“The Black Book. Atrocities of the modern Banderites – the Ukrainian neo-Nazis in 2014 – 2023” – by Maxim Grigoriev & Mihail Myagkov

Back in 2014 the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation started out gathering evidence and publishing the White Books of the Ukrainian atrocities in Donbass. The work quickly became overwhelming with the sheer number of materials. I wrote about the White Books in my blog, and the copies of those materials are available for download in both Russian and English.With the sheer volume of materials, the Ministry stopped updating the books, focusing on internal evidence gathering.

Now, almost 10 years later more materials are coming to light:

The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation has published a book by Maxim Grigoriev, Chairman of the International Public Tribunal for Crimes of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, and Professor Mihail Myagkov:

“The Black Book. Atrocities of the modern Banderites – the Ukrainian neo-Nazis in 2014 – 2023”

The preface to the book was written by the Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (translated below in its entirety):

Today, Russia is resisting the aggression of the collective West, also including on the battlefield during the Special Military Operation (SMO). At the same time, the West treats the territory of the former USSR as a springboard for the splitting and subsequent destruction of the Russian Federation.

The agression against Russia was being prepared since the early 2000s, when our country declared the restoration of its state sovereignty. The active phase of the implementation of Western plans began in 2014 immediately after the coup d’etat in Ukraine, when the neo-Nazi regime came to power in Kiev. Over the next eight years, the Ukrainian army and the punishers of nationalist battalions killed and tortured to death more than eight thousand civilians of Donbass who were trying to defend their human dignity, their civil rights, their native language. In the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics that were proclaimed as a result of national referendums, in Novorossiya, Ukrainian neo-Nazis killed and tortured people protesting against the Kiev regime. It thus happened in the Odessa House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014, where dozens of people were burned alive. What is this but a crime requiring a fair trial in a democratic State? But the perpetrators of the massacre, whose names are known to everyone, remained at large. Moreover, they are honoured as national heroes.

Russia had to stop this bloody violence, the roots of which go back to the genocide committed by the Nazis and their Ukrainian accomplices during the Great Patriotic War against the population of the Soviet Union. Just like back then, we are talking about the life and death of people under the rule of a terrorist anti-human regime. People who have chosen the path of life as part of Russia or who want to be together with Russia have the right to believe in justice and inevitable retribution dealt to the war criminals for their deeds.

Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly stated: “We have not started any hostilities, we are trying to end them.” That is why on February 24, 2022, he made an appeal to the citizens of the country, in which he announced the beginning of the special military operation.

“Its goal,” the President stressed, “is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years. And for this, we will strive towards the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of the Russian Federation.”

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not even trying to hide whose heirs they are. Crosses on the APU equipment, symbols with swastikas at the national battalions, the Nazi greeting “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!” and, most importantly, the ideology of “Ukraine above all!” (a carbon-copy from the Nazi “Deutschland über alles”) — all this clearly shows what kind of enemy we are dealing with.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for their native hearth, their homeland in the Great Patriotic War. Our heroic fighters are fighting for their home, their country today in their own zone. But, as 80 years ago, we must convey to the enemies an immutable thought — none of their war crimes will go unpunished.

The Investigative Committee of Russia and the Main Military Investigation Department are collecting and documenting thousands of facts about the atrocities of militants of Ukrainian national formations and military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Trials are already underway and sentences are being handed down to those persons whose specific guilt in the destruction of civilians and prisoners of war has been proven. The work continues. And it will not end with the victory of the Russian army in the SMO. Those Ukrainian war criminals who will not be destroyed on the battlefield will still face a fair trial. Their crimes have no statute of limitations.

The Russian Federation, the successor state of the USSR, has a solid experience in punishing war criminals. Beginning in 1943, open trials of German Nazis and their accomplices from among local traitors took place in the Soviet Union. Such trials took place in Donetsk (then Stalino), Krasnodon, Harkov and Kiev. Hundreds of murderers of civilians and Soviet prisoners of war received harsh sentences, including the death penalty by hanging.

Modern Ukrainian neo-Nazis, their leaders and the Armed Forces of Ukraine should also remember the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal of 1946 to Nazi war criminals.

Despite the fact that Western countries and the Kiev neo-Nazi regime have forgotten about the need to comply with the norms of international humanitarian law, the Russian Federation will achieve their implementation during and according to the results of the SMO.

This “Black Book” contains terrible evidence and facts of torture, violence, murders that were committed and are still being committed by the Ukro-Nazis and the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The task today is to make as many people as possible know about them in our country and abroad. So that the pain and grief of people affected by Ukrainian neo-Nazism will never be forgotten. For the Ukrainian prisoners, acquaintance with this book may be the first step towards realizing the abyss into which they were driven by the criminal actions of Kiev.

The existing regime in Ukraine will be defeated, and the evil that it brings to Russia, the Ukrainian people themselves and the whole world will be punished!

Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation
Army General Sergei Shoigu

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False Flag Warning: USA is setting up the board for a nuclear flase flag to send NATO troops to Ukraine

Several disjointed reports from the past couple of days form into a picture that indicates that the USA is setting up the stage for a nuclear false flag in Ukraine with the aim to send NATO troops there.

First, a statement by Zelensky who «predicts» a nuclear disaster at Zaporozhie NPP (trabslation below the Telegram post):

Nuclear terror continues — Zelensky joined the “predictors” of an imminent explosion at the NPP

Kiev continues to disperse the hysteria around the Zaporozhye NPP. In his daily address to the people of the country 404, the supreme Ukrainian Zelensky, following the head of the GUR Budanov, said that the evil Russians were going to blow up the nuclear power plant controlled by them — “not again, but again,” yes.

Allegedly, Ukrainian intelligence received information that Russia is preparing to stage a “terrorist act with the release of radiation” at the NPP.

The hysteria around potential man-made disasters in Ukraine is growing day by day, and the NPP is far from the only object in the “risk group”. In parallel with nuclear blackmail, the Kiev regime is stoking panic by conducting exercises in case of a “breakthrough” of the Kiev hydroelectric power station. Considering what happened after a similar “shake—up” with the Kakhovka dam, it can be assumed that in the near future the APU may arrange another man-made disaster – public opinion has already been prepared.

Reports of unusual vibration at the DneproGES do not add calmness either. Judging by the shallow rapids downstream of the Dnieper, the spillway gates at the station are closed again, and water is accumulating. This leads to even greater drainage of the Kakhovsky reservoir at the cost of increased load directly on the dam.

But what could the enemy’s next move be? The most obvious target for a terrorist attack may be the cooling pond of a nuclear power plant. If there is nothing to cool the station with, most likely, it will have to be completely shut down. In addition, we should not exclude provocations on the surviving Ukrainian hydroelectric power plants. Perhaps the enemy will try to simulate an attack by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the dams.

Kiev has already shown that it is capable of open terrorism and is ready to use man-made disasters as a weapon, which means that it is necessary to prepare for any turn of events. Especially after such sudden “revelations”.

Next, the US senator Graham Lindsey – the same who laughingly said to Zelensky that Russians are dying and that’s the best use of American money (and as Ukrainians are just wayward Russians, that genocidal statement included the Ukrainians, too) – introduced the bill to expand the kurisdiction of NATO’s Article 5:

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22nd of June – Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. Remembering the 42 million perished Soviet people in the genocidal Second World War

The memorial texts below are written by Olga on Putinger’s Cat Telegram cannel. The article sheds new light on the genocide comitted against the Soviet people – predominantly the residents of Belorussia, Ukraine and Western Russia – by the Nazi-German invaders. We remember. As a 2015 article by Georgij Zotov showed, the same was not the case in Germany, where they asked “So many? Really?” Germans do not know how many Russians were killed by their ancestors

In Russia, June 22 is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On this day, in 1941, the Great Patriotic War, which became the bloodiest and most destructive in the history of the country, began.

The Great Patriotic War had affected every family. More than 27 million people perished. Owing to the heroism of our soldiers and officers, the enemy was defeated, but Victory came at a high price.

Today, we pay tribute to the memory of all those who went through incredible hardship, those who died, but never gave up for a peaceful future for their descendants. We, the descendants, are full of deepest respect and gratitude for their sacrifice.

The declassified data below were presented at the State Duma hearing on the 14th of February 2017. Archived source is here.

By the beginning of the war, in June 1941, 196.7 million people lived on the territory of the USSR. According to declassified data of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, the losses of the Soviet Union in World War II amount to 41 million 979 thousand, and not 27 million, as previously thought. The total decline in the population of the USSR in 1941-1945 was more than 52 million 812 thousand people. Of these, irretrievable losses as a result of the factors of war – more than 19 million military personnel and about 23 million civilians.

The total demographic losses of the USSR as a result of the war amounted to 27 million people. Military losses were calculated at 11.4 million, including the war with Japan. From this number, it is necessary to subtract 1.8 million who returned from captivity and 0.9 million called up on the territory liberated from the occupation and sent to the troops from among the military personnel who were previously surrounded or missing.

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«2 Years» re-publishing // Переиздание книги «2 года»

This introduction article is tri-lingual, in:
Denne introduktionsartikel er tresproget, i:
Эта вступительная статья – трёхязычная, на:

The 22nd of June 1941.
Leaflet No. 2:

The German-Russian War

In a proclamation signed by Reich Chancellor Hitler, the Germans march on Russia on a front of 2400 km., from Finland to the Black Sea.

To the north, German troops are advancing from Norway along with Finnish divisions, from the Carpathians German and Romanian forces.

Hitler declared that Bolshevism stood in mortal enmity with National Socialism. Russia had been threatening Germany for a long time and eventually there were 160 Russian divisions positioned on Germany’s eastern border. The Soviets had thus broken the Treaty of Friendship. The imminent struggle revolved around the civilized world.

Mines have been laid in the Arctic Ocean and in the Baltic Sea, among other places between Bornholm and Sweden and between Bornholm and the German Coast.

Read THE POLITICS tomorrow
– Copenhagen

80 years ago, in the summer of 1943, the underground Communist Party of Denmark illegally published the book “2 Years” with newspaper clippings from the major German-controlled Copenhagen newspapers. The book is 70 pages long and is a rare historical document of the occupation-era official press coverage of the first 2 years of the war between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, the outcome of which became decisive for the future of mankind.

To honour the Resistance fighters and strengthen the memory of the great Victory of the USSR and the Red Army over fascism, we are now launching a digital reissue of “2 Years”!

The book is photographed and can be studied page by page and read in graphically adapted versions in Russian and English, respectively, as well as in a linguistically edited version in modern Danish. An extensive historical notebook has been added as well as text-to-speech descriptions for the blind and visually impaired of the book’s many fine colour illustrations in silkscreen by artist and resistance fighter Viggo Rohde, with sharp political caricatures of the Nazi Menagerie and the course of the war.

We see our collective memory as an important weapon against the advanced means and methods of modern war propaganda to which we are daily exposed, and, that Dr. Goebbels could not even dream of.

Read, remember, and get historical perspective on your contemporary events!

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Ukraine is where NATO(‘s Wunderwaffe) goes to die

The NATO countries have been sending wave after wave of increasingly lethal weapons to Ukraine, each touted by the Ukro-Reich as the next «Wunderwaffe» (the German for «wonder weapon», a term harking from Nazi Germany) that would sweep away the Russian forces.

So far, the only thing these NATO weapons were used for, are terrorist attacks on the civilian infrastructure and residential areas in Donbass – with over 300 HIMARS rockets being fired at the Kahovskaja HPP dam alone. The military significance of these «Wunderwaffe» has been close to 0, and with each new wave NATO draws itself more and more into a direct confrontation with Russia, and thus its own demise.

The picture belowe illustrates it really well, though it omits a few of the weapons.

Let’s see… the Wunderwaffe so far have been:

  • Bayraktar (Turkey)
  • Javelin (USA)
  • NLAW (Britain)
  • M-777 (USA)
  • CAESAR (France)
  • Starlink (USA)
  • Patriot (USA)
  • Storm Shadow (Britain)
  • Leopard (Germany)
  • Challanger with depleted uranium (UK)

Next up???

  • F-16 (USA)
  • Mirage (France)

Chronology and consequences of the Ukrainian terrorist attacks on the Kahovskaja HPP dam

In total, in the summer-autumn of 2022, more than three hundred missiles were fired at the Kakhovskaya HPP from HIMARS alone.

The consequences of the Ukrainian terrorist act when they blew up Kahovskaja HPP dam. The initial post with the event is here:NEWSFLASH: Ukraine blows up Kahovskaja Hydroelectric Plant dam – ongoing ecological and humanitarian disaster (with updates)

Preliminary damage caused to the Herson region by the destruction of the Kahovskaya HPP is estimated at 11.5 billion roubles, but this figure may be far from final, the head of the regional government said.

The Ukrainin side continues with their practice of many years to shoot the civilians, now targeting people seeking shelter from the flood:

The natural disaster is on the rise, with whole houses floating out into the Black Sea. Soon epidemies of cholera and the like can break out in the flooded areas and along the coast.

Maria Zaharova published on her Telegram channel a complete timeline of the Ukrainian attacks on Kahovskaja HPP. The official English text of the complete list is below the message:

Strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant: Chronology

Russian MFA
June 10, 2023

The first information about the Ukrainian military mining the dam and hydraulic structures of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power plant appeared as far back as September 15, 2014. Reports by the Voenkor.Info agency indicated that Ukrainian sappers began installing engineering ammunition at these facilities in order to prevent the Novorossiya separatists from gaining control over them.

The Kakhovskaya HPP came under the control of the Russian military on February 24, 2022, the first day of the special military operation. There were no hostilities in the area of the dam. During the retreat, Ukrainian sappers only mined the floodgate mechanisms of the North Crimean Canal. The explosion was averted.

In the summer of 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine began regularly shelling the town of Novaya Kakhovka and the hydroelectric power plant.
On July 11, 2022, the HPP was hit by a HIMARS MLRS missile.

On July 18, 2022, the control room of the shipping floodgate was damaged during an attack on the HPP.

On July 24, 2022, the plant came under fire from HIMARS.

On July 26, 2022, large-calibre shells hit the hydroelectric dam.

On the night of July 29-30, 2022, the HPP was again hit by HIMARS.

On August 5, 2022, the hydroelectric power plant came under a massive shelling attack. It was hit by HIMARS, Olkha MLRS, and Tochka-U.

On August 7, 2022, the plant was hit by a HIMARS missile.

On August 9, 2022, the dam once again came under fire.

On August 12, 2022, three of the six turbines of the power plant were damaged as a result of shelling. The HPP was switched to emergency mode (half of the design capacity).

On August 18, 2022, large-calibre shells were fired at the hydroelectric dam.

On August 19, 2022, the plant came under fire from Olkha and Tochka.

On August 21, 2022, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a missile attack on the hydroelectric power plant.

On August 24, 2022, the plant was subjected to massive shelling from HIMARS.

On August 27, 2022, the HPP was hit by Olkha and Tochka.

On August 28, 2022, a missile attack was launched from HIMARS MLRS against the hydroelectric dam.

On August 29, 2022, the plant once again came under fire from HIMARS.

On August 30, 2022, a missile attack was launched on the hydroelectric power plant.

On September 1, 2022, the plant came under fire from HIMARS.

On September 2, 2022, large-calibre shells were fired at the HPP.

On September 5, 2022, the plant was hit by missiles.

On September 6, 2022, a HIMARS missile attack was launched on the HPP.

On September 8, 2022, the regional authorities reported that the HPP and access roads to it had been shelled.

On September 10, 2022, HIMARS hit Novaya Kakhovka and the HPP. The dam was not hit.

On October 18, 2022, Sergey Surovikin, commander of the special military operation, reported damage to the Antonovsky Bridge and the dam of the Kakhovskaya HPP as a result of shelling from HIMARS MLRS.

On October 21, 2022, Russia circulated a letter in the UN Security Council in which it called for preventing Ukraine’s provocations against the Kakhovskaya HPP. The document stated that “the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been shelling the city of Novaya Kakhovka in the Kherson Region for five months. Up to 120 missiles per day are launched.”

On October 24, 2022, the hydroelectric power plant and civilian infrastructure in the area of Novaya Kakhovka were hit by HIMARS and Olkha.

On November 6, 2022, the HPP was hit by six HIMARS missiles. One of them hit a floodgate, which was damaged.

On November 17, 2022, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that Ukrainian troops had reached the right bank of the Dnieper along its entire length, including in the area of the Kakhovskaya HPP.

In total, in the summer-autumn of 2022, more than three hundred missiles were fired at the Kakhovskaya HPP from HIMARS alone.

On December 29, 2022, The Washington Post published the following statement made by Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kovalchuk, commander of the Ukrainian troops in the Kherson Region: “The Ukrainians conducted a test strike with a HIMARS launcher on one of the floodgates at the Nova Kakhovka dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the Dnieper’s water could be raised enough to stymie Russian crossings but not flood nearby villages. The test was a success.” The date of the strike was not specified.

On March 14, 2023, Head of the Novokakhovsky District Vladimir Leontyev stated that the HPP is hit regularly; in addition, sabotage and reconnaissance units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are regularly attempting to penetrate the territory and the dam. He said that snipers are also working actively, preventing repair and maintenance work on hydraulic structures.

Such methodical attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the HPP resulted in the destruction of its structures, which began on June 6, 2023, and the uncontrolled discharge of water from the Kakhovka reservoir downstream of the Dnieper.

Polish insatiable pit. How much did the USSR spend on the restoration of Poland during and after the War

Some time ago I published a post Reparations to Poland from Russia? And how much does Poland itself in fact owe Russia? that contained, among other points, some examples of what the USSR spent on Poland. Those examples were very superficial, so here is another article that taks a closer look at the financial aspect of the “fraternal love” of the USSR’ western neighbour.

As an asditional reading, in 2015 I translated an article by Georgij Zotov The Sorrow of a Warsaw Woman.Why Poland is not happy to be liberated from fascism?. In the introduction I layed out some thoughts as to why Russia did not reminded the «brotherly nation» of the help tvat it had got. But every good reason has a limit to it, often hastened by impunity.

Polish insatiable pit. How much did the USSR spend on the restoration of Poland after the war

Polish peasants harvest on the land liberated from the Germans. 1944 / Georgy Zelma / RIA Novosti

It is difficult to calculate the exact amount that our country poured into the restoration of Poland after World War II, especially since the USSR began to provide assistance to Poland long before the victorious May 1945. Thus, the cost of maintaining the Polish Army, formed in the USSR, amounted by January 1945 to 723 million roubles. At the same time, 60 thousand tons of bread, 100 tons of sugar and 50 tons of dried fruits were sent to the liberated Warsaw as a gift. In addition, the USSR took upon itself 50% of the costs of the Warsaw reconstruction plan.

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Black Sea can go up in a fireball – a looming natural disaster

Yesterdays act of terrorism when Ukraine blew up the Kahovskaja HPP dam creates not only a military and humanitarian difficulty for Russia, not only does it create a short-term ecological disaster, killing hundreds of thousands of animals in one swipe, not only does it create a mid-term epidemiological disaster, when ll that has been washed off begins to rot and decompose, it also exacerbates a long-term looming catastrophe hanging over the Black Sea. As it stands now, the sea is already on the verge of going up in a hige fireball, and any additional dumps of the sediments and warm water only hasten that outcome.

Below is a translation of an article by “Argumenty i Fakty” from the 29th of May 2023.

Deep poison. A scientist from Turkey warns of a catastrophe of the Black Sea

Turkish geologist, Professor Osman Bektash warned about the impending danger to all who live on the Black Sea coast. According to him, global climate change is to blame.

The middle layer is thinning

Insufficient precipitation and an increase in temperatures above average values have led to the fact that life in the depths of this sea has become impoverished. The number of fish has decreased, the diversity of biological species has decreased. But that’s not even the main concern.

The Black Sea is practically a closed basin, it is connected to the World Ocean through the narrow Bosphorus Strait. The rivers flowing into it — the Dnieper, Dniester, and Danube — have deposited silt over millions of years, which settled on the bottom and produced hydrogen sulfide as a result of chemical reactions. The excess of this gas with a foul smell of rotten eggs in the depths is the most famous and unusual feature of the Black Sea. It accumulated there for a long time, and since its solution is heavier than water, hydrogen sulfide concentrated in the deepest places.

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NEWSFLASH: Ukraine blows up Kahovskaja Hydroelectric Plant dam – ongoing ecological and humanitarian disaster (with updates)

Ukraine shelled the dam of the Kahovskaja Hydroelectric plant on many occasions throughout the autumn of 2022. This time they managed to blow up the dam in preparation for their hyped-up and many times delayed “spring counteroffensive”. As a result of this act of ecological terrorism by Ukraine, the water level downstream has risen by 10 metres, the cooling of the Zaporozhie Nuclear Power Plant may become compromised. What Ukrainians achieved is to force the Russian army to abandon their dug-in positions, and they also washed away the mine fields. When the water level returns to normal in 3 days’ time, Ukraine will be in a much more advantageous position to attack.

Meanwhile, a humanitarian and ecological disaster is unfolding. Ukraine has severely limited the access to the drinking water for the people on the Crimean peninsular. The wildlife cannot evacuate as easily as people. Many birds are nesting now and whole generation of birds will become lost. The Black Sea – already on the verge of ecological collapse (more on that in a later article) will be polluted even more.

UPDATE: Before the terrorist act, Ukraine dumped large amounts of water from the upstream dams, thus bringing the water level in Kahovskaja dam to the maximum mark. This is seen from the diagram in the post below, and also a dump from the Drepropetrovsk is mentioned in the statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Indirect confirmation of Kiev’s guilt in the undermining of the Kahovskaya HPP. Ukrainian publicists write that yesterday the Zaporozhye hydroelectric plant began a massive discharge of water, significantly raising the level of the Kahovsky reservoir. And the picture shows the data of the French monitoring portal The-land: the level rises immediately from 14 to 17.5 meters. After that, an accurate missile strike by the APU and guaranteed destruction of the dam plus a powerful flooding of the territory downstream.

The Russian Ministry of Defence placed the definitive blame on the Kiev regime, and so fr the Russian MoD only made statements when they were 100% sure of the factual veracity of the claim.

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Debunking the false claims about the Russian word “Slava” – “Glory”

A few days ago I was made aware of a post in a German Telegram channel that seemed to liken praising “Glory to Russia” with a Nazi salute. This prompted me to write an analytical reply pointing out to the root of this malicious misconception, adding linguistic, historical and cultural references to support the debunking of this claim. But first, here is the post in question, followed by an automatic translation of it to English.

The Wagners and Russians would be outraged if they had to read this.
This is and remains a fascist salute.
The Russians have expelled the Heil-Hitler-Schreier from their country and will certainly not shout Heil Russia.
Anyone who brings such a saying has nothing, but also nothing, understood.
But you have already noticed here more than once as a provocateur.
There should be an @admin looking there!

It seems that the author thinks of the Russian words “slava” (слава) – “glory” as as some kind of Nazi salute. The root of this misconception lies in the association of the Russian «Glory to Russia» to the Ukrainian Nazi slogan “Glory to Ukraine”. However, anyone making such an extrapolation is not only demonstrating ignorance, but is also playing into the hands of those who are driving smear campaigns at Russia from all thinkable angles.

There is one fundamental, crucial difference: «Glory to Russia» was never used to greet the German Nazi invaders, it was never used as a slogan to which terrible atrocities were committed, as was the case in Ukraine under the Banderite rule.

Ukraine has a two-fold problem with their slogan: first OUN-UPA used it, basically binding the whole country in blood. They didn’t take «Glory to Bandera» as their slogan – even in Germany the slogan was limited to «Heil Hitler» and was not a «Heil Deutchland». And even then no one says that the German word «heil» should be removed from the German dictionary.

The second half of the problem came when Ukraine doubled down on the OUN-UPA legacy and continued to use that particular slogan in their modern neo-Nazi state-building policy.

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