they are invisible.
Yet still, equally lethal.
[Chin Hak Shau. Director of the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre]
During the war, from 1960 until 1970,
to destroy the green foliage of the jungle, Americans spread a terrible chemical from above: “Agent Orange”.
“Agent Orange” is a chemical from a group of herbicides.
It got its name from the brightly orange barrels this chemical was transported in.
It contains acids and dioxins, which under extreme heating exude substances,
causing cancer and genetic mutations.
It was used by the US Army in Vietnam to destroy the jungle, where the local resistance was hiding.
During the 10 years, about 170,000,000 (170 million!) litres of “Agent Orange” was spread above Indo-China.
Here is what happened. Here are the planes, spreading the chemicals.
Here is the tropical forest in its initial state, and here it is after these chemicals settle.
[Andrej Kuznetsov. Co-director of the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre]
Then napalm comes into play.
A certain number of barrels is dropped and all this is ignited.
The Americans applied the “Scorched Earth” tactics in the direct sense,
and turned precious tropical forests into a desert land.
Without the jungles, which covered well the Vietnamese military bases,
the partisans were suffering terrible losses.
Multi-kilometre-long tunnels helped them to survive and to continue fighting with the occupants.
These were dug largely by hand.
This system of branched-out, well-hidden catacombs and traps allowed the partisans
to carry out surprise attacks on the American soldiers.
[Hjuin Van Tia. Vietnamese partisan]
Look: here is a trap, constructed in such a way, what when a man stepped on its edge,
he fell in, while the trap reset, as if it was always like this.
Biologist Andrej Kuznecov has been working at the Tropical Centre in Hanoi for already 20 years.
And he continues to be surprised by how lethal for both humans and animals,
are the consequences of usage of the chemicals, which were used in the 60s of the last century.
There are completely frightening life collisions,
when freaks are born in the families.
It is customary to have many children in Vietnam.
So, one child with defects is born.
He get ok treatment. But they must get a second child, in the hopes of a normal one.
And the second one gets defects.
What to do?
These are not helpers at a farm, these are… I will not say these words…
But it’s an anguish and a tragedy.
The most terrible thing is that a mother, who has this chemical in her fat mass,
transfers it to her child with her milk,
she transfers it at birth through placenta. This is the most awful thing!
The consequences of use of chemical and nuclear weapons make themselves known after several generations.
Therefore, both the poisonous herbicides, which the Americans used in Vietnam,
and nuclear bombs, which they dropped on the Japanese cities,
can equally be attributed to the category of Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Hoan was born 20 years after the war.
The girl lack both feet.
[Chan Thi Hoan. Pulpil of the boarding school “The Village of Friendship”]
When I was little, I could not understand why am I like this.
Later I learned that my plight is a possible consequence of use of Agent Orange
While still as school, Hoan started to exchange letters with American anti-war activists.
They helped her to come to the USA.
Hoan spoke before the US Congress.
She tried, speaking on behalf of the Vietnamese invalids, to get any sort of compensation from the American government,
or the companies that produced the chemical Agent Orange.
But all was for naught.
I am mostly worried that my child may be born with defects.
I, just like every girl, dream of a family happiness.
But I am most of all worried for my future child.
Hoan grew up and remained to work at a boarding school, which is called “The Village of Friendship”
Here, the children, who were abandoned by their parents, are cared for.
These children have terrible genetic deviations.
They all come from places, where the Americans copiously spread their deadly Agent Orange.
[Nguen Thi Fyong Tan. Lead doctor of the boarding school “The Village of Friendship”]
Our laboratory has many frightening exhibits.
This one, for example, was born with two heads, one body and with the regular set of hands and feet.
He clearly could not survive and died after birth.
The mother was 21, and he was born in 2006.
It is already the third generation of those, who were subjected to the effects of dioxins.
All by itself, the chemical of Agent Orange is not that dangerous.
Moreover, it was in use in agriculture on the territory of USA.
The decision to make use of Agent Orange in Vietnam was made by President Kennedy,
before the large-scale American intervention into that country took place.
November 1961. John Kennedy.
USA will participate in a selective and carefully controlled joint program of
defoliant operations in Vietnam.
The so-called “selective” dissemination of the chemical Agent Orange
was largely a consequence of the Americans’ decision to not use selective nuclear strikes in Vietnam,
of the type of those that were delivered to Japan towards the end of WWII.
In the 70’s, some absolutely top secret documents of Pentagon were leaked into American press.
From those the world learned that President Nixon seriously considered nuclear bombings of Hanoi.
We are in possession of a unique recording of a conversation between Nixon and the then Secretary of State Kissinger.
Nixon: I still think that we must blow up the dams. How many will drown?
Kissinger: 200.000 people.
Nixon: Oh, no, no, no. I’d rather use a nuclear bomb. Have you prepared it?
Kissinger: I think it’s excessive.
Nixon: Nuclear bomb? Does it bother you? For God’s sake, Henry, I only want to think broader!
[Leonid Ivashov. President of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems]
It wasn’t the public opinion that stopped the use of nuclear weapons,
but the fact that USSR was involved,
and that we could use tactical nuclear weapons against them… well… through the Vietnamese,…
or on behalf of the Vietnamese – this is what contained them.
[Elena Ponomareva. Doctor of Political Science, Proff. MGIMO]
The USA were naturally fully aware that USSR, the main ally of
the opposing side, had nuclear weapons,
as well as that China got its nuclear weapons in 1964.
But it seems they think like this in the USA:
“If we are members of the Treaty, banning use of nuclear weapons,
why then not use other means of mass destruction of the opponent?”
“And not ourselves, but through the allies.”
This approach was used in 1982 during the war between Israel and Lebanon,
when during the siege of Beirut the Israeli forces used phosphorus bombs in large quantities
According to the official sources, more than 3000 people died back then from this terrible weapon.
Later, in 1999, during the so-called “peacekeeping operation to save ethnic Albanians”,
the civilian and industrial sites of Serbia were bombed out using munitions with depleted Uranium.
This resulted in double contamination of the bombed territories.
[Marijana Anzhelkovich-Lukich. Demolitions expert]
They bombed chemical sites, chemical factories, and by this created such an ecological situation,
that the consequences are akin to that of chemical warfare.
Officially, it’s as if there was no use of the weapons of mass destructions,
but the effect of such bombings turned out to be stronger than from a powerful gas attack.
And all over Serbia, after NATO’s bombings of 1999,
not only those who survived are doomed to suffer,
but also those who at the time bombings took place, were not yet born.
You know, the most frightening was when they told me at the hospital that I will lose all my hair.
Serbian girl Christina Milutinovich is suffering from a war, of which she was no part.
In exactly the same wasas the Vietnamese youth Dieng.
He’s never seen his parents.
Having genetic disorders, Dieng was left at this boarding school for abandoned children.
[Nguen Dyk Dieng. Pupil at the boarding school “The Village of Friendship”]
My right hand cannot grip, so I do everything with my left.
I help to feed the little ones, write, eat, work on PC.
I dream of becoming an architect.
The staff of the boarding school placed a photo of Dieng’s hand on a placard,
urging to help children with genetic deviations.
No one could’ve imagined that this photo would have an effect
of an exploding bomb in the family on an American woman Heather Bowser.
[Heather Bowser. Anti-war activist]
I had just seen his hand on the placard… I could not even imagine that he,
just like me is missing fingers on his hands, that he too is missing his right leg.
In other words, he has almost exactly the same defects as I do.
Canfield, USA
Heather Bowser, who’s been disabled since childhood,
recognised to her horror herself in that Vietnamese boy.
45 years ago their parents were on the opposing sides of the front at that Vietnam War.
And now it turned out that Agent Orange equalised the descendants of of soldiers of both armies.
On the very first day there my father had to extinguish a fire at the chemical storage.
They didn’t even have special gear.
Agent Orange was spread everywhere. It was poured into the ground.
It settled on their tents, uniforms, everywhere.
Agent Orange, just like the partisans’ trap in the jungle, flipped by 180 degrees,
and started killing the Americans themselves.
In the meantime, the American strategists are sure:
It’s exactly these facts of the common suffering that prove that
USA did not and does not use WMDs.
It’s simply the unpredictability of use of the conventional weapons.
[Robert Legvold. Professor Emeritus in the Department of Political Science at Columbia University]
This might be called a chain of events.
From outside, the foreign policy of the USA looks as if the US Armed Forces
are taking part in practically every conflict on Earth.
But it’s difficult to accept this appearance as a coherent strategy.
Because, if you start thinking about it, it appears the the American policy leads only to the negative results
and such devastating consequences. How can this be called a strategy?
It’s as if coming from a Russian saying – the forest is chopped so that splinters fly everywhere (i.e.: over-eagerness).
And thus, even deaths of their own citizens, is not a morale hindrance to the USA.
A totally different system of values is in use over the ocean.
[Leonid Ivashov. President of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems]
Even if I do something wrong, but I became richer than you, say, an honest teacher or professor,
if you are poorer than me, then the God is on my side.
Then I am in the right.
USA, New Jersey
[Bill McClung. Vietnam War veteran]
What this represents and symbolises, is the people, who returned from Vietnam,
ill and disabled because of Agent Orange.
Many soldiers after the return got cancer, leukaemia and other illnesses.
Bill McClung was a field surgeon during the Vietnam war.
He amputated limbs, extracted splinters, mended many terrible wounds.
But neither the everyday horrors of that war, nor his medical education could help him
back then to recognise the tragedy, that spread throughout decades.
Diabetes, Parkinsson’s disease, heart diseases and,
of course, the most frequent – post-traumatic disorder.
You took part in terrible events, saw how people died, how they were shot at,
and upon returning home you don’t forget that.
This was one of my early legs.
See, it’s banged up and scratched as I was a boisterous child.
Heather’s father returned from that war as a 20-year old invalid.
His heart was worn out as in an elderly person.
He and his wife spent all their spare time fighting for the rights of the veterans,
who suffered from Agent Orange.
There were no cell phones, no Internet back then, so my parents wrote and received letters,
met with people. That way they located more and more veterans,
and at one point they understood that this happens not only to them, but to everyone.
Some became ill themselves, others got sick children.
They started demanding attention to the problem, but the government ignored their pleas.
“Vietnam veterans, you always complain about something.”
The lawn in front of Heather’s house is covered with dandelions,
the neighbours are not pleased, but she never uses herbicides.
My husband and I waited for 5 years after marriage before getting kids.
Contemplating if we are prepared to risk it, knowing that our kids may get genetic deviations.
Thankfully my kids are almost completely healthy.
The eldest son only has Asthma, while the youngest – unbending joints.
Heather’s father died when he was barely 50.
Today, his daughter carries on his cause, and despite her disability,
she became one of the best known activists in a community
that fights for the rights of those, who suffered from Agent Orange.
[Merle Ratner. Co-Coordinator of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign]
The American soldiers started to die at 30, 40, maximum at 50.
People addressed the government asking for help, as well as suing the chemical companies.
They asked for monetary compensation for treatment of 17-18 different illnesses,
which were provoked by Agent Orange.
[Jeanne Mirer. President of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers]
But in the court we were told:
“So the weapon, from which your defendants suffered was created to destroy vegetation.
And according to the international law, herbicides
cannot be viewed as weapons against humans”
After a series of lost court cases, the Americans, who suffered from Agent Orange understood:
both the chemical companies (producers), and the military high brass (procureres)
knew about the consequence of the use of those chemicals beforehand.
US government ordered Agent Orange for its use in huge quantities,
so the chemical companies, perusing quick and significant revenue,
pre-infused Agent Orange with large amount of the deadly dioxin.
[Elena Ponomareva. Doctor of Political Science, Proff. MGIMO]
And they cannot acknowledge it for the external consumption
as their image of a good cop would collapse.
A good cop, who, according to them, defends some kind of goodness, some mythical goodness.
Because if goodness has such a face, what can be said about the evil.
Americans themselves categorically do not agree with the image of a global policeman.
If you’d ask most Americans politicians, even President Obama himself,
if USA if the world policeman, they’d reply, “No, why would you think that?
For us it is important that other countries themselves take responsibility for their own state structure and order.
And that they’d act as a community policeman if there is a threat to peace. All together.”
The pragmatic American politicians fully believe that they use military power,
including the WMDs only in the utmost case, when their country is threatened.
I think if you look at the history of the American foreign policy of the last decades,
you’ll notice that it is founded on the national interests, national priorities and national security.
All that became more important, than the democratic values.
Year is 1999.
The Americans bombed to smithereens tens of industrial factories,
a ministry, power plants, bridges, hospitals, TV centre,
and even the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, a country far from their (American) borders.
For what?
Yugoslavia didn’t intend and could not attack the USA.
Moreover, the Southern-Slavic Federation did not possess WMDs.
When 10 million Serbs considered Slobodan Milosevich as their national hero,
[Note: Slobodan means “given/giving freedom”.]
the then President of USA Bill Clinton compared him to Hitler, calling him a new Hitler,
and the portraits of Slobodan were published in the Western MSM tabloids
exclusively with a subscript “the face of evil”.
Bill Clinton at a Washington press conference, June 1999:
“By voting for Milosevich, Yugoslavs must realise that they approve of what he ordered to do in Kosovo,
[Note: Kosovo is a historic Serbian heartland of many centuries.]
approve of all those tens of thousands of murders.”
So for which such sins against the world order and for what did Americans bomb Yugoslavia?
The witness of the war, and the veteran of Russian diplomacy on the Balkans, Oleg Dzyza
has his own view on the real motives of the American politicians.
[Oleg Dzyza. Diplomat, Director of the Balkan Centre]
Once years have passed, and much of what was hidden came into light…
And they [Americans] themselves relaxed somewhat and started talking openly about it…
So, yes, the primary objective of that operation was conquering of the territory of Kosovo,
where they later built a military base – one of the largest bases in Europe.
Trampled that country back for 100 or 200 years.
And the most significant that they really broke the back of the [Serbian] people.
The Serbian girl, Christina Milutinovic, lived through the American bombings while in her mother’s womb.
Even after 15 years, neither she nor her family can comprehend the logic of those terrible air strikes.
[Zoran Milutinovich. Christina’s father]
I, as someone who believes in God, simply cannot wrap my mind
around that someone can exterminate people like that.
Kosovo. Town Zvechan.
This is a little Serbian township in the very centre of Kosovo.
Heavy battles took place here in 1999.
Nowadays, the Milutinoviches are frequent church-goers –
they can only hope for a miracle, as Christina has leukaemia.
I can assert that our family has no history of such illness.
We don’t have a generic predispodency.
I suspect that there is a connection between my daughter’s illness and the bombings.
Local paediatricians also connect the growing number of cancer cases with the bombings.
[Zoran Savich. Head physician of the paediatric department of the Severnaja Kosovska-Mitrovca city hospital]
I surmise that this is connected with the usage of the depleted uranium munitions on the territory of our country.
We conducted statistical analysis.
There are 18 times more cases of cancer among children, compared to the pre-war time.
Depleted Uranium 238 is used in the core of the armour-piercing missiles and bullets.
It is 3 times heavier than steel, increasing the killing force by several magnitudes.
Even a small calibre missile pierces tank armour.
At the moment of explosion the uranium bar turns into radioactive dust.
NATO forces actively used depleted uranium missiles during the 1991 Desert Storm operation in Iraq,
and in Yugoslavia in 1999.
[Note: from what can be heard of the English original track, the Russian translation here is inaccurate, containing omissions.]
This is an aluminium model of the depleted uranium missile core.
It’s a very radioactive thing.
How does it work?
When such missile hits its target, it doesn’t simply explode, it ignites everything around.
All materials: plastic, fabric, asphalt, steel. Everything burns.
In Iraq and Afghanistan Dough Rokke was responsible for the munitions for tanks and artillery.
He handled the depleted uranium munitions every day.
This is what happens when you carry such missiles.
The bones become soft and the hands oozes, deforming the appendages.
All surfaces there were covered with radioactive dust.
Whether you wash a car or carry equipment, wherever you are, you are already doomed.
A field surgeon, upon seeing my hand, just said:
“Oh well, we all know what happened to your hand.”
He told me that it will become worse with time.
And it turned out like that.
The American Major now has a whole plethora of incurable diseases.
I have almost no single healthy organ left.
I have problems with eyesight, coordination, muscles, bones, urine system, nerve system.
Big problem with teeth.
Many started losing teeth while still stationed in Iraq.
So the field surgeons invented some quasi-diagnosis so as to explain away why soldiers are losing teeth.
Some calcium deficiency syndrome. Laughable. Calcium deficiency. Here, look.
In reality it is the depleted uranium that is killing me now.
Twice a year, at a small town of Rantoul, IL, the American war veterans gather.
With every gathering there are fewer and fewer of Major Rokke’s brothers-in-arms that come.
Almost all of those with whom I fought in Iraq during Desert Storm are either dead or very ill.
They died one after another.
Don Blue, Toerty, Kieffer, Peterson, Zuri, O’Reil, Jim Longey, Johnson.
The American government does not consider the number of casualties among those,
who inhaled the depleted uranium dust, as high.
And in general they do not acknowledge that the munition with depleted uranium cores were actively used.
[Daniel Ellsberg. anti-war activist]
There s an amazing quotation from the speech of Donald Ramsfeld, the US Defence minister.
He twice held the post, including during the war in Iraq.
He said: “Sometimes the president makes wrong decisions,
but the people must obey him. He is just another human.”
It’s a very shrewd lesson.
Any contact of the depleted uranium with water, soil or air leads to a chain reaction.
Everything gets poisoned, and that is specified in the US Ministry of Defence reports.
Serbia. A veterinary station “Bujanovac”.
This two-headed calf was born on the border of Serbia and Kosovo
in the area of intensive 1999 bombings with depleted uranium missiles.
Tailless goats, pigs without internal organs, eyeless and legless lambs.
Such animals don’t surprise anybody here nowadays.
[Aleksandr Stefanovich. Veterinarian]
Before you could have one such animal freak in the cause of several years.
While now we see such cases very frequently, sometimes once a month.
People are also heavily ill.
There’s long been a shortage of space at the cancer clinics of town Kosovska-Mitrovica.
[Radim Jankovich. Head doctor at the surgery department of the cancer clinic of town Severnaja Kosovska-Mitrovica]
We’ve noticed that after the bombings the number of patients grew by a lot.
Lunge diseases dominate.
Their number, compared to the pre-bombings time by 3, even 5-6 times.
There was increase in the number of cases of colon cancer and cervical cancer.
The huge sum of €150.000, necessary to operate young Christina Milutinovich,
were collected by the whole country’s effort during a charity TV marathon.
The girl, who so wanted to become a ballet dancer, had to abandon her dream.
Christina became famous in another way:
the whole of Serbia was following as she was fighting the terrible disease.
It was frightening, but the doctors said, that despite being a serious illness,
it can be cured and that I, of course, can be well again.
Over a year has passed after the operation, but just like before, Christina almost never smiles.
They say that time heals.
But obviously this saying is not about Serbia, which was bombed with missiles with uranium core.
I think that they need to repent, to apologise before everyone they harmed,
particularly before the children, such as I.
Russian diplomat Oleg Dziza postulates that
the American government was never impressed even by the most vivid testimonials of human suffering.
Despite all that they explicitly stated during contact meetings,
without a doubt in their eyes, they were convinced
that they were bringing not only democracy, but also freedom.
The practice shows: such concepts as “national interests” and
“democracy and freedom” are not the same thing for the Americans.
In 1999, during the bombings of Yugoslavia, lieutenant-general Leonid Ivashov
on many occasions conducted negotiations with the American military.
During those “not for the press” dialogues, it seems he understood the logic of the American military,
here exemplified by talks with one of the American generals.
[Leonid Ivashov. President of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems]
You show him, demonstrate the facts, build a logical chain.
Then I ask, “John, do you agree with what I showed, proved you here?”
We showed maps of Yugoslavia, presented photo evidence…
They look at that carefully.
I ask, “Do you agree?” He says, “No”.
I’d ask, “Why?”
And the reply is, “Because this is not in the American national interests.”
[Note: From another source, it came forth that American military insisted that Russian field medics stop assisting Serbian women in giving birth – something that would have increased Serbian infant and mother mortality and contributed to depopulation / genocide of Serbian population in Serbian Kosovo.]
[Robert Legvold. Professor Emeritus in the Department of Political Science at Columbia University]
There is a tendency for self-justification in the American foreign policy.
The politicians think that their policy brings good.
And in that situation we see manifestation of dual standards.
When we see a government in some country behaving unlawfully,
we ourselves start acting outside the law.
And that is the root of the problem.
So that’s not a mistake.
USA sees itself as a good policeman in all these events.
Another problem is that once USA got caught in this logical trap, they are not trying to extricate from it.
[Elena Ponomareva. Doctor of Political Science, Proff. MGIMO]
Because I think that the political establishment of the Western countries
consists of thinking people, they of course fully realise
that the policy of dual standards brings suffering upon innocent people.
The policy of dual standards, be it intentionally or unconsciously,
is dominant with the Americans both in real battles and when counting casualties.
[Radomir Kovachevich. Director of Centre for Radiological Defence of Serbia]
I can say that all our reports about illnesses, about changes at the genetic level, were all ignored.
NATO and the Western countries also collected data.
And their reports, laced with lies, are acknowledged, while our remain unknown.
All kinds of weapons of mass destruction are quickly perfected.
Military experts think that soon, to achieve their goals,
USA will not require aircraft carriers, fighters and rockets.
[Leonid Ivashov. President of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems]
We were tracking that the Americans are actively developing not powerful nuclear charges,
but rather miniature nuclear charges with the possibility of deep penetration even into rocky surface.
When we asked why are you developing this? What for?
They explained that “there are such dictators, like Saddam Hussein,
they hide deep under ground, in the rocks,
so we develop such munitions to smoke them out and annihilate.”
Our version about it is completely different, and it got a practical confirmation at one time,
that they use these miniature charges to cause earthquakes,
tsunamis and other natural disasters.
One cannot preclude that Agent Orange in Vietnam was also a first step, a test
on the way to creation of a climatic weapon.
After all, in the area of the intensive spreading of the chemical, the nature changed to an unrecognisable degree,
something which directly lead to a change in climatic conditions in those regions.
[Andrei Kuznecov. Co-director of Russian-Vietnamese tropical centre]
Something that we call “panzer” forms on the surface.
Ferrolite panzer or ferrolite cover.
It is very dense.
It’s impossible to break through it with a spade, and it’s completely infertile.
Nothing can be planted there. Those territories are lost.
The residents of the territories of the former Yugoslavia, which suffered the American bombings,
met the same problems, which point towards change in natural and climatic conditions.
[Marijana Anzhelkovich-Lukich. demolitions expert]
You know, it was the spring of 1999,
the time when birds procreate, fruits and vegetables start growing in the gardens.
However, that year there were absolutely no flowers on the trees.
Strange rain was falling down at that time.
Even hail ice took very long time to melt.
We suspected that they were using chemicals for weather improvement,
to improve visibility for their air raids.
In short, while the Americans demand of others to fight by the rules,
they themselves denounced those rules,
and brought upon the opponent destruction comparable to the long-prohibited chemical or nuclear attacks.
I think it is very frightening.
And that they didn’t at all think about the consequences of their actions,
what those actions could lead to.
Young Christina Milutinovich hopes that her heavy illness will recede.
But will USA step away from the idea of “humanitarian bombings”?
Will the American-created myth about admissibility of democratisation through occupation become dispelled?
Will the New Worlds politicians, exceedingly rational people, understand
that by defending the national interests by all means possible,
in the view other their own people they more and more frequently become seen as the opponents
and not as defenders of freedoms?
You have a minority of politicians, who resemble John McCain.
They no longer have influence.
By their constant call to use force, they lose the trust of the common people.
The spring of dual standards has become compressed to its maximum.
And God forbid if some leader of the USA would announce for the whole world to hear:
“we are allowed to do what others aren’t.”
Then the last illusion about America, a free land of free people, will collapse in an instant.
The diplomats and politicians of the USA are more and more frequently forced
to literally save the foundation of their ideology
of the American freedoms for the whole world,
and to justify their aggressive actions, invent more and more new so-called “special cases”.
[ Fragments from Obama’s speech at UN, 24.09.2013. Full text at http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/ barackobama/barackobamaunitednations68.htm ]
Some may disagree, but I believe America is exceptional.
…In part because we have shown a willingness …
to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interests, but for the interests of all.
…the danger for the world is not an America…
…America must remain engaged … [filling] … a vacuum of leadership that no other nation is ready to fill.
A new National Security Strategy was adopted in USA in May 2010.
The document is exceptionally clear:
USA is an epitome of universal values that must be advanced throughout the world.
And to that end, the American state, reserves for itself the right
of conducting one-sided military operations,
and striking an enemy in any corner of the world.
Simply speaking, according to this National Security Strategy,
the Americans have permitted themselves to strike anyone they deem a threat to democracy,
without first consulting with the world community,
and to use WMDs where they please.
And currently there are no clear signals from across the ocean,
that this concept will be revised.
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