25 years of US-NATO’s terrorist attack on Yugoslavia

Presenting a translation of an article taking a close look at NATO’s terrorist attack on Serbia in 1999, putting it into perspective of the current NATO’s destructions of Ukraine that is being used as a ram against Russia. The quote from the article summarises its whole message:

It was not just a military operation, but a barbaric demonstrative execution, an act of intimidation, let’s face it – a terrorist act without any quotes, because “terror” means “fear”, and “terrorism” is actions committed with the goal of intimidation.

The topic of Yugoslavia has been covered on this blog for some time, with the following articles being of special interest: Democracy of Mass Destruction. A Documentary by Pavel Selin (with English subtitles), “The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton.” A Documentary by Alexei Denisov with English subtitles., and The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Final Acts. Abduction of Milosevic to the Hague. While “The Great Gas Game” – An Excellent Documentary from Vesti touches upon the NATO strikes on the oil and chemical infrastructure of Serbia.

25 years of the terrorist attack on Serbia, which stood in the way of US domination in Europe

by Dmitry Rodionov

A quarter of a century ago, in 1999, a unipolar world was being born in Yugoslavia, the one which will soon end in Ukraine.

NATO airstrikes on Serbia in 1999

This spring is full of anniversaries. we have been remembering the 10th anniversary of the events in the former Ukraine throughout February and March, and somehow undeservedly forgot another landmark date – NATO attacking Serbia on the 24th of March 1999.

During the two and a half months of this aggression, up to 5,700 civilians were killed, including about 400 children. Houses, infrastructure, and facilities critical to the economy were destroyed…

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People against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia – archived documents of solidarity from 25 years ago

25 years ago, on the 24th of March 1999, NATO began bombing Serbia, disintegrating the state of Yugoslavia, and Time magazine authoritatively explained why this was a good thing, under a cover title “Bringing the Serbs to heel. Massive bombing attack opens the door to peace”.

This was a stark example of applying “white gloves to the bloodied hands”, that was so aptly illustrated in a Soviet caricature from 1980 that we showcased yesterday on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”!

Already several months before the aggression against Yugoslavia started, it was clear what the USA was planning.

This article is comprised of four archival materials that have been waiting in my digital archive for the past 25 years.

  1. The warning from October 1998.
  2. “Hey, Joe! – Message to the Troops of NATO”.
  3. April 24th, 1999 – Stop the War, a small rally in Heidelberg.
  4. May 1st, 1999 – reportage from the large anti-war campaign throughout Germany.

The first, is a warning that was written by yours truly on the 12th of October 1998 – five months before US-NATO started its act of terrorism – and posted on several forums and message boards. A warning, not dissimilar to the one appearing in this blog in 2014 with regard to the coup in Ukraine: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?.

NATO bombed Yugoslavia on the 50th anniversary of its existence, raining on the country the radioactive democracy of mass destruction (a link to a must-see documentary on the blog!). Today NATO is depopulating Ukraine on its 75th anniversary.

The Warning

The United States are about to start an aggression against an independent state – Serbia. I say the United States, and not NATO because NATO-countries would do exactly what USA tells them to do.

This mindless aggression can bring us to World War III. The USA have learnt nothing from its earlier experiences – Hiroshima and Vietnam. I wish to remind everybody that several years of bombing in Vietnam didn’t break the will of Vietnamese liberation army. Meddling with internal affairs of a state (especially with a case of civil disagreements) brings nothing but misery and destruction to all the nations involved.

The USA and the world are utterly inconsistent in their moves. When Russia had a case of civil war with Chechen republic, the world community (read USA) did not react in any way – more precisely, they did not send bombers to crush Russia. Why? Because Russia could fight back, because Russia had atomic weapon, after all, because Russian territory is so large. Serbia does not have atomic weapon, Serbia, marauded by rebels, cannot fight back, and Serbia is small. Thus it can be attacked without any great fear for being hit back. That’s cowardice! The following quote only confirms it: “The six B-52s that arrived Sunday at a British air based would be used to launch cruise missiles from outside the range of Serb’s air defences.” (from http://www.msnbc.com/news/204272.asp)

So why to launch this assault at all? The answer is: to justify NATO’s existence and to show who is the boss. Since the threat from Soviet Union disappeared NATO was in acute lack of enemies. So the enemies and wars should be created to justify budgets. Iraq was first, Serbia is next.

Why World War III? Russia has newly declared its support to Serbia – diplomatic and military – as to a bother-state. In an utmost case this would mean that any country declaring war on Serbia, declares war on Russia, meaning that Russia can strike back, targeting any European country.

USA behaves now like “the wold’s hooligan”, striking the one who is weaker, but avoiding the one who is equal or stronger. It was not so long ago we saw banners “USA out of Vietnam”. I am afraid that soon we will see banners “NATO (USA) out of Serbia!”

This paragraph is for Americans only in connection with their constant paranoia: No, I am not a communist; I am a person who loves the thing that Americans lost long ago – freedom.

The 12th of October 1998.

Hey Joe! Where ya going with that gun in your hand?

Message to the Troops of NATO

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Crimea That Sailed Away From NATO – Vesti, 23.04.2014

One of the publications from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Crimea reuniting with Russia. Please subscribe!

On the 18th of March 2014, Crimea returned to the home shores, based on the results of the referendum.

The news program that we present was aired a month later, on the 23rd of April 2014, and tells about the unhealthy interest that NATO displayed for Crimea before it managed to escape its clutches.

An American military hospital and a CIA-affiliated school would have been the cherries on top of the Sevastopol Bay naval base.

Backup at Rumble.

This clip also marks 10 years of my acquaintance with Lada Ray, when I first came across her article Breaking! US Planned to Turn #Crimea into Military Base Against Russia on the Futurist Trendcast blog. That article is still worth re-reading, 10 years later, as it contains additional information, not present in the news clip.

One of the readers there pointed to “US government/US Navy solicitation for “Renovation of Sevastopol School #5″, dated September 05, 2013” with a link to the official site. As expected, the tender documents are no longer there, but they were archived by the WebArchive, and are therefore still available to the public, including all the PDF files, the front page of one of which – EUCOM Humanitarian Assistance Program – Renovations to School#05 – Sevastopol, Ukraine OHASIS ID-20420 – you can see here.

Transcript of the program:

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Russian Fleets in America in 1863 – a condensed lecture by Webster Tarpley from 2013

What does it take to create a war?

– Forget history. Re-write history. Divide people. Pit them against each other. Conquer. Make war. Cash in the profit for the military-industrial complex.

How to undo that and stop a war?

– Learn the real history.

This is what has been done to Ukraine and Russia on a short-term time scale. But did you know that the same was done to the people of the USA vs. Russia?

Presenting a condensed and informative video of Webster Tarpley’s lecture, edited by Putinger’s Cat.

As the complimentary reading to this lecture, the book “The U.S.-Russian Entente That Saved The Union” by Konstantin George, first published in July of 1978 in The Campaigner magazine.

This is a condensed version of the lecture given by American historian Webster Tarpley in Washington, DC, in 2013, on the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Russian navy squadrons to New York City and San Francisco to assist the Union against the Confederacy in the fall of 1863.

Webster Tarpley discusses the contribution of Russian Tsar Alexander II to a northern victory in the US Civil War. Sadly, this great chapter of Russian-American relationship has been nearly forgotten in the US, even though it played a very important role in the very existence of the United States of America as we know it.

The entire talk is about an hour and a half long. It contains a lot more information about the Russian-American relationship than was cut to put this video together. It is filmed as a single-camera shot, so it won’t have any graphics in it, but it is well-worth the time!

It is available for viewing on C-SPAN as well as on YouTube:

I highly recommend watching (or listening to) this entire very informative lecture!

Русский перевод лекции:

Sweden has voluntarily submitted to the United States. By Jan Guillou

Sweden has voluntarily submitted to the United States

By Jan Guillou, 25.02.2024

A defence agreement between Sweden and the United States establishes American sovereignty.

It looks like Sweden has been at war with the United States and lost. At least when you read the latest defence agreement between our government and the United States. The American sovereignty in Sweden is introduced there.

Swedish Secretary of Defence Pål Jonson and U.S. Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin

Of course, this is not the image conveyed by the media. From the Report’s coverage, I only remember pictures of the happy little Swedish defence minister and the giant American defence minister as they sign the secret agreement, as if it were just another routine agreement. It’s not. It is unique in our history and incomprehensibly far-reaching. It is about total submission.

Right from the beginning of the agreement, the United States was to be granted ”unhindered access to and use of agreed facilities and areas”.

Well. And what are these agreed facilities and areas? They are listed on Page 37. These are all of Sweden’s air fleets and all major army bases, including 17 listed. Thus, in practice, it is the entire defence of Sweden that the United States should receive ”unhindered”, that is, unlimited power over.

In addition, at unspecified defence facilities, certain areas will be cordoned off to which ”only U.S. forces shall have access and use” and where U.S. jurisdiction shall apply. But that’s not all. ”Upon request,” the United States shall access and use private land and assets, including roads, ports, and airports.

The United States also gets the right to freely build up ”areas and facilities” for storing weapons and defence equipment. There are no exceptions to the type of weapon, not even nuclear weapons (Article 14). The parties “may consult on the above to the extent necessary”.

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10 Years Since the 2014 Unconstitutional Coup d’Etat in Ukraine

Ten years is both a moment in history and a lifetime. We remember what happened in Kiev ten years ago, even though the West and the Nazi regime there desperately try to forget, erase and rewrite this history. On our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” we marked the 10th anniversary of the violent, USA-sponsored coup d’etat in Ukraine. We invite everyone to subscribe to our Telegram channel for the daily revival of history.

2013-14 Euromaidan timeline and facts from the Russian MFA

Backup at Rumble.

Today marks 10 years since the events of the so-called Euromaidan that led to the unconstitutional coup d’etat in Ukraine.

Since 2014, under the supervision and with the direct guidance by the advisors from NATO & Western powers, Ukraine was transformed into an anti-Russian country at an accelerating pace.

The de-Russification and Ukrainization of the nations’ cultural code was forced upon living in Ukraine, they were brainwashed, in effect re-educated in the spirit of hatred and hostility towards Russia and Russians, the memory of the common past awas all but erased, replaced by neo-Nazi sentiments.

Even the relatively recent 2014 events have been rewritten and retold by those in power in Kiev and their puppet masters in the West, facts were tossed away, truth twisted or omitted, the entire sequence of events turned upside down.

‼️ Find further details in the reference material, prepared under the auspices of the Foundation for Democracy Studies and the International Public Tribunal for Ukraine.

To those who still not understood – Ukraine war chronology from 2014

Backup at Rumble.

A historical flashback from the blog owner

On this date, exactly 10 years ago a cross-country 30km skiing event for women took place during the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

At first, the day started like any other day during the Winter Olympics season. Yours truly is not particularly interested in wintersports, but, being in Norway, it is next to impossible to avoid that.

And so, as on the previous days, my colleagues commandeered one of the big screens in the office, so that a direct TV sending could be seen and heard on it – instead of the boring production statistics and monitoring data normally conveyed there.

I half-heartedly listened to the sports commentator’s exuberant appraisal of each of the participant’s prowess and their progress along the track, while busing myself with the actual work that had to be done that day.

Until one particular phrase caught my attention. It was along these lines:

«…and look at her go, while her country is in flames and on the brink of destruction…»

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“Gauleiter” for Ukraine. The West revived the practise of the Nazis under Hitler

On the 12th of February 2024 “Argumenty i Facty” published an article, drawing the reader’s attention to the clear parallel between the Nazi position of the Gauleiter in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine and the proposed “special representative”.

A few days later, on the 15th of February, KM.RU in an article titled simply “Ukraine: The Return of the Gauleiter”, further revealed who may become the candidate for this noose-promising title:

Stoltenberg in Kiev

The whole performance is reminiscent of the fascist practice of Gauleiters in Ukraine. This is not surprising. According to the forecasts of many historians, Europe was doomed to return to its terrible historical past.

The other day, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, said that the West wants to appoint a “viceroy” in Ukraine “in order to strengthen the mechanism of external control of the territory controlled by the Kiev regime.”

According to the SVR, it is planned to appoint Jens Stoltenberg – who currently holds the position of NATO Secretary General – to the post of special envoy for Ukraine. His mandate expires on the 1st of October 2024. “It is assumed that he will have constant access to President Vladimir Zelensky and know about all his plans,” Naryshkin explained. The tasks of the special envoy will include blocking decisions of the Ukrainian leadership that are not coordinated with the United States and Great Britain. Instead, Stoltenberg will propose the “right” steps, from the point of view of the Anglo-Saxons.

And now, the the article from “Argumenty i Facty”:

The “Viceroy” will be coming. The West revived in Ukraine the idea of Nazis under Hitler

Reichskommissar Ukraine, Erich Koch (right) and Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Alfred Rosenberg (center) surveying Kiev Lavra.

The West’s intention to appoint its collective special representative in Ukraine is “an attempt to strengthen the enslavement of the people close to Russia,” said Sergei Naryshkin, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) on February 12. “Such practices were introduced by the leader of the German Nazis, Adolf Hitler, and all his ‘viceroys’ the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Ivannikov told aif.ru. Ukrainians are capable of kicking this “special representative” out of the country along with President Vladimir Zelensky, the expert believes.

The West intends to appoint its “special representative” in Ukraine, who should oversee the Kiev regime. According to Naryshkin, when discussing this forgotten idea, “such conditions were factored in, as an increasingly difficult situation at the front, difficulties with mobilization and hitches in obtaining Western military assistance, when many Ukrainians began to realize the inevitability of Moscow achieving the goals of a special military operation.”

“This yet another crude attempt by the West to strengthen the enslavement of the Ukrainian people, who are close to us, cannot but cause concern. At the same time, there is a high probability that the implementation of the idea with the appointment of a “viceroy” in Ukraine will not lead to the results desired by the United States and Great Britain,” the head of the SVR believes.

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Myths about Stalin. Where do legs grow from? Reblog of a detailed research article

Black myths have always been attached to the Russian leaders who looked after the interests of the country and did not fall under the spell of the outside influences. Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin is one such leader, whose memory was defamed and desecrated both by the internal political rivals, like Hrushov, and by the external enemies. I plan to publish several articles that take aim at debunking these black myths surrounding the historical figure of Stalin. As always, when looking at history, one must remain dispassionate and look at the events not through the prism of modern sensibilities, but as a contemporary to the events, with all the challenges that the leadership of the USSR faced at that time.

Today, on the 145th anniversary of Iosif Stalin’s birth, I want to start with a reblog of an excellent article by Olga of the Siberian Matrëshka Telegram channel, which I can warmly recommend.

Myths about Stalin. Where do legs grow from?

Olga🪆July 21, 2023

First of all, there was no Communism in the USSR. The USSR had a communist state ideology and a socialist system.

One of the most terrible and destructive myths about the Soviet Union is the lie about the “bloody regime” of Stalin, who allegedly destroyed tens of millions of innocent people. Few people know that this myth was created back in Nazi Germany, and only later it was used by the United States in the information war against Soviet civilization.

Despite a number of fundamental studies based on the factual material of the archives, which showed the inconsistency of Joseph Stalin’s accusations of mass repressions and terror, the false myth supported by slanderers like Solzhenitsyn, Radzinsky, Suvorov-Rezun continues to dominate the information field of Russia and the world community. The dirty work of denigrating Russian and Soviet history continues, within the framework of the global historical and informational confrontation between Russian civilization (Rus) and the West. Citizens of Russia (especially young people), not to mention Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics, continue to be stuffed with horror stories about death and murder in labour camps of the GULAG (Main Directorate of Camps and Places of Detention), stories about millions of people who died of starvation and were deliberately destroyed in the USSR, about the alleged premeditation of the Holodomor in Ukraine, about the inhuman cruelty of the Soviet punitive system, “the bloodiest in the world”. The repressions against the kulaks and the “fifth column” take on an absolutely fantastic character in these stories, and Stalin becomes a villain of a literally galactic scale. All this is superimposed on the image of the USSR-Russia in the world – as an “evil empire” and “Russian Mordor”, where there live “fierce” Muscovites, scoops-padded coats, ready at the first opportunity to drown in the blood of all dissidents in Russia itself, as well as to drive to their “concentration camp” and the surrounding peoples.

The myth of the “bloody Stalinist regime” was created back in Nazi Germany. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, they used information and psycho-technologies to properly indoctrinate the population. The Minister of Propaganda was Joseph Goebbels, who propagated dreams of a racially pure people living in Greater Germany, an empire with vast living space. This living space included the territory to the east of Germany, the Russian lands, including Little Russia-Ukraine. The conquest of living space meant a big war, a war with the USSR. Therefore, the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, headed by Goebbels, launched an information campaign around the alleged genocide organized by the Communists in Ukraine, the terrible famine (Holodomor) organized personally by Stalin. The purpose of the Nazi propaganda was to prepare the world community for the “liberation” of Ukraine by German troops from the “bloody Bolshevik yoke”. Later, the Ukrainian Nazis (Bandera) used the same lie about an artificial famine to sit on the neck of the people of Little Russia-Ukraine.

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“The Yanks Gave the Order: Fire!” – Witness Testimony of Iona Andronov, a Defender of the “White house”

In my article from November 2015 The ”Wild ’90s” in Russia, as reflected in people’s memory I mentioned in passing a testimony from Deputy Iona Andronov, describing the American involvement in Yeltsin’s coup of 1993. In yesterday’s publication Newspaper “Pravda” commemorating the 30th anniversary of the “Black October” of 1993, the author of the final article made a reference to the same testimony by Andronov.

In fact, this testimony has such significance, that I think it must be translated in full as a separate article. The original document can be found here on the subdomain of the Narod.ru site, dedicated to the events of October of 1993.

Iona Andronov – a historian-orientalist, journalist, writer, the Deputy of the Supreme Soviet in 1993 – also has a homepage on Narod.ru and a blog on Cont. I want to draw attention to a large 110-page long exposing publication in Russian that he has posted on his homepage in memory of the 30th anniversary of Yeltsin’s coup: The Counter-revolution of 1993. Epilog. 30 Years Later. (A chapter from the “Parting Memoirs of a Soviet Journalist”) – also available as a PDF, which expands on the testimony you are about to read, and also adds the descriptions of the actions of the Westward-looking “liberals” and “dissidents” of that time.

The Yanks Gave the Order: Fire!

The 3rd of October 2003
– A version for the press

The plan to storm the Supreme Soviet was developed by Boris Yeltsin’s entourage under the directions of the CIA and the inner circle of US President Clinton. This was told to the correspondent of “EG” by Iona ANDRONOV, a former defender of the “White House”, a deputy of the dispersed Supreme Council, at that time, chairman of the Committee on International Affairs. He is the one who negotiated with the representatives of the American embassy on the night before the carnage, trying to prevent the massacre of the Parliament.

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The Bloody October of 1993. Retrospect. The Last Interview with Ruslan Hasbulatov

Motherland Remembers Decree 1400, 21st of September 1993

On this day, exactly 30 years ago, Yeltsin, with the direct blessing from the USA, gave order for the tanks to open fire on the Parliament building in Moscow, that also was known as “The White House”. This ended the confrontation between the defenders of the Russian Constitution and Yeltsin, who was unconstitutionally concentrating more power in own hands, a confrontation that started with Order 66 Decree 1400 that unconstitutionally dispersed the Parliament (also known as the Supreme Council or Supreme Soviet), and the Parliament responding with a preparation for the impeachment of Yeltsin.

30 years is a long enough stretch to time to be able to look at the events of that Autumn with a critical eye, yet short enough for many of the contemporaries and direct participants of the evens to be around to remember what was happening on both sides of the barricades. In a few weeks I will finish translating a documentary that does just that. But first, a short look at the political spread in 1993 both internally and coming from the USA. And this publication will be concluded with a fragment of the last interview with one of the main participants of the stand-off, who defended the Parliament – Ruslan Hasbulatov, who passed away on the 3rd of January 2023.

In the previous post, Autumn of 1991 as a Prelude to the “Black October” of 1993 and the “Wild ’90s” in Russia, I described in short the turmoil of the Autumn of 1991. Back then Yeltsin played a major role in the breakup of the USSR, and it was he who, in a feat of projection, accused the SCSE – which tried to save the country – of being the coup-makers. At that time Yeltsin became an important asset in the US State Department’s arsenal, one that the USA would have been loath to lose. In 1993 Yeltsin had the complete backing of the USA, but his ability to give external control to Russia was severely limited by the Parliament. This lead to passing of the unconstitutional Decree 1400. At the same time the experience of 1991 was again used, with the Parliament being presented as coup makers, and not as defenders, in the public view. The liberal crowd began an assault on the Constitution, basically saying who needs a Constitution like this (meaning, where Yeltsin cannot do anything he wants).

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Occupation of Russia by the USA in 1918-1920. The “international intervention” during the post-revolutionary unrest.

Dividing the skin of a living bearA couple of months ago some Gunther Fehlinger, apparently a “Chair of European Committee for NATO Enlargement for Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia, Austria, Moldova, Ireland, Georgia, EU” (mostly concerning the places where trouble can be stirred) posted an X-Tweet with an image of a partitioned Russia, under a prettified title of “Why Russia must be Decolonised” and a link to a EuroMaidan article arguing that Russia is not a federation and it is thus an open season on dividing the skin of the not-yet-killed bear (as the Russian saying goes). It does not disconcert them that the exact same argument that they are making can be applied to the USA, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway and quite a number of other candidates for “decolonisation NATO-style”.


Napoleon’s plan for the division of the territory of the Ukraine (as of 1954-2014):
Grey – Give to Poland
Red – The Duchy of Poltava
Green – The Duchy of Chernigov
Yellow – The State of Napoleonida
Beige – Didn’t partition

This is not something new. The “Drang nach oesten” has been the lead tune in the various invasions of Russia by the Western vultures. We can, for example, recall that before the 1812 invasion, Napoleon had already designated Crimea as a new French Riviera, while partitioning the rest of Russia between France and Poland. We can recall how Germany and its Axis were establishing Reichskommissariats for their “new” territorial possessions.

More can be read in my prior articles Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again? and Will Russia have to fend off NATO invasion too..?

The 20th century was the most abundant in the attempts to partition Russia/USSR. The map below is from the an American magazine «Look», published in the March of 1939 after the Munich Conspiracy of 1938 (covered in The Great Unknown War. A must-see documentary about the WWII prelude. By Andrei Medvedev), coupled with the “allies'” reluctance to open the second front until it was absolutely clear that the USSR was winning, shows that area of interest from the American perspective.

Next European War - 14th of March 1939, American Magazine

American magazine «Look», 14th of March 1939

Invasion of the USSR by the USA - October 27, 1951, Collier's magazine

Invasion of the USSR by the USA – the 27th of October 1951, Collier’s magazine

And just as the War was over, the USA did not stop dreaming of that piece of land for their own use, as can be seen from the cover of the “Collier’s” magazine from 1951. “Preview of the war we do not want” reads the hypocritical title while talking about “Russia’s defeat and occupation”. As we now know, if the USSR did not get the nuclear arsenal by that time, this was very much the plan the USA were nuturing. We can also see it from the USA’s own plans for the use of nuclear weapons against the USSR, as I described in two articles in the previous years: 204 A-Bombs Against 66 Cities: US Drew up First Plan to Nuke Russia Before WWII Was Even Over (RI repost) and USA’s plans for the nuclear annihilation of USSR (Russia) and China disclosed. Another declassified document from that post-War era points towards the same desire. I covered it in The Plan to Destroy Russia. Conceived and Started in 1948. Concluded in 1993? Or Not…

In 1993 the USA actually got a total colonial control over Russia without engaging in a hot war, and during that time Russia was also almost partitioned administratively. Luckily, the Americans saw Russia as defeated, what with the “end of history” and other such ideas, and did not bother to fire the control shot in the back of the country’s head, as such cold-blooded killers usually do.

But the first time when the West came closest to realising that wet dream of partitioning Russia and laying its hands on the Russian resource happened in the wake of the 1917 Revolution when Russia was plunged into the Civil War, while it had been weakened by WWI. The article that I translate below illustrates one of the areas where such partitioning almost happened.

Reading the article below, think also of the historical parallels with today, of the ongoing civil war in Ukraine and how the Western intervention is prolonging the conflict, making it more bloody, than it was initially shaping up to be.

The link to the original article on the site of Russian Information Agency (RIA) may not work, as the West, in its pursuit of the the purity (of the “freedom”) of speech, blocks RIA. You can alternatively view the WebArchived version of the original article.

The American-style occupation. 100 Years Ago, the US Army Invaded Russia

Published: 08:00 15.08.2018 (Updated: 11:37 03.03.2020)

American troops during a parade in front of the headquarters of the Czechoslovak Legion in Vladivostok. 1918

American troops during a parade in front of the headquarters of the Czechoslovak Legion in Vladivostok. 1918

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The myth of the Holodomor. Reblog of a detailed research article

Below is a complete re-blog of an excellent, thoroughly researched and objective article about how the myth of “Holodomor” of 1932-1933 was created and neutered in the West and then picked up by the nationalistic forces in Ukraine. The article is written by Olga of the Siberian Matrëshka Telegram channel.

There is only one additional comment that I want to make about the name “Holodomor”. The article mentioned why “H” was chosen as the first letter. The fact is, the Russian word “holod” means “cold”, while “famine” or “hunger” is “golod”; “mor” means “mass death”. So the official “Western” name actually means “death from freezing”, but as will be come apparent from the article, the choice of the leading “H” was intentional.

Read also an excellent article at The Revolution Report: “Holodomor Myth and Its Connection to Modern Neo-Nazi Propaganda in Ukraine”!

The myth of the Holodomor

Olga🪆July 21, 2023

The myth of the Holodomor is blatantly at odds with reality. Supporters of the Holodomor theory argue that the Soviet government and Stalin personally wanted to destroy the Ukrainian people. This statement is not supported by facts: the famine of 1932-1933 covered the territory of several Soviet republics, and in Ukraine it was not at all widespread. Well, did the Soviet government starve Ukrainians selectively, depending on the territory in which they lived?

The forces that are now planting their blatantly anti-historical “Ukrainianism” in Ukraine attach great importance to the theme of the “Holodomor”. I invite the reader to first get acquainted with how the myth of the “Holodomor” was created – a famine allegedly artificially organized by Stalin for the purposeful destruction of the Ukrainian people. And only then move on to historical realities.

The famine of 1932-1933 is a bitter page in our real history. But this famine, firstly, was far from the first in the history of Russia. And, secondly, it affected not only Ukraine, but also the Don, Kuban, Volga, Central Black Earth, Kazakhstan. However, the Ukrainizers immediately, in hot pursuit, tried to isolate the “Ukrainian” component from this tragic event, which affected many regions of the USSR, and make the theme of the famine of 1932-1933 an irrelevant one. in Ukraine as an instrument of struggle against the “communist regime”.

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9 Years Since Ukraine Shot Down MH-17. With Vasily Prozorov’s Remarks

Ever since MH-17 was shot down by Ukraine on the 17.07.2014, flying in the direction of Donbass, over a war zone, controlled from the Dnepropetrovsk control tower, with the air traffic controller disappearing into thin air after he instructed MH-17 to descend toa lower altitude; with the fighter pilot Voloshin first making an armed sortie, then getting a “Hero of Ukraine”, and then committing suicide; since Ukraine was made part of the investigation much like if a rapist is made a part of an inquiry into a rape case; after the kangaroo court of Netherlands, when all inconvenient evidence provided by Russia was simply ignored.

Ever since that time I return to the topic of the MH-17 shoot-down on the pages of this blog – all the past posts having the MH-17 tag – and knowing that Russia will not forget this case and will ultimately bring the guilty to justice. Maybe next year, on the 10th anniversary?

As Olga so poignantly wrote on the Putinger’s Chat Telegram channel chat:

Today is another date.
Which for some reason was not remembered by Ukrainian channels. I didn’t see it, maybe it was somewhere. But I have not seen any mention in the foreign press.

This picture was painted by the Dutch artist Emily Rose. Dedicated to the plane crash with the Boeing MH17. Why is memory so short, fellow Europeans?

Then the bodies didn’t even have time to cool down there – “Russians are killers”, “Putin is the killer”.
There was simply nothing known at all.
The plane just crashed…

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‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

Continuing the topic of yesterday’s Newsflash: Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine, Pentagon is doubling down on their rhetoric of the genocide of the Russian civilian population of Donbass.

Just like Senator Graham Lindsay said about a month ago that “Russians are dying. It’s the best investment the USA has made” (imagine the outcry and moaning if he said “Jews” and not “Russians” in that statement, but apparently the genocide of Russians is all dandy), while laughing in that Hillary Clinton-slyled laughter, so does the Pentagon reiterate that “‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths”, while being well aware that the “civilian deaths” are the Russian people of the former Ukraine who made their chose not to follow the Nazi path all the way back in 2014. Also being well-aware that Kiev’s promises to “not to use cluster munitions in civilian-populated urban areas” are worth nothing, based on all the previously-broken promises, staring with the Minsk agreements. Knowing that in the areas where Russia has already won, like in Mariupol, the civilian life has returned to normal and the post-war reconstruction and rebuilding is in full swing.

It is those civilians that Pentagon knowingly wants to murder.

Below is a repost of an RT article from an uncensored mirror. But before that, a note that it seems that not all of the NATO is eager to partake in the blood-binding war crime:

US allies slam plan to send cluster bombs to Ukraine

Both Canada and the UK have said they are against using the weapons on the battlefield

‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

A US official has defended the decision to supply Ukraine with the weapons, which are banned in more than 100 countries

US fears of Russian success on the battlefield outweigh concerns that deliveries of cluster bombs to Ukraine could result in civilian casualties, a senior Pentagon official acknowledged on Friday.

Speaking to reporters, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl defended the White House’s decision to approve another $800 million weapons package for Ukraine, including cluster munitions. The weapons are banned in more than 100 countries.

When they detonate, the munitions release many small bomblets over a wide area. A percentage of bomblets fail to detonate on impact, however, and unexploded elements pose severe risks to civilians for years after fighting ends.

Asked if the Pentagon has assured its allies that the munitions will not cause excessive civilian harm, Kahl replied: “I’m as concerned about the humanitarian circumstance as anybody, but the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win the war. And so it’s important that they don’t.”

He added that Kiev had promised not to use cluster munitions in civilian-populated urban areas and to keep records of where the weapons are deployed to make future de-mining efforts easier. The official also portrayed the deliveries as a stop-gap measure until Kiev’s Western backers can ramp up production of conventional shells.

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Newsflash: Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine

Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine.

Cluster munitions are prohibited by all possible conventions and their usage constitutes a war crime. That much was even stated by the Jen Psaki last year:

🇺🇸 Throwback to 2022: Jen Psaki says using cluster bombs is a war crime

Now that Washington has confirmed that it’s sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, it’s “obviously” not a war crime.

Yet, Biden green-lighted supplying Ukraine with cluster munitions from the American stockpiles, citing the fact that the USA has run out of other conventional 155mm artillery shells in their proxy war against Russia.

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