Maidan madness – a collection of YouTube links from April 2010 until March 2014

What you are about to read started as a collection of YouTube links with accompanying descriptions has been sitting as a text file in my archive since April 2014 and was a documentation of the madness that engulfed the Ukraine. As can be expected, the majority of the links are now defunct, yet, surprisingly, quite a few survived.

For this publication, the links were verified, and the ones missing on YouTube were supplemented with references to the WebArchive – an indispensable took for historical research at a time history is being actively erased as it happens. The original descriptions in Russian are translated as they too bear witness to the events both leading up to and following the 2014 Nazi coup d’etat in the Ukraine.

Among the clips, there are a couple of Irina Farion, whom I in 2014 likened to Bellatrix Lestrange from the Harry Potter universe: Ukraine events resonating with Half-Life2, Harry Potter and Star Wars.

Some of the clips, or those similar to them, can be seen in the opening of the Project ‘Ukraine’. Documentary by Andrei Medvedev (with English subtitles)!

Another large collection of links is in the 2014 blog article The Unreported War in Ukraine. Some of the links there are probably dead, but might have been saved by the WebArchive.

  1. 17th of April 2010

    * Video lost *

    WebArchive without video

    – Москалив на ножи

    Odessa. Imported Ukrainian neo-Nazis chant “Moskals onto knives” and call for killing of Russians.

  2. 29th of September 2011

    Removed by YT citing “hate speech”

    Video available at WebArchive

    – злобные бандеровцы. Лозунги “Геть москаля! Убей москаля!” “Москалей на ножи!” UKRAINE & RUSSIA ‘Геть москалів, на ножі, на ножі

    Vicious Banderites. Slogans “Get Moskals! Kill Moskals! Moskals onto the knives!”

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