NEWSFLASH: Ukraine blows up Kahovskaja Hydroelectric Plant dam – ongoing ecological and humanitarian disaster (with updates)

Ukraine shelled the dam of the Kahovskaja Hydroelectric plant on many occasions throughout the autumn of 2022. This time they managed to blow up the dam in preparation for their hyped-up and many times delayed “spring counteroffensive”. As a result of this act of ecological terrorism by Ukraine, the water level downstream has risen by 10 metres, the cooling of the Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant may become compromised. What Ukrainians achieved is to force the Russian army to abandon their dug-in positions, and they also washed away the mine fields. When the water level returns to normal in 3 days’ time, Ukraine will be in a much more advantageous position to attack.

Meanwhile, a humanitarian and ecological disaster is unfolding. Ukraine has severely limited the access to the drinking water for the people on the Crimean peninsular. The wildlife cannot evacuate as easily as people. Many birds are nesting now and whole generation of birds will become lost. The Black Sea – already on the verge of ecological collapse (more on that in a later article) will be polluted even more.

UPDATE: Before the terrorist act, Ukraine dumped large amounts of water from the upstream dams, thus bringing the water level in Kahovskaja dam to the maximum mark. This is seen from the diagram in the post below, and also a dump from the Drepropetrovsk is mentioned in the statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Indirect confirmation of Kiev’s guilt in the undermining of the Kahovskaya HPP. Ukrainian publicists write that yesterday the Zaporozhye hydroelectric plant began a massive discharge of water, significantly raising the level of the Kahovsky reservoir. And the picture shows the data of the French monitoring portal The-land: the level rises immediately from 14 to 17.5 meters. After that, an accurate missile strike by the APU and guaranteed destruction of the dam plus a powerful flooding of the territory downstream.

The Russian Ministry of Defence placed the definitive blame on the Kiev regime, and so fr the Russian MoD only made statements when they were 100% sure of the factual veracity of the claim.

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Debunking the false claims about the Russian word “Slava” – “Glory”

A few days ago I was made aware of a post in a German Telegram channel that seemed to liken praising “Glory to Russia” with a Nazi salute. This prompted me to write an analytical reply pointing out to the root of this malicious misconception, adding linguistic, historical and cultural references to support the debunking of this claim. But first, here is the post in question, followed by an automatic translation of it to English.

The Wagners and Russians would be outraged if they had to read this.
This is and remains a fascist salute.
The Russians have expelled the Heil-Hitler-Schreier from their country and will certainly not shout Heil Russia.
Anyone who brings such a saying has nothing, but also nothing, understood.
But you have already noticed here more than once as a provocateur.
There should be an @admin looking there!

It seems that the author thinks of the Russian words “slava” (слава) – “glory” as as some kind of Nazi salute. The root of this misconception lies in the association of the Russian «Glory to Russia» to the Ukrainian Nazi slogan “Glory to Ukraine”. However, anyone making such an extrapolation is not only demonstrating ignorance, but is also playing into the hands of those who are driving smear campaigns at Russia from all thinkable angles.

There is one fundamental, crucial difference: «Glory to Russia» was never used to greet the German Nazi invaders, it was never used as a slogan to which terrible atrocities were committed, as was the case in Ukraine under the Banderite rule.

Ukraine has a two-fold problem with their slogan: first OUN-UPA used it, basically binding the whole country in blood. They didn’t take «Glory to Bandera» as their slogan – even in Germany the slogan was limited to «Heil Hitler» and was not a «Heil Deutchland». And even then no one says that the German word «heil» should be removed from the German dictionary.

The second half of the problem came when Ukraine doubled down on the OUN-UPA legacy and continued to use that particular slogan in their modern neo-Nazi state-building policy.

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