Ukraine sets a new anti-record in shelling of the civilians. War crime caught on camera.

Ukrainian “army” was very desperate at drawing the Russian troops away from Severodonetsk and wanting them to instead start a frontal assault on the well-fortified Avdeevka, where the Ukrainian troops have dug in using the civilians as the human shield. These were the reasons for the indiscriminate terrorist shelling of the residential areas of Donetsk city of the past days. A few days ago Ukraine set an 8-year record in shelling of the civilians: 13.06.2022 – The most brutal shelling of Donetsk city over the past 8 years. Now with French munitions, but yesterday, they beat it and shelled with an even greater ferociousness.

400 shells were fired at the city. 5 people were killed. over 20 wounded.

The Russian Air Force finally obliged the Ukrainian wish and returned fire, but using high-precision rockets, striking 12 firing position. As the result, 4 platoons of the “Grad” Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems and 4 platoons of the American-supplied M777 155mm howitzers were destroyed.

One attack by the Ukrainian terrorists on University street in Donetsk was captured on a security camera, and by the looks of it, it was a cluster bomb with exploding sub-munitions – this is a war crime, as such munitions are forbidden against targets where civilians might be found.

Graham Phillips drove through Donetsk as the shelling commenced. A video where one can see the destruction, a bloodied car. Towards the end of the video Graham evacuates two scared women:

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Alina Lipp – the new “White Rose” of Germany. Independent journalist may face 3 years behind bars for speaking the truth

The ideal “democracy” of the West… The freedom of speech… It all is starting to crumble, like it did not so long before, in the 1930s in Germany. The independent German journalist Alina Lipp of whom I wrote on a few occasions before (The trickle of truth from Donbass thanks to more international independent journalists, The Independent Journalists and Resources in Donbass (with future updates)) may face 3 years behind bars for giving the voice of the people of Donbass, for going to that part of the word and doing what any real journalist does – talk to the locals, watch the events and relay that to the world at large.

In the title I mentioned “The White Rose” which was a heroic anti-fascist underground youth movement in the Nazi Germany. More about them, their fate, and the unexpected “Russian connection” in a translation coming after the materials from Alina Lipp – you will see why there is such a pronounced historic parallel.

⚡️The German government is fighting against freedom of speech. I am a free journalist who covers the special operation in Ukraine. They are going to sentence me now to 3 YEARS IN PRISON for telling the truth⚡️

According to current German law, it is only allowed to publish one-sided information that benefits the authorities. Anything that goes against this unwritten law is punished by the biased judicial machine.

But: The independent blogging community is ready to resist censorship in the West.

👉 I continue to work in Donetsk. If you are interested in the special project I mentioned, email me at:

My channel: @neuesausrussland

The German authorities have frozen the journalist’s and her father’s bank accounts.

“When the Nazis came to take away the Communists,
I kept silent since I was not a communist,

When they imprisoned the Social Democrats,
I kept silent since I was not a social democrat,

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not protest since I was not a trade unionist,

When they came to take the Jews away,
I did not protest since I was not a Jew,

When they came for me
there was no one else who could protest.”

Incidentally, there may be a positive side-effect from the trial and the publicity surrounding it. I recall an episode of the murder of Simon Petljura in Paris in 1926, a ruthless bandit leader from Western Ukraine and an ideological “teacher” of Stepan Bandera and the present-day ukro-Nazis, responsible for many mass murders (incidentally, Ukraine glorified Petljura in 2005 and in 2008 one of the streets in Kiev was renamed after him, which tells you all you need to know about Ukraine after the USSR collapse, when it switch to the USA’s payroll). The murderer of Petljura was found not guilty after the numerous accounts of the atrocities against the Jews were presented in the court. And even though it later turned out that NKVD was behind the organisation of the murder, the fact remains – those testimonials that freed the executioner of Petljura were very much real and substantiated by facts.

Below is a translation of a major historical article from Cont.

The White Rose against Hitler. The Life and Execution of the Saint Anti-Fascist
May 7 2022, 19:33

Photo from urmindace. com

Dozens of German schools and streets bear their names. They are national heroes and idols of several post-war generations in Germany. Hans and Sophie Scholl, Alexander Schmorel, Christoph Probst — leaders of the student anti—fascist organization “White Rose” – became one of the main symbols of the resistance movement in the Third Reich.

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13.06.2022 – The most brutal shelling of Donetsk city over the past 8 years. Now with French munitions

On the 13th of June 2022 the Ukro-Nazi forces conducted the most brutal, savage bombardment of Donetsk city that it has seen over the past 8 years of shelling. The bombardment can be comparable to what the residents of Leningrad had to endure from the German Nazis during the blockade of WWII. Some of the cluster munitions that fell on the residential areas of the city were delivered by France, which has now become an accessory to the war crime.

5 people have died, 35 were wounded. Among the targets of the ukro-Nazis was a maternity ward.

As Ukrainian Policy Matters Telegranm channel reported: “The French media published a story about how the artillerymen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine protect Ukraine. The next day, Ukrainian artillery shelled residential areas of the city of Donetsk, which caused fires throughout the city and many civilians were killed. Unfortunately, French TV channels ignored this story.”

“Donetsk, Shakhterskaya Square, now. 86 BM-21 Grad missiles, 14 BM-27 Hurricane missiles, more than 30 155-mm shells were fired at Donetsk IN THE LAST HOUR ALONE:”

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More on the Finnish finishing NATO move

I’ve written in my earlier posts about the consequences that Finland will face by abandoning its neutral status and painting a large NATO bullseye on their country: Finland – Life after NATO. More consequences are looming. Before I proceed to translating an article on the matter, let me start off with a few Telegram re-posts on the topic of “NATO does not give Russia guarantees regarding the non-deployment of nuclear weapons in Finland and Sweden if they join the alliance”

This nice gentleman is NATO Assistant Secretary General Camille Grand. Today he made a very nice statement, check it out:

“NATO does not give Russia guarantees regarding the non-deployment of nuclear weapons in Finland and Sweden if they join the alliance”

Russell gave a very apt response to that:

Therefore, Russia does not give NATO guarantees that it will not deploy its nuclear weapons in Warsaw, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, London or Washington D.C.

Another consequence of the NATO-finnazation is outlined in Brian Berletic’s Telegram post:

Finland already begins paying price for NATO membership even before becoming a member.

Reuters reports Finland to build barriers (which requires $) along border with Russia. All just to play along with “Russia bad” narrative at the cost of Finnish treasure and its longstanding ties with Russia.

And on this note let me proceed to the translation of the main article for this post, published on Cont on the 28th of May.

It has started… Russia asked Finland only two territorial questions…

The NATO Secretary General admitted that the plan for accelerated expansion to the north has been thwarted: Finland and Sweden are unlikely to become candidates for membership at the alliance summit in June due to Turkey’s demands. But since then, Russia has had its own questions to Finland and they relate to the status of the territories that are so far managed from Helsinki. So far.

Helsinki was warned: Russia will not turn a blind eye on the fact that the length of its border with NATO countries will increase by about half. The main answer, presumably, will come from the General Staff and will include the relocation of troops and weapons. But there will also be political consequences – Russia and Finland have a long history of “special relations”. We have some pots to break.

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Lada Ray releases some of the Earth Shift Reports free to public

First, my review of Lada’s ESRs: This is a very valuable contribution to all the people seeking the truth and the deeper understanding of the matter. I have purchased and read most of the reports earlier, and would highly recommend everyone to read them! Now that some of them are available for the general public, use that opportunity to glean the first glimpses of the wider knowledge available in the reports.

ALERT! 4 KEY EARTH SHIFT REPORTS NOW FREE TO PUBLIC! Please help promote them so more people could learn the REAL TRUTH!

Created between 2014 and 2020, the original Earth Shift Reports (ESRs) by Lada Ray document, analyze, investigate and predict the most important global events of the first two decades of the 20th century, sometimes also going substantially deeper in history.
The reports’ focus is current events and geopolitics, with emphasis on Lada Ray’s trademark Earth Shift and Great Rebalancing system, as well as her acclaimed predictions.
These reports are for you if you want to study the true events (not the falsified versions presented to the public elsewhere)!
It’s for you if you want to understand the deeper meanings of these events and developing patterns through the eyes of Lada’s special brand of geopolitics, the unfolding Great Earth Shift and Russia the Great Balancer’s mission on our planet!

The ESRs, which I wrote and/or recorded between 2014 and 2020, have been a huge amount of work and they are where I share massive amounts of info on various topics! Many of them are the size of a minor book or a good webinar!

I can tell you that I won’t be able to repeat such amazing feat again, and therefore, Lada Ray’s EARTH SHIFT REPORTS have now become historic documents!

And I think it’s important that more people read them and learn the truths hidden from them for a long time!
Why am I making some EARTH SHIFT REPORTS FREE?

And Why should people read the FREE ESRs?

Here’s why!

If you want more people to learn the REAL TRUTH about:

Russia and Putin (ESR 1, 2, 8 and 14)

Ukraine, Novorossia, Donbass, Moldova, Romania (2, 8, 14)

Central Asia, Uzbekistan & post-Soviet space as a whole (2, 8, 14)

And of course, about the Earth Shift, Russia the Great Balancer and the true role and games played by the West, then ESRs (both freebies and all others) ARE FOR YOU!

Russophobia = Racism

The term “Russophobia” has gained a solid foothold in both Western and Russian public statements.

However, “Russophobia” is nothing else, but a euphemism for “Racism”!

Moreover, both words stem from the same deeper root – “ra”-“ace” – “Russia” – “Race” – “light”-“primary”. And yes, as I wrote in an earlier post, the meaning of “Rus” is “light”: “Rus” – a story by S.T.Romanovsky with an interesting linguistically-historical revelation

“Russophobia” with its Greek second part seems to imply the “fear of the first in light”, but in reality it’s not about fear, it’s about hatred. Hatred of an ethnos with specific characteristics. In all other cases it’s called “Racism”. And if one starts once again use “racism” in all those places that feature the euphemistic “russophobia”, all falls into place. Next time you hear someone use the latter word, ask them to be more precise!

Not so long ago there was a wave of BLM, or “Black Lives Matter”. Well, “Serbian Lives Matter”, too. “Chinese Lives Matter”. “Indian Lives Matter”. “Russian Lives Matter”! In fact, if one does not want to be a racist, one must acknowledge that “Human Lives Matter” and be HLM!

It’s not coincidence that I mentioned the specific nationalities above. All of them are victims of the same divide-and-conquer Anglo-Saxon or Catholic strategy.

Croatians were created out of Serbs on religious and writing system grounds. Besides that, they are the same people. Yet Serbs were subjected to a terrible genocide and ethnocide during WWII when over 500.000 Serbs were brutally killed by Croatians (I will have a translation of historical article on the subject later on). And then, NATO conducted yet another genocide of the Serbs during the invasion and bombing of Yugoslavia.

The Pakistani people were created out of Indians based on religion. The creation was performed by the Brits, and even the name of the new country was proposed by a student in Oxford, if memory serves me right.

During the civil war in China, Taiwan was created and nourished by the Anglo-Saxons to serve as a thorn in the Chinese body.

And Project Ukraine was handled by several project owners throughout the last 150 years, ultimately creating anti-Russians out of Russians, based on a minor dialectic difference of the local dialect, which was promoted and built out into a full-fledged minority-spoken language. The ultimate tragedy here being that Russians were turned into Racists on that particular patch of the Russian Borderland.

A Historical Curiosity: Russian Subjects in Sweden Are Joining NATO

I translated earlier an article outlining one historical discrepancy or paradox that Poland has in-fact reverted to a de-juro state of war with Russia: Polish People’s Republic… Or Not? A Historical Review. Today I want to translate another article digging into another historical anomaly, now in relation to Sweden’s wish to join NATO.

Russian citizens are joining NATO

May 28, 2022, 08:00
Yuri Gorodnenko

While Sweden is rushing into the North Atlantic military bloc, it turned out that the inhabitants of the island of Gotland remain Russian subjects.

The decision to start the procedure for Sweden’s admission to NATO has not yet been made, while Stockholm has already engaged in ensuring the defence of the “left wing” of the Alliance. The Swedish government has allocated $163 million to strengthen the defence of the island of Gotland and sent additional units of its armed forces there.

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Rebranding the NAZIs of Azov – a Wolf(sangel) in new Sheep’s clothes

So, The Times is writing that the “Azov” Nazis are changing their Nazi symbology to something more… neutral. Never mind what is in their actual heads – the hatred, the chants of “Ukraine above all”, and all the rest of the Nazi packaging. According to the NATO mouthpiece The Time, it’s only about the symbols, not the actions. And The Times admits that “Azov2” is using the neo-Nazi symbology, but according to them, that is not the problem – the British establishment loves Nazis – it’s that the “Russian propaganda” is “exploiting” this fact that is the problem in their eyes!

In any case, the Blue-Yellow flag of Ukraine (The Ukro-Reich) is more and more equalled to the Red-White-Black flag of the Third Reich, so in all honesty, such rebranding does not help. If a country named “Ukraine” remains” after all is said and done, then it will have to do a deep soul-searching, healing and, yes, a change in its state symbology. Just like what Germany – at least its Eastern part – did after WWII.

This is the popular reaction to this change of clothing, ridiculing this Boggart. Apparently, if one follows the same logic, if only Hitler changed this symbols in time, everything would have been all right

But what can one expect from the Anglo-Saxon/American establishment, who did not see the problem with the Nazis even before WWII…

In the picture below once can see the Wolfsangel symbol – the future marking of the ukro-Nazi “Azov” battalion:

More pictures follow after the translation of the Telegram post below. Note that the USA already did that in the Middle East with the “moderate headchoppers”, sorry, “rebels”.

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The Independent Journalists and Resources in Donbass (with future updates)

This post will be a sticky list pointing to the independent, critical thinking journalists, analysts and sources of information on the conflict in Eastern Ukraine / Donbass / Novorossia. These resources proved themselves to be reporting what they see on the ground and are not beholden to the NATO-agenda of the Western MSM. But before we proceed, here is a list of Telegram channels with the running news feeds:

Terrorist strikes by Ukraine using American 155mm M-777 artillery or cluster “Smerch” warheads at residential areas in Donetsk and Lugansk

Not much room for humour today… The Ukrainian army did another deliberate terrorist strike with the American-supplied 155mm M-777 howitzers (per early reports) at the civilian areas in Donetsk and Makeevka, targeting school, kindergarten, residential areas. 5 people are dead, and 12 wounded, as per the latest reports. One of the killed is a child, born in 2009

This constitutes a war crime on the Ukrainian part, with USA being an accessory to murder. Later reports talk about rocket artillery “Smerch” with cluster warheads (war crime when used against civilian targets!).

UPDATE 31.05.2022: The dastardly Ukrainian terrorist attack on THREE SCHOOLS yesterday was premeditated by Ukraine – 30th of May is traditionally the end of school year, a time when both kids, their parents and teachers gather at schools to celebrate. This year such celebrations of the school-year-end were prudently cancelled. If not, the death toll among the children would have been hundred-fold!

UPDATE! Ukraine is on a murderous spree. A new artillery attack, this time striking a playground in Stahanov town in Lugansk, left two pregnant women dead, 15 people, including 4 children wounded!

The moment of the artillery strike was captured on video when an interview was conducted at a house nearby:

UPDATE 31.05.2022: 2 killed including 5-YEAR-OLD GIRL by Ukrainian army strike in Makeevka, Donetsk People’s Republic.

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Humour intermission: a few images/memes that say more than a 1000 words (with future updates)

I wanted to make another intermission post with a collection of memes and caricatures that capture the essence of the conflict in the Souther-Russian lands. The previous such post was a colelction of bear-poking caricatures: Don’t poke the bear.

A comment from Tim showed that the time is ripe:

Please take a look at this funny picture, telling the truth about the Ukrainian nazis. . ..
And in web archive, just in case it gets deleted …

Here is that Telegram post:

SouthFront made a tongue-in-cheek video, revealing the super-secret agent of the Kremlin!

Then there is the role of Ukraine in all of this:

And the robbing of Ukraine by the West under the guise of “help”, or as Macron’s toon put it: “We’re helping to clean out Ukraine, I mean, clean it up”:

Polish People’s Republic… Or Not? A Historical Review

I am continuing to pick out and translate history-related materials that resonate with today’s events. This time, let’s take a closer look at Poland, especially after their forceful demand that Norway, presumably making itself rich on higher gas prices, should “coughs up some cash” for Ukraine, their military entering the conflict in Ukraine, their statement that Poland and Ukraine will not have any border soon, and Zelensky pushing through a law for the special status of Poles in Ukraine, which opens up for the absorption of former Ukraine (or what’s left of it) into Poland.

The article I am translating appeared on Ren.TV site on the 23nd of May 2022:

Crimes in the LPR can recreate the Polish People’s Republic
May 23, 2022, 09:48
Yuri Gorodnenko

The investigation of the Russian IC may have unexpected consequences for Warsaw.

Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Marcin Przidac said that in the coming days Warsaw will consider reducing the level or completely severing diplomatic relations with Russia. This is how the Polish Foreign Ministry reacted to the decision of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to launch an investigation into the crimes of Polish mercenaries on the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic.

Indignation was also caused by the decision of the IC to investigate the attack on the Russian ambassador to Poland, Sergei Andreev. On May 9, the Russian diplomat laying wreaths at the graves of Soviet soldiers in Warsaw was attacked by a crowd of Poles and Ukrainians waiting for him. At the same time, the Polish law enforcement agencies demonstratively did nothing, making no attempts to protect the ambassador. According to Marcin Pzhidach, “the diplomat himself is to blame for this attack.” He allegedly provoked the attackers by his appearance.

At the same time, the Polish official was clearly let down by ignorance of his own law. Indeed, from the point of view of the Polish legislation, diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation have long been severed. Moreover, legally Poland considers itself in a state of war with Russia.

Such a situation arose when Poland proclaimed itself the Third Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita), and a norm appeared in the Polish Constitution, according to which the country is considered the successor of the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Rzeczpospolita).
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Harkov as an example of what ukainisation does to the Russians

Those who read my previous posts and translations, know that I give preference to the review of the historical events and only address the events on the “battlefield” when they intertwine with the larger historical perspective. It’s been observed by many (and I’ve seen it on at least one example myself), that Russian people, who were born and raised in some central Russian region, upon moving to Ukraine and settling there become ardent Ukrainians with all what that entails, like denial of their Russian heritage. And conversely, when a person from Ukraine moves to Russia, after a few years they become perfectly normal, reasonable people. It’s become so obvious that people joke that something must be added to the drinking water in Ukraine for people to loose their minds there.

This is also a reason why “Ukrainian” is more and more viewed by people in Russia not as a nationality but as a belonging to a sect. Becauase people who live in the Southern Russia, Rus Minor, Novorossia are just that – Russians, who tragically became reprogrammed to turn them into anti-Russians.

And thus there is a growing tendency of speaking of “Ukraine” in the same sense as one now speaks of “The Third Reich” – both are seemingly designations of the countries, yet at the same time they now both carry the exact same stigma.

This post is about the Northern-Eastern, historically, Russian town of Harkov, which has seemingly been turned into a bastion of “anti-Russian-ness”. My previous translation that touched upon this city was that of the NTV documentary, where the political prisoner of SBU, the professor of Harkov University was interviewed: Zelensky Is Hiding This – NTV Documentary, 20.03.2022 (English Subtitles).

Today I came across a much deeper analysis of the situation in Harkov, an analysis which was written following the demolition of the statue to king (knjaz) Alexandr Nevsky in Harkov. It’s an article, filled both with resolve and with sadness for brothers lost. But I think there is hope, based exactly on what I wrote about in the first paragraph – in de-ukrainiasation of the Russians for them to become Russians once again.

One historical parallel that comes to mind, is how the Southern Russians were “ukranised” in the Austro-Hungarian concentration camps of Thalerhof and Teresin during WWI. This is described as part of this documentary: Project ‘Ukraine’. Documentary by Andrei Medvedev (with English subtitles)

UPDATE 21.05.2022: It seems that ukro-Nazis are racing to erase as many monuments and memorials to the Russian heritage and roots of the former Ukraine. Today they quietly removed a memorial to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in Nikolaev! The Mayor posted that this is done to “prevent vandalism” and that they’ll figure out what to do with it after the war.

Here is the article published on AfterShock News about the demolition of the memorial to Alexander Nevsky, and how it reflects on Harkov:

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NEWSFLASH: Ukro-Nazis from “Azov” battalion surrender unconditionally from Azovstal

The Ukro-NATO handled Ukro-Nazis from the “Azov” battalion who’s been sitting blocked in the basements of Azovstal plant for weeks, surrendered unconditionally yesterday. First about 300 wounded were taken to the medical facilities in LNR. Next, the remainder of the neo-Nazis started to surrender and are being transferred to the processing facilities in the town Elenovka. Some of them will be sent to Russia to stand trial there, some will face trials in DNR and LNR (which, unlike Russia, do not have a moratorium on death penalty in place).

Incidentally, Ukraine shelled today the prison facilities in Elenovka, firing 10 artillery shells. It looks like Kiev wants to see those “Azovites” dead and not talking.

Special reportages right from the edge of Azovstal by Graham Phillips:

and Patrick Lancaster:

UPDATE 18.05.2022 from RusVesna (Russian Spring):

The militants of “Azov” and the AFU continue to surrender en masse at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol.

Over the past day, 694 militants voluntarily laid down their weapons and surrendered, including 29 wounded.

In total, since May 16, according to the Ministry of Defence, 959 militants have surrendered at Azovstal, including 80 wounded. 51 of them were placed in the Novoazovsk hospital of the Donetsk People’s Republic for further treatment.

The agency also publishes fresh footage of the exit of Ukrainian militants from the territory of the metal plant in Mariupol.

Russia and LNR prevented a large chemical terrorist act by Ukro-NATO yesterday. Today saw a “smaller” chemical provocation by Kiev. People are disappearing in Odessa

Ukraine commits atrocities against the civilians on a daily basis, and in such quantity that it is almost impossible to keep up with all of them. It feels like the favourite sport of the Ukrainian army is to shoot at the civilian targets – not unlike the thinking of Grand Moff Tarkin when he chose the selection of the target for his shock and awe operation with the Death Star in the Star Wars franchise. One of the latest attacks was against the Russian territory, in Belgorod oblast, where one teenager was killed and 7 other people were wounded after the Ukrainian force shelled a village of no military significance there.

But al that pails in comparison to what Kiev and its USNATO backers are try to pull off – a large scale chemical terrorist act. Yesterday, as the chemical factory “Zarja” (meaning “Dawn”) near town Rubezhnoe (meaning “Frontier”) was liberated from the Ukrainian forces, Russian Electronic Warfare Forces managed to block a remote detonation of a huge number of explosives rigged around various containers and cisterns with acids and other deadly chemicals:

Thousands of tons of ammonia: how, during the retreat of the UAF, the Zarya chemical plant was mined in Rubezhnoye
Anna Nazaykina
May 16, 2022

The People’s Militia of the LPR told how the Armed Forces of Ukraine during their retreat mined the territory of the chemical plant for the production of explosives “Zarya” in the city of Rubezhnoye.

“We discovered that the enemy mined the warehouse with 49 tons of TNT and ammonium, which Ukrainian officers, on the instructions of Polish and American instructors, were going to undermine remotely when leaving positions at the plant,” the PM of the Luhansk People’s Republic said in a statement published on the Teleram channel.

As stated by the People’s Militia, the purpose of mining was detonation, and subsequently spraying in the air of 40 thousand tons of ammonia, nitric and sulfuric acids, benzene and other dangerous substances that were on the territory of the plant.

“In advance, in order to ensure the guaranteed explosion of tanks with toxic chemicals, Ukrainian militants carried out lining of railway trains with bags of ammonium and made additional mining of containers with the most dangerous reagents,” the People’s Militia added.

Thus, more than 300 thousand residents of the city could have ended up in the infected zone, and all forms of life would have guaranteed been destroyed in the radius of 20 kilometres from the epicentre of the explosion, they stressed in the People’s Militia. At the moment, the territory of the chemical enterprise is being examined and evidence of the criminal intent is being recorded.

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