Меня убили под Славянском.
Мне было семь неполных лет.
Со мной убиты мама с папой,
Убиты бабушка и дед.
Мне было больно, очень больно.
Так не бывает у детей.
Скажи солдат, в меня стрелявший,
Что скажешь дочери своей?
Отдашь ли ей мои игрушки?
Отдашь с рисунками альбом?
Отдашь в крови моей котёнка?
Как взглянешь ей в глаза потом?
Скажи солдат, меня убивший,
Каким ты молишься Богам?
Кому принёс ребёнка в жертву?
В какой отдашь добычу храм?
Я умерла, и я не плачу.
Застыла на щеке слеза.
Запомни враг, в меня стрелявший,
Убитой девочки глаза.
Автор – Вячеслав Бунеев
I was killed under Slavjansk.
I wasn’t yet even 7.
My mother and father were killed with me
Killed were my grandma and granddad
It was painful, very painful,
As children never should have felt.
Tell me soldier, you who shot at me,
What will you say to your daughter?
Will you give her my toys?
Will you give her my album with drawings?
Will you give her my blood-covered kitten?
How will you look into her eyes?
Tell me soldier, you who killed me,
Which Gods do you pray to?
Which God did you sacrifice a child to?
To which temple will you bring your pray?
I died, and I am not crying.
The tear has dried upon my cheek.
Remember enemy, who shot at me,
The eyes of the murdered girl.
Poet: Vjacheslav Buneev

She was only 6 when she was killed in Slavjansk by Ukrainian artillery shells on the 8th of June at 13:15.
So far, over 60 children were killed in Novorossia by artillery and bullets from Nazional guard, private bandit armies of Kolomojskij, Klichko, Yarosh, and regular army. Most lost their lives with their families while attempting to break through the blockade of Slavjansk and escape to safety in Russia.
In the meantime, US State Department says that refugee children are simply going from Ukraine to Russia on vacation to their grannies. Prime Minister Medvedev called such statement from US for limitless cynicism. Tonight (02.07) another child, age 5, didn’t reach her “granny in Russia” as she died in an airstrike against Kondrashovka.
Shells devastate entire streets in eastern Ukrainian town (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
“At the site of the second strike the situation is even worse: 9 people have died, and 11 have been wounded. Among the victims is a five year-old girl, who with her father. The impact was so strong her legs were blown off. Once again, the exact number of the dead will only become clear later.”
And against the backdrop of such blatant murder, Ukraine urges Russia not to accept orphans fleeing war zones.