The Reason for the Destruction of the Family Values in the West

The following translation of an article, published in “Argumenty i Fakty” #42 on the 16th of October 2019, probably gives the best explanation for the underlying reasons for the systematic destruction of the family values in the Western countries. This is also, so far, the best explanation that I’ve seen for the seemingly senseless abductions of normal kids from normal families by the assorted Western CPS “childprotection” services, like the case of the Lisovs, which luckily had a happy outcome.

The Time of Transgenders. Why is Europe demolishing the traditional family?

Mattel has started selling “gender-neutral” Barbie dolls, which the child itself can transform into a boy or a girl at will.

The new toy has no secondary sexual characteristics (breasts) and the usual shape of the figure (for example, the female waist). Barbie-transformer has already been called “a symbol of the LGBT community” and “a blow to childhood.” Experts on the family argue that in this way it is planned to finally undermine the psyche the new generations. Igor Beloborodov, a demographer, sociologist, Executive Director of the Dniester-Prut information and analytical center, a member of the working group on improving legislation in the social sphere at the state Duma, explained to “AiF” why it is necessary for ideologists of gender equality.

The king fell in love with the king

Vladimir Kozhemyakin, “AiF”: Igor Ivanovich, why dos Europe, despite the obvious decline of the indigenous population, deliberately destroy the traditional family? It seems unnatural to a normal person.

Igor Beloborodov: this is a matter of political lobbying. Many politicians at the helm of the European Union are childless, without a family. They are not interested in all our problems – the decline of the population, the crisis, the decline of the family. Their standard answer to these fears is that the family is dying, and for childbirth there is surrogacy. Moreover, the family for them is a red rag, the enemy number one, because they see in it, as in a mirror, their own perversion. Therefore, they will continue to welcome juvenile justice (CPS), which takes children from normal parents and gives them to homosexuals, to promote sexual education starting from kindergarten. And in the future we will see not only a gender-neutral Barbie, but also a change in the fairy tales, where a king falls in love not with a beautiful mystery girl, but… with another king.

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Russian FM Lavrov’s speech at UNGA is akin to Cat Leopold teaching mice good manners

There is an iconic Soviet children’s cartoon series “The Adventures of Cat Leopold”, where a kind, friendly cat is attempting to teach two misbehaving and downright evil mice to behave and to live in peace. “Guys, let’s live in friendship” is the cue of Cat Leopold. Whatever he tries to do to teach those mice – good example, showing them the errors of their ways, nothing helps. They are soon back to their old ways of making Leopold’s life a living hell. More often than not the mice fall victim of their own traps and provocations, thus illustrating the Russian proverb: “Don’t dig a hole for someone – you’ll end up falling into it yourself”.

In one episode, the ever-kind and balanced Leopold gets prescribed a medicine, “Wilderine”, to make him act more like a raging leopard. That seems to get the mice’s attention for awhile. Yet, at the end of the episode Leopold is back to his kind ways, enticing the mice to “live in friendship”.

Here is the episode in question: “The Revenge of Cat Leopold”

And here is a collection of several other Cat Leopold cartoons:

Why am I writing this? Because Soviet and now Russian actions, trying to make the West behave in a peaceful and well-mannered way are akin to Leopold’s attempts to make the mice behave.

And I am afraid that today’s excellent speech by the Russian FM Lavrov at UNGA is yet another such attempt, falling on deaf ears.

UPDATE 2023: In a bout of enforcing the freedom of speech and democracy, in 2022 YouTube removed the RT channel, while the West blocked the RT site. The link below is update to an uncensored mirror of RT.

Drop the diktats, try diplomacy: Major takeaways from Lavrov’s UN speech

“But history didn’t teach us anything,” Lavrov said, adding that allegations “based on the notorious ‘highly likely’ thing are sufficient for some Western counterparts to pin the blame on anyone.”

“We do remember how often these unfounded claims were used to justify interventions and ignite wars, such the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia, 2003 invasion of Iraq and 2011 intervention in Libya.”

“Colonial-era diktat and coercion should be sent into the archive or the dustbin of history.”

Moscow believes constructive dialogue can meet any challenges that arise in world affairs, according to Lavrov.

“If you have any questions or claims to anyone, then sit down and talk, show facts, listen to your counterpart’s arguments, try to balance your interests.”

The Upside-down World of the Western Main Stream Media (MSM)

MSM – only the truthful information

I’ve been meaning to post the above caricature for quite some time, but as it is usual with many of my posts, it’s been sitting in draft until I felt it “matured” enough. Now, I saw a convergence of two seemingly insignificant events, that made it feel like a good time to post this image.

It is not a secret that anything published in the Western main-stream media about Russia (as well as China, or Syria, or any other state that the Western elites feel is in need of some “democratic bombings”), is presented through a certain prism, where either partial truths or outright lies are given to the audience to form an image of an enemy.

This can be seen in the materials, published both…

… in Peace …

Seemingly such an innocent thing, a report by one of the many Russian TV channels on a vegetable shortage in Europe… But look how it got blown out of proportions both by the 5th column inside and the agents of influence outside of Russia.

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Just like 70 years ago, it’s again up to Russia to clean up the mess that the West created – now in Syria and Ukraine

After the 70th UNGA meeting, Russia finally says “enough is enough” and starts dealing with the terrorist infestation in Syria, to the outcry of the Western MSM, which were conspicuously silent during the preceding year of USA’s bombing of who knows what in the very same Syria, US bombings which only lead to proliferation of ISIS.

In this light, the following articles from Lada Ray are a must-read to get the proper perspective on the current affairs in the Russian corner of the world:

Putin’s Full Speech at 2015 UNGA: Do You Realize What Kind of Monster You’ve Created? With Xi Jinping and Lukashenko

Russia Strikes ISIL (ISIS) Positions in Syria. What does it mean?

Make sure to watch the speeches and interviews in the above-mentioned articles. A special accent can be put on the interview President Putin gave to Charlie Rose, with the full transcript found here:

Interview to American TV channel CBS and PBS

And two analysis of the said interview:

President Putin Exposes MSM Propaganda And Embarrasses Their Amateur Shills

Kunstler Rages “Perhaps America Has Gotten What It Deserves”

Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?

Starting in April 2014, I started a topic under the same name in the Politics & Society section of Bitcointalk forum. There were some telling signs of warmongering in the air. And those signs are only getting clearer and stronger. I present here a consolidated and expanded version of my posts in that thread.

But first, here are a few links on this topic that I came across – it’s not only me, who feels that the war is in the air:

A few days ago I watched a 2-year old Russian documentary, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812, about the information war, waged before and during the French invasion of Russia in 1812. The Film is called “The War of 1812. The First information War”.

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