“The Yanks Gave the Order: Fire!” – Witness Testimony of Iona Andronov, a Defender of the “White house”

In my article from November 2015 The ”Wild ’90s” in Russia, as reflected in people’s memory I mentioned in passing a testimony from Deputy Iona Andronov, describing the American involvement in Yeltsin’s coup of 1993. In yesterday’s publication Newspaper “Pravda” commemorating the 30th anniversary of the “Black October” of 1993, the author of the final article made a reference to the same testimony by Andronov.

In fact, this testimony has such significance, that I think it must be translated in full as a separate article. The original document can be found here on the subdomain of the Narod.ru site, dedicated to the events of October of 1993.

Iona Andronov – a historian-orientalist, journalist, writer, the Deputy of the Supreme Soviet in 1993 – also has a homepage on Narod.ru and a blog on Cont. I want to draw attention to a large 110-page long exposing publication in Russian that he has posted on his homepage in memory of the 30th anniversary of Yeltsin’s coup: The Counter-revolution of 1993. Epilog. 30 Years Later. (A chapter from the “Parting Memoirs of a Soviet Journalist”) – also available as a PDF, which expands on the testimony you are about to read, and also adds the descriptions of the actions of the Westward-looking “liberals” and “dissidents” of that time.

The Yanks Gave the Order: Fire!

The 3rd of October 2003
– A version for the press

The plan to storm the Supreme Soviet was developed by Boris Yeltsin’s entourage under the directions of the CIA and the inner circle of US President Clinton. This was told to the correspondent of “EG” by Iona ANDRONOV, a former defender of the “White House”, a deputy of the dispersed Supreme Council, at that time, chairman of the Committee on International Affairs. He is the one who negotiated with the representatives of the American embassy on the night before the carnage, trying to prevent the massacre of the Parliament.

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The Bloody October of 1993. Retrospect. The Last Interview with Ruslan Hasbulatov

Motherland Remembers Decree 1400, 21st of September 1993

On this day, exactly 30 years ago, Yeltsin, with the direct blessing from the USA, gave order for the tanks to open fire on the Parliament building in Moscow, that also was known as “The White House”. This ended the confrontation between the defenders of the Russian Constitution and Yeltsin, who was unconstitutionally concentrating more power in own hands, a confrontation that started with Order 66 Decree 1400 that unconstitutionally dispersed the Parliament (also known as the Supreme Council or Supreme Soviet), and the Parliament responding with a preparation for the impeachment of Yeltsin.

30 years is a long enough stretch to time to be able to look at the events of that Autumn with a critical eye, yet short enough for many of the contemporaries and direct participants of the evens to be around to remember what was happening on both sides of the barricades. In a few weeks I will finish translating a documentary that does just that. But first, a short look at the political spread in 1993 both internally and coming from the USA. And this publication will be concluded with a fragment of the last interview with one of the main participants of the stand-off, who defended the Parliament – Ruslan Hasbulatov, who passed away on the 3rd of January 2023.

In the previous post, Autumn of 1991 as a Prelude to the “Black October” of 1993 and the “Wild ’90s” in Russia, I described in short the turmoil of the Autumn of 1991. Back then Yeltsin played a major role in the breakup of the USSR, and it was he who, in a feat of projection, accused the SCSE – which tried to save the country – of being the coup-makers. At that time Yeltsin became an important asset in the US State Department’s arsenal, one that the USA would have been loath to lose. In 1993 Yeltsin had the complete backing of the USA, but his ability to give external control to Russia was severely limited by the Parliament. This lead to passing of the unconstitutional Decree 1400. At the same time the experience of 1991 was again used, with the Parliament being presented as coup makers, and not as defenders, in the public view. The liberal crowd began an assault on the Constitution, basically saying who needs a Constitution like this (meaning, where Yeltsin cannot do anything he wants).

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Occupation of Russia by the USA in 1918-1920. The “international intervention” during the post-revolutionary unrest.

Dividing the skin of a living bearA couple of months ago some Gunther Fehlinger, apparently a “Chair of European Committee for NATO Enlargement for Kosovo, Ukraine, Bosnia, Austria, Moldova, Ireland, Georgia, EU” (mostly concerning the places where trouble can be stirred) posted an X-Tweet with an image of a partitioned Russia, under a prettified title of “Why Russia must be Decolonised” and a link to a EuroMaidan article arguing that Russia is not a federation and it is thus an open season on dividing the skin of the not-yet-killed bear (as the Russian saying goes). It does not disconcert them that the exact same argument that they are making can be applied to the USA, UK, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Norway and quite a number of other candidates for “decolonisation NATO-style”.


Napoleon’s plan for the division of the territory of the Ukraine (as of 1954-2014):
Grey – Give to Poland
Red – The Duchy of Poltava
Green – The Duchy of Chernigov
Yellow – The State of Napoleonida
Beige – Didn’t partition

This is not something new. The “Drang nach oesten” has been the lead tune in the various invasions of Russia by the Western vultures. We can, for example, recall that before the 1812 invasion, Napoleon had already designated Crimea as a new French Riviera, while partitioning the rest of Russia between France and Poland. We can recall how Germany and its Axis were establishing Reichskommissariats for their “new” territorial possessions.

More can be read in my prior articles Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again? and Will Russia have to fend off NATO invasion too..?

The 20th century was the most abundant in the attempts to partition Russia/USSR. The map below is from the an American magazine «Look», published in the March of 1939 after the Munich Conspiracy of 1938 (covered in The Great Unknown War. A must-see documentary about the WWII prelude. By Andrei Medvedev), coupled with the “allies'” reluctance to open the second front until it was absolutely clear that the USSR was winning, shows that area of interest from the American perspective.

Next European War - 14th of March 1939, American Magazine

American magazine «Look», 14th of March 1939

Invasion of the USSR by the USA - October 27, 1951, Collier's magazine

Invasion of the USSR by the USA – the 27th of October 1951, Collier’s magazine

And just as the War was over, the USA did not stop dreaming of that piece of land for their own use, as can be seen from the cover of the “Collier’s” magazine from 1951. “Preview of the war we do not want” reads the hypocritical title while talking about “Russia’s defeat and occupation”. As we now know, if the USSR did not get the nuclear arsenal by that time, this was very much the plan the USA were nuturing. We can also see it from the USA’s own plans for the use of nuclear weapons against the USSR, as I described in two articles in the previous years: 204 A-Bombs Against 66 Cities: US Drew up First Plan to Nuke Russia Before WWII Was Even Over (RI repost) and USA’s plans for the nuclear annihilation of USSR (Russia) and China disclosed. Another declassified document from that post-War era points towards the same desire. I covered it in The Plan to Destroy Russia. Conceived and Started in 1948. Concluded in 1993? Or Not…

In 1993 the USA actually got a total colonial control over Russia without engaging in a hot war, and during that time Russia was also almost partitioned administratively. Luckily, the Americans saw Russia as defeated, what with the “end of history” and other such ideas, and did not bother to fire the control shot in the back of the country’s head, as such cold-blooded killers usually do.

But the first time when the West came closest to realising that wet dream of partitioning Russia and laying its hands on the Russian resource happened in the wake of the 1917 Revolution when Russia was plunged into the Civil War, while it had been weakened by WWI. The article that I translate below illustrates one of the areas where such partitioning almost happened.

Reading the article below, think also of the historical parallels with today, of the ongoing civil war in Ukraine and how the Western intervention is prolonging the conflict, making it more bloody, than it was initially shaping up to be.

The link to the original article on the site of Russian Information Agency (RIA) may not work, as the West, in its pursuit of the the purity (of the “freedom”) of speech, blocks RIA. You can alternatively view the WebArchived version of the original article.

The American-style occupation. 100 Years Ago, the US Army Invaded Russia

Published: 08:00 15.08.2018 (Updated: 11:37 03.03.2020)

American troops during a parade in front of the headquarters of the Czechoslovak Legion in Vladivostok. 1918

American troops during a parade in front of the headquarters of the Czechoslovak Legion in Vladivostok. 1918

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The myth of the Holodomor. Reblog of a detailed research article

Below is a complete re-blog of an excellent, thoroughly researched and objective article about how the myth of “Holodomor” of 1932-1933 was created and neutered in the West and then picked up by the nationalistic forces in Ukraine. The article is written by Olga of the Siberian Matrëshka Telegram channel.

There is only one additional comment that I want to make about the name “Holodomor”. The article mentioned why “H” was chosen as the first letter. The fact is, the Russian word “holod” means “cold”, while “famine” or “hunger” is “golod”; “mor” means “mass death”. So the official “Western” name actually means “death from freezing”, but as will be come apparent from the article, the choice of the leading “H” was intentional.

Read also an excellent article at The Revolution Report: “Holodomor Myth and Its Connection to Modern Neo-Nazi Propaganda in Ukraine”!

The myth of the Holodomor

Olga🪆July 21, 2023

The myth of the Holodomor is blatantly at odds with reality. Supporters of the Holodomor theory argue that the Soviet government and Stalin personally wanted to destroy the Ukrainian people. This statement is not supported by facts: the famine of 1932-1933 covered the territory of several Soviet republics, and in Ukraine it was not at all widespread. Well, did the Soviet government starve Ukrainians selectively, depending on the territory in which they lived?

The forces that are now planting their blatantly anti-historical “Ukrainianism” in Ukraine attach great importance to the theme of the “Holodomor”. I invite the reader to first get acquainted with how the myth of the “Holodomor” was created – a famine allegedly artificially organized by Stalin for the purposeful destruction of the Ukrainian people. And only then move on to historical realities.

The famine of 1932-1933 is a bitter page in our real history. But this famine, firstly, was far from the first in the history of Russia. And, secondly, it affected not only Ukraine, but also the Don, Kuban, Volga, Central Black Earth, Kazakhstan. However, the Ukrainizers immediately, in hot pursuit, tried to isolate the “Ukrainian” component from this tragic event, which affected many regions of the USSR, and make the theme of the famine of 1932-1933 an irrelevant one. in Ukraine as an instrument of struggle against the “communist regime”.

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9 Years Since Ukraine Shot Down MH-17. With Vasily Prozorov’s Remarks

Ever since MH-17 was shot down by Ukraine on the 17.07.2014, flying in the direction of Donbass, over a war zone, controlled from the Dnepropetrovsk control tower, with the air traffic controller disappearing into thin air after he instructed MH-17 to descend toa lower altitude; with the fighter pilot Voloshin first making an armed sortie, then getting a “Hero of Ukraine”, and then committing suicide; since Ukraine was made part of the investigation much like if a rapist is made a part of an inquiry into a rape case; after the kangaroo court of Netherlands, when all inconvenient evidence provided by Russia was simply ignored.

Ever since that time I return to the topic of the MH-17 shoot-down on the pages of this blog – all the past posts having the MH-17 tag – and knowing that Russia will not forget this case and will ultimately bring the guilty to justice. Maybe next year, on the 10th anniversary?

As Olga so poignantly wrote on the Putinger’s Chat Telegram channel chat:

Today is another date.
Which for some reason was not remembered by Ukrainian channels. I didn’t see it, maybe it was somewhere. But I have not seen any mention in the foreign press.

This picture was painted by the Dutch artist Emily Rose. Dedicated to the plane crash with the Boeing MH17. Why is memory so short, fellow Europeans?

Then the bodies didn’t even have time to cool down there – “Russians are killers”, “Putin is the killer”.
There was simply nothing known at all.
The plane just crashed…

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‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

Continuing the topic of yesterday’s Newsflash: Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine, Pentagon is doubling down on their rhetoric of the genocide of the Russian civilian population of Donbass.

Just like Senator Graham Lindsay said about a month ago that “Russians are dying. It’s the best investment the USA has made” (imagine the outcry and moaning if he said “Jews” and not “Russians” in that statement, but apparently the genocide of Russians is all dandy), while laughing in that Hillary Clinton-slyled laughter, so does the Pentagon reiterate that “‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths”, while being well aware that the “civilian deaths” are the Russian people of the former Ukraine who made their chose not to follow the Nazi path all the way back in 2014. Also being well-aware that Kiev’s promises to “not to use cluster munitions in civilian-populated urban areas” are worth nothing, based on all the previously-broken promises, staring with the Minsk agreements. Knowing that in the areas where Russia has already won, like in Mariupol, the civilian life has returned to normal and the post-war reconstruction and rebuilding is in full swing.

It is those civilians that Pentagon knowingly wants to murder.

Below is a repost of an RT article from an uncensored mirror. But before that, a note that it seems that not all of the NATO is eager to partake in the blood-binding war crime:

US allies slam plan to send cluster bombs to Ukraine

Both Canada and the UK have said they are against using the weapons on the battlefield

‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

A US official has defended the decision to supply Ukraine with the weapons, which are banned in more than 100 countries

US fears of Russian success on the battlefield outweigh concerns that deliveries of cluster bombs to Ukraine could result in civilian casualties, a senior Pentagon official acknowledged on Friday.

Speaking to reporters, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl defended the White House’s decision to approve another $800 million weapons package for Ukraine, including cluster munitions. The weapons are banned in more than 100 countries.

When they detonate, the munitions release many small bomblets over a wide area. A percentage of bomblets fail to detonate on impact, however, and unexploded elements pose severe risks to civilians for years after fighting ends.

Asked if the Pentagon has assured its allies that the munitions will not cause excessive civilian harm, Kahl replied: “I’m as concerned about the humanitarian circumstance as anybody, but the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win the war. And so it’s important that they don’t.”

He added that Kiev had promised not to use cluster munitions in civilian-populated urban areas and to keep records of where the weapons are deployed to make future de-mining efforts easier. The official also portrayed the deliveries as a stop-gap measure until Kiev’s Western backers can ramp up production of conventional shells.

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Newsflash: Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine

Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine.

Cluster munitions are prohibited by all possible conventions and their usage constitutes a war crime. That much was even stated by the Jen Psaki last year:

🇺🇸 Throwback to 2022: Jen Psaki says using cluster bombs is a war crime

Now that Washington has confirmed that it’s sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, it’s “obviously” not a war crime.

Yet, Biden green-lighted supplying Ukraine with cluster munitions from the American stockpiles, citing the fact that the USA has run out of other conventional 155mm artillery shells in their proxy war against Russia.

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False Flag Warning: USA is setting up the board for a nuclear flase flag to send NATO troops to Ukraine

Several disjointed reports from the past couple of days form into a picture that indicates that the USA is setting up the stage for a nuclear false flag in Ukraine with the aim to send NATO troops there.

First, a statement by Zelensky who «predicts» a nuclear disaster at Zaporozhie NPP (trabslation below the Telegram post):

Nuclear terror continues — Zelensky joined the “predictors” of an imminent explosion at the NPP

Kiev continues to disperse the hysteria around the Zaporozhye NPP. In his daily address to the people of the country 404, the supreme Ukrainian Zelensky, following the head of the GUR Budanov, said that the evil Russians were going to blow up the nuclear power plant controlled by them — “not again, but again,” yes.

Allegedly, Ukrainian intelligence received information that Russia is preparing to stage a “terrorist act with the release of radiation” at the NPP.

The hysteria around potential man-made disasters in Ukraine is growing day by day, and the NPP is far from the only object in the “risk group”. In parallel with nuclear blackmail, the Kiev regime is stoking panic by conducting exercises in case of a “breakthrough” of the Kiev hydroelectric power station. Considering what happened after a similar “shake—up” with the Kakhovka dam, it can be assumed that in the near future the APU may arrange another man-made disaster – public opinion has already been prepared.

Reports of unusual vibration at the DneproGES do not add calmness either. Judging by the shallow rapids downstream of the Dnieper, the spillway gates at the station are closed again, and water is accumulating. This leads to even greater drainage of the Kakhovsky reservoir at the cost of increased load directly on the dam.

But what could the enemy’s next move be? The most obvious target for a terrorist attack may be the cooling pond of a nuclear power plant. If there is nothing to cool the station with, most likely, it will have to be completely shut down. In addition, we should not exclude provocations on the surviving Ukrainian hydroelectric power plants. Perhaps the enemy will try to simulate an attack by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the dams.

Kiev has already shown that it is capable of open terrorism and is ready to use man-made disasters as a weapon, which means that it is necessary to prepare for any turn of events. Especially after such sudden “revelations”.

Next, the US senator Graham Lindsey – the same who laughingly said to Zelensky that Russians are dying and that’s the best use of American money (and as Ukrainians are just wayward Russians, that genocidal statement included the Ukrainians, too) – introduced the bill to expand the kurisdiction of NATO’s Article 5:

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Ukraine is where NATO(‘s Wunderwaffe) goes to die

The NATO countries have been sending wave after wave of increasingly lethal weapons to Ukraine, each touted by the Ukro-Reich as the next «Wunderwaffe» (the German for «wonder weapon», a term harking from Nazi Germany) that would sweep away the Russian forces.

So far, the only thing these NATO weapons were used for, are terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure and residential areas in Donbass – with over 300 HIMARS rockets being fired at the Kahovskaja HPP dam alone. The military significance of these «Wunderwaffe» has been close to 0, and with each new wave NATO draws itself more and more into a direct confrontation with Russia, and thus its own demise.

The picture belowe illustrates it really well, though it omits a few of the weapons.

Let’s see… the Wunderwaffe so far have been:

  • Bayraktar (Turkey)
  • Javelin (USA)
  • NLAW (Britain)
  • M-777 (USA)
  • CAESAR (France)
  • Starlink (USA)
  • Patriot (USA)
  • Storm Shadow (Britain)
  • Leopard (Germany)
  • Challanger with depleted uranium (UK)

Next up???

  • F-16 (USA)
  • Mirage (France)

Chronology and consequences of the Ukrainian terrorist attacks on the Kahovskaja HPP dam

In total, in the summer-autumn of 2022, more than three hundred missiles were fired at the Kakhovskaya HPP from HIMARS alone.

The consequences of the Ukrainian terrorist act when they blew up Kahovskaja HPP dam. The initial post with the event is here:NEWSFLASH: Ukraine blows up Kahovskaja Hydroelectric Plant dam – ongoing ecological and humanitarian disaster (with updates)

Preliminary damage caused to the Herson region by the destruction of the Kahovskaya HPP is estimated at 11.5 billion roubles, but this figure may be far from final, the head of the regional government said.

The Ukrainin side continues with their practice of many years to shoot the civilians, now targeting people seeking shelter from the flood:

The natural disaster is on the rise, with whole houses floating out into the Black Sea. Soon epidemies of cholera and the like can break out in the flooded areas and along the coast.

Maria Zaharova published on her Telegram channel a complete timeline of the Ukrainian attacks on Kahovskaja HPP. The official English text of the complete list is below the message:

Strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant: Chronology

Russian MFA
June 10, 2023

The first information about the Ukrainian military mining the dam and hydraulic structures of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant appeared as far back as September 15, 2014. Reports by the Voenkor.Info agency indicated that Ukrainian sappers began installing engineering ammunition at these facilities in order to prevent the Novorossiya separatists from gaining control over them.

The Kakhovskaya HPP came under the control of the Russian military on February 24, 2022, the first day of the special military operation. There were no hostilities in the area of the dam. During the retreat, Ukrainian sappers only mined the floodgate mechanisms of the North Crimean Canal. The explosion was averted.

In the summer of 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine began regularly shelling the town of Novaya Kakhovka and the hydroelectric power plant.
On July 11, 2022, the HPP was hit by a HIMARS MLRS missile.

On July 18, 2022, the control room of the shipping floodgate was damaged during an attack on the HPP.

On July 24, 2022, the plant came under fire from HIMARS.

On July 26, 2022, large-calibre shells hit the hydroelectric dam.

On the night of July 29-30, 2022, the HPP was again hit by HIMARS.

On August 5, 2022, the hydroelectric power plant came under a massive shelling attack. It was hit by HIMARS, Olkha MLRS, and Tochka-U.

On August 7, 2022, the plant was hit by a HIMARS missile.

On August 9, 2022, the dam once again came under fire.

On August 12, 2022, three of the six turbines of the power plant were damaged as a result of shelling. The HPP was switched to emergency mode (half of the design capacity).

On August 18, 2022, large-calibre shells were fired at the hydroelectric dam.

On August 19, 2022, the plant came under fire from Olkha and Tochka.

On August 21, 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a missile attack on the hydroelectric power plant.

On August 24, 2022, the plant was subjected to massive shelling from HIMARS.

On August 27, 2022, the HPP was hit by Olkha and Tochka.

On August 28, 2022, a missile attack was launched from HIMARS MLRS against the hydroelectric dam.

On August 29, 2022, the plant once again came under fire from HIMARS.

On August 30, 2022, a missile attack was launched on the hydroelectric power plant.

On September 1, 2022, the plant came under fire from HIMARS.

On September 2, 2022, large-calibre shells were fired at the HPP.

On September 5, 2022, the plant was hit by missiles.

On September 6, 2022, a HIMARS missile attack was launched on the HPP.

On September 8, 2022, the regional authorities reported that the HPP and access roads to it had been shelled.

On September 10, 2022, HIMARS hit Novaya Kakhovka and the HPP. The dam was not hit.

On October 18, 2022, Sergey Surovikin, commander of the special military operation, reported damage to the Antonovsky Bridge and the dam of the Kakhovskaya HPP as a result of shelling from HIMARS MLRS.

On October 21, 2022, Russia circulated a letter in the UN Security Council in which it called for preventing Ukraine’s provocations against the Kakhovskaya HPP. The document stated that “the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been shelling the city of Novaya Kakhovka in the Kherson Region for five months. Up to 120 missiles per day are launched.”

On October 24, 2022, the hydroelectric power plant and civilian infrastructure in the area of Novaya Kakhovka were hit by HIMARS and Olkha.

On November 6, 2022, the HPP was hit by six HIMARS missiles. One of them hit a floodgate, which was damaged.

On November 17, 2022, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that Ukrainian troops had reached the right bank of the Dnieper along its entire length, including in the area of the Kakhovskaya HPP.

In total, in the summer-autumn of 2022, more than three hundred missiles were fired at the Kakhovskaya HPP from HIMARS alone.

On December 29, 2022, The Washington Post published the following statement made by Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kovalchuk, commander of the Ukrainian troops in the Kherson Region: “The Ukrainians conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages. The test was a success.” The date of the strike was not specified.

On March 14, 2023, Head of the Novokakhovsky District Vladimir Leontyev stated that the HPP is hit regularly; in addition, sabotage and reconnaissance units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are regularly attempting to penetrate the territory and the dam. He said that snipers are also working actively, preventing repair and maintenance work on hydraulic structures.

Such methodical attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the HPP resulted in the destruction of its structures, which began on June 6, 2023, and the uncontrolled discharge of water from the Kakhovka reservoir downstream of the Dnieper.

Man on Moon – Deconstructing NASA’s Audacious Deception

Year 2019 marked an anniversary of one of the greatest deceptions that USA has so far managed to pull off and get away with.

Alexandr Ivanovich Popov, doctor of Physics and Mathematics, wrote an excellent book, doing a step by step exposure of NASA’s faux Moon landing – from the early preparatory works, to the supposed flight, to the alleged return. What is so special about this book, is that it takes a very systematic, scientific approach to the whole issue. It also covers the angle of the Soviet Moon program, the politics of it in USSR and how it was surrendered to the USA for some questionable economic benefits. The latter is usually overlooked by the Western researches.

The book “Americans on the Moon – A Great Breakthrough Or An Astronomical Fraud?” along with many research articles is published by the author in open domain for everyone to read, but its reach is currently limited only to the Russian-speaking audience. Additionally, the site holds the book “Sojuz-Apollo: The Fraud of the Joint Flight. Facts and Suppositions”

The entire “Americans on the Moon” book is available as a PDF, automatically translated from the source site. The quality of the translation is very good. The book is also available on WebArchive through the entries here and here.

Below, as an introduction, I give my own translation of the front page of the Man On Moon site and the table of contents.

In the 60s of the last century, according to NASA, the National American Space Agency, the Americans made dozens of manned space flights with access to near-earth orbit. Among them are nine flights to the Moon, six of which ended with the landing of astronauts. These reports incredibly raised the prestige of the United States. However, year after year, the number of sceptics who having studied NASA materials about these landings, came to the conclusion that the Americans were never on the Moon.

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“The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton.” A Documentary by Aleksei Denisov with English subtitles.

In 2015 the Russian news agency VGTRK released documentary film “The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton”. Back then I wrote about it in Two Documentaries: “Murder of Yugoslavia” and “Democracy of Mass Destruction”, and also translated the summary, but did not undertake the translation of the documentary itself. With the parallels in today’s Ukrainian conflict and NATO’s role in it, this documentary has become even more current than in 2015. In addition, with YouTube blocking the VGTRK channel in lieu of the West’s crack-down on the freedom of speech and democracy, the original untranslated documentary became impossible to watch even in Russian.

But before we proceed to the documentary, there is another material that provides additional context and outlines many parallels with the civil war in Ukraine.

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“Fainting Piglet”, aka. “Unconscious Piggy” Satirical Cartoons Explain the Core of Ukraine and Why SMO Was Unavoidable (with future updates)

In the August of 2022 the CGI animator Evgenia from Krasnodar Krai started creating something that grew into an in-depth satirical reviews of all what was failing Ukraine, and explaining the Special Military Operation’s goals.

The character personifying Ukraine became a little wayward, Nazi-tainted piglet. The Russian title of the series is “Свинка в обмороке” (Svinka v obmoroke), which is a play on the shortened name of the Special Military Operation (SMO) – SVO in Russian. In English the series have got several varying names, trying to convey the essence: “Unconscious Piggy”, “Fainting Piglet”, “Piglet in a Swoon”, “Swooning Pig”.

All episodes are released at the official Telegram channel of the Fainting Piglet. Evgenia writes in the description: “The Piglet is not the whole of Ukraine, but only her demented part!” I have additionally uploaded them to Yandex Disk for easy download.

Jump to the newly-added episode(s)

While the later episodes were released bilingually, earlier episodes require translation (and most of them also require some context for the Western audience, who have been subjected to the heavy Mains Stream Media censorship). This honourable task was undertaken by the admin of The Putinger’s Cat Telegram channel.

As more and more episodes get release and translated, they are becoming increasingly more difficult to trace. And, additionally, not everyone has Telegram. That is why I decided to upload them to Odysee and create this collated post that will get updates as new episodes see the light of day.

But first, a very short clip that cuts to the chase, and shows the very essence of the conflict and the role Ukraine plays in it!

The very first Unconscious Pig episode – “What is Russia Punishing Ukraine For?” or “Why do Russians support the SMO?” – is finally translated! (Translation at Putinger’s Cat)

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The West Seeing Russia’s Strength as Weakness. A Testimonial on Telegram

Today I observed a conversation in Putinger’s Cat Telegram channel chat that revolved about Russia and USSR and the Westerner’s view of Russia being weak, countered by a very good string of arguments by Milana Attison. The topic resonated strongly with what I’ve written earlier in this blog in the following articles about the Wild ’90s:

There were several lines of conversation going at once, but in reality they all boiled down to one thing: countering the centuries-old Western stereotype of bad USSR/Russia.

At first Milana replied to a member Jason, who postulated that everything was miserable in the USSR, based on some second-hand information, yet he did not make a distinction between the pre-War USSR or Russia after the 90’s.

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Russian FM Sergej Lavrov’s Article “On dramatizations as a method of Western politics”

I have written a few times previously on how the fake flags and false flags are constantly being staged by the West. Ad even now, former Ukraine is sending drones of both attack and kamikaze types at the Zaporozhije nuclear power plant (the largest in Europe, so a nuclear disaster there will make Chernbyl look like child’s play) in the hopes of blowing it up (never mind the fall-out – literally – in the former Ukraine itself and Europe) only in the hopes of blaming Russia for the disaster. The West has already laid the groundwork for this nuclear false flag through the publications in the MSM.

Yesterday I came across an article written by the Russian Foreign Minister Segrej Lavrov for newspaper “Izvestija”, which really accentuates this particular Western mindset and it is finally said by the top Russian diplomat, taking the diplomatic gloves off.

I first saw a shortened highlights-only version of it on Yandex Zen, and then found the article proper on the site of “Izvestija”. I decided to translate the complete and unabridged article, as no one cane say it better, than Mr. Lavrov himself.

On dramatizations as a method of Western politics

Today, the Russian Armed Forces and the DPR and LPR militias are confidently solving tasks within the framework of the special military operation (SMO), seeking to end blatant discrimination and genocide of Russians and eliminate direct threats to the security of the Russian Federation created by the United States and its satellites on the territory of Ukraine for years. Losing on the battlefield, the Ukrainian regime and its Western patrons do not disdain to stage dramatizations “with blood” in order to demonize our country in the international public opinion. There have already been Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Kremenchuk. The Russian Ministry of Defence regularly warns about the preparations of new staged incidents with facts in hand.

Provocative dramatizations performed by the West and its minions have a recognizable handwriting. And they did not start with Ukraine, but much earlier.

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