13.06.2022 – The most brutal shelling of Donetsk city over the past 8 years. Now with French munitions

On the 13th of June 2022 the Ukro-Nazi forces conducted the most brutal, savage bombardment of Donetsk city that it has seen over the past 8 years of shelling. The bombardment can be comparable to what the residents of Leningrad had to endure from the German Nazis during the blockade of WWII. Some of the cluster munitions that fell on the residential areas of the city were delivered by France, which has now become an accessory to the war crime.

5 people have died, 35 were wounded. Among the targets of the ukro-Nazis was a maternity ward.

As Ukrainian Policy Matters Telegranm channel reported: “The French media published a story about how the artillerymen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine protect Ukraine. The next day, Ukrainian artillery shelled residential areas of the city of Donetsk, which caused fires throughout the city and many civilians were killed. Unfortunately, French TV channels ignored this story.”

“Donetsk, Shakhterskaya Square, now. 86 BM-21 Grad missiles, 14 BM-27 Hurricane missiles, more than 30 155-mm shells were fired at Donetsk IN THE LAST HOUR ALONE:”

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Terrorist strikes by Ukraine using American 155mm M-777 artillery or cluster “Smerch” warheads at residential areas in Donetsk and Lugansk

Not much room for humour today… The Ukrainian army did another deliberate terrorist strike with the American-supplied 155mm M-777 howitzers (per early reports) at the civilian areas in Donetsk and Makeevka, targeting school, kindergarten, residential areas. 5 people are dead, and 12 wounded, as per the latest reports. One of the killed is a child, born in 2009

This constitutes a war crime on the Ukrainian part, with USA being an accessory to murder. Later reports talk about rocket artillery “Smerch” with cluster warheads (war crime when used against civilian targets!).

UPDATE 31.05.2022: The dastardly Ukrainian terrorist attack on THREE SCHOOLS yesterday was premeditated by Ukraine – 30th of May is traditionally the end of school year, a time when both kids, their parents and teachers gather at schools to celebrate. This year such celebrations of the school-year-end were prudently cancelled. If not, the death toll among the children would have been hundred-fold!

UPDATE! Ukraine is on a murderous spree. A new artillery attack, this time striking a playground in Stahanov town in Lugansk, left two pregnant women dead, 15 people, including 4 children wounded!

The moment of the artillery strike was captured on video when an interview was conducted at a house nearby:

UPDATE 31.05.2022: 2 killed including 5-YEAR-OLD GIRL by Ukrainian army strike in Makeevka, Donetsk People’s Republic.

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NEWSFLASH: Ukro-Nazis from “Azov” battalion surrender unconditionally from Azovstal

The Ukro-NATO handled Ukro-Nazis from the “Azov” battalion who’s been sitting blocked in the basements of Azovstal plant for weeks, surrendered unconditionally yesterday. First about 300 wounded were taken to the medical facilities in LNR. Next, the remainder of the neo-Nazis started to surrender and are being transferred to the processing facilities in the town Elenovka. Some of them will be sent to Russia to stand trial there, some will face trials in DNR and LNR (which, unlike Russia, do not have a moratorium on death penalty in place).

Incidentally, Ukraine shelled today the prison facilities in Elenovka, firing 10 artillery shells. It looks like Kiev wants to see those “Azovites” dead and not talking.

Special reportages right from the edge of Azovstal by Graham Phillips:

and Patrick Lancaster:

UPDATE 18.05.2022 from RusVesna (Russian Spring):

The militants of “Azov” and the AFU continue to surrender en masse at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

Over the past day, 694 militants voluntarily laid down their weapons and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

In total, since May 16, according to the Ministry of Defence, 959 militants have surrendered at Azovstal, including 80 wounded. 51 of them were placed in the Novoazovsk hospital of the Donetsk People’s Republic for further treatment.

The agency also publishes fresh footage of the exit of Ukrainian militants from the territory of the metal plant in Mariupol.

Russia and LNR prevented a large chemical terrorist act by Ukro-NATO yesterday. Today saw a “smaller” chemical provocation by Kiev. People are disappearing in Odessa

Ukraine commits atrocities against the civilians on a daily basis, and in such quantity that it is almost impossible to keep up with all of them. It feels like the favourite sport of the Ukrainian army is to shoot at the civilian targets – not unlike the thinking of Grand Moff Tarkin when he chose the selection of the target for his shock and awe operation with the Death Star in the Star Wars franchise. One of the latest attacks was against the Russian territory, in Belgorod oblast, where one teenager was killed and 7 other people were wounded after the Ukrainian force shelled a village of no military significance there.

But al that pails in comparison to what Kiev and its USNATO backers are try to pull off – a large scale chemical terrorist act. Yesterday, as the chemical factory “Zarja” (meaning “Dawn”) near town Rubezhnoe (meaning “Frontier”) was liberated from the Ukrainian forces, Russian Electronic Warfare Forces managed to block a remote detonation of a huge number of explosives rigged around various containers and cisterns with acids and other deadly chemicals:

Thousands of tons of ammonia: how, during the retreat of the UAF, the Zarya chemical plant was mined in Rubezhnoye
Anna Nazaykina
May 16, 2022

The People’s Militia of the LPR told how the Armed Forces of Ukraine during their retreat mined the territory of the chemical plant for the production of explosives “Zarya” in the city of Rubezhnoye.

“We discovered that the enemy mined the warehouse with 49 tons of TNT and ammonium, which Ukrainian officers, on the instructions of Polish and American instructors, were going to undermine remotely when leaving positions at the plant,” the PM of the Luhansk People’s Republic said in a statement published on the Teleram channel.

As stated by the People’s Militia, the purpose of mining was detonation, and subsequently spraying in the air of 40 thousand tons of ammonia, nitric and sulfuric acids, benzene and other dangerous substances that were on the territory of the plant.

“In advance, in order to ensure the guaranteed explosion of tanks with toxic chemicals, Ukrainian militants carried out lining of railway trains with bags of ammonium and made additional mining of containers with the most dangerous reagents,” the People’s Militia added.

Thus, more than 300 thousand residents of the city could have ended up in the infected zone, and all forms of life would have guaranteed been destroyed in the radius of 20 kilometres from the epicentre of the explosion, they stressed in the People’s Militia. At the moment, the territory of the chemical enterprise is being examined and evidence of the criminal intent is being recorded.

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Another Western Truthspeaker – French Adrien Bocquet in a video interview

I am continuing to mention the Western thruthspeakers who cannot stand idle in the face of lies pushed by the Western main stream propaganda machine. Earlier I wrote about British, Canadian, German journalists. In this post I present a re-translation from Russian of a fragment of the interview with French Adrien Bocquet. I do not speak French myself, but leave the links to the original interviews for my readers who know that language.

“J’ai vu des crimes abominables commis par Azov.” De retour d’Ukraine, Adrien Bocquet raconte

Adrien Bocquet, ancien fusilier de l’armée française, témoigne après 3 semaines passées en Ukraine

Bercoff dans tous ses états

The Russian translation appeared on Cont on the 11th of May 2022.

“I take full responsibility for what I say. Being in Ukraine, I witnessed war crimes. All of them were committed by the Ukrainian army. But in France we don’t talk about it!”
— Adrien Bocquet

Here, a demobilized French soldier, the author of the book “Get Up and Go thanks to Science,” went to Ukraine on a humanitarian mission spening three weeks there. Upon his return, he made a difficult decision that could cost him his life or, at least, create a lot of problems: he decided to inform the French public about the crimes he witnessed in Ukraine.

Here are quotes from his interview:

When I returned to France from Ukraine, I was shocked: TV channels invite people as experts who have not been to Ukraine and do not know anything about what is happening there now. However, they dare to talk about these events. There is a gap between what I hear from the TV screen and what I saw with my own eyes.

Azov fighters are everywhere. With neo-Nazi stripes. It shocks me that Europe supplies weapons to neo-Nazis. SS symbols are embroidered everywhere on their uniforms. Not only do they not hide their views. They advertise them. I worked with these people and treated them. They openly say that they are ready to destroy blacks and Jews.

Being there, I couldn’t do anything. Just watch and shoot videos. I have these clips and will use them as evidence of Ukraine’s crimes.

I witnessed how the Ukrainian military shot through the knees of captured Russian soldiers and shot at the head of servicemen with a rank higher than an officer.

I have personally seen American cameramen carrying out fake filming from a scene, staging dramatizations.

All the destroyed civilian buildings presented by Ukraine as bombing of the civilians are nothing but the result of inaccurate shooting of Ukrainians at military facilities.

The UAF hides ammunition in residential buildings at night, without even informing residents. This is called using people as a shield.

Bucha is a dramatization. The bodies of the victims were moved from other places and deliberately placed in such a way as to produce a shocking shooting.

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Latest on the US bioweapons in Ukraine – suspected use in LNR

The latest developments remind of the early history of the USA and the first recorded use of the bioweapons to genocide the native population of the America – when the Anglo-Saxon invaders distributed blankets infected with smallpox among the locals. Below is the translation from the summary of the Russian MoD briefing of the 11th of May 2022, republished on Cont:

Briefing of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on specific experiments of the Pentagon with biological weapons in Ukraine.
In particular:

1. Counterfeit money spread in the LPR were infected with drug-resistant tuberculosis
Banknotes were distributed among minors in the village of Stepovoye. The organizers of this crime took into account the peculiarities of the behaviour of children who have a habit of “pulling everything into their mouths” and taking food with unwashed hands. According to the conclusion of the Lugansk Republican Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, the bills were infected, most likely, artificially.

2. Details of the Pentagon’s experiments in a mental hospital in the Kharkiv region
The main category of experimental subjects was a group of male patients aged 40-60 years with a high stage of physical exhaustion. In order to conceal their affiliation with the United States, experts conducting biological research arrived through the territories of third countries. Here is a photo of a native of Florida, Linda Oporto, who directly participated in these works.

3. Mariupol under Ukrainian control was used as a regional centre for the collection and certification of the causative agent of cholera.
The selected strains were sent to the Public Health Center in Kiev, which is responsible for the further shipment of the biomaterials to the United States. This activity has been carried out since 2014, which is confirmed by the acts of transmission of strains.

Independent Western journalists uncover Ukrainian fakes in an upwind battle. Eva K. Barlett’s reports.

I have previously mentioned such independent Western journalists on-the-ground in Eastern Ukraine/DPR/LNR as Graham Phillips and Patrick Lancaster. I have newly become aware of one more such hands-on reporter there – Eva K. Barlett.

Reporting from Ukraine or telling the truth from Ukraine is a difficult, upwind batle resulting in de-platforming, de-financing of the journalists and threats to personal life and health of the journalists who dare to report from within Ukraine, especially if they are on the territory controlled by the Kiev ukro-Nazi regime. This was experienced first-hand by Gonzalo Lira, who was whisked away and made to keep silence, or else… I wrote about it in Gonzalo Lira may have been murdered by the ukro-Nazis in Khrakov. Where Is Gonzalo Lira? — UPDATE: appears alive after an SBU detention

A news outlet, Consortium News became de-financed by PayPal, with its accound holding potentially robbed. Their guilt – not towing the Party line.

Spanish news outlet Rebelión has a lot on Ukraine with one article standing out: Ucrania, fábrica de fake news – an important read for the Spanish-language world on the background of the conflict, which MSM are mute about.

Back to Eva K. Barlett’s reporting.

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WARNING: USA is likely to stage a nuclear or bio-chemical false flag to blame on Russia

The evil witch who oversaw the Nazi coup in Ukraine in 2014 has again made herself heard. Victoria Nuland came today with the following statement:

US warns Russia of ‘astronomical’ nuclear price

In an interview for the Ukrainian outlet European Pravda, Nuland was asked to assess the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons. She responded that she could not rule out such a “catastrophic scenario” as Putin “has already ordered” what, she alleged, were “brutal war crimes,” and the world must be prepared for the worst. At the same time, Nuland stressed, the consequences of such steps would be catastrophic for Russia and for Putin personally.

She refused to provide any details about the potential response from the West, saying instead that use of nuclear weapons would take the situation to a “fundamentally new level” where the price will be “simply astronomical.”

Unlike the US, neither Russia, nor its predecessor, the Soviet Union, have ever used atomic armaments against another state. Moscow’s military doctrine states that they can only be used when the very existence of the country is threatened, or if another power opts for a first strike.

The US is likely frustrated by Russian accurate, surgical strikes against the military targets in Ukraine, aimed at keeping the civilian and infrastructural damage to the absolute minimum. Having failed with their false flag in Bucha and Kramatorsk, the USA is likely to raise the stakes and go either chemical or nuclear. In Syria the USA staged – through the White Helmets terrorists – a now-proven chemical false flag against the Syrian government forces when they were on the winning path. So can USA create a nuclear false flag in Ukraine now, when Russia is winning against the ukro-Nazi regime. Net it be remembered that USA have already used nukes against the civilians targets in Japan and that they used the depleted uranium nuclear munitions against the Yugoslavian and Iraqi targets – civilian and military alike. Serbia has 4 times as high cancer mortality rate now as prior to the America use of nuclear weapons there!

Zelenski actually threatened Russia with a dirty nuke prior to the start of the Special Military Operation – a threat, which was one of the several triggers, which forced Russia to react. And it’s not the first time that Zelenski was speaking that what was on the mind of his overseas handlers.

Russian military and diplomatic offices have already issued warnings of a high probability of a false flag with the use of either biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Here are fragments of two articles from SputnikNews, one of the many sources censored in the West for speaking the truth.

A link to the briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defence and the accompanying infographics detailing the previous American false flags can be found at the following Voenkorr post on Cont.

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Zelensky’s Bloody ‘Library’ – NTV Documentary, 03.04.2022 (English subtitles)

On the 3rd of April 2022 NTV aired a special documentary in the series “New Russian Sensations”. The title of the documentary is “Zelensky’s Bloody ‘Library'” and tells about the atrocities committed by the neo-Nazi “Azov” militants and SBU in the secret prison called “The Library” under the Mariupol airport. The majority of the documentary is dedicated to the witness accounts of the former inmates and to the testimony of an under-cover former SBU officer. A number of the testimonials of the locals residents of Mariupol and the flashback to the events of the 9th of May 2014 are also included.

After watching the documentary, I decided to record and translate it to English. This was a hard process, given the emotionally draining content. Still I took every care to make the translation as accurate as possible. The subtitles of the documentary film can be downloaded separately, and the complete transcript is presented below the video frame of the film, hosted on Odysee and Rumble, and can be viewed in either of the embedded players below.

On the 15th of April the censored SputnikNews had a short note about “The Library” as part of Donbass. Genocide. 2014-2022 — articles from SputnikNews:

Torture of Donbass Civilians in Secret Mariupol Prison

The republics of Donetsk and Lugansk (DPR, LPR) announced their independence from Ukraine following a coup in Kiev in February 2014. In response, Ukraine launched a military operation against the fledgling states, which escalated into a genocidal war against the Donbass population.

A secret prison, dubbed ‘The Library’, in which Ukrainian forces and nationalists like the Dnipro Battalion tortured Donbass militia fighters and civilians, used to operate at the Mariupol airport in 2014-2015. The prison had a special torture room in a separate building, where people suspected of sympathising with the separatist republics were subject to inhumane treatment.

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Gonzalo Lira may have been murdered by the Ukro-Nazis in Harkov. Where Is Gonzalo Lira? — UPDATE: appears alive after an SBU detention

“Only the guilty fear judgement,” Gonzo had written in his Twitter bio. “Only liars need stifle the truth.”

UPDATE 4: Gonzalo Lira was detained by SBU, but has was released with prohibition to leave Kharkov.

Fate of missing American Zelensky critic revealed

Gonzalo Lira said he had been taken by the Ukrainian Security Service last Friday

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, who went missing in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov a week ago, has appeared online on Friday, revealing that he had been held by the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU).

“I’m in Kharkov. I’m OK. I just want to say that I’m back online.” Lira said in short video chat with journalist Alex Christoforou on The Duran’s YouTube channel.

“I was picked up by the SBU on Friday, April 15,” the blogger revealed.

Speaking about his condition, the 54-year-old said that he was “fine physically,” but “a little rattled” and “a little bit discombobulated.” Lira made it clear that he was forbidden from revealing any details about what had happened to him in detention.

“I’m still in Kharkov and for the time being I cannot leave. The authorities here told me that I cannot leave the city,” he said, adding that his computer and phone were taken away and that he didn’t have access to his accounts on social media.

“There seems to have been like a lot of interest in my case, which is wonderful. Thank you. But there are a lot of other people, who are frankly more deserving of the attention,” the blogger said. Lira was referring to his tweet from March 26, in which he listed the names of Ukrainian opposition figures, who are thought to have died or disappeared since the outbreak of the conflict, adding then that “if you haven’t heard from me in 12 hours or more, put my name on this list.”

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A status report from Mariupol, which the West will not tell about

I am presenting below a translation of an article from RIA Novosti (Russian Information Agency). The site, like almost al Russian site, both English-language and Russian-language alike, is blocked in the West, but is accessible through VPN. Alternatively, a repost the article in Russian can be read on Cont. This is not something that is reported in the Western MSM for the sole reason that the Western reporters are studiously looking the other way, like they were looking at Charly Hebdo in 2014 while Donbass was starting to bleed at the hands of the Kiev junta.

“Even foreigners are being captured”: what is happening in the port of Mariupol

Mariupol, the 13th of April, Victor Zvantsev.

The DPR troops blocked the port of Mariupol, where the surviving units of the Azov battalion took refuge. The enemy continues to snarl, but weaker and weaker — ammunition is running out. The nationalist leaders are trying to escape by air, and their subordinates are breaking through on the ground. This RIA Novosti report is about how the seaport was stormed and what its employees tell us.

Chopper with ammunition

Destroyed docks, a burnt—out cargo ship, wrecked loaders, mine shanks stuck in the asphalt – this is how part of the Mariupol port looks like, which came under the control of the republican forces the day before. Behind a long concrete pier, just a couple of hundred meters away, there are Ukrainian positions.

The pier serves as a shelter for gunners, spotters and tankers. After driving out from behind a concrete block, the T-72 turns the tower around, fires three shots and hides again. In response, mines fly, but they fall several tens of meters from the target.

“Although we are already in full control of the situation, the enemy is still strong,” says the shooter of a Separate brigade of the operational purpose of the DNR “Shram” (at his request, the call sign was changed). — A couple of hours ago, for example, our tank was hit. The crew was killed, and the vehicle burned down. We can’t wait for the Nazis to run out of ammunition.”

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Ukrainian children – zombified, brainwashed and trained by “Azov” terrorists to become children-soldiers

I have known for some time that the Ukrainian “education” system took a sharp turn to the worse in the 2000-s, when the school books were written on the grants from Soros and the like, but I was not aware how much worse it became after the USNATO-backed Nazi coup d’etat of 2014, though I should have guessed.

I wrote earlier about children displaced to the West, and often-times disparaging without a trace. But the brainwashing that the Ukrainian children were subjected to over the course of the last 8+ years is equally disturbing.

Below, there are two articles. One is a complete repost (with locally-hosted images) of an article from Sputnik News, seeing as the West is blocking the truth from reaching the people. The second article is a translation of how the ukro-Nazi “Azov” battalion was creating the children-soldiers, ISIS-style.

Zombified Nation: How Young Ukrainians Were TAUGHT to Hate Russians

The psychological warfare front in Ukraine was opened decades ago, but the distortion of history became a key strategy after the 2014 Maidan coup. Western consultants distributed budgets in a diversified manner. Information strategies directed at children became a key focus of their work, regardless of the harm caused to children’s psyche.

‘Invincilble Ants’ by Larisa Nitsoy is a national bestseller – a brightly coloured book with good printwork and printed on quality paper telling the story of an ‘invincible ant’. The book is meant for children ages five and up.

Cover of ‘Invincible Ants’ – a book by children’s writer Larisa Nitsoy. © Photo

The book is about an ant community that lived, worked, and knew no sorrow before getting attacked by a neighbouring insect colony who had beforehand sworn their fraternal affection. The neighbours attacked and destroyed the anthill and ruined their happy life. However, in the end the good ants unite, defeat the invaders, and drive them from their land.

Excerpt from ‘Invisible Ants’ by Larisa Nitsoy. © Photo

“Grandfather, let’s take away the weapons from the ants. Why should children learn about such things? We are a peaceful people. Why should they shoot?”
“When I was young”, the old ant said, “we were attacked by enemies”.
“What enemies grandfather? When was this?”
“Ordinary enemies! Ant lions. They were our neighbours, and always looked upon us with envy, and eventually got up and attacked us.”
– Excerpt From Larisa Nitsoy’s ‘Invisible Ants’

The little ants are taught to shoot, with the main character – a tiny tot ant, always carrying a machine gun with him. Because the ‘enemies’ are always nearby.

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Urgent: A potential staging of a provocation by Kiev in the city of Seredina-Buda in the Sumy region – MoD

Reposting a warning article from Sputnik News in it entirety as the news outlet is blocked in the West and most people would not be able to read the referenced article.

Russian MoD: Kiev Prepares New Provocations to Accuse Russia of Violence Against Ukrainian Civilians

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov earlier slammed the provocations in Ukraine’s Bucha and Kramatorsk as outrageous, saying they were staged by Ukraine specifically for western media.
Kiev is preparing new provocations with a goal to accuse Russia of violence against Ukrainian civilians in the Sumy region, according to the head of Russia’s National Defense Management Centre, Mikhail Mizintsev.

He said that the “staged provocations” in the north-eastern region of Ukraine are being prepared by the Kiev regime under guidance of British special services.

“Representatives of Ukrainian and western media have been invited to the city of Seredina-Buda in the Sumy region, which was previously under the control of Russian troops, to film the staged stories,” Mizintsev said during a briefing. “At the same time, to conceal the provocation and prevent it from being exposed by real witnesses, a curfew was introduced in the city, and the local population was forcibly evicted from the places where filming is set to take place.”

Mizintsev went on to break down the scenario of the provocation, saying that “British directors” are collecting bodies in the basement of a residential building in one of the towns in the Sumy region, with the corpses to be presented later as the alleged victims of the Russian troops. According to the scenario, Mizintsev said, the Russian military allegedly committed mass killings and atrocities when leaving the region.

“Yet another fake will be promoted by western media in the near future,” Mizintsev said. “Its goal is to inflame Russophobia further amid the rapidly developing economic crisis in Europe.”

He pointed out that Russian troops left the region in question around three weeks ago, on 20 March.

“If such events had really happened they would have become public knowledge in such a long amount of time,” he said.

The top Russian military official went on to say that French gendarmes who have arrived in Ukraine will engage in concealing war crimes committed by forces loyal to Kiev and making accusations against Russia.

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Urgent: Kiev Preparing Provocation to Accuse Russia of Mass Killing of Civilians in Ukraine’s Irpen – MoD

Given Ukraine’s shelling of Donetsk with cluster munitions a few weeks ago, the Bucha massacre, the Tochka-U rocket launched by the Ukrainian Armed Forces yesterday, it becomes clear that the Ukrainian regime will go any length to (A) provide a bloody image to the Western MSM in order to blame Russia, and (B) to intimidate Ukrainian civilians from from evacuating in order to use them as a living shield, knowing that the Russian Military is doing everything to avoid civilian casualties. In this light, a new false flag is brewing in the town of Irpen! The only way to prevent it is to mage the general audience aware of the danger!

As Sputnik News is censored in the West, and not everyone has access to VPN, I am re-posting the article in full.

Kiev Preparing Provocation to Accuse Russia of Mass Killing of Civilians in Ukraine’s Irpen – MoD

On 24 February, Russia began a special operation to demilitarize and “denazify” Ukraine, responding to calls for help from the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics in countering the aggression of Ukrainian forces.

According to confirmed data, Kiev is preparing a provocation to accuse Russia of an alleged mass murder of civilians in Irpen in the Kiev region, Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

“I draw your attention to the fact that units of the Russian Armed Forces left this settlement more than a week ago”, Konashenkov said.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) plans to bring the bodies of those killed by Ukrainian shelling to Irpen for a staged incident, while the SBU is also organising another staged incident in the Pushcha-Voditsa forest involving the “destruction” of a “Russian reconnaissance group”, Igor Konashenkov said.

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Ukraine killed civilians in Kramatorsk with “Tochka-U” in a false flag for Borell’s visit to Kiev

Kiev is churning out deadly false flags and provocations faster, than it is possible to analyse and disprove them.

Today Kiev military launched a “Tochka-U” missile at a railway station in Kramatorsk, killing several civilians. “Tochka-U” is an old ballistic missile system, used by Ukriane. Russia does not have it in its arsenal as it’s been fully superseded by “Iscander”. Being a ballistic missile., it is easy to calculate where it was launched from, and even who in the division in question pushed the “launch” button. And this was already done both by the Russian military and by an independent analyst.

Yet, Josep Borell, who is now sitting in Kiev, immediately accused Russia, as if waiting for the false flag:

Zelensky immediately said that it was “Tochka-U” (which, again, Russian forces do not have). Note how the Ukies wrote “For the children” on the rocket to make it look as if it is a retaliation:

In the meantime, Arestovich, the propaganda mouthpiece of the Kiev regime wrote on Twitetr about “Iscander”, while the tail part of the rocket in Kramatorsk is definitely a “Tochka-U”.

Here are the calculations, done by Yuri Podoljaka:


Flight trajectory, based on where the tail part fell (which always falls earlier then the warhead) and the final point of impact of the warhead:

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