Democracy of Mass Destruction. A Documentary by Pavel Selin (with English subtitles)

Ever wondered what is the common denominator between Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Iraq? How democratic values are dropped from the US war planes? Why Agent Orange, white phosphorus and depleted uranium are the tools of democracy?

I have earlier posted a short article about two revealing Russian documentaries. Now, translation of one of them is done. The original untranslated video is published here: Демократия массового поражения. Фильм Павла Селина (no longer available after YouTube started enforcing “free speech and democracy” in 2022).

The formatted subtitle file in ASS format can be downloaded separately. Full text of the script is below the video frame.

UPDATE, June 2023: In 2023 this “democratisation” took a new step with the UK providing the Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions. However, before the whole of Donbass could have been contaminated with them , the stash was destroyed by the Russian aerial strike, with the radioactive plume travelling with the wind towards Poland, Scandinavia, and – in a “return to sender” gesture – to the UK. The dangers of the depleted uranium are described in the article Ukraine’s Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of ‘Environmental Disaster’ by Dr. Chris Busby, physical chemist and scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk.
After YouTube made the translated video private, removing it from public view, I have now re-uploaded it to Odysee.

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USA declassifies its plans to nuke 1/3 of planet Earth

USA has newly declassified its plans to nuke 1/3 of planet Earth. Seemingly, there should have been a massive public outcry, but… these revelations were met by deafening MSM silence.

U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time

Washington, D.C., December 22, 2015 – The SAC [Strategic Air Command] Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959, produced in June 1956 and published today for the first time by the National Security Archive, provides the most comprehensive and detailed list of nuclear targets and target systems that has ever been declassified. As far as can be told, no comparable document has ever been declassified for any period of Cold War history.

The SAC study includes chilling details. According to its authors, their target priorities and nuclear bombing tactics would expose nearby civilians and “friendly forces and people” to high levels of deadly radioactive fallout. Moreover, the authors developed a plan for the “systematic destruction” of Soviet bloc urban-industrial targets that specifically and explicitly targeted “population” in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw. Purposefully targeting civilian populations as such directly conflicted with the international norms of the day, which prohibited attacks on people per se (as opposed to military installations with civilians nearby).

Russian EDaily published information about this report in Russian, titled:

Man-eater in the role of a global leader: The plans of US nuclear war against USSR have been declassified

In summary: In the first stage of the planned American nuclear war, all Soviet and Chinese airports would have been turned into craters from powerful nuclear explosions. Among the relevant test, it is known that the detonation of a thermonuclear warhead munition with the equivalent of four megaton explosion creates a vast area of ​​devastation with diameter of almost 12 km and the heat wave is causing 3rd degree burns within a radius of 21 km. The second stage of the nuclear attack by the US assumed total ruthlessness in destroying with nuclear weapons most of the Soviet cities and key cities in China and Eastern Europe. Where US nuclear planners did not reckon with any international conventions and rules of warfare in the planning of mass destruction of civilians. It is obvious that the published document – this is the first documented evidence of the absolute cannibalistic plans for the destruction of millions of people by the American military. Previously, such plans of mass destruction of cities was known a priori. Now it has documentary evidence.

This is not the first times, when USA’s plans to annihilate USSR through the massive nuclear strikes becomes known. Here is an article from 2012:

Jimmy Carter’s Controversial Nuclear Targeting Directive PD-59 Declassified

What can I say? Those brave souls, who assisted USSR in getting a nuclear bomb in the nick of time, are true heroes, who saved hundreds of millions of lives! What Hitler did during WWII, killing 27 million people in USSR alone, is a child’s play, compared to USA’s plans…

Dutch journalist: Truth in the war in the Ukraine plays a minor role

This is a translation from Russian of an interview with the Dutch journalist Olaf Koons, published in “Argumenty i Fakty” on the 8th of October 2014.

Dutch journalist Olaf Koons, visited many times the hot spot in the east of Ukraine, and shared with the “AiF” his opinion about what he saw.

The western journalist has an opportunity to cover the conflict from both warring sides.

Vladimir Polupanov, “AiF”: Olaf, you recently returned from another trip to the Donbass. I know that you were in Lugansk, Donetsk, Ilovajsk, Mariupol. What did you, a foreigner, understand about this war?

Olaf Koons: That it is completely pointless, unnecessary and fratricidal.

– In your opinion, who is fighting whom there?

– First of all, the state propaganda wages war from both sides. This is a very powerful thing. The truth in this war plays a small role. The most important role is played by the desire of people to win at any cost. This is what kills them …

Certainly, there is a big geopolitical conflict between Russia and the West, but in the Donbass local people are fighting. 90% of the militias are locals. And in Kiev, they stubbornly do not want to believe it. Two weeks ago I was in destroyed to the foundation Lugansk airport, where there were positions of Ukrainian security forces. In the basement, where the soldiers, they left a lot of books – Andersen’s fairy tales, for example, some men’s magazines. Guess what is the language of these books? Correct – they are in Russian.

– The picture that you saw with your own eyes, is very different from that shown on television?

– The picture is not different. It is one and the same. The question is – how it is all explained and interpreted. You probably read “Life and Fate” by Vasily Grossman. It’s the first time I saw first-hand how it looks in reality. Under Lugansk I saw a village with such level of destruction that is beyond words, – the remains of huts, the church with a fallen dome, tanks and burnt bodies.

About 30 destroyer battalions are fighting on the side of Kiev against the militia of the self-proclaimed republics.

– And a strong hatred on both sides?

– Yes, hatred is very strong. And it’s terrible. To understand where the virtual front line is, it is enough to see which search engine is used by the parties. If Yandex – it east, if Google – then west.

– Is a real peace possible there?

– I think that this war is there a long time. Everything’s destroyed, nothing works there. At best, these self-proclaimed republics will be similar to Transnistria. Among the militia they are in a mood to go if not to Kiev, then at least to Slavjansk. The National Guard and Ukrainian battalions (of which there are about 30) also have a desire to continue to fight. Moreover, the elections are coming soon in the Ukraine. So in the near future I think peace will not come to the Donbass.

– What difficulties are faced by the foreign journalists in this hot spot?

– It is difficult place to work. But what’s interesting – you can cover the conflict from both sides and give a more or less objective picture. Because in Syria or Iraq one can only work on one side. In Donbass, after every half kilometre there are roadblocks, where there are all kinds of people, among them there are inadequate. One of the features of this war – everyone resembles each other. Battalions and militia are sometimes completely indistinguishable from each other. Last time I was present at the prisoner exchange on neutral territory, where representatives of the Ukrainian army and militias met. At some point I ceased to understand where is the Ukrainian army, and where are militias. They are all in camouflage, all rough, all swear with Russian obscenities.

But the prisoners, by the way, are very different. They are quite different from each other. The prisoners who were captured by militia are the people of about the same age – young privates. Prisoners captured by Kiev party are usually ordinary people, farmers who only yesterday were digging potatoes. We see that it is certainly not the military.

And another interesting point: in places where the prisoners were exchanged, the reporters of, for example, the First and Perche channels come face to face. And they look at each other with the same hatred as front-line soldiers.

A lot of nonsense

– How is this conflict covered in the Dutch media? You surely have your own propaganda.

– You know, there’s a big difference between propaganda and stupidity (bad journalism). In the Netherlands, a lot of the bad, stupid, journalism. Most Dutch journalists writing about the conflict in the Donbass, have never been there and do not understand what they write about. After the fall of the “Boeing”, the country was awash hatred of Russia, and the people (not at the behest of the state) just splashed out their emotions. But it did not last long. In our embassy here if there are three people speaking Russian, then it’s counted for a lot. In Dutch universities if there are three departments, where they teach the Russian language, Russian literature and Russian politics, then it’s considered as much. There are at most 5 Dutch journalists working in Russia.

If at the university and diplomatic levels there are not many experts, if there are so few journalists, we can understand what the picture of Russia consists of in Dutch society.

– Why do the Dutch not show sufficient initiative to investigate the disaster of “Boeing” at the Donbass?

– A large investigation is under way in the Netherlands, but very slowly. You know, the Dutch have a problem – we all want to make the Dutch way. If in some faraway country where there is war, a plane falls with Dutch citizens on board, then in the Dutch view the crash site should immediately be cordoned off, closed from outsiders and investigated in the Dutch way: very clearly, prolonged, surveying everything meter by meter. It didn’t happen here. I can not say that everyone is happy with how the process goes. For example, I do not understand why I got to the site a day after the fall, while the Dutch experts came there a week later. Spent there a couple of days and left. Because they were afraid. I do not understand why I could work there, but they could not.

– What conclusions could you make while at the crash site?

– I do not know who shot down the plane. If I had my own version, I would have published it on the front pages of all Dutch newspapers. I also do not know what happened on September 11th in America. I was not there. But we have some consensus about what happened there. I think that after some time we’ll get a consensus also in the case of the crash of the Malaysian “Boeing” in the Donbass.

“Everyone has a grudge against Ukraine”
How teachers and workers become militias

The article below is a translation from Russian of the following article, published in “Argumenty i Fakty” on the 1st of October 2014.

“They know that that have no common road with the Ukrainians. Truce or no truce, but they will not live together,” – said a journalist from Chelyabinsk Gennady Grigoryev.

Journalist from Chelyabinsk Gennady Grigoryev served in the militia of Donetsk People’s Republic for more months. And came back and told about his impressions.

“You want to serve in the reconnaissance?”

It’s pretty simple to join the militia. I bought the tickets and gear – camouflage suit, arrived in Donetsk, Rostov region. There I called the appointed number, told my passphrase – people came, and brought me across the border. We got to the base, where recruits were picked by the commanders. They told me: “Do you want to serve in the reconnaissance?” I replied: “What kind of spy can become of me?” And they said, “Let’s come and see.”

We had no training centres or special training or basic training. Yesterday’s workers, teachers, miners, chauffeurs go strait to battle. Among 80 people we had only one professional soldier, and even that was a ensign. I was given a shotgun and so I became a scout.

It was funny when we came to receive a certificate of being a member of militias. We enter, and there naturally a scene from a movie “Chapaev”: one Ataman sits in Cossack uniform, besides another bearded one and in a strange garb. Hovering over the map, mulling operation. Just potatoes, like in “Chapaev”, are not laid out… Later, by the way, I learned that one of these fellows was executed as a traitor. On captured Ukrainians they found the lists of the Ukrainian militis members under the responsibility of this particular person. And in Ukraine there is a new law, when a man goes to the militia, Kiev has the right to confiscate an apartment or any property from his family (from translator: this confiscated property gets transferred as war trophies to the “banderas”, the members of the punitive death squads who conduct ethnic cleansing in Donbass).

“Sitting on the button”

Service in the scouts looks like this. For example, say, in a certain direction there can be some enemy equipment, it would be necessary to check out. At night, people go up and go into the forest, study the trails. The road can be mined, and ours have been blown to bits many times. There can be an possible behind trees. Terrible suspence! There were cases when the two scout militias were in the same place and shooting at each other, taking the other group for the enemy. Their actions were just not coordinated…

But in general, this war – like, probably any other – for at least 95% consists of the rough work and routine. You walk from task to task – not having time eat nor sleep. Once such task: “sit on the button”, for example. Let’s say the road is mined and we know that a Ukrainian tank or any heavy machinery will follow it. Your task is to sit, wait, and at the right time to connect wiring so the car explodes. Many do not come back from this tasks. You should see and to make sure that this is the enemy, and that he is over a mine. It’s fine if it’s a tank. And if it’s a multiple rocket launchers “Grad”… The explosion shatters it half a kilometre in radius and covers anyone who is sitting nearby. I can say I was lucky that I did not make contact while “sitting on the button” for 15 hours in a row.

Of the 80 people there were only four Russians: a former sports functionary, cabinetmaker, teacher and me. There was another guy from Novosibirsk, but he was expelled for drunkenness. For such case one can be shot. The militia enacts dry law, and rightly so, everyone agrees. Even without vodka there are enough problems. Many can not even handle weapons. We had one minethrower who was a driver or seller. He took the mortar for the first time, stuffed two mines in the trunk, the gun burst, and the whole squad was killed… There’re a lot of such losses.

By the way, about the weapons: my first shotgun was a 1954 release. I’ve seen people who are fighting with antitank gun, which is stamped with 1943. After the rifle I was given a sniper rifle without optical sight. Terribly uncomfortable when you need to traverse the greenery. Then they gave me an automatic, with which it was more convenient. Recently everything was OK with the weapon supplies. It arrived new, with lubrication.

Militias take products from the warehouse and warehouses were replenished by humanitarian aid. Local people are also trying to help – bring potatoes, pickles. Clothing allowance is as follows: the majority of clothes is that you initially put on, and that’s all. Wash ing is easy: jump into the pond in the clothing in a pond, climb out, lather and dive in again. You wash yourself, and do the laundry in one go. Good that it was warm in August.

Ukrainian army, admittedly, is fighting quite competently. It feels that officers supervise it. Their outfit is also better. Once we got the trophy – a car with anti-aircraft guns. Inside we found everything: good uniform, mats, sharpened sapper shovels, well, all sorts of stuff – even some American marching washstand for 20 gallons of water. This is a suspended plastic bag with a tap – all is cultural and written in English.

“We did not call them”

What is militia fighting for? They believe in building a state Novorossia from Kharkov to Odessa. They know that that have no common road with the Ukrainians. Truce or no truce, but they will not live together. Besides long-term controversy now everyone already has a personal grudge against Ukraine: someone has relative that had to leave, killed, maimed, something destroyed. How will they live together – I can not imagine… Yes, these people are hardly amenable to discipline, they are used to doing everything by themselves, thinking: our little detachment’ll get to Kiev if only allowed. They were beaten badly in May, they retreated, losing comrades, crossed rivers in just pants and with a gun… But faith keeps them going, they do not doubt in their victory.

Civilians are certainly tired of war. But the attitude is: “We did not call them (Ukrainian army) here. We will live on our own, don’t want to feed Ukraine any longer”. They hope that the war will end and Russia will help to restore everything.

In the cities, when I was there, anarchy reigned. No police, no prosecution, courts, cops… However, public transport went like clock – in the empty city empty trolleybusses! As if you got into some looking glass kingdom. When I returned to Russia, at first everything was surprising: beautiful cars go about, the houses are intact, kids eating ice cream, people go and do not bend down from the shots. And it went just a hundred meters from the border…

The Odessa Massacre Rhyme

The Brits remember their Gunpoweder plot by a simple rhyme:

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot…

The gruesome events that happened in Odessa on the Second of May 2014, when Right Sector Nazis cornered, burn and short unarmed people in Odessa Trade Union building are worthy of a similar commemoration.

Remember remember the Second of May
Manslaughter, murder, flesh burnt.
That’s enough of a reason that Odessa massacre
Should never be forgot…

UPDATE 2024:

10 years later, The Shieldmaiden from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” came up with this powerful variation on the rhyme:

Remember that day, the Second of May
Nazi-goons, arson, and shots
Best of reasons we have that Odessa massacre
Should never be forgot.

UPDATE 2023: A lot of the links below are no longer functioning, what with especially YouTube “freedomofspeeching” the truth. Here are several alternative video materials:

Odessa slaughter survivors reveal their side of story in intl photo exhibit
ODESSA 5/02: The Untold Truth of Kulikovo Field [Part 1 ]
ODESSA 5/02: The Untold Truth of Kulikovo Field [Part 1 ] HD 1080p
Odessa 5/02: La verità non detta di Piazza Kulikovo [ITALIAN]
Kiev protégé allegedly behind Mariupol and Odessa massacres – leaked tapes
Odessa massacre victims died in seconds, not from smoke – emergency service chief
How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House – the details of bloody scenario
The Ukrainian City That Refuses to Implode

50 people are still reported missing, presumed dead after the Odessa massacre. Ukrainian authorities are not looking for them. Moreover, the Trade Union building, which is considered a material evidence of the crime and is surrounded by a concrete fence, is being quietly renovated and painted from the inside, erasing the evidence.

Ukraine events resonating with Half-Life2, Harry Potter and Star Wars

I first posted these musings in a Bitcointalk thread.

With each passing week of Ukrainian events, I get a feeling that I have seen some elements of those events before, in popular culture. Namely, in two titles, that I quite like: in Harry Potter and in Half-Life2. Now before you call me mad… 🙂

The way Irina Farion of the Svoboda party has been going on about the Russian-speaking population of the South-Eastern regions calling them for cattle and creatures that need to be exterminated, along with any Ukrainian who supports them, resonates strongly with Death Eater propaganda on Muggleborns, “Mudbloods”, who need to be exterminated and registered as creatures, along with any those supporting their rights, “Muggle-lovers”.

Farion’s own behaviour is best depicted in Helena Bonham Carter’s depiction of the psychotic female Death Eater, Bellatrix Lestrange.

And the whole Right Sector movement finds clear parallels with the Death Eaters in general.


Irina Farion = Bellatrix Lestrange
The simpering Dolores Umbridge (aka, the toad) = Victoria Nudelman (aka Nuland)
Fernier Greyback = Yarosh
Snatchers = National Guard
Death Eaters = Right Sector

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Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?

Starting in April 2014, I started a topic under the same name in the Politics & Society section of Bitcointalk forum. There were some telling signs of warmongering in the air. And those signs are only getting clearer and stronger. I present here a consolidated and expanded version of my posts in that thread.

But first, here are a few links on this topic that I came across – it’s not only me, who feels that the war is in the air:

A few days ago I watched a 2-year old Russian documentary, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812, about the information war, waged before and during the French invasion of Russia in 1812. The Film is called “The War of 1812. The First information War”.

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The Unreported War in Ukraine

This is a collection of links to sites, resource and video content that portrait what is happening in the East-Ukraine, the war, brutality, motives and backgrounds. The war raging in the centre of Europe in unreported and hidden from view by the Western media. I came across these links during my research of the problem, and will expand this list as time goes.

Kiev’s bloody eastern Ukraine campaign LIVE UPDATES

Newspapers, Newsagencies & Blogs

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