Millions of raped German women: where the legs grow from? Reblog of a detailed research article

Continuing with reblogs of excellent articles by Olga of the Siberian Matrëshka Telegram channel, which we can warmly recommend, let us look at the topic of the black myths created around the conduct of the Red Army on the German territory. We shall continue this topic in several subsequent posts.

Introduction by Siberian Matrëshka:

There are many speculations, outright fakes and distortions surrounding the Great Patriotic War in general and the Red Army in particular.
One of them goes like this: “When the Soviet army entered Berlin, soldiers and officers began to rape local women. In total, two million Frauleins and Fraus were raped.”

Here, the theses of Goebbels’ propaganda about the Red Army being “steppe scumbags” who rape everything that moves, the fear of Berlin residents for their fate, and targeted discrediting of the Red Army’s role in World War II all converged.

“Our propaganda regarding the Russians and what the population should expect from them in Berlin was so successful that we brought the Berliners to a state of extreme horror,” noted propagandist Werner Naumann.

In Russia, this myth became popular in the 90s, when a dirty stream of all sorts of reading material, including so-called alternative historians, poured onto the market. “It became accepted to tell the truth.” Only along with the truth that was hushed up, they began to publish the truth that did not exist:

Millions of raped German women: where the legs grow from *

* that is: where something is coming from
Olga🪆May 08, 2023

In recent years, Victory Day has acquired another, alas, not very beautiful tradition: the closer the holiday, the more often all kinds of “researchers” begin to broadcast the myth of “raped Germany”.

At the same time, the number of German women allegedly affected by the Red Army only grows over the years.

Three books say that this is the “pure truth”: Martha Hillers’ book “A Woman in Berlin”, the book of the English historian Anthony Beevor “The Fall of Berlin”, and the memoirs of my compatriot WWII veteran Leonid Rabichev “War will write everything off”. All these books have one main idea: the only thing that the Soviet soldiers did, was that they drank and fucked everything that could be fucked. How such an army reached Berlin remains a mystery, nothing less than a miracle of the Lord.

I took the time to find out where these books and their authors grow their legs from. Obviously from the ass, of course, but here are the details. Moreover, I partially read these three books.

Partially, not completely, but enough to draw conclusions.

I want to remind you right away that a huge army of tired, angry and exhausted soldiers entered Berlin, and it would be extremely stupid to bet that all of them had never done anything in their lives. However, in the Soviet army, violence and looting were severely punished, it was Stalin’s personal order. More than 4,000 soldiers were sent to court for looting attempts, demoted and sent to the penal battalion. It is also documented (newspapers, leaflets) that German propaganda actively promoted the theme of evil Soviet rapists. Like, they enter cities and first of all take revenge on everyone they meet, raping women “from 8 to 80 years old” – this is a quote from German newspapers that Goebbels came up with. People were afraid, naturally rumors arose, somewhere someone told something to someone, etc., etc. And the people were really intimidated to the limit, to the point that the activists of the Nazi party killed their families first, and then themselves.

Martha Hillers

So, Martha Hillers. Here is her brief biography: Hillers was born in 1911 in Krefeld. She travelled a lot in Europe, visited the USSR, worked in Moscow, at Soyuzfoto, knew Russian well. In the mid-1930s, she began working as a journalist in Berlin and supported the National Socialists. Hillers joined the Imperial German Writers’ Union and began writing for the NSDAP propaganda newspaper Angrif, founded by Joseph Goebbels. That is, a person who began writing for Goebbels even before the start of the Second World War and who wrote the entire war, published memoirs discrediting the honour of Goebbels’ opponent and people like “oh yes, it’s true, we believe it!”. The book talks about how the author herself was repeatedly subjected to sexual violence by Soviet soldiers and, as a matter of principle, women were forced to give up their bodies in exchange for life. Hillers’ book was published in 1954 and translated into many languages, but the women of Germany boycotted the book: they claimed that they were not as fallen and easily accessible women as it is written in the book. The book was translated into Russian in 2018. Now this book is banned in Russia, as discrediting the honour of the heroes of the Second World War. Based on the book, a film was made in 2008, the film was not included in the ranks of the banned in Russia.
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Trump insults the memory of the Soviet sacrifice in WWII

No sooner did Musk finish displaying how well he studied the subject of heiling from Her Royal Heilness, that Trump followed up by en even more outrageously insulting X-post:

Never mind threatening the most sanctioned country in the world with sanctions. As the Russian saying goes, it is like trying to scare a hedgehog with a naked arse.

It is the bit where he says that “Russia helped the USA to win WWII” that represents a mortal insult to the memory of 27,000,000 million Soviet people who lost their life almost single-handedly thwarting the Nazi menace, which the USA and the Britain previously helped to install in Germany!

We wrote several flaming posts at “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, followed by reposts from several other channels, adding more context and ire!

Trump: «Russia helped us win the war»

Please pardon our French, but the arrogance of this Trump-ignorant is insulting to the point that our piss is boiling!!!

The Soviet Union single-handedly broke the back of the armed forces of the Reich and defeated Nazi Germany, which disposed of the entire industrial might of surrendered and fascist allied Europe.

The historic evidence is absolutely indisputable, and no matter how much these megalomaniacs distort and rewrite history, this truth won’t change!!


The US and Britain joined at the last moment, at a time when the outcome of the war was already given. The United States of America didn’t ‘win’ anything!

Let’s take a look at the losses. USA lost in the entire WWII 417.000 soldiers, that is, including the losses in the war in the Pacific. Pick any of the great Soviet battles and compare; the number of losses exceeds the totality of American losses by several hundred percent! In Stalingrad alone, the Nazi losses amounted to more than one million dead.

Marshal Zhukov estimates that the Red Army accounts for 80-85% of the entire German WWII losses in both manpower and weaponry.

Furthermore, when these pathologically lying opportunistic Anglo-Saxons finally entered the war and established the second front in Europe in 1944, they faced only weakened and inferior German troops, eager to surrender and with no armour worth mentioning.

The only time that the US troops actually faced something which had a slight resemblance to what the Red Army had been defeating for 4 years was during the German Ardennes Offensive, which the US calls the Battle of the bulge. Even at this last stage, the small German armoured force proved too much for the fresh yankie armies:

In January 1945, the Anglo-Saxon high command begged and pleaded with Stalin that the Soviet Union open the Oder-Neisse Offensive ahead of time to prevent the Germans from transferring any troops to the Ardennes front, which would have proved fatal to the American forces.

And yes, Stalin did come to the rescue of the Americans!!

So, if anybody ‘helped’ anybody to ‘win’, the true picture is quite the opposite of the one painted by this failed con-artist called Trump:

‼️ The Soviet Union ‘helped the US’ from suffering a humiliating defeat inflicted by a crumbling, beaten and broken Third Reich!!

Got it!?

Now, shut up and remove your decaying thieving self from the glorious feat of our ancestors!

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All European countries signed pacts with Hitler!

All European countries signed pacts with Hitler! Putin presented documents
– Published in Regnum, 20.12.2019
– Translation by Russian Baza

The treaty between the USSR and Germany was the last of all those signed by other European countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on December 20.

The head of the Russian state presented historical documents attesting to the treaties of various European countries with Hitler at a meeting of the heads of the CIS countries in Saint Petersburg.

Vladimir Putin emphasized that the so-called “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” was not the only document signed by any European country with Nazi Germany.

“It turns out that this is not true at all. I will simply list them, with your permission,” the Russian president said.

  • Declaration on the Non-Use of Force between Germany and Poland, signed in 1934;
  • The Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935, which gave Hitler the opportunity to have a navy, which was prohibited as a result of the First World War;
  • The Anglo-German Declaration of Chamberlain and Hitler, signed on September 30, 1938;
  • The Franco-German Declaration of December 6, 1938, signed in Paris by the French and German Foreign Ministers Bonn and Ribbentrop;
  • The Treaty between the Republic of Lithuania and the German Reich of March 22, 1939, signed in Berlin, which dealt with the reunification of the Klaipeda Region with the German Reich;
  • The Non-Aggression Pact between the German Reich and Latvia of June 7, 1939;

    These are only a part of the treaties concluded in pre-war Europe with Nazi Germany.

    “Thus, the treaty between the USSR and Germany was the last in a series of those signed by other European countries, supposedly interested in maintaining peace in Europe,” Vladimir Putin noted.

    “At the same time, I would like to note that the USSR agreed to sign this document only after all options had been exhausted, all proposals by the USSR to create a unified security system… in Europe had been rejected,” the Russian president added.

    As REGNUM reported, a deliberate policy of equating communism with Nazism, and the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany, is being pursued in European countries. One of the reasons for this is the so-called “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact,” which in Europe is already being called proof of an alliance between Stalin and Hitler.

    The Finnish poster “Road to Freedom” from the 22nd of June 1941, depicting the whole future EU baring its teeth on the USSR.

  • The power of monuments of the past. Part 1. Ivan Krylov’s “The Wolf in the Kennel”

    The material originally posted at our Telegram channel “Beorn An dThe Shieldmaiden”.

    One of the reasons why NATO and the Ukro-Nazis, among others, are so panic-stricken in the face of the Soviet and Russian monuments that they seek to destroy them is of course that the monuments represent the power of the collective past of the nation, giving strength and guidance to the present generation.

    In the autumn of 1944 issue № 41 of “Krokodil” we can admire such a guidance in a drawing on page 8.

    Here the Soviet soldiers are driving on the armour of a tank past the monument to Ivan Andreevich Krylov, the famous Russian poet, fable-writer and translator. On the pedestal they read the words from one of his works, “The Wolf in the Kennel”, written in the fateful year of 1812:

    You shan’t make peace with wolves in any other way,
    Than flogging their skins away.

    To which they salute, exclaiming:

    — The task to flog the skin is understood, Ivan Andreevich!

    Artist: M.Cheremnyh


    “The Wolf in the Kennel”

    by the Russian poet Ivan Krylov, written in 1812.

    A wolf at night, thinking to get into the sheepfold,
    Got to the kennel in its stead.
    Suddenly the whole kennel yard rose up –
    Sensing the Gray bully oh so close,
    The dogs are barking in the stables and wishing for a fight;
    The dog-keepers shout: “Oh, guys, there’s a thief!”
    And instantly the gate is locked;
    In a minute, the kennel became hell.
    They’re bustling: one with a club,
    Another with a gun.
    “Fire! – they are shouting, – fire!” They came with fire.
    My Wolf is sitting with his back pressed into the corner.
    Teeth snapping and fur bristling,
    With his eyes, it seems, he would like to eat everyone;
    But seeing that he’s not in front of a herd here
    And that the time of reckoning, at last,
    comes to Him for all the sheep, –
    My cunning man started
    With negotiations
    And he began like this: “Friends! What’s all the fuss about?
    I, your old matchmaker and godfather,
    I came to make peace with you, not at all for the sake of a quarrel;
    Let’s forget the past, let’s set up a common mood!
    And not only will I not touch the local herds in time to come
    But I’m happy to fight for them with others
    And I affirm it with a wolf’s oath,
    that I…” – “Listen, neighbour,”
    Here the hunter interrupted in response, ”
    “You are Gray, and I am, buddy, gray haired with my age,
    And I’ve known your wolf nature for a long time;
    Therefore, the custom of mine is:
    You shan’t make peace with wolves in any other way,
    Than flogging their skins away.”
    And immediately released on the Wolf a pack of hounds.


    Here is the original text of the fable in Russian, taken from Russian poetry
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    Soviet New Year Toys – A Fragile Nostalgia

    Happy Old New Year to all of you from us at Beorn And The Shieldmaiden!

    A short documentary film from NTV which, in the course of just 10 minutes, manages to tell the story of the Soviet Union, seen through the colourful New Year tree decorations.

    The feeling of nostalgia, so accurately conveyed by the film, is very much familiar to all of us who either had such New Year toys, or is still keeping them on the upper shelf, in a wooden box…

    Backup at Rumble


    The documentary mentions several classic Soviet films. Here they are:

    🎦 “Grunya Kornakova”, 1936 — a film about the riot of the workers of a large porcelain factory. The events in the film take place in pre-revolutionary Russia. The first Soviet full-length colour film created using a rolling method.

    🎦 “Circus”, 1936 — A musical film based on the comedy of I. Ilf, E. Petrov “Under the Dome of the Circus”. In the mid-1930s, an American Marion Dixon fled the US with a small black son. Knowing the facts of her personal life, the circus actor von Kneitschitz blackmailing her, forces her to work with him. Arriving with an original attraction in the USSR, Marion finds here friends, a loved one and decides to stay here forever.

    🎦 “The Siberians”, 1940 — This film is filled with mystery and the expectation of a miracle. Two boys (6th grade students Seryozha and Petya), having heard from an old resident of their village a story about the distant events of the pre-revolutionary period, set out to find one very important thing… If it were the Holy Grail, a treasure trove, or a meteorite, at the very least, it would be fine, but the peculiarity of this touching story is that the boys are enthralled by the search of Comrade Stalin’s pipe.

    🎦 “Carnival Night”, 1956 (with English subtitles) — A new chief of a “Culture House” is planning to hold a terribly boring New Year concert. A group of young amateur actors are doing their best to liven up the concert. Obviously, no one wants to change the program with only a few hours before the show, much less to replace it with something so boring. So everyone teams up in order to prevent Ogurtsov from getting to the stage. They manage to trap Ogurtsov by any means necessary so that the acts can perform their scheduled pieces, and celebrate New Year’s Eve as originally planned.

    🎦 “Chuk and Gek”, 1953 — A touching story about how young Muscovites – seven-year-old Chuk and six-year-old Gek – went with their mom to their dad, who was on a distant geological expedition, and how they struggled with a harsh winter and all sorts of difficulties because their dad, having set out on an urgent expedition, did not meet them, but sent a telegram, which the children threw out the window without letting their mom read it… Based on the story of the same name by Arkady Gaidar.

    “The Winter Fairytale” and “When New Year Trees Light Up” – Soviet New Year animation films to all of you!

    Our warmest congratulations and presents from the New Year eve on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”!

    Happy New Year of 2025!

    We wish our dear BATS readers a very happy New Year!

    Let the coming year bring happiness and good fortune, let there be peaceful skies above our heads and normalcy in our world!

    🎄Postcard from the New Year of 1962 – 1963 with the scene from the animated film “When New Year Trees Light Up” — from Beorn’s family album.

    The Winter Fairytale

    A 1945 magically musical New Year animated film from the USSR.

    A cold winter has arrived, and the New Year is coming soon. The forest animals gathered to meet him. Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost), Snegurochka (the Snow Maiden) and the Snowman help them in this. A New Year’s tale with musical scenes around the New Year tree.

    Directed by the legendary Ivan Ivanov-Vano, and set to the music of Pyotr Ilyich Chaikovskij. This is the last Soviet colour film that was created using the tri-colour method.

    Backup on Rumble

    When New Year Trees Light Up

    The cartoon about the magic of the New Year season — when all the dreams manifest themselves, but also about the importance of being true to your word!

    The film was created by the animation studio “Soyuzmultfilm” and appeared on the Soviet TV screens on the 31st of December 1950.

    Backup on Rumble

    Happy New Year of the 80th Anniversary of the Great Victory!

    We present a selection of posts with drawings and caricatures from a very special edition of the Soviet satirical magazine, “Krokodil”. More can be found at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”!

    Greetings on the coming Year of the 80th Anniversary of the Victory!

    No doubt was left: the New Year of 1945 would finally bring Victory! As attested by the painting by L.Brodat on the cover of the combined issue №47-48 of “Krokodil” from December 1944.


    — Who is coming?
    — New Year!
    — Password?
    — Victory!
    — Advance! *


    * The final command — Advance! — is a play on the double meaning of the phrase “Coming New Year”, which translates literally as “Advancing New Year”, when at the same time, in the military context, the first word would also carry the meaning of “to attack” or “to charge”.

    In the posts leading up to the New Year, we bring some of the drawings and caricatures from that issue of “Krokodil”. Some of them, as you will see, are surprisingly relevant now, in December of 2024!

    At the Fascist Flee(ce) Market

    The caricature by Yu.Ganf from the combined issue №47-48 of “Krokodil” from December 1944. It sums up the departing year in humorous detail, accompanied by a longer text with a month-by-month blow, which are translated below!

    Let us admire the caricature in all its Bruegelesque detail, starting with the upper left corner.
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    100 Year Anniversary of the Soviet Art Collective “Kukryniksy”

    KUKRYNIKSY is 100 Years!

    We present the material from the series of posts at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, celebrating the centenary of this illustrious art collective!

    2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the day when the first cartoon of Mihail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov, Porfiry Nikitich Krylov and Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov was printed in the magazine “Komsomolia” with their common signature “Kukryniksy”.

    👉 Mihail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov [October 8 (21), 1903 – November 11, 1991]
    👉 Porfiry Nikitich Krylov [August 9 (22), 1902 – May 15, 1990]
    👉 Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov [July 8 (21), 1903 – April 17, 2000]

    The “y” at the end is the Russian plural form — that is, “Kukrynikses” — preserved for the authenticity of the collective’s name.

    Mihail Kupriyanov was born in the city of Tetyushi, Kazan province of the Russian Empire, Porfiry Krylov — in Tula, Nikolai Sokolov — in the village of Tsaritsyno, Moscow province, and his entire childhood and youth were spent in Rybinsk.

    Young talented artists would hardly have had the opportunity to meet if it were not for the “Higher Art and Technical Workshops” (VHUTEMAS). In 1922, Kupriyanov and Krylov began working together in the wall newspaper of VHUTEMAS under the signature of Kukry and Krykup.

    At the same time, Sokolov, while still living in Rybinsk, put the signature “Niks” on his drawings. In 1924, he joined Kupriyanov and Krylov, and the three of them worked in the wall newspaper of VHUTEMAS as Kukryniksy.

    Our team, to tell the truth, consists of four artists: Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov and Kukryniksy. All three of us treat the latter with great trepidation and care. What was created by the team could not have been mastered by any of us individually.
    — Kukryniksy

    The Exhibition in honour of KUKRYNIKSY

    I do not know if there ever existed — and I do not think that in the field of caricature there could exist — such a “consubstantial and indivisible trinity” as our Kukryniksy.
    — Maxim Gorky

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    The gas pipeline in the American side, anno 1982

    The Gas Wars, of which we translated a documentary “The Great Gas Game” – An Excellent Documentary from Vesti and published a number of articles, like The Third Gas War: EU and US must pay for their “successes” in Ukraine, the saga with Navalny, and the ultimate blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline by the USA in order to freeze Germany out of competition, are just the recent manifistations. Lets us look at the events of 1982, and see how USA was opposing the gas pipeline from the USSR to the Western Europe.

    We illustrate it through a series of caricatures and posts, which we originally published on out Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”.

    Piped Piper of a Pipeline

    Bill Mauldin’s caricature, published in the Chicago Sun-Times in 1982, shoes an issue that remains relevant for decades. It was drawn when the United States and Europe were at odds over the construction of the world’s first transcontinental gas pipeline Urengoy – Pomary – Uzhgorod.

    The construction was colossal, the whole of the USSR contributing to it, with other interested countries taking part in it – Poland, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and the GDR. At first, it was planned to pull the gas pipeline from Yamburg, but later the Urengoyskoye field was chosen.

    The United States, as always, tried to prevent the implementation of a project beneficial to Europe. But back then Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy still had a voice and teeth. And the sanctions imposed by the United States were quickly lifted.

    Yuzhniigiprogaz Design Institute from Donetsk became the general designer of the gas pipeline. It had previously performed brilliantly in similar, albeit more modest projects.

    The construction was completed ahead of schedule. On July 9, 1983, labour collectives reported on the commissioning of the integrated gas treatment plant No. 9.

    👉 4,451 kilometers of steel pipe had been stretched to solve the ambitious task of supplying natural gas from Siberian fields to consumers in the USSR and European countries.

    👉 2.7 million tons of pipes were laid during the construction of the gas pipeline.

    👉 120 kilometers were laid through permafrost, 360 kilometers through swamps.

    Gas went to Europe on January 13, 1984, making the USSR the leader in its production and sale.

    A lot of cartoons appeared on the topic, no less biting on the Soviet side.

    The facility built by the whole country later became the basis of political speculation of the state education called “Ukraine”.

    Source: Our Donbass – edited

    «The unfeasible dream of the overseas pirate»

    This is the title of the caricature by Yuri Cherepanov, published in the November issue №31 of the Soviet satirical magazine «Krokodil» in 1982.

    The pirate in question, sailing under the US flag, has «Threats» and «Sanctions» written on his sails.

    40 years ago, Western Europe managed to stand up for its own intetrests. Now… the USA simply blew up the completed Nord Stream.
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    80 Years since the Red Army liberated Northern Norway from Nazi German occupation

    On the 25th of October 2024 we marked the 80th anniversary of liberation of Finnmark, Northern Norway, from the Nazi occupation. And although the liberators – Russia, as the legal heir of the USSR – were not invited, Russia remembers. At out Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” we dedicated several posts to the event, collating them here at the Beehive.

    But first, read last year’s publication For the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Northern Norway, the WWII History Is Being Rewritten There

    Statement by Russian Consulate General in Kirkenes


    Dear compatriots, ladies and gentlemen!

    Today we celebrate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of East Finnmark by the Red Army!

    I am grateful to all those gathered at this monument to honour the memory of the brave soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of the world from fascism. After all, it is by remembering that we remain faithful to the fallen, invariably proving that their sacrifice was not in vain.

    It is important that the memory of the events of those years be preserved. It is important not to forget how the occupiers left behind only scorched earth when they left. It is important to remember the hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens who found themselves in Norway during the war – and the many thousands who remained lying in Norwegian soil forever. It is important to know about the assistance provided by the Soviet troops: the property that was saved was transferred to the local population, the supply of weapons and food to the Norwegian army was organised, demining was carried out, roads and bridges were repaired, and other work to establish a normal life.

    2,122 soldiers – that’s how much the Soviet people lost on Norwegian soil during the liberation of Kirkenes and Northern Norway. But this is only a small fraction of the terrible statistics. Thousands of Soviet citizens lost their lives in the vast expanses of Eastern Finnmark and in the wilderness of the Falstad forest, on the Saltfjell ridges and the rocky shores of Lyngenfjord, on the construction of the Polar and Nordland highways, on the fortifications of the «Atlantic Wall» stretching for thousands of kilometers and in the guerrilla war in the North, in the «Rigel» disaster and in air battles in the sky above Norway. Monuments erected in the North by the Soviet prisoners of war and concentration camp prisoners, as well as by the Norwegian authorities and ordinary citizens, will always remind us of them.

    These are pages of our common history. It is our obligation and moral duty to protect them and pass them on to new generations. The lessons of the tragic pages of the history of the Cold War were taken into account, when during «Operation Asphalt» *, as a result of haste and negligence in transferring graves to Tjøtta Island, many memorials were destroyed. Today, Soviet military graves are kept in exemplary order, and painstaking work is underway to establish the names of Soviet prisoners of war who died in Nazi camps in the country.

    It is an honour for me to stand here today with the descendants and numerous heirs of the Soviet Union’s victory in that war. There is no family in these parts that would not keep the memory of relatives and friends who encountered the war both in East Finnmark and on its many other fronts. I know that celebrations are being held in Russia today as well. In the border area and in Murmansk, local residents and guests from other regions carry flowers to monuments and honour veterans. They do not forget about their Norwegian friends and asked me to lay their wreath at the monument today.

    Today we need to talk about another anniversary. On October 25, 1974, the Soviet-Norwegian film «Under Stone Sky» [presented later in this publication] was released. The film is based on real events. Evgeny Leonov, Oleg Yankovsky, Arne Lee and many other wonderful actors very accurately conveyed the heroism, self-sacrifice of ordinary Soviet soldiers and local residents who liberated Kirkenes to save the innocent. I will definitely review it today and recommend it to everyone.

    Thanks for your attention!
    Consul General N.A.Konygin

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    Ukrainian SSR of 1991 vs. Ukraine of 2016: Shocking statistics of the pogrom (with “Fainting Piglet”)

    Today is Ukraine “independence day”. It’s definitely a day of independence from common sense and brains for that forlorn territory…

    The author of the “Fainting Piglet” satirical cartoons made an impromptu film for the occasion, citing as her inspiration an article with statistics from Free Press.

    Here is what the author of the series said on her Telegram channel:

    I made the video in one day, so there are bugs in it. And it was also very difficult to write a song in Ukrainian when you don’t speak it. But the goal was not so much a video as an advertisement for a very useful article that I would like you to read. An article about the degradation of Ukraine since its separation from the USSR. It specifically shows the degradation from the moment of the collapse of the USSR until 2016, so that they would not start shouting “we are degrading because you are bombing us.” No, Ukraine started rolling towards its grave much earlier.

    I am grateful to the people who write such articles. This makes it much easier for me to search for information. Today, the lands of Ukraine are actively sold to foreign corporations not in order for the Ukrainians to live happily on them. The West does not give a damn about the population of Nezalezhnaya and its ecology. Almost every one of us has relatives, loved ones, friends or acquaintances living in Ukraine, so we DO care, but for the West we are all second-class people for whom there is not pity. It is a shame that Ukraine has not caught up on this yet. Therefore, when she celebrates independence day from Russian protection, it is like a patient in the last stage of cancer would happily celebrate oncology day.

    As an aside, we would like to note that back in 2014 we published on the pages of this blog an article Two Ukraines – with a Statistical and Historical View at Novorossia, where there was a comparison of some of the statistics for the Ukrainian SSR anno 1990 and and Ukraine of 2013.

    Ukraine vs. the Ukrainian SSR: Shocking statistics of the pogrom

    by Svyatoslav Knyazev

    After the collapse of the Union, Nezalezhnaya [translator note: a by name for “independent [Ukriane]” in Ukrainian] had every chance to become one of the most successful countries in Europe

    The escape of European Ukraine from the “totalitarian Soviet hell” is going according to plan. As of late, it is difficult to surprise anyone with an analysis of the collapse of the Ukrainian economy compared to the “pre-Maidan” year 2013. But the topic of socio-economic changes that have occurred in Ukraine in comparison to the Soviet period has been undeservedly forgotten. So more the pity! After all, the main “scapegoat” enemy of Kiev today, along with Russia, is its – Ukraine’s – communist past. A separate law is dedicated to the fight against the spiritual heritage of the USSR (even the Russian Federation is not awarded such an “honour”). All Soviet symbols are officially banned. As of August 2017, a total of 2,389 monuments objectionable to the Kiev regime were demolished in Ukraine, most of which glorified the achievements of the Soviet era.

    It is very curious that they decided to start an active war with the “spirit” of the USSR almost 25 years after its collapse and more than 30 years after Mihail Gorbachev began dismantling the classical Soviet system, when only those who were either just under or well over 50 remembered the real manifestation of domestic socialism. Until a new “desovietized” generation grew up, the authorities of the “Nezalezhnaya” did not dare to conduct such experiments…

    I was prompted to write this material by a small note about the statements of the Ukrainian economist Sergei Korablin. This Doctor of Economics, professor and former director of the Monetary Market Analysis and Forecasting Department of the Ukrainian National Bank estimated back in 2015 that Ukraine had set an absolute global anti-record, showing the worst n planet earth GDP dynamics, managing to bypass even Zimbabwe and the Central African Republic. Having become curious about what I had read, I decided to find out what Ukraine had actually lost by seceding from the USSR and abandoning everything Soviet. This was helped by open data from the State Statistics Service of “Nezalezhnaya” and Ukrainian experts.

    Given the complete uselessness of nominal GDP dynamics in the context of what we are investigating, I decided to look for data on changes in the level of gross domestic product of Ukraine at purchasing power parity. It is clear that this indicator is speculative to a certain extent, but it allows one to at least start from something.

    Wikipedia, with reference to IMF data and taking into account extrapolated values, claims that by 1991 the GDP (PPP) of the Ukrainian SSR reached about 505.5 billion dollars. The indicator of independent Ukraine in 2016 is approximately 353 billion. The drop is over 30%. This is indeed an absolute world record. Zimbabwe’s similar figures for comparison over the same period are only 2-3%…

    However, given the fact that the very methodology of calculating GDP (PPP) leaves some room for manipulation, I decided to look at how specific socio-economic indicators, which can be, figuratively speaking, “touched with one’s hands”, changed in Ukraine compared to the Soviet times: from sausage production and pig population to the number of schools and hospitals.

    So, only dry figures, some of which I directly borrowed from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, and some from tables collected by VOX UKRAINE on the basis of data from the same State Statistics Service.

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    The Art of Timely Betrayal. Why the Finnish SS avoided punishment?

    With the Finnish President Alexander Stubb complaining that Russia “invaded” his country during World War II, the level of history re-writing goes off the charts.

    On our Telegram Channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” we previously addressed the “Finish question” through the poster of the “United Europe”, and Boris Yefimov’s caricatures “The Finnish Shapeshifter Cooking The Books” and “An Awkward Camouflage”. And in the previous posts in the blog: “Kill the Russians.” 105 years ago, the Finnish army staged the massacre in Vyborg. The truth must come out! and Finland – Life after NATO.

    The article below was published in “Argumenty i Fakty” on the 18th of March 2023.

    The Art of Timely Betrayal. Why the Finnish SS avoided punishment?

    by Andrey Karelsky

    Marshal Mannerheim, along with a German general, welcomes Finnish soldiers to the occupied Soviet territory. Finnish Military Archive sa kuva

    About 80 years ago, in the spring of 1943, the Finnish SS battalion “Nordost” ceased its activities and was soon officially disbanded, while the volunteers who were part of it returned to their native Finland. Thus, the Finnish “SS men” did not partake in the fate of the other followers of the Third Reich, and did not suffer any punishment for war crimes committed on the territory of the Soviet Union.

    Moreover, until now, it was believed in Finnish society that they did not commit any atrocities – and even if they reached the foothills of the Caucasus as part of the troops of Nazi Germany, it is rather a reason to be proud of the military prowess of the “hot Finnish guys”.

    In Suomi, they didn’t want to hear about the killing of civilians, the shooting of prisoners of war and the massacre of Jews.
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    A 1935 conversation between I.Stalin and Lord Keeper of the Seal of Great Britain, A.Eden

    The documentary by Andrey Medvedev, “The Great Unknown War” mentions an episode taking place towards the end of the meeting between Iosif Stalin and Anthony Eden in Moscow on the 29th of March 1935, illustrating that the Soviet leadership were fully aware of who igniters of the coming war are, and the inevitability of a war in Europe, despite Soviet Union’s best efforts to prevent it.

    The League of Nations.
    The Geneva Lawyer: “Where do you see war? Which war? I have no war registered here.”

    This 1932 caricature by the famous Soviet caricaturist Boris Yefimov illustrates the reservations regarding the potency of the League of Nations, that the reader will notice in the transcript of the entire meeting, which adds more eye-opening details of the British-German-Soviet relations. And ponder, how similar this is to the West turning a blind eye on Ukraine – with the OCSE “not noticing” the regular shelling of Donbass by Ukraine between 2014 and 2022. (This caricature is presented in our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”)

    Additional reading: President Vladimir Putin on keeping the records of the pre-WWII time straight.

    Stalin I.V. – Recording of a conversation with the Lord Keeper of the Seal of Great Britain A. Eden

    March 29, 1935

    The source: Stalin I.V. Works. – Vol. 18. – Tver: Information-publishing center “Soyuz”, 2006. pp. 86-91.

    The visit took place in the Kremlin, in the office of comrade Molotov. Attended by: comrades Stalin, Molotov, Litvinov, Maysky, and from the British side – Eden, the British Ambassador, Chilston and the head of the League of Nations section in the British Foreign Office, Strang. The whole conversation lasted about an hour and a quarter.

    After the first greetings, Eden began the conversation. He said something like this:

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    Exhibition of Samples of Trophy Weapons (1943-1948). An article and a documentary.

    The article you are about to read is dedicated to the exhibition of the weaponry from Germany and their accomplices, trophied after their invasion of the USSR on the 22nd of June 1941.

    On the 22nd of June 1943, exactly two years after the Nazi Germany invaded the USSR, the central park of Moscow, bearing the name of Maxim Gorky, opened its gates to an extensive exhibition over the trophied armaments of Nazi-Germany and its accomplices. The exhibition lasted until 1948.

    The article consists of three parts: first comes the cinematographic essay, filmed in 1943 to give an overview of the exhibition, then a short note with the documents from Moscow City Archive, and finally, a portion of a historiographic work, dedicated to the exhibition.

    Only one thought to add – the tradition that started during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 has now seen a rebirth during the present-day Patriotic War, with the exhibition of the weaponry of the Nazi Germany’s successor being displayed on the Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow from the 1st of May 2024.

    We publish about the trophy exhibition, past and present, at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, for example in this and this post.

    Let’s go!

    Trophies of the Great Battles

    A short cinematographic essay, filmed in colour, presented the visible testimony over the ongoing victories on the battlefield over the invading horde.

    The essay is full of jabs and snide remarks, mixed with facts and figures – just the way we like to watch the parallel present-day events unfold now, 80 years later.

    Backup at Rumble.

    Visible evidence of our victories: The Moscow Main Archive tells about the exhibition of captured German weapons


    The Main Archive of the capital contains documents documenting the creation of an exhibition of samples of weapons and military equipment trophied by the Red Army in battles with Nazi troops and their allies. The exposition was opened on June 22, 1943 and operated until 1948.

    The decision to create an exhibition pavilion “Trophies of War” on the territory of Gorky Park was made back in December 1941, when the successful counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Moscow provided residents of the capital with exhibits of the most diverse kind. In 1942, the exhibition pavilion began to operate. However, it was located deep inside the territory of the park, near the border with the Neskuchny Garden, and did not attract mass attention. A more impressive demonstration of our combat achievements was needed.
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    The 27th of January – Lifting of Leningrad Blockade and the Liberation of Auschwitz by the Soviet troops

    A year apart, two dates that must be remembered by the humanity happed on the 27th of January

    On our “Beorn and The Shieldmaiden” Telegram channel, we commemorate both events with a series of thematic posts – Lifting of the Blockade of Leningrad and Liberation of Auschwitz

    On the 27th of January 1944, the Blockade of Leningrad that lasted 872 days and cost 1,093,842 lives was finally lifted. The Blockade is recognised as an act of genocide against the Russian people.

    On the 27th of January 1945, 25,000 Soviet soldiers and officers opened the gates of Auschwitz, saving the remaining survivors of the Nazi death machine.

    To the Warrior-Liberator – Glory!
    By V. Sachkov

    Soviet poster, commemorating the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp by soldiers of the Red Army on January 27th 1945.

    No one is forgotten. Nothing is forgotten.