Did Putin Deport or Save Children?

Below is a re-blog of an article by Putinger’s Cat from their Telegram channel.

Kids from Mariupol at a Crimean children’s camp. August, 2023

Could the fact that children were taken to safety on passenger planes belonging to the Russian military and from military airfields be considered as extreme in given circumstances?

The topic of forced deportation of children from the war zone periodically pops ups in the Western and Ukrainian media. In such recent publications, a report put together by Yale University, a prestigious US school, and supported by the State Department has been cited frequently. The author of the report, Nathaniel Raymond, who happens to head the Yale Humanitarian Research Laboratory, claimed that “planes and vehicles under the direct control of Russian President Vladimir Putin were used in a program to remove children from the occupied Ukrainian territories.” According to the report, this happened in the mid-2022, and the mentioned children from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions were first brought to Rostov and, from there, transported, by plane, to the Chkalovsky military airport near Moscow. Mr. Nathaniel Raymond went as far as actually claiming that one such flight took place on September 16, 2022, by a Tu-154 M aircraft, registration number RA-85123, operated by the 223rd flight detachment of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Due to thе air traffic restrictions and temporary local airport closures implemented at the onset of the SMO, at times, it’s only possible to fly out of the region on special flights of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The receiving Chkalovsky airport in Moscow is, essentially, no different from civilian airports. The Tu-154 plane that allegedly transported children to Moscow is a legendary Soviet passenger plane from the 1970’s. Another seventeen such aircraft are currently in service with the Ministry of Defence. Therefore, the fact that children were taken to safety on passenger planes belonging to the Russian military and from military airfields should not be viewed as something extraordinary in these circumstances, as the Yale University author suggests.

The topic of forced deportation of children from war-torn territories received little attention and was rarely commented on by the Russian public. “Russia did not kidnap but rather rescued Ukrainian children, bringing them out of the war zone. What were we supposed to do, leave children in orphanages, under artillery fire?” This question was raised by President Putin at last year’s Russia-Africa summit.

Ten-year-old Kira and thirteen-year-old Bogdan, from Kherson, are among the four hundred children who returned, from Russia, to their parents in Ukraine via third countries. In an interview with CNN’s correspondent Nick Patton in April of 2023, Kira repeated, twice, that her time spent in an orphanage in Crimea was “great”. On the other hand, Bogdan claimed that he was “bored” because children were taught “singing Russian songs” and that “Ukrainians and Russians are fraternal peoples who must live in harmony.” In the report, Kira’s father, Alexander, and Bogdan’s mother, Irina, admitted that they voluntarily sent their children to an orphanage in Crimea because, as single parents, they did not have the means to support them in wartime conditions. After the withdrawal of the Russian army from Kherson, they changed their minds, and, a few months later, Russian authorities returned their children, through a third country, as per procedure.

However, the Yale University report claims that children from Ukraine were subjected to “pro-government and paramilitary propaganda”, which “was documented in camps where thousands of children were transferred to and subjected to patriotic re-education” as part of the process of “forced naturalization” of Ukrainians, which, according to the report, represents “elements of crimes against humanity.” Kira and Bogdan spoke with Nick Patton in Russian, the use of which has been prohibited in Ukraine’s public spaces since 2019. In some parts of Ukraine, for example, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the so-called language police are tasked with punishing anyone who is heard speaking Russian. Logically, the “language police” would have punished Kira and Bogdan’s parents, had they caught their children speaking Russian to an American journalist.

The Hague based International Criminal Court (ICC), which many mistakenly identify as the Special Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, charged Russian President Vladimir Putin, in March 2023, with the “illegal deportation of children from the occupied territories of Ukraine” and issued a warrant for his arrest. Maria Lvova-Belova, an employee of the presidential administration in the Kremlin who oversees children’s rights, was accused of the same crime – the “crime” of taking children from war-torn areas, with the available means, and returning them to their parents when possible.

How the US and NATO reuse the 1990s Yugoslavia wars playbook in Ukraine – RT repost

The following is an article published on the 29th of March 2023 on RT, written by Nebojsa Malic, a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for Antiwar.com from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. The article becomes even more relevant now that UN has played the faux-“genocide” card with regard to Srebrenica. I am reposting it in full in the blog.

How the US and NATO reuse the 1990s Yugoslavia wars playbook in Ukraine

If certain strategies and tactics seem familiar, that’s because they are over 20 years old

The emotionally charged and often hyperbolic terms used by the US and its allies to describe the conflict in Ukraine gives the notion that it is something unprecedented and unseen since the Second World War. That is quite literally not true.

If anything, the behaviours, tactics and even strategies embraced by the government in Kiev and its Western patrons bear an uncanny similarity to the conflicts that destroyed Yugoslavia in the 1990s. In sharp contrast to all the reminiscing – though nowhere near enough remorse – on the recent anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, even the critics of the Western establishment seem to have forgotten about the Kosovo War, which began on March 24,1999.

After all, Operation Allied Force (NATO’s official name for the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia) is proof that NATO’s claim of being a “defensive alliance” is a lie. So is the notion that changing borders by force is something that is simply not done in the “rules-based world order,” what with the US-led bloc occupying Serbia’s province of Kosovo and endorsing its “independence” in 2008. The West was so law-abiding, it tried to justify the unjustifiable by inventing the doctrine of “responsibility to protect” and setting up an “independent” commission to declare the war “illegal but legitimate.”

No wonder, then, that the “international community” wants this forgotten, to the point where they are trying to pressure Serbia to legitimize it by threatening sanctions, isolation, and “internal turmoil.”

In May 1999, after weeks of failing to bomb Serbia into submission, NATO sought to shore up its unity and credibility by having its pet tribunal in The Hague charge President Slobodan Milosevic with war crimes. Parallels with events of the past weeks write themselves.

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25 years of US-NATO’s terrorist attack on Yugoslavia

Presenting a translation of an article taking a close look at NATO’s terrorist attack on Serbia in 1999, putting it into perspective of the current NATO’s destructions of Ukraine that is being used as a ram against Russia. The quote from the article summarises its whole message:

It was not just a military operation, but a barbaric demonstrative execution, an act of intimidation, let’s face it – a terrorist act without any quotes, because “terror” means “fear”, and “terrorism” is actions committed with the goal of intimidation.

The topic of Yugoslavia has been covered on this blog for some time, with the following articles being of special interest: Democracy of Mass Destruction. A Documentary by Pavel Selin (with English subtitles), “The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton.” A Documentary by Alexei Denisov with English subtitles., and The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Final Acts. Abduction of Milosevic to the Hague. While “The Great Gas Game” – An Excellent Documentary from Vesti touches upon the NATO strikes on the oil and chemical infrastructure of Serbia.

25 years of the terrorist attack on Serbia, which stood in the way of US domination in Europe

by Dmitry Rodionov

A quarter of a century ago, in 1999, a unipolar world was being born in Yugoslavia, the one which will soon end in Ukraine.

NATO airstrikes on Serbia in 1999

This spring is full of anniversaries. we have been remembering the 10th anniversary of the events in the former Ukraine throughout February and March, and somehow undeservedly forgot another landmark date – NATO attacking Serbia on the 24th of March 1999.

During the two and a half months of this aggression, up to 5,700 civilians were killed, including about 400 children. Houses, infrastructure, and facilities critical to the economy were destroyed…

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People against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia – archived documents of solidarity from 25 years ago

25 years ago, on the 24th of March 1999, NATO began bombing Serbia, disintegrating the state of Yugoslavia, and Time magazine authoritatively explained why this was a good thing, under a cover title “Bringing the Serbs to heel. Massive bombing attack opens the door to peace”.

This was a stark example of applying “white gloves to the bloodied hands”, that was so aptly illustrated in a Soviet caricature from 1980 that we showcased yesterday on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”!

Already several months before the aggression against Yugoslavia started, it was clear what the USA was planning.

This article is comprised of four archival materials that have been waiting in my digital archive for the past 25 years.

  1. The warning from October 1998.
  2. “Hey, Joe! – Message to the Troops of NATO”.
  3. April 24th, 1999 – Stop the War, a small rally in Heidelberg.
  4. May 1st, 1999 – reportage from the large anti-war campaign throughout Germany.

The first, is a warning that was written by yours truly on the 12th of October 1998 – five months before US-NATO started its act of terrorism – and posted on several forums and message boards. A warning, not dissimilar to the one appearing in this blog in 2014 with regard to the coup in Ukraine: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?.

NATO bombed Yugoslavia on the 50th anniversary of its existence, raining on the country the radioactive democracy of mass destruction (a link to a must-see documentary on the blog!). Today NATO is depopulating Ukraine on its 75th anniversary.

The Warning

The United States are about to start an aggression against an independent state – Serbia. I say the United States, and not NATO because NATO-countries would do exactly what USA tells them to do.

This mindless aggression can bring us to World War III. The USA have learnt nothing from its earlier experiences – Hiroshima and Vietnam. I wish to remind everybody that several years of bombing in Vietnam didn’t break the will of Vietnamese liberation army. Meddling with internal affairs of a state (especially with a case of civil disagreements) brings nothing but misery and destruction to all the nations involved.

The USA and the world are utterly inconsistent in their moves. When Russia had a case of civil war with Chechen republic, the world community (read USA) did not react in any way – more precisely, they did not send bombers to crush Russia. Why? Because Russia could fight back, because Russia had atomic weapon, after all, because Russian territory is so large. Serbia does not have atomic weapon, Serbia, marauded by rebels, cannot fight back, and Serbia is small. Thus it can be attacked without any great fear for being hit back. That’s cowardice! The following quote only confirms it: “The six B-52s that arrived Sunday at a British air based would be used to launch cruise missiles from outside the range of Serb’s air defences.” (from http://www.msnbc.com/news/204272.asp)

So why to launch this assault at all? The answer is: to justify NATO’s existence and to show who is the boss. Since the threat from Soviet Union disappeared NATO was in acute lack of enemies. So the enemies and wars should be created to justify budgets. Iraq was first, Serbia is next.

Why World War III? Russia has newly declared its support to Serbia – diplomatic and military – as to a bother-state. In an utmost case this would mean that any country declaring war on Serbia, declares war on Russia, meaning that Russia can strike back, targeting any European country.

USA behaves now like “the wold’s hooligan”, striking the one who is weaker, but avoiding the one who is equal or stronger. It was not so long ago we saw banners “USA out of Vietnam”. I am afraid that soon we will see banners “NATO (USA) out of Serbia!”

This paragraph is for Americans only in connection with their constant paranoia: No, I am not a communist; I am a person who loves the thing that Americans lost long ago – freedom.

The 12th of October 1998.

Hey Joe! Where ya going with that gun in your hand?

Message to the Troops of NATO

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Germany Is Chasing the Cat Back Into the Bag

In this follow-up article to German Cat Is Out of the Bag – representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge we are taking a look at how the Germany handles the embarrassment. The article was first published as a post on our “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” Telegram channel. Please subscribe!

With the much-discussed conversation of the Bundeswehr officials, (https://t.me/BeornAndTheShieldmaiden/2956) the Germans tried yesterday to chase the cat back into the bag, in much the same way and with as much success as when they pushed the gas back into the US-blown Nord Streams.

Maria Zaharova commented it thus on her Telegram channel:

Bild: “The Bundeswehr insisted on blocking accounts on the social network X, which distributed the recording of a conversation between the German military, who discussed the Taurus missile strike on the Crimean Bridge.”

It’s called “covering your tracks.” Will everything follow the same scenario as the German “investigation” of the terrorist attacks on the Nord Streams?

German citizens must learn from Scholtz about the rights of foreigners in Russia, Belarus, China, but not about their own German rights.


However, the only thing that blocking of X-accounts and the subsequent publication in the “Bild” can achieve, is the Streisand effectan unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing public awareness of the information.

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German Cat Is Out of the Bag – representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge

If you are coming here from our Telegram post at “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, you can continue reading the transcript from where you left off. If you are using the translation, please reference t.me/BeornAndTheShieldmaiden to help our channel grow!

Photo: German Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz.
Master in Aero-nautical Science

RIA Novosti writes, that the conversation in which representatives of the Bundeswehr discussed the strikes on the Crimean Bridge, took place on February 19th 2024.

The topic was discussed by the head of the operations and exercises department of the Air Force Command Graefe, Air Force Inspector Gerhartz and employees of the air operations center Fenske and Frostedte.

At the same time, one of the officers mentioned a planned trip to Ukraine on February 21st to coordinate strikes on Russian targets. 

Russia’s MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova notes on the Telegram channel of the ministry:

I’m interested in Annalena Baerbock’s perspective on this matter. This presents a prime opportunity for German media to demonstrate its independence by asking probing questions and for Russian media to seek the opinion of the German Embassy in Moscow.

Margarita Simonyan, Editor-in-Chief of RT (https://t.me/rtnews):

Our people in uniform shared some intriguing information with me on the day when Scholz said that NATO was not and would never be involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

The information and videos are so riveting that I immediately wanted to share them with our audiences to bring them joy.
In that captivating footage, high-ranking German officers discussed the bombing (would you believe it) of the Crimean Bridge and methods to execute it discreetly so that Scholz could keep up to his talk of non-involvement.

The Bundeswehr officers have also spilled the beans about the Americans and the Brits who, they said, had been directly involved in the conflict for a long time.

In short, it’s 40 minutes of pure delight. In this connection, I have an official journalistic inquiry for the German Ambassador, the German Foreign Minister and Chancellor Scholz personally:

What does this mean, gentlemen? Should Russia jog Germany’s memory about what happened last time when Germany blew up Russian bridges?

As your media usually say, we expect an answer today.

Because nobody knows what may happen tomorrow.

Following is our English translation of Margarita Simonyan’s publication of the…

Transcript of a conversation between high-ranking Bundeswehr officers dated 02/19/2024

On February 19th 2024, the following conversation took place between the Head of the Operations and Exercises Department of the Bundeswehr Air Force Command Graefe, the Bundeswehr BBC Inspector Gerhartz and the employees of the Bundeswehr Space Command Air Operations Center Fenske and Frostedte.

Gerhartz: Hello everyone! Graefe, are you in Singapore now?

Graefe: Yes.

Gerhartz: Okay. We need to verify the information. As you have already heard, Defence Minister Pistorius intends to carefully consider the issue of supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. We have a meeting planned with him. Everything needs to be discussed so that we can start working on this issue. So far I do not see that the start date of these deliveries has been indicated. It was not like the Chancellor told him: “I want to get information now, and tomorrow morning we will make a decision.” I haven’t heard anything like this. On the contrary, Pistorius evaluates this entire ongoing discussion. Nobody knows why the Federal Chancellor is blocking these supplies. Of course, the most incredible rumours appear. Let me give you an example: Yesterday, a journalist who is very close to the Chancellor called me. She heard somewhere in Munich that the Taurus missiles would not work. I asked who told her this. She replied that someone in military uniform told her this. Of course, this is a low-level source of information, but the journalist latched onto these words and wants to make a big deal out of it with the headline: “Now we know the reason why the Chancellor refuses to send Taurus missiles – they won’t work.” This is all stupidity. Such topics are available only to a limited circle of people. However, we see what kind of nonsense is spreading in the meantime, they are talking complete nonsense. I want to coordinate this issue with you so that we do not move in the wrong direction.
First of all, I now have questions for Frostedte and Fenske:
Has anyone talked to you about this topic? Did Freuding contact you?

Frostedte: No. I only communicated with Graefe.

Fenske: The same thing, I only communicated with Graefe.

Gerhartz: Perhaps he will contact you again. I will probably have to participate in hearings in the Budget Commission, because problems have arisen related to rising prices for the conversion of infrastructure for the F-35 in Büchel. I have already conveyed my recommendations through Frank so that we have slides to visualise the material. We showed him a test presentation where Taurus missiles were installed on a Tornado carrier or on another carrier required by the assignment. However, I have a hard time imagining this. It is necessary to remember that this is a half-hour meeting, so you should not prepare a presentation of 30 slides. There should be a short report. It is necessary to show what a rocket can do, how it can be used. It is necessary to take into account, if we make a political decision to transfer missiles as aid to Ukraine, what consequences this may lead to. I will be grateful to you if you tell me not only what problems we have, but how we can solve them. For example, if we talk about delivery methods… I know how the British do it. They always transport them in Ridgback armoured vehicles. They have several people on site. The French don’t do that. They supply Q7 with Scalp missiles to Ukraine. Storm Shadow and Scalp have similar technical specifications for their installation. How will we solve this problem? Will we be transferring to them the MBDA missiles with Ridgback? Will one of our people be assigned to MBDA? Graefe, report to us what our position is on this issue. Misters Fenske and Frostedte, please report how you see the situation.
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Sweden has voluntarily submitted to the United States. By Jan Guillou

Sweden has voluntarily submitted to the United States

By Jan Guillou, 25.02.2024

A defence agreement between Sweden and the United States establishes American sovereignty.

It looks like Sweden has been at war with the United States and lost. At least when you read the latest defence agreement between our government and the United States. The American sovereignty in Sweden is introduced there.

Swedish Secretary of Defence Pål Jonson and U.S. Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin

Of course, this is not the image conveyed by the media. From the Report’s coverage, I only remember pictures of the happy little Swedish defence minister and the giant American defence minister as they sign the secret agreement, as if it were just another routine agreement. It’s not. It is unique in our history and incomprehensibly far-reaching. It is about total submission.

Right from the beginning of the agreement, the United States was to be granted ”unhindered access to and use of agreed facilities and areas”.

Well. And what are these agreed facilities and areas? They are listed on Page 37. These are all of Sweden’s air fleets and all major army bases, including 17 listed. Thus, in practice, it is the entire defence of Sweden that the United States should receive ”unhindered”, that is, unlimited power over.

In addition, at unspecified defence facilities, certain areas will be cordoned off to which ”only U.S. forces shall have access and use” and where U.S. jurisdiction shall apply. But that’s not all. ”Upon request,” the United States shall access and use private land and assets, including roads, ports, and airports.

The United States also gets the right to freely build up ”areas and facilities” for storing weapons and defence equipment. There are no exceptions to the type of weapon, not even nuclear weapons (Article 14). The parties “may consult on the above to the extent necessary”.

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Russia Running Out of Weapons 2.0 – A Documentary

It was very surreal listening last year to Ursula von der Leyen’s State of the Union speech, standing there in a brown suite, giving a OUN/UPA Nazi collaborator greeting, and then proclaiming that Russia was taking chips out of dishwashers. So much so, that it prompted us, while working on the translation of “2 Years” – A Danish Underground Publication from 1943, to create a historical parallel caricature. At the same time, media was in a frenzy about how Russia, any second now will run out of missiles, or had actually already done so. It was also presenting a portent analogy to the media frenzy in the German-affiliated press in 1941, just as Nazi Germany invaded the USSR. I was saving the links to those publications back then, for a better time, which happened to be now…

Bizarre delusions of grandeur to go with self-seductive propaganda narratives seem to be inherent as Western imperialism once a century launches project “defeat and conquer Russia”.

German Nazism once displayed it big time, and EU and NATO now parrot their predecessor while openly aligning politically with Fascism.

Since the start of the SMO western MSM have consistently reported “Russia out of missiles”. A mantra that didn’t age very well and the humour is lost on no-one, when the articles are viewed in one take. We added some 1940s deja-vu, plus a little something for the full-spectrum experience.


The video is also published on the “Beorn and The Shieldmaiden” Telegram channel.

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“Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023)” – a black book with over 400 testimonials

Ukraine's crimes 2022-2023In June I wrote about a recent black book covering the Ukrainian atrocities, with my translation of the preface. “The Black Book. Atrocities of the modern Banderites – the Ukrainian neo-Nazis in 2014 – 2023” – by Maxim Grigoriev & Mihail Myagkov was in Russian and continued the work of the Russian Foreign Ministry and their White Hooks covering the years 2013-2014: Recent Ukraine human rights violations released in ‘White Book’ report

Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023) is also compiled by Maxim Grigoriev (Russian language Telegram channel of the author).

The book was published on the Maxim Grigoriev’s English-language Telegram channel «War Crimes in Ukrake» and announced in this post on the Telegram channel of the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs.

➡️ The PDF of the book can be downloaded directly from this site.

Below are the introduction and the table of contents of the book:


The book ‘Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023)’ contains more than 400 testimonies of victims and eyewitnesses of Ukrainian war crimes and terrorist acts against civilians, committed between 2022 and 2023.

These testimonies have been collected by various public initiatives and organizations, including the International Public Tribunal on the Crimes of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Their Accomplices, the Foundation for the Study of Democracy, and many others. The non-governmental nature of the work of these organizations, and limited resources has allowed only a small number of the tens of thousands of Ukrainian war crimes to be documented.

The evidence of crimes presented in this book contains direct speech — the accounts of victims and witnesses of crimes — and is classified according to the types of crimes under international humanitarian law. In each case photographs and full details of the victims and witnesses are provided, allowing them to be re-interviewed both by the media and by national or international judicial structures.

The accounts presented in this book testify to massive Ukrainian war crimes, which under international humanitarian law are classified as crimes against humanity and have no statute of limitations.

We would appreciate if you could repost this message with this book in social media or pass it to the media and human rights organizations of your country.

М. Grigoriev

President of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy


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False Flag Warning! Russian MoD warns: Kiev plans a chemical false flag!

As usual, the best way to avert a looming false flag is to alert about it. And the best false flag is the one that ultimately does not materialise. So, in view of this, here comes a die warning:

The Message from the Russian Ministry of Defence:

⚡️Joint Coordination Headquarters of Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine

❗️According to the available information, confirmed by several independent sources, a large-scale provocation is being prepared under the leadership of the Ukrainian president’s office aimed at discrediting the Russian Federation on the international scene.

◽️ In order to distract the attention of the international community from the facts of numerous war crimes committed by the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and militants of nationalist formations published by the UN, Kiev regime has planned a special information campaign.

◽️ For its implementation, within the last two weeks, in Akhtyrka in Sumy region, an allegedly ‘advanced defence line of the AFU on the line of contact with the Russian troops’ has been prepared.

◽️ The bodies and remains of dead Ukrainian servicemen, whose deaths allegedly occurred as a result of hit by ‘Russian’ artillery ammunition filled with ‘poisonous substances’, are planned to be delivered to the equipped pseudo-positions.

◽️ Kiev regime envisages the treatment of this area and the remains of the Ukrainian servicemen with a poisonous substance. This will allow invited experts from the Western countries currently on Ukrainian territory to document the alleged ‘use of ‘chemical weapons’ by the Russian armed forces’.

◽️ To make the provocation more plausible, Ukraine’s special services have been instructed to prepare and publish on social media fake radio intercepts allegedly discussed by Russian servicemen preparing to use ‘chemical weapons’, as well as fabricated orders to receive special ammunition for Grad MLRS units.

◽️ According to Kiev regime’s intention, this provocation will make it possible to launch another media campaign to discredit the Russian Federation in the Western media, including an attempt to initiate UN Security Council meeting with accusations against the Russian Federation.

⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ URGENT! Poisonous substances have already been delivered to the region for Western experts to record the “use” of “chemical weapons” by the Russian Armed Forces

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The Slow Flow of the Special Military Operation Explained

Some time ago Lada Ray made an excellent audio report on the reason of the slow flow of the military operation:


And a couple of days ago I saw that Russel Bentley posted a series of posts on his Telegram channel that explain well the reason for the slow progress of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine (and also why it is a SMO, and not a War). By the looks of it, the English text is a translation from Russian. I am reposting the text here in full and unaltered.


Why so slow?

The liberation of Donbass is not going as fast as we would like. And probably it seems especially slow to those who are waiting for it the most. Unbearably slow.

One of the reasons for the low speed of advance is the numerical superiority of the enemy and the well-fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were built over 8 years.

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Potential False Flag alerts – Ukraine prepares false flags: Scorched earth in Avdeevka and “chemical attack” in Odessa

The best false flag is the one that does not materialise due to a preliminary world-wide exposure of its preparation. Kiev, using both NATO and Nazi handbooks is constantly seeking to set up false flags, but luckily the majority of them are exposed ast the preparation stage. The latest two that came into the spotlight yesterday are centred around the city of Avdeevka, which the Ukrainian forces are preparing to abandon, and around Odessa, which is the next strategically important direction for the denazification of the former Ukraine.

UPDATE 02.07.2022: Russian MoD issued yesterday another warning for Odessa that a “White Helmet”-like fake flag is about to be staged. And today something happened on a children’s resort centre, owned by Moldavia… Coincidence?

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Warning: a “fake flag” was allegedly prepared by Ukraine in Nikolaev

First let me clarify the title. Everyone knows about the “false flags” – it is when someone performs a lethal attack on their own to blame it on the other side. Case in point – Bucha, where Ukrainian “forces” spent two days killing the pro-Russian people and setting up the stage for the “Wester indignation over Russian atrocities”.

Then there are outright fakes – staged footage or simple hear-say, which gets disproved pretty quickly, but leaves a scar of mistrust. For example, Gonzalo Lira exposed fakes from James Vasquez, but it was deleted by YT (or, maybe the Ukrainian KGB – SBU). “Untold Truths” has a mirror below:

And finally, there is something that I called for a “fake flag”. It’s like a mix of the two above, a staged performance with limited to no casualties, but aimed at igniting the “indignation of the ‘civilized’ West”.

Incidentally, the White Helmets terrorists did all three things in Syria, which is not surprising, given that both the White Helmets before and the Ukrainians now are tutored and controlled fromt the same centres. The “chemical attack” video shoot is the most exposed example of the White Helmets’ “fake flag”.

Back on June the 3rd the Russian Ministry of defence posted the following Telegram post with two videos of the “behind the scenes” of the British/Ukrainian filming effort that was leaked:

Against the backdrop of Kiev’s political catastrophe in Mariupol and military failures in Donbass, the Kiev regime, with British financial support, has organised the production of “morale raise” videos for Western and Ukrainian audiences.

▫️In particular, on May 28, staged video was filmed near Meshkovka, Nikolaev Region, of the alleged “high efficiency” of the use of Western weaponry by Ukrainian nationalists.

▫️To add more drama to the future film, at the insistence of British supervisors, a re-enactment of never-existing battle between Ukrainian Nazis and outnumbered “Russian soldiers” was created on the set.

▫️The roles of “opponents” of the Ukrainian Nazis in the staged short film were performed by members of the local territorial defence unit wearing red armbands.

▫️In the absence of trophy Russian equipment, the mock enemy appears in the frame using Ukrainian APCs and armoured vehicles.

▫️The next video shoot is scheduled for June 5 and 6.

And now to the warning. On June the 18th they published the post with the following message (quoting for those, without Telegram). What it describes is the quintessence of a “fake flag”!

⚠️ According to reliable information, it has been established that Ukrainian special services in Nikolaev have organized the preparation of video clips of allegedly destroyed private households and local residents left homeless as a result of shelling by the Russian Armed Forces.

▫️More than 40 actors were involved in the staged video filming and all participants were paid cash reward of $25.

▫️In the future, the staged footage will be distributed in the Ukrainian and Western media, accusing the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate strikes against civilian targets.

▫️Once again we emphasise to the entire international community that such fakes, cultivated by the Ukrainian “lie factory” at the order of Western curators, do not contain reliable and objective information.

❗️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation treat civilians extremely humanely and do not strike at civilian infrastructure.

➡️ More

Ukraine sets a new anti-record in shelling of the civilians. War crime caught on camera.

Ukrainian “army” was very desperate at drawing the Russian troops away from Severodonetsk and wanting them to instead start a frontal assault on the well-fortified Avdeevka, where the Ukrainian troops have dug in using the civilians as the human shield. These were the reasons for the indiscriminate terrorist shelling of the residential areas of Donetsk city of the past days. A few days ago Ukraine set an 8-year record in shelling of the civilians: 13.06.2022 – The most brutal shelling of Donetsk city over the past 8 years. Now with French munitions, but yesterday, they beat it and shelled with an even greater ferociousness.

400 shells were fired at the city. 5 people were killed. over 20 wounded.

The Russian Air Force finally obliged the Ukrainian wish and returned fire, but using high-precision rockets, striking 12 firing position. As the result, 4 platoons of the “Grad” Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems and 4 platoons of the American-supplied M777 155mm howitzers were destroyed.

One attack by the Ukrainian terrorists on University street in Donetsk was captured on a security camera, and by the looks of it, it was a cluster bomb with exploding sub-munitions – this is a war crime, as such munitions are forbidden against targets where civilians might be found.

Graham Phillips drove through Donetsk as the shelling commenced. A video where one can see the destruction, a bloodied car. Towards the end of the video Graham evacuates two scared women:

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The Independent Journalists and Resources in Donbass (with future updates)

This post will be a sticky list pointing to the independent, critical thinking journalists, analysts and sources of information on the conflict in Eastern Ukraine / Donbass / Novorossia. These resources proved themselves to be reporting what they see on the ground and are not beholden to the NATO-agenda of the Western MSM. But before we proceed, here is a list of Telegram channels with the running news feeds: