Yeltsin Centre as a magnet for the liberal dregs of society, with Nina Hrusheva as an example

To get a feel of what legacy Yeltsin left behind, and what kind of people get attracted to it, we published several posts at out Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, using one specific case as an example, and commenting along the way.

The country must know its antiheroes

Yeltsin Centre in Yekaterinburg invited a patented russophobe Nina Hrusheva — the great-granddaughter of Nikita Hrushev. Yes, the very same who got the top position in the USSR in exchange for the unconstitutional transfer of Crimea to UkSSR, the same who black-paintes Stalin and his legacy, the same who initiated the future dismemberment of the USSR.

Nina Hrusheva, a citizen of the USA, was to present her book «Nikita Hrushev. A Leader Outside of the System.»

Getting ahead, it was announced that Hrusheva’s visit was cancelled «for technical reasons». And good riddance!

We shall talk about Yeltsin Centre in a different post. Now, let’s take a closer look at Nina Hrusheva… UralLIVE reports:


She wants to dismember Russia and judge Putin. Meet the new guest of the Yeltsin Center
Nikita Khrushchev’s great-granddaughter went crazy and betrayed her motherland

On November 26, a speech by Nina Hrushcheva, professor at the New School University in New York, was announced at the Yeltsin Center. She is the great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, through whose fault Crimea became part of the Ukrainian SSR.
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‘Miracle in the East’: New WWII history book hits the shelves – RT reblog

RT recently published an article about a history book about WWII. A much needed and important resource to counter the massive history rewriting by the West (only in the EU over 3000 memorials to the Soviet soldiers have been demolished!).

The download link to the book is included in the article. However, in case the original link goes dead, we made a back-up, served from our site.

Special thanks to our reader JMF for finding this material. The material is also published at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”.

‘Miracle in the East’: New WWII history book hits the shelves

The publication is based on the work of Western war correspondents covering the Eastern front.

The Russian History Perspective Fund has released a new history book covering the events on the Eastern Front and battles between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

The book, titled ‘Miracle in the East. Western war correspondents report. 1941–1945.’, is based on wartime publications by Western war correspondents.

The book has been published in both Russian and English, with the latter featuring additional multimedia materials.
The English version was released by the Fund on Friday and is available on its website.

“The emphasis is on telling a consistent story, because in the modern world the idea of the role of the Red Army and the Soviet people in the victory over fascism has been lost. Moreover, the entire history of World War II is being revised and distorted,” the NGO said in a statement.

The publication is expected to spark particular interest in the West, given that it is based on the first-hand experience of Western war correspondents who were working in the field at the time.
The view provided by these witnesses to the dramatic wartime events sharply contrasts with the revisionist take on World War II that has spread in the West over the past decades, the Fund noted.

“This English version of the book is particularly relevant, as it addresses readers both in the US and in Europe. These are original articles from leading newspapers and magazines in the Western world: Time, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and others,” it noted.

“Gauleiter” for Ukraine. The West revived the practise of the Nazis under Hitler

On the 12th of February 2024 “Argumenty i Facty” published an article, drawing the reader’s attention to the clear parallel between the Nazi position of the Gauleiter in the Reichskommissariat Ukraine and the proposed “special representative”.

A few days later, on the 15th of February, KM.RU in an article titled simply “Ukraine: The Return of the Gauleiter”, further revealed who may become the candidate for this noose-promising title:

Stoltenberg in Kiev

The whole performance is reminiscent of the fascist practice of Gauleiters in Ukraine. This is not surprising. According to the forecasts of many historians, Europe was doomed to return to its terrible historical past.

The other day, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergei Naryshkin, said that the West wants to appoint a “viceroy” in Ukraine “in order to strengthen the mechanism of external control of the territory controlled by the Kiev regime.”

According to the SVR, it is planned to appoint Jens Stoltenberg – who currently holds the position of NATO Secretary General – to the post of special envoy for Ukraine. His mandate expires on the 1st of October 2024. “It is assumed that he will have constant access to President Vladimir Zelensky and know about all his plans,” Naryshkin explained. The tasks of the special envoy will include blocking decisions of the Ukrainian leadership that are not coordinated with the United States and Great Britain. Instead, Stoltenberg will propose the “right” steps, from the point of view of the Anglo-Saxons.

And now, the the article from “Argumenty i Facty”:

The “Viceroy” will be coming. The West revived in Ukraine the idea of Nazis under Hitler

Reichskommissar Ukraine, Erich Koch (right) and Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, Alfred Rosenberg (center) surveying Kiev Lavra.

The West’s intention to appoint its collective special representative in Ukraine is “an attempt to strengthen the enslavement of the people close to Russia,” said Sergei Naryshkin, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) on February 12. “Such practices were introduced by the leader of the German Nazis, Adolf Hitler, and all his ‘viceroys’ the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Ivannikov told Ukrainians are capable of kicking this “special representative” out of the country along with President Vladimir Zelensky, the expert believes.

The West intends to appoint its “special representative” in Ukraine, who should oversee the Kiev regime. According to Naryshkin, when discussing this forgotten idea, “such conditions were factored in, as an increasingly difficult situation at the front, difficulties with mobilization and hitches in obtaining Western military assistance, when many Ukrainians began to realize the inevitability of Moscow achieving the goals of a special military operation.”

“This yet another crude attempt by the West to strengthen the enslavement of the Ukrainian people, who are close to us, cannot but cause concern. At the same time, there is a high probability that the implementation of the idea with the appointment of a “viceroy” in Ukraine will not lead to the results desired by the United States and Great Britain,” the head of the SVR believes.

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Myths about Stalin. Where do legs grow from? Reblog of a detailed research article

Black myths have always been attached to the Russian leaders who looked after the interests of the country and did not fall under the spell of the outside influences. Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin is one such leader, whose memory was defamed and desecrated both by the internal political rivals, like Hrushov, and by the external enemies. I plan to publish several articles that take aim at debunking these black myths surrounding the historical figure of Stalin. As always, when looking at history, one must remain dispassionate and look at the events not through the prism of modern sensibilities, but as a contemporary to the events, with all the challenges that the leadership of the USSR faced at that time.

Today, on the 145th anniversary of Iosif Stalin’s birth, I want to start with a reblog of an excellent article by Olga of the Siberian Matrëshka Telegram channel, which I can warmly recommend.

Myths about Stalin. Where do legs grow from?

Olga🪆July 21, 2023

First of all, there was no Communism in the USSR. The USSR had a communist state ideology and a socialist system.

One of the most terrible and destructive myths about the Soviet Union is the lie about the “bloody regime” of Stalin, who allegedly destroyed tens of millions of innocent people. Few people know that this myth was created back in Nazi Germany, and only later it was used by the United States in the information war against Soviet civilization.

Despite a number of fundamental studies based on the factual material of the archives, which showed the inconsistency of Joseph Stalin’s accusations of mass repressions and terror, the false myth supported by slanderers like Solzhenitsyn, Radzinsky, Suvorov-Rezun continues to dominate the information field of Russia and the world community. The dirty work of denigrating Russian and Soviet history continues, within the framework of the global historical and informational confrontation between Russian civilization (Rus) and the West. Citizens of Russia (especially young people), not to mention Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics, continue to be stuffed with horror stories about death and murder in labour camps of the GULAG (Main Directorate of Camps and Places of Detention), stories about millions of people who died of starvation and were deliberately destroyed in the USSR, about the alleged premeditation of the Holodomor in Ukraine, about the inhuman cruelty of the Soviet punitive system, “the bloodiest in the world”. The repressions against the kulaks and the “fifth column” take on an absolutely fantastic character in these stories, and Stalin becomes a villain of a literally galactic scale. All this is superimposed on the image of the USSR-Russia in the world – as an “evil empire” and “Russian Mordor”, where there live “fierce” Muscovites, scoops-padded coats, ready at the first opportunity to drown in the blood of all dissidents in Russia itself, as well as to drive to their “concentration camp” and the surrounding peoples.

The myth of the “bloody Stalinist regime” was created back in Nazi Germany. After the Nazis came to power in Germany, they used information and psycho-technologies to properly indoctrinate the population. The Minister of Propaganda was Joseph Goebbels, who propagated dreams of a racially pure people living in Greater Germany, an empire with vast living space. This living space included the territory to the east of Germany, the Russian lands, including Little Russia-Ukraine. The conquest of living space meant a big war, a war with the USSR. Therefore, the Nazi Propaganda Ministry, headed by Goebbels, launched an information campaign around the alleged genocide organized by the Communists in Ukraine, the terrible famine (Holodomor) organized personally by Stalin. The purpose of the Nazi propaganda was to prepare the world community for the “liberation” of Ukraine by German troops from the “bloody Bolshevik yoke”. Later, the Ukrainian Nazis (Bandera) used the same lie about an artificial famine to sit on the neck of the people of Little Russia-Ukraine.

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Western songs of the ’90s that codified the youth of the USSR – Pet Shop Boys and Scorpions

Back in the early 90s I, just as lots of other youths in Russia and the post-Soviet space listened to a multitude of Western pop groups, like Scorpions, Pet shop boys, A-Ha. With my command of the English language becoming more solid, I was also starting to understand the lyrics – remember, there was no Internet to check the texts, so you got by with what you understood on your own.

And the understanding was that of a warm and fuzzy welcoming feeling – the West invitingly offering to become the best friend of Russia. Or so it seemed. Later, in the naughts, came other musical preferences, and Scorpions with PSB faded into the background.

Now, many decades later I re-listened to some of my favourites from that time. And, what is more important, re-watched the clips. It’s important to keep in mind that not all music of that time had a political undercurrent or agenda, in fact, the majority of the clips were perfectly innocent in this regard. And then there were occasional musical items that failed the smell test of time.

“Wind of Change” by Scorpions seemed like a nice peace-building work of musical art, a hand of friendship outstretch to the new Russia… until 2023, when they changed the lyrics to suite the new political agenda of pandering to Ukraine, with Ukraine becoming the new target for this song.

Pet Shop Boys has two clips that drew my attention with the modern knowledge of the past events. Watch closely “Go West”. I always thought of it as addressing the wider Soviet audience, luring people into the sweet embrace of the West (that with the hindsight turned out to be a sweet honey trap). Yet, watch closely the clip.

Pay attention to the blue-and-yellow “Ukrainian” colour scheme…

…the gesture of the OUN-UPA Bandera Nazi collaborators nonchalantly thrown at three places in the clip…

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Russian FM Sergej Lavrov’s Article “On dramatizations as a method of Western politics”

I have written a few times previously on how the fake flags and false flags are constantly being staged by the West. Ad even now, former Ukraine is sending drones of both attack and kamikaze types at the Zaporozhije nuclear power plant (the largest in Europe, so a nuclear disaster there will make Chernbyl look like child’s play) in the hopes of blowing it up (never mind the fall-out – literally – in the former Ukraine itself and Europe) only in the hopes of blaming Russia for the disaster. The West has already laid the groundwork for this nuclear false flag through the publications in the MSM.

Yesterday I came across an article written by the Russian Foreign Minister Segrej Lavrov for newspaper “Izvestija”, which really accentuates this particular Western mindset and it is finally said by the top Russian diplomat, taking the diplomatic gloves off.

I first saw a shortened highlights-only version of it on Yandex Zen, and then found the article proper on the site of “Izvestija”. I decided to translate the complete and unabridged article, as no one cane say it better, than Mr. Lavrov himself.

On dramatizations as a method of Western politics

Today, the Russian Armed Forces and the DPR and LPR militias are confidently solving tasks within the framework of the special military operation (SMO), seeking to end blatant discrimination and genocide of Russians and eliminate direct threats to the security of the Russian Federation created by the United States and its satellites on the territory of Ukraine for years. Losing on the battlefield, the Ukrainian regime and its Western patrons do not disdain to stage dramatizations “with blood” in order to demonize our country in the international public opinion. There have already been Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Kremenchuk. The Russian Ministry of Defence regularly warns about the preparations of new staged incidents with facts in hand.

Provocative dramatizations performed by the West and its minions have a recognizable handwriting. And they did not start with Ukraine, but much earlier.

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A case study of projection and blame-shifting

Wester media and Ukrainian propaganda have two things in common – a rampant trend of projection and blame-shifting, and the fact that both take their marching orders from the same origin.

An earlier article worth reading in this context is Russian FM Sergej Lavrov’s Article “On dramatizations as a method of Western politics”.

Exhibit A:

This exhibit was reposted on

Bloomberg: Gas Rationing Is Getting Closer for Europe

The region is on high alert after Russia made its biggest moves yet to use energy as a weapon.

Throughout the entire Cold War and in the decades since, Russia was a stable supplier of gas to Europe. That changed this week.

Russia slashed gas supplies in apparent retaliation over Europe’s support for Kyiv. After its biggest moves yet to use energy as a weapon, gas rationing in the region is now a very real prospect.

The squeeze caused prices to surge, added pressure to the region’s economy and could strain European solidarity — all victories for the Kremlin that came as European leaders underlined support for Ukraine during a high-profile trip to the country.

With European utilities forced to tap reserves intended to cover needs for the winter, government controls of gas distribution could start within months. If Russia completely shuts its main link, the region could run out of supplies by January, according consultant Wood Mackenzie Ltd

This is the customary shifting of the blame onto Russia. The reality that the Western business knows of, but which the regular people have little to no idea about is far different. But articles, like the Bloomerg’s above, aim to leave the people with the feeling that it is Russia that is responsible for their freezing the coming winter and the increasing utility bills.

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The face of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis, not shown in the Western press

This is a follow-up translation of an article telling of what the people of Mariupol faced at the hands of the Azov neo-Nazis – the very same so vehemently supported by the official Germany, Britain, Latvia, and the rest of the “collective West”. But what to expect if NATO was training these monsters! According to the article from the 15th of March “This is what we were taught in NATO.” How the Ukrainian army is fighting: “And during interrogations, the captured servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confess: NATO instructors taught them to hide military equipment in residential areas and hide behind civilians. And this is not surprising — the North Atlantic Alliance is used to fighting in distant countries, ignoring civilian casualties.”

Previous articles and documentaries are:

The article below contains a number of links to the related articles at RIA and video fragments, which can be viewed by following the main link to RIA below.

“A swastika is burned into her chest”: what does Azov leave behind in Mariupol

Soldiers check men for nationalist tattoos – RIA Novosti, 1920, 03/28/2022

DNR, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti, Viktor Zvantsev. Used syringes, pills scattered on the floor and a mutilated corpse of a woman — such a picture was seen by the fighters of the People’s Militia of the DPR in the basement of an elementary school in Mariupol, recaptured from the national battalion “Azov”. The other day, the nationalists were pushed back several blocks to the south, artillery duels continue there. What is happening in the courtyards of residential buildings on the firing line and how the “Azovites” behave is in this RIA Novosti report.

“Covered us with his body”

Zelinsky Street is shot through by snipers, so you need to move between houses in short dashes. The “One—eyed” work cleanly, – explains a soldier of the DPR army with the call sign “White2. — Three of our people were removed. Moreover, they aim not only at people in uniform, but also at civilians.”

“White” has been at the front since 2014. He fought at the Saur-Grave, remembers the Debaltsevo cauldron, and many other operations. He commands a platoon in which both experienced soldiers and recruits called up at the end of February are fighting. In Mariupol, the unit held the defence for three days in a surrounded nine-story building until the Russian troops arrived to help.

“This is the key to victory.” The turning point of the Russian special operation

“The battles are hard, the “Azov” rarely surrender,” the fighter continues. — Those who managed to survive are trying to escape. There is no other option. After all, they are fighting not so much for an idea as for money. Very big money. And their captivity, to put it mildly, is not welcome.”

The sidewalk, strewn with broken glass, shell fragments, burnt—out cars and the bodies of the Ukrainian nationalists who there was yet not time to remove – this is how the block looks a few hundred meters from the Azov positions. Mir Street (Peace Street): on the one side are the DPR servicemen, on the other is the enemy.

[Quoted video at RIA Novosti]

There is a mass grave now in Victory Park, where people once walked in the evenings and honoured veterans of the Great Patriotic War. There is a burnt—out tank on the site where the attractions were. Mines periodically fall here and in the surrounding houses. Locals recall how the other day the nationalists killed two dozen people at once with an accurate hit in a high-rise building. There are also losses in the Republican army.

“One of the guys literally sacrificed himself,” says a resident of the neighbouring “panel” block Vika. — When there was a whistle in the air, he grabbed the child in his arms, threw him into the entrance, then pushed me. And a second later he collapsed on the asphalt.”
The fighter died on the spot from shrapnel wounds. The body has not been retrieved still – because of the continuous shelling, it is impossible to approach the house.

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Showing Z to the Nazis is like showing the Cross to the Devil. The resurgence of neo-Nazism in the West

Just like in this image from 2014, the collective neo-Nazism in the West is reacting both to the Victory – St.George – ribbon and to the symbol Z, which has become the symbol manifesting the Russian fight against the Bandera breed of neo-Nazism in Ukraine. Naturally, those backing Nazism in the EU and the “collective West” would react adversely to any attempt to nip neo-Nazism in the bud. I earlier posted a translation of an article The collective West’s support of the Nazis in Ukraine is a familiar practice for them — Alexander Rodgers that exposes this trend. And what do you know, both Germany and Latvia are set to criminalise the anti-Nazi symbolism and commemoration.

Note that all the prohibitions in Latvia do not apply to the marches commemorating Nazi Latvian SS battalions.

The president of Ukraine himself has urged the West to prohibit letter Z (and why stop there, ban “V for Victory”, too)! So in fact, Ukraine is headed by: _Ladimir _Elensky!

In Germany

“Anyone publicly approving the war may be liable to prosecution in Germany”

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The collective West’s support of the Nazis in Ukraine is a familiar practice for them — Alexander Rodgers

I want to present a translation of an article by Alexander Rodgers, published on the 27 of March 2022. The topic of the article echoes closely the blooming support of racism and Nazism in the West, to the point of condoning such dark practices in the Baltics and in Ukraine. The roots of this can bes seen in the not so recent and in the recent history, where the idea of the crusades against Russia (in search of resource and land) always found hold in the Western society. A related documentary in this context is: The Great Unknown War. A must-see documentary about the WWII prelude. By Andrei Medvedev

The collective West’s support of the Nazis in Ukraine is a familiar practice for them

Now is the time to talk about the justification of Hitler and Nazism in general. It has been going on for many years, one might even say decades. And in this very Europe, it began during Hitler himself, in the thirties of the last century.

How did it happen? The formula “Stalin is worse than Hitler” and “the Bolsheviks are worse than the Nazis” was used, telling about the terrible Bolshevik threat, repression, totalitarianism, the terrible GULAG and so on.

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Ukraine used cluster bomb, killing civilians in Donetsk, yet the “civilised” West did not notice. Again.

According to the reports from Donetsk, the warhead of Tochka-U missile was loaded with 50 cassettes of clustered charges. After the interception, fragment of the rocket fell on the city not far away from the target, and one cluster exploded, causing death of the civilians, including women and a child. Shortly before that, a fake invitation was placed on the social media, asking women to gather in the center of the city, reportedly to get information about the state of their men fighting at the front, thus luring victims to the point of attack. If it were not intercepted, the death toll would have been in the order of hundreds of people.

“The Alley of Angels. To the memory of the killed children of Donbass.”

From Sputnik news Moscow Disheartened by US, EU Silence on Deaths of Donetsk Civilians in Ukrainian Missile Attack

20 people were killed and 36 more were injured on Monday after a Ukrainian Tochka-U tactical ballistic missile exploded in the heart of the Donetsk People’s Republic’s capital. The Russian Foreign Ministry characterised the attack as a “crime against humanity” and warned that it would “not go unpunished.”
Moscow is disappointed over Western silence in the wake of the 14 March attack on Donetsk civilians, Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov has said.

“We are very, very disappointed that European leaders, my colleague [White House press secretary Jen] Psaki, her boss, US President Joe Biden, the leaders of international organisations, the leadership of NATO, have not said anything yesterday or today about Donetsk, or those civilian residents who died from the missile launched by the Ukrainian military,” Peskov said, speaking at a briefing with reporters on Tuesday.
“I will not give any personal assessment on this matter. I just want to state this and urge everyone to pay attention to this fact,” Peskov added.
A Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missile equipped with cluster munitions was shot down over the centre of the city of Donetsk on Monday, killing 20 civilians and injuring 36 others.
Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov suggested that the shelling of the Donetsk People’s Republic using such illegal cluster munitions was evidence that Ukrainian forces were seeking to kill as many civilians as possible, and said a decision on the Tochka-U’s use would require approval from the Ukrainian military leadership in Kiev.

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Censorship is Free Speech, according to YouTube and the Western MSM – Links to alternatives: Odysee and Rumble

I have a sense of deja-vu, yet on a whole different level.

In 1984 I, a Soviet schoolboy, got my first transistor radio with a short wave receiver. Not long after I stumbled upon the “enemy voices” – “The Voice of America” and “Radio Liberty”. Well, the lure of the unknown and the desire to get an alternative view kept me tuning in to the oft-barely discernable audio of these stations. They were blocked and often-times it was almost impossible to get a good signal. Their programs were interesting – some music, some historic programs, some incomprehensible to the mind of a youngster, going right over the top of my head. The historic programs were probably of most interest to me, and a second opinion was important to form a complete view, but I always had a nagging feeling of a hidden agenda. Only many years later, thinking back on those early mornings (the best reception time), I came to realise that they were trying to form a nationalist world-view in the Russians. In today’s world, a nationalist Russian is known as a Ukrainian…

But despite all that, it was important to have a second point of view, and it is my firm belief that the greatest mistake the Soviet government did, was to try to block these “voices”, instead of making them a part of the official newsfront, with explanatory commentary. Take today’s Russia. On today’s “Vesti” (the News at 20:00) they devoted almost 1/3 of the air time to re-transmission of what was aired on the American TV – CNN, FoxNews, official statements from the US President, commentary of the American analysts. This way a Russian person knows exactly what is happening on the other side of the border, what is being said and though about Russia.

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Don’t poke the bear – a lesson yet to be learned by the West

In 2014 we saw this:

They continued poking….

Now the sanctions knock on the door, yet:

(Text: “Are you sure he’ll get scared and start begging for mercy?”)

Poking continues…

I know a hundred ways to pull the Russian bear from its den, but none to pull him back. Do not tease the Russian bear!

–Otto von Bismarck

Do not expect that once taking advantage of Russia’s weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russian has always come for their money. And when they come – do not rely on an agreement signed by you, you are supposed to justify. They are not worth the paper it is written. Therefore, with the Russian is to play fair, or do not play.

–Otto von Bismarck

And one for dessert:

Showing the role of the Western MSM in this Information World War.

Post Scriptum

And a little bit more about bears and sanctions…

“- Is he asking for help?”
“- You won’t believe it: he’s threatening with reprisals”
The burning boat in the background is labelled “Libya”.

Title of the book: “Import replacement”

Russia is yet again ending a war that others started

It has been said many times before that Russia ends wars that other start. This current denazification of Ukraine is no different.

Russian Foreign Ministry is right in saying:

War in Ukraine started 8 years ago, Russia is now ending it – Moscow

The West spent eight years ignoring the “sea of blood” in Donbass while arming Ukraine, and now claims Moscow is the aggressor when it stepped in to end the conflict, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told RT on Thursday.

“Russia did not commit aggression of any kind,” Zakharova insisted. “This did not start yesterday. There’s a sea of blood that’s appeared over the past 8 years,” she added, referring to the conflict in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which Russia on Monday recognized as independent states.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the Ukrainian transgressions, while recounting the history of the Rus lands on these pages since the NATO-backed NAZI coup d’etat of 2014… The NAZI atrocities are well-documented in these July 2014 archived posts:

In 2014 the following strip appeared to show the concerned bear, looking askance at the growing bloody tentacles of NATO. The time for pruning has come, to add those tentacles to the compost heap of History, where 1812, 1853, 1941 and many other tentacles are deposited.

The conclusion to Navalny’s farce (for now). A stopped Western-sponsored coup d’etat in Russia

The continuation of the farce that Navalny’s handlers started with his fake poisoning and the subsequent staged return Russia with the fake “palace” video in his arsenal (outlined in my previous post The Navalny’s Palace – Fake Documentary from Fake Opposition (with a list of past crimes)) has come to the logical conclusion with the much-welcome imprisonment of the fraudster.

Navalny got his remaining 2.8 years of suspended sentence for defrauding of two companies converted into a real term. This was the outcome which Russians hoped for. Should the court have caved in to the Western pressure and release Navalny, that would have given a clear signal that he is above the Law and that Law does not apply to fraudsters in the employ of the foreign secret services. The reactions that I read on the Russian internet could be summed up as: “Why so little?!” Well, this is just one past conviction for one of his crimes. (By the way, Navalny has already got away with too much – he’s the only Russian citizen who managed to have two suspended convictions for fraud!)

There is still the case of defamation of WWII veteran, and the case of defrauding donors to his organisation (with the donated money spent on luxury and vacations). These cases were open and, coupled with the suspended sentence, were grounds for not letting Navalny out of the country in the first place. It was actually President Putin’s request that allowed Navalny to be transported to Germany, where he spent almost 2 months after his recovery on skipping his parole and on creation of the film targeting to defame Putin.

And there are strong calls to open a new case – this time for high treason due to Navalnys NGO direct appeal to Biden to impose sanctions on Russia. Seeing as sanctions qualify as an act of war, these people were calling on a foreign power to start a war on the country that they are citizens of.

The pressure on the Court of Justice was immense, including from the foreign diplomats, who amassed there to intimidate the judges and influence the course of a civil court by their presence. The hall of shame includes the diplomats from the following countries:

USA, UK, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Canada, Finland, Japan, Austria, Czechia and Bulgaria.

EDIT: 05.02.2021 – Good to see Russia acting in accordance with the international norms and also showing backbone – Russia expels diplomats from Germany, Poland and Sweden for alleged participation in pro-Navalny protests. If only Yanukovich did the same with Biden and Nuland back in 2014, Ukraine would most probably not be a Nazi-infested impoverished and depopulated basket-case right now…

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