“Russian Soldier Saved the World” – WWII memorial song by Artyom Grishanov

Now that Victory Day – the 9th of May – is drawing close, we constantly see the ever-increasing attempts to re-write the history of WWII and to erase the Russian-Soviet victory which cost us 21 million people’s lives.

So does grow the importance of remembrance and of not allowing to have this memory to become sullied. Song has always been one of the strongest conduits of people’s emotions and memory, and the song below is a very emotional tribute and reminder.

Artjom Grishanov has the talent for condensing the essence of a topic into a few well-selected strong words, backed by equally concise and poignant imagery. Russian soldier saved the world shows in no uncertain terms what the West wants to have remaining of the memory, and what we really should be remembering. Please, take a moment to listen to it (with English subtitles) and to remember.

Transcript of the documentary and the song

UPDATE from November of 2023. The transcript below was done for our new Telegram channel “Beorn and The Shieldmaiden”, and published there in two parts: part 1, part 2.

Russian news anchor:
“Polish authorities intend to demolish more than 500 Soviet monuments. We are talking about the monuments erected in gratitude to the USSR for liberating this country from fascism.”

Some liberal speaking in Russian:
“These are all the pillars of the empire. Since the empire has been in the dumpster of history for 25 years, all these pillars must be sent there as well”

Ukrainian nationalists intimidating a WWII veteran (spoken in both Ukrainian and Russian):
“For your own safety, I recommend you to sit at home, calmly, quietly and to not provoke people.”
“Today you are punished.”

Intimidation of veterans on the 9th of May in Ukraine.
“- Get away those red rags”
“- How can you insult the memory of the veterans?”

On a talk show, a liberal, then confronted by the hostess of the show:
“- Yes, a person worries about the most precious and hides it. This is normal, in principle.”
“- Do not mix up a veteran with Pinocchio. He does not hide the most precious thing, he hides what is sacred.”

Some liberal:
“I understand why you hold on to the past so hard. It’s because everything is bad for you in the present, while you probably have no future at all”

President Putin:
“All attempts to distort, rewrite history are unacceptable and immoral. Oft-times, a desire to hide one’s own dishonour is behind such attempts.”

“The soldiers of the UPA are remembered as an example of heroism in relation to Ukraine.”

“We all remember the Soviet invasion of both Ukraine and Germany.

François Hollande, the president of France:
“They were our liberators. France will never forget what it owes to those soldiers, what it owes to the United States.”

Some Polish radio host:
“Why did we all get so used to the fact that Moscow is the place where the end of war is celebrated, and not, for example, London or Berlin, which would have been more natural?”

President Putin:
“It only occasionally seems to us that they are speaking some kind of delirium nonsense. Pure nonsense. That it will slip past and no one will notice. No, you see, this is being implanted into the minds of millions of people.”

US citizens asked on the street:
“Who had the largest role, the most casualties in the fight against the Nazis during the Second World War?”
“- I am not totally [sure?]. Is it not the US?
“- France?”
“- Can you think of another country?”
“- America.”
“- Japan lost. Russia lost.”
“- Seriously? Which country took Berlin? Which army?”
“- The United States?”
“- I say the United States of America.”
“- The United States, Great Britain, France.
“- How about the Soviet Union?”
“- Yeah.”
“- It was the former Soviet Union?”
“- Oh, actually, it was Russia or the Soviet Union that had the most casualties. What’s you reaction to this? Are you surprised?”
“- Just, please, don’t put this on TV.”

The lyrics of the song:

Such a short memory –
It didn’t last even for 100 years.
Such a great impudence –
To cast a shadow over the memory of the victories.

The traitor chokes, spitting fire,
Looking askance at out Parade.
Oh, how he doesn’t like the truth that
Russian soldier saved the world.

Levitan’s radio announcement, chronicles:
“Today, on the 22nd of June, at four o’clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, the German troops attacked our country.”

The earth was torn to shreds
And the people were awakened by the war.
The horde invaded in the early morning,
Burning houses behind them.

The blow was devastating,
But the victory escaped their grip.
The enemy encountered the unheard of force –
The Russian spirit.

“Today, not only Moscow is behind us, not only our vast Motherland. Today, the whole world is looking at us, holding its breath.”

It’s not enough to just kill it.
Just try to fell it to the ground.
It will gnaw with its teeth,
Even in an unequal battle.

The force was becoming stronger, day by day,
Just not a step back.
And the news broke out like thunder:
Russian soldier saved the world.
Russian soldier saved the world.
Russian soldier saved the world.

Meanwhile those who surrendered their cities
In the first days of the war,
Do not wish and will never comprehend
The joy of the Russian soul.

In the happy and torn-asunder May,
The Nazis’ hell was stopped.
Remember, never forget:
Russian soldier saved the world.
Russian soldier saved the world.

Then and now.

“The gravest mistake is to dismiss the Russians, to consider the Russian people weak.”
“God forbid you mistreat or rob the Russians. They will return, demolishing any obstacle in their path.”
“Russians love peace, Russians build peace, Russians defend peace. Russians do not want war, but they can fight better, than anyone.”

The motto of the 9th of May: I Remember. I Am Proud. In the colours of the St. George Ribbon.

The Plan to Destroy Russia. Conceived and Started in 1948. Concluded in 1993? Or Not…

After the hot war phase on Russia(USSR) between 22nd of April 1941 and the 9th of May 1945, executed through Germans, but lavishly funded by US (for example grandfather of the Bush presidential clan), USA did not view 1945 as a year of defeat. Along with preparation for a carpet nuking of the key cities in USSR, USA also devised a plan to politically change and destroy USSR/Russia from within. In the document below, Russia and USSR are referred interchangeably.

The document – U.S. OBJECTIVES WITH RESPECT TO RUSSIA – presented in full below my analysis, is copied from this resource, with an option to download the raw scanned pages of the text.

It demonstrates well the strategy of “divide and conquer” that that US were going to employ, as well as their understanding that the only way to destroy Russia, is from within – something that the “liberal” 5th column is doing in Russia of today. Remember that USSR, is never the stated final objective in the document below – Russia is. On the other hand, they do not understand many aspects of the Russian World, illustrated well by this fallacious statement “Before the revolution of 1918, Russian nationalism was solely Russian.”, as Russian Empire of pre 1917 was also a multi-national and multi-confessional state.

Let me extract the key-points of the doctrine first, and then I’ll let you read through the whole text, leaving to you to decide if there is even a gram of good in the outlined intents…

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The Upside-down World of the Western Main Stream Media (MSM)

MSM – only the truthful information

I’ve been meaning to post the above caricature for quite some time, but as it is usual with many of my posts, it’s been sitting in draft until I felt it “matured” enough. Now, I saw a convergence of two seemingly insignificant events, that made it feel like a good time to post this image.

It is not a secret that anything published in the Western main-stream media about Russia (as well as China, or Syria, or any other state that the Western elites feel is in need of some “democratic bombings”), is presented through a certain prism, where either partial truths or outright lies are given to the audience to form an image of an enemy.

This can be seen in the materials, published both…

… in Peace …

Seemingly such an innocent thing, a report by one of the many Russian TV channels on a vegetable shortage in Europe… But look how it got blown out of proportions both by the 5th column inside and the agents of influence outside of Russia.

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A Petition from Lugansk – The Last Cry For Help

This is a lightning translation of the following post on Kont: https://cont.ws/@klimova/521800

Here are the news of the petition signing at Vesti.Ru

While we are watching the developments in Syria, the Ukraine has seen a lot of changes of which I would like to tell.

It turns out that more than 153.000 residents of the Lugansk People’s Republic, signed a petition, where they appeal to the leaders of Russia, USA and Germany, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and Angela Merkel with the request to prevent the aggravation of the situation in Donbass.

I will remind that earlier the presidents of the people’s councils of the Lugansk People’s Republic and the Donetsk People’s Republic, Vladimir Degtyarenko and Denis Pushilin, addressed the presidents of Russia and the USA, as well as the Chancellor of Germany, with a request to “stop Poroshenko” so as to end fighting in Donbass and the blockade of the region. Head of The Lugansk People’s Republic, Igor Plotnitskij, stated that LPR and DPR will in the near future start collecting signatures under this appeal.

And here is the result. To be honest, I’m incredibly curious as to how Europe will react to this “cry for help” from Lugansk? After all, everything spearheads to Poroshenko being dumped. Judge for yourself, a couple of days ago Merkel admitted that the Ukrainian crisis has lasted too long and actions need to be taken. Other prominent political actors of the EU have started to notice that Kiev did not follow the obligations, assigned to them by the Minsk agreements.

We shall see what the consequences of such changes will be, but already today it is possible to speak with confidence about drastic changes in such matters as the war in Ukraine.

BREAKING! Trump Prepares to Drop Ukraine: Operation Poroshenko Dump. The Song Flashmob Marathon in Ukraine, Moldavia and Russia. Reblog from Lada Ray

My heart is singing at these news, especially at the solidarity the people of the Russian World are showing in the face of intimidation and outright Fascism.

Re-publishing a larger porting of this Lada Ray report. Follow the link below for the complete material with links and videos:

My Ukraine predictions are beginning to spectacularly come true!

As my followers know, I have predicted since the very beginning of 2014 that between 2016 and 2018 US and EU will dump Ukraine, albeit slowly. More than once I used the words ‘they’ll throw Ukraine out as a squeezed-out lemon.’ I also predicted that between 2016 and 2018 Ukraine will turn back to Russia, but only after Ukraine’s economy is destroyed.

The economy has been destroyed by the Kiev junta’s actions and by those oligarchs and ukro-nazis who have been stealing what little is left of Ukraine’s former riches.

The ongoing “Russian World” song flash mobs is rolling through Ukraine like wildfire. In these flash mobs, organized at the train and bus stations, people sing their favorite Russian songs. The song flash mob has spread to Russia, where people sing Ukrainian songs, to show their love and solidarity, and to Kishinev, Moldova, where people have beautifully sang famous Soviet songs, chanting “Moldova, Ukraine, Russia – together.” The Kishinev flash mob so far has been the largest and longest, with a true mini-concert organized at the train station. You can find several first song flash mobs here:

The song flash mob marathon continues, and it has already come to Siberia, Crimea, Nikolaev and Donbass. More former Soviet republics are expected to join in soon. The idea of this flash mob is simply spectacular. In fact, I like it so much that I decided to re-post some of the videos of the song flash mobs on my YT channel. Stay tuned for that.

As per my 2014 prediction, the people are awakening, they are slowly but surely losing their fear of ukro-nazis and violent Ukraine oligarchs. They are remembering their true roots, despite the mass brainwashing attempts of the past 20, and especially last 3, years.

The soft and peaceful song flash mob protests have shown where the affinities and allegiances of the population residing in Ukraine and Moldova really lie. These flash mobs bring hope and confidence that there is a better tomorrow. And this is just the beginning!

It is happening per my other original prediction: Ukraine citizens have to wake up and start acting themselves. Waiting for someone else to come and save them won’t work.

The Kiev regime, installed in 2014 by the US and EU, is on its last legs. By 2017 we will see HUGE, HUGE changes beginning to manifest in Ukraine. As I also predicted, Russia has been doing everything to keep Ukraine intact. But the trick is that it has to be a Russia-friendly territory. I also predicted that whether it would end up as a very loose confederation or federation, or whether it will simply become a part of Russia, the word ‘Ukraine’ won’t be used in 10 years time (or less). The territory that will emerge out of this chaos will bear a different name(s).

Also, per my original 2014 prediction: Putin’s slow, purposeful and peaceful remolding of the situation is succeeding. After the US/EU successfully subverted Ukraine, the plan was to turn the situation around carefully and peacefully, in such a way as not to antagonize the masses of the population, preserving as many Ukrainian lives and as much Ukrainian industry as possible.

The key to success is the remolding done asymmetrically and internationally. In this delicate and volatile situation, it is the butterfly effect that works wonders. Every seemingly unrelated global move by Russia has influenced the outcome in Ukraine. It is a masterful surgical intervention, which is subtle and delicate, yet effective.

Every peace of the puzzle has to fall into place. US and EU neo-con/neo-liberal NWO agenda has failed. They overshot and overestimated their capability. You can’t go point-blank against Russia – The Great Balancer, and expect to get away with it. Napoleon and Hitler tried…

This hybrid 4D war isn’t like any war fought before. But it’s still a war and the result will be the same. Every Russian move in Syria and the Middle East; Putin’s recent BRICS, Japan, China, India and Central Asia deals; Turkish Stream and Nord Stream 2; the Crimean Kerch Bridge and the railroad to bypass Ukraine; new pro-Russian presidents in Moldova and Bulgaria and anti-establishment revolts in the EU – all these have worked towards the shift in Ukraine. The election of Trump and Democrats suffering a staggering defeat in these US elections seal the deal.


Please recall that in 2014 I also said that only Russia will be able to restore the territory we now call Ukraine. Only Russia can resurrect its industry and economy. Neither EU nor US are either capable or interested in doing so.

This prediction of mine is also materializing. US can’t wait to dump Ukraine. The only thing both EU and US need is a way to save face.

Trump’s election made it natural and logical to shift the foreign policy of the US in such a way as to save face and get out of the rotten Ukraine deal. But additional push was required. That’s how “Operation Poroshenko Dump” was born. Incidentally, this is my own title no idea what the US calls it.

Here’s the scoop. A Ukraine Rada deputy turned whistleblower, Alexandr Onischenko, escaped to London. In his pocket he carried damning evidence against Ukraine president and oligarch Petr Poroshenko. Below is Onischenko’s exclusive live interview with Russia24 channel during talk show 60 Minutes.

Per Onischenko, he was recently recruited by US to record compromising conversations within Ukraine’s corridors of power.

(LR: Please note that Onischenko is far from being above board: he himself got rich assisting Poroshenko’s corruption and illegal schemes.)

On Poroshenko’s behalf, he delivered cash to buy votes of Rada deputies. This was done routinely, as a matter of course. Onischenko says that there were many laws and government appointments which passed Rada only because Poroshenko bought votes. Each deputy was paid amounts commensurate with their weight and popularity. The votes were bought to remove from important state posts anyone who wasn’t Poroshenko’s men and to install those Poroshenko had in his pocket. This included the post of Prime Minister, Attorney General and Rada Speaker.

Onischenko confirmed that if Poroshenko really wanted to stop the war in Donbass, he could do so very easily, by ordering Rada to vote in a specific way. But Poroshenko wants war in Donbass because he is a ‘greedy bastard’ (there were a few strong words used throughout). He makes huge profit from the war and confrontation.

(LR: Poroshenko owns the heavy industry brand Lenin’s Forge. He kept the name of this globally recognised plant, built by the USSR, despite ban on Soviet symbolism in Ukraine. The plant makes much of the tanks and weapons that kill the people of Donetsk and Lugansk. Poroshenko made a killing during this civil war: his fortune exploded by 7-fold and more during the period between 2014 and 2016, making him a billionaire.)

Onischenko said that IMF, US and EU loans were stolen and split up between Poroshenko and those in power, as soon as they were disbursed.

Onischenko described how Poroshenko, abusing his post as president of Ukraine, engaged in racketeering and mafia tactics to squeeze other oligarchs. The example given is that of Renat Akhmetov. Poroshenko gave order to start a media smear campaign against Akhmetov’s company. Armed thugs were sent to his plants, where they intimidated and beat up managers; several deaths were reported. Then Poroshenko demanded money. Akhmetov ended up paying him $200 million. After that, smear campaigns and attacks against Akhmetov properties ended.

(LR: Renat Akhmetov once was the richest oligarch in Ukraine, who was Yanukovich’s handler. Akhmetov, much like the rest of Ukraine oligarchs, lost a lot after 2014 coup. Poroshenko is the only oligarch who made a killing. Same is true for ex-PM Yatsenyuk, who simply stole a cool billion dollars. Per data I received, Yatsenyuk now resides in the US. He purchased two dosen (24) luxury condos and mansions throughout the US. More in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 3: OLIGARCH WARS).

Poroshenko did similar numbers on other oligarchs. Alexandr Onischenko recorded a number of such secret negotiations and conversations conducted in Poroshenko’s office.

Spy stuff: the recorder was located in his wrist watch. He passed all the recordings and his additional testimony to the US Department of Justice. It has been announced that the official investigation into Poroshenko and Rada has begun.

Lada Ray: Poroshenko and his cronies immediately branded Alexandr Onischenko ‘Putin’s agent.’ Onischenko has taken this very badly and got nervous, indignantly responding to the effect that he is an ‘honest crook’ and, if anything, ‘he is a US agent’ (lol).

Incidentally, Onischenko mentioned that he has been friendly with Donald Trump. Whether it’s true or just his fantasy is another story.

Again, let me stress that Onischenko is just as guilty as the rest of them. He was the one who participated in many of these schemes and who personally delivered million dollar bribes to Rada deputies. Just like the rest of these criminals, he got rich off Ukraine people’s misfortune.

But he has been a good Trojan Horse inside Ukraine junta, fulfilling his role admirably. The fact that he was recruited as a spy means that US is getting ready to dump Poroshenko. In fact, in Ukraine there is more and more talk that Poroshenko should be hung for his crimes.

Trump and the new people who come with him need solid evidence to save the US face and justify what Trump is preparing to do in 2017: dump Ukraine as a bad dream. Trump will make a deal with Putin. The release of Ukraine out of USA’s clutches will be Trump’s peace offering to Russia.

One of the reasons to do so is to get on a better side of Russia. But there is another: USA is financially in a much worse situation than being admitted; militarily and politically it is stretched too thin. US needs to consolidate its resources. USA under Trump is gearing towards dropping the non-performing ‘assets’ such as Ukraine. Hence dropping the Kiev junta and Poroshenko after supposedly finding out how corrupt he and his regime are (as if it wasn’t clear from the start). After all, Ukraine failed to fulfill its purpose: it didn’t become a convincing anti-Russia, as Soros, Nuland and the rest intended.


Nets of Deception – False Reality. Documentary fragment (with English subtitles)

In this documentary, the authors demonstrate how falsification, information war, confidence tricks, financial pyramids and other unsavoury behaviour aimed to deceive the people works. I translated the first 10 minutes of the video, which would be of interest to an international viewer.

We also publish this documentary on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”. Please subscribe!

UPDATE 2022: The original untranslated video was published here: Сети обмана. Фальшивая реальность, but is no longer available after YouTube “freedomofspeeched” the channel of the Vesti News.

After watching the documentary, I can recommend reading the following article by Lada Ray: How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)

The formatted subtitle file is available in ASS format can be downloaded separately. Full text of the script is below the video frame.

The previous version of the fragment is available on YouTube.

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Democracy of Mass Destruction. A Documentary by Pavel Selin (with English subtitles)

Ever wondered what is the common denominator between Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Iraq? How democratic values are dropped from the US war planes? Why Agent Orange, white phosphorus and depleted uranium are the tools of democracy?

I have earlier posted a short article about two revealing Russian documentaries. Now, translation of one of them is done. The original untranslated video is published here: Демократия массового поражения. Фильм Павла Селина (no longer available after YouTube started enforcing “free speech and democracy” in 2022).

The formatted subtitle file in ASS format can be downloaded separately. Full text of the script is below the video frame.

UPDATE, June 2023: In 2023 this “democratisation” took a new step with the UK providing the Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions. However, before the whole of Donbass could have been contaminated with them , the stash was destroyed by the Russian aerial strike, with the radioactive plume travelling with the wind towards Poland, Scandinavia, and – in a “return to sender” gesture – to the UK. The dangers of the depleted uranium are described in the article Ukraine’s Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of ‘Environmental Disaster’ by Dr. Chris Busby, physical chemist and scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk.
After YouTube made the translated video private, removing it from public view, I have now re-uploaded it to Odysee.

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Ukraine: Still Smouldering Tinderbox (I) [Re-blog with comments]

Below is a re-blog of Michael Jabara CARLEY’s article Ukraine: Still Smouldering Tinderbox (I) published at the Strategic Culture Foundation site.

But before I present the text, I want to add a few comments of my own, which the reader can keep in mind while reading the article.

The city of Odessa was founded in 1794 by Russian Empress Catherine II and was the first free trade port in Russia.

The city of Nikolaev was founded in 1789 by Russian Count Potjomkin as a ship-building docks. It got its present name in commemoration of the victory by the Russian troops, when Turkish fortress Ochakov was taken in 1788 on the day of St.Nikolaj.

Regarding what the American handler of the Ukrainian puppet government, Proconsul Pyatt was saying, that Russia wants to “create Novorossia”. Russia has no need to create Novorossia. Novorossia is actually an old concept – it was an administrative region within Russia at the time, when the European emigrants were still stealing the land from the Native Americans. For an in-depth look at Novorossia, see my article Two Ukraines.

Ukraine is indeed a smouldering tinderbox. For a look at what is going on, I recommend watching the English-subtittled Donetsk Republic’s Ministry of Defence Briefing: Jan. 29, 2016 Ceasefire Violations by Kiev, published at Lada Ray’s blog.

And finally, I disagree with the author’s conclusion in the last paragraph. Putin is not intimidated, but is rather trying to resolved the conflict and free Ukraine from the American occupation diplomatically and not militarily. There was also no homogeneous resistance in Donbass, but rather several groups with varying interests, which were united by not wishing to cow-tow to the coup government. This cost Donbass the loss of momentum. The situation is all to close to what Russia (an by that I also mean Ukraine) experienced after the coup d’etat of 1917 and the subsequent civil war and Western interventionism…

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USA declassifies its plans to nuke 1/3 of planet Earth

USA has newly declassified its plans to nuke 1/3 of planet Earth. Seemingly, there should have been a massive public outcry, but… these revelations were met by deafening MSM silence.

U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time

Washington, D.C., December 22, 2015 – The SAC [Strategic Air Command] Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959, produced in June 1956 and published today for the first time by the National Security Archive www.nsarchive.org, provides the most comprehensive and detailed list of nuclear targets and target systems that has ever been declassified. As far as can be told, no comparable document has ever been declassified for any period of Cold War history.

The SAC study includes chilling details. According to its authors, their target priorities and nuclear bombing tactics would expose nearby civilians and “friendly forces and people” to high levels of deadly radioactive fallout. Moreover, the authors developed a plan for the “systematic destruction” of Soviet bloc urban-industrial targets that specifically and explicitly targeted “population” in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw. Purposefully targeting civilian populations as such directly conflicted with the international norms of the day, which prohibited attacks on people per se (as opposed to military installations with civilians nearby).

Russian EDaily published information about this report in Russian, titled:

Man-eater in the role of a global leader: The plans of US nuclear war against USSR have been declassified

In summary: In the first stage of the planned American nuclear war, all Soviet and Chinese airports would have been turned into craters from powerful nuclear explosions. Among the relevant test, it is known that the detonation of a thermonuclear warhead munition with the equivalent of four megaton explosion creates a vast area of ​​devastation with diameter of almost 12 km and the heat wave is causing 3rd degree burns within a radius of 21 km. The second stage of the nuclear attack by the US assumed total ruthlessness in destroying with nuclear weapons most of the Soviet cities and key cities in China and Eastern Europe. Where US nuclear planners did not reckon with any international conventions and rules of warfare in the planning of mass destruction of civilians. It is obvious that the published document – this is the first documented evidence of the absolute cannibalistic plans for the destruction of millions of people by the American military. Previously, such plans of mass destruction of cities was known a priori. Now it has documentary evidence.

This is not the first times, when USA’s plans to annihilate USSR through the massive nuclear strikes becomes known. Here is an article from 2012:

Jimmy Carter’s Controversial Nuclear Targeting Directive PD-59 Declassified

What can I say? Those brave souls, who assisted USSR in getting a nuclear bomb in the nick of time, are true heroes, who saved hundreds of millions of lives! What Hitler did during WWII, killing 27 million people in USSR alone, is a child’s play, compared to USA’s plans…

Two Documentaries: “Murder of Yugoslavia” and “Democracy of Mass Destruction”

Russian television aired this week two documentaries, which I can almost guarantee will never be shown on the History Channel in the West. Not because they are difficult to translate from Russian, but because they don’t tow the official American party line and will be considered dissidence by the Western media censorship.

Alas, I do not have time to translate them, but I will present translations of the blurbs/summaries on the TV channel’s pages.

UPDATE: Both films have been translated by me and are available each in its own blog post:

Below are the summaries and some musings about the historic events. In 2022 YouTube defended the freedom of speech by deleting all channels and materials that they deemed did not conform to the American definition of “free”, thus the videoframes below are empty.

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Just like 70 years ago, it’s again up to Russia to clean up the mess that the West created – now in Syria and Ukraine

After the 70th UNGA meeting, Russia finally says “enough is enough” and starts dealing with the terrorist infestation in Syria, to the outcry of the Western MSM, which were conspicuously silent during the preceding year of USA’s bombing of who knows what in the very same Syria, US bombings which only lead to proliferation of ISIS.

In this light, the following articles from Lada Ray are a must-read to get the proper perspective on the current affairs in the Russian corner of the world:

Putin’s Full Speech at 2015 UNGA: Do You Realize What Kind of Monster You’ve Created? With Xi Jinping and Lukashenko

Russia Strikes ISIL (ISIS) Positions in Syria. What does it mean?

Make sure to watch the speeches and interviews in the above-mentioned articles. A special accent can be put on the interview President Putin gave to Charlie Rose, with the full transcript found here:

Interview to American TV channel CBS and PBS

And two analysis of the said interview:

President Putin Exposes MSM Propaganda And Embarrasses Their Amateur Shills

Kunstler Rages “Perhaps America Has Gotten What It Deserves”

Ukrainians are taught that dying for the US interests is their purpose

American instructors are hard at work turning Ukrainians into brainwashed killing machines. A video below show ones such example.

Some of the recipients of the motivational speeches from these advisors are former convicts, formed into multiple so-called Territorial Defence Battalions or, politely-called “#police battalions”, but are in effect punishers, who have been documented molesting and killing local population that disagrees with the Nazi rule imposed on them, just like it happened durig the German NAzi occupation of these same territories in the 1940s.

Lada Ray analyses the video and highlights some of the unsettling aspects both with it and with the situation in Ukraine in her article Damning Evidence: “No Feelings.” How US Advisors Teach Ukrainians to Be Killing Machines!. The beginning of the article and the video are presented below, and I strongly advise my readers to follow the link above and read the article in full.

The damning video below shows a training session in Kiev, Ukraine, for the Ukraine army/national guard soldiers. This American, who explains that he used to work in the US, rehabilitating the worst drug addicts and axe murderers, says he ‘believes’ in people. “No feelings in war,” he repeats like a mantra. This is brainwashing at its best, as many of us have suspected all along. It has been suspected for the longest time that Americans are using all kinds of open brainwashing and MK ultra techniques on Ukrainians, and no doubt, on other Eastern Europeans. Finally, the evidence is coming out!

“Your senses have to be fully alert, but no feelings and emotions” (yes, god forbid you feel sorry or remorseful for the children you’ve killed in Donbass). This is a nazi killing machine preparation protocol in action!

The whole thing is in English, plus the translator is providing Russian translation. In the background, you can see the poster reading: “Believing in yourself, believing in Ukraine.” A very American poster, I must say, as no one talks like that in Ukraine!

The poster is also in Russian, not Ukrainian, which proves another thing a lot of Russian analysts have been pointing out: US is bent on creating ANTI-RUSSIA in Ukraine, using Russians and Russian-speakers living in Ukraine. The Gallup Poll of 2007 indirectly confirmed that over 80% of Ukrainians consider Russian their native language, not Ukrainian, despite many years of brainwashing. If they couldn’t do it through schools and media, they decided to create the anti-Russia, using Russians.




For donations, and sending of humanitarian aid to schools and hospitals visit the following official site:

Save Donbass

“All nationalists have the power of not seeing resemblances between similar sets of facts. A British Tory will defend self-determination in Europe and oppose it in India with no feeling of inconsistency. Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them, and there is almost no kind of outrage — torture, the use of hostages, forced labor, mass deportations, imprisonment without trial, forgery, assassination, the bombing of civilians — which does not change its moral color when it is committed by ‘our’ side . . . The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.”

~ George Orwell, Notes on Nationalism

Must read:
Urgent! Secret Link Between French False Flag Attacks and Ukraine

See also:
Tribute to a victim of USA’s proxy shelling of Gorlovka
The Odessa Massacre Rhyme
A poem for a killed child
Recent Ukraine human rights violations released in ‘White Book’ report

Tribute to a victim of USA’s proxy shelling of Gorlovka

Her name was Kristina…

She was murdered along with her baby and 11 other people on orders of criminal Ukrainian government and with the approval from U.S. and Europe.
Remember! July 27th 2014, Gorlovka

Dozens, including 2 children, die as Kiev troops shell Gorlovka in E.Ukraine (VIDEO)

tribute to kristina

UPDATE 27.07.2023: Now, 9 years later, that terrible event that galvanised and solidified the resolve of the freedom fighters of Donbass is not forgotten!

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Fake satellite images release by US intelligence on social media

The twists and turn of lies performed by the US to demonise Russia and to foster Rossophobic sentiment are mind-boggling. In the recent charade, the US released several “sattelite” images of presumable Russia shooting with artillery over border at Ukrainian positions.

Before I go on to the images, I’d like to say a few words about the shelling of Russian territory by Ukraine. This lead to deaths of at least two Russian citizens and destruction of property on Russian soil. In one of the latest event, when criminal investigators came to the scene of shelling, Ukrainian troops did a repeat performance, targeting the team of investigators and journalists. If anything like this happened in the US, the global bully would have retaliated on the spot with an over-dimensioned retributary attack, removing the offending country from the face of the earth. Russia on the other hand limited itself to several warnings. Not surprisingly, none of this was reported by the Western presstitute MSM. In the latest statement, Russia’s foreign minister Lavrov said that any further provocation from Ukraine will be met by force and the firing positions in Ukrain that can be proven firing at Russia will be suppressed by return fire.

The whole situation reminds of the time prior to NATO’s invasion into Yugoslavia. Massive provocations and murder of Serbian population remained unreported by Western MSM, yet as soon as Serbs started to retaliate, the same MSM began trumpeting about mass murders of the US and EU best friends, the Muslims.

Now, the images. Here are two articles reporting on them:

US releases satellite images ‘proving’ Russia is firing into Ukraine
‘Fake’: Russian Defence Min rebuffs US sat image claims

Here are the images in question. Note that all images are labelled as “Artillery strikes within Ukraine”.

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