False Flag Warning: USA is setting up the board for a nuclear flase flag to send NATO troops to Ukraine

Several disjointed reports from the past couple of days form into a picture that indicates that the USA is setting up the stage for a nuclear false flag in Ukraine with the aim to send NATO troops there.

First, a statement by Zelensky who «predicts» a nuclear disaster at Zaporozhie NPP (trabslation below the Telegram post):

Nuclear terror continues — Zelensky joined the “predictors” of an imminent explosion at the NPP

Kiev continues to disperse the hysteria around the Zaporozhye NPP. In his daily address to the people of the country 404, the supreme Ukrainian Zelensky, following the head of the GUR Budanov, said that the evil Russians were going to blow up the nuclear power plant controlled by them — “not again, but again,” yes.

Allegedly, Ukrainian intelligence received information that Russia is preparing to stage a “terrorist act with the release of radiation” at the NPP.

The hysteria around potential man-made disasters in Ukraine is growing day by day, and the NPP is far from the only object in the “risk group”. In parallel with nuclear blackmail, the Kiev regime is stoking panic by conducting exercises in case of a “breakthrough” of the Kiev hydroelectric power station. Considering what happened after a similar “shake—up” with the Kakhovka dam, it can be assumed that in the near future the APU may arrange another man-made disaster – public opinion has already been prepared.

Reports of unusual vibration at the DneproGES do not add calmness either. Judging by the shallow rapids downstream of the Dnieper, the spillway gates at the station are closed again, and water is accumulating. This leads to even greater drainage of the Kakhovsky reservoir at the cost of increased load directly on the dam.

But what could the enemy’s next move be? The most obvious target for a terrorist attack may be the cooling pond of a nuclear power plant. If there is nothing to cool the station with, most likely, it will have to be completely shut down. In addition, we should not exclude provocations on the surviving Ukrainian hydroelectric power plants. Perhaps the enemy will try to simulate an attack by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the dams.

Kiev has already shown that it is capable of open terrorism and is ready to use man-made disasters as a weapon, which means that it is necessary to prepare for any turn of events. Especially after such sudden “revelations”.

Next, the US senator Graham Lindsey – the same who laughingly said to Zelensky that Russians are dying and that’s the best use of American money (and as Ukrainians are just wayward Russians, that genocidal statement included the Ukrainians, too) – introduced the bill to expand the kurisdiction of NATO’s Article 5:

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The terrorist state of Ukraine with its US-NATO sponsors seeking to create a nuclar disaster by attacking the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant

Over the past few days the terrorist state of Ukraine with full appoval from its US-NATO sponsors have been repeatedly shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe – the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant (NPP). If one keeps in mind hoe Zelensky boasted about the creation of a dirty nuclear bomb – which is one of the reasons Russia had to start the special military operation – it is not surprising that Russia was from the first days trying to keep the monkey away from the nuclear grenade. It did not help that what Russian specialists found at Zporozhie NPP was quite alarming – a certain amount of unregistered nuclear waste, which did not exist according to the papers and thus could have been used by Ukraine to create the aforementioned dirty bomb.

The reason I am writing this post is to translate a couple of Telegram articles from the journalist channel Rybar, and as a response to a conversation with Igor on a post on Lada Ray’s channel:

The idea of closing down Zaporozhie NPP has been aired in the comments, and by many other people. The following two posts first outline the problem and the danger presented to the Zaporozhie NPP from the acts of terrorism – the Ukrainian shelling, and then also addresses the question of closing down of the NPP, or, rather, why it should not be done. The original posts are linked below the translations.

Zaporizhia NPP, the “second Chernobyl” and innocent Ukraine

Due to the shelling of Europe’s largest Zaporozhye NPP, panic reigns in the world media: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (sic!) want to arrange for a nuclear catastrophe and do not allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to save the world. The fact that the strikes are inflicted by the Ukrainian side does not bother anyone.

The @rybar team decided to conduct an analysis and explain whether a new catastrophe is in store for the world, who is to blame and why what is happening is happening.

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WARNING: USA is likely to stage a nuclear or bio-chemical false flag to blame on Russia

The evil witch who oversaw the Nazi coup in Ukraine in 2014 has again made herself heard. Victoria Nuland came today with the following statement:

US warns Russia of ‘astronomical’ nuclear price

In an interview for the Ukrainian outlet European Pravda, Nuland was asked to assess the possibility of Russia using tactical nuclear weapons. She responded that she could not rule out such a “catastrophic scenario” as Putin “has already ordered” what, she alleged, were “brutal war crimes,” and the world must be prepared for the worst. At the same time, Nuland stressed, the consequences of such steps would be catastrophic for Russia and for Putin personally.

She refused to provide any details about the potential response from the West, saying instead that use of nuclear weapons would take the situation to a “fundamentally new level” where the price will be “simply astronomical.”

Unlike the US, neither Russia, nor its predecessor, the Soviet Union, have ever used atomic armaments against another state. Moscow’s military doctrine states that they can only be used when the very existence of the country is threatened, or if another power opts for a first strike.

The US is likely frustrated by Russian accurate, surgical strikes against the military targets in Ukraine, aimed at keeping the civilian and infrastructural damage to the absolute minimum. Having failed with their false flag in Bucha and Kramatorsk, the USA is likely to raise the stakes and go either chemical or nuclear. In Syria the USA staged – through the White Helmets terrorists – a now-proven chemical false flag against the Syrian government forces when they were on the winning path. So can USA create a nuclear false flag in Ukraine now, when Russia is winning against the ukro-Nazi regime. Net it be remembered that USA have already used nukes against the civilians targets in Japan and that they used the depleted uranium nuclear munitions against the Yugoslavian and Iraqi targets – civilian and military alike. Serbia has 4 times as high cancer mortality rate now as prior to the America use of nuclear weapons there!

Zelenski actually threatened Russia with a dirty nuke prior to the start of the Special Military Operation – a threat, which was one of the several triggers, which forced Russia to react. And it’s not the first time that Zelenski was speaking that what was on the mind of his overseas handlers.

Russian military and diplomatic offices have already issued warnings of a high probability of a false flag with the use of either biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Here are fragments of two articles from SputnikNews, one of the many sources censored in the West for speaking the truth.

A link to the briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defence and the accompanying infographics detailing the previous American false flags can be found at the following Voenkorr post on Cont.

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USA’s plans for the nuclear annihilation of USSR (Russia) and China disclosed

What does one call a country that plans to kill millions of people in a cold blooded first strike attack, and measures its level of success in the number of civilians killed and the percentage of the civilian infrastructure destroyed, reducing the attacked nation to a non-viable condition?

A rogue state?

A terrorist state?

Actually, it’s called USA.

In the recently-declassified documents, the US military details such plans of an all-out nuclear first strike against the USSR and China. I have written before about the American plans to drops 204 A-bombs onto the 66 of the largest Soviet cities, including Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev… The plans below are shown to go to an even greater detail in actually measuring the level of “success” such an attack would have, in the magnitude of the CIVILIAN casualties.

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204 A-Bombs Against 66 Cities: US Drew up First Plan to Nuke Russia Before WWII Was Even Over (RI repost)

I’ve written about it before, how USA was planning to annihilate USSR (read – Russia) just as WWII was drawing to a close. You can read my first article USA declassifies its plans to nuke 1/3 of planet Earth.

But it’s never too seldom to repeat this, and today’s publication in Russia Insider
204 A-Bombs Against 66 Cities: US Drew up First Plan to Nuke Russia Before WWII Was Even Over does just that.

When the two were still allies fighting Germany and Japan, the US was already drawing plans for bringing nuclear annihilation to a country which had just lost 27 million dead in the war.

Six atomic bombs were to be used to destroy each of the larger cities including Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa.

The Pentagon estimated that a total of 204 bombs would be required to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map”. The targets for a nuclear attack consisted of sixty-six major cities.

Please head to Russia Insider to read the article in full, and watch the associated documentary.

USA declassifies its plans to nuke 1/3 of planet Earth

USA has newly declassified its plans to nuke 1/3 of planet Earth. Seemingly, there should have been a massive public outcry, but… these revelations were met by deafening MSM silence.

U.S. Cold War Nuclear Target Lists Declassified for First Time

Washington, D.C., December 22, 2015 – The SAC [Strategic Air Command] Atomic Weapons Requirements Study for 1959, produced in June 1956 and published today for the first time by the National Security Archive www.nsarchive.org, provides the most comprehensive and detailed list of nuclear targets and target systems that has ever been declassified. As far as can be told, no comparable document has ever been declassified for any period of Cold War history.

The SAC study includes chilling details. According to its authors, their target priorities and nuclear bombing tactics would expose nearby civilians and “friendly forces and people” to high levels of deadly radioactive fallout. Moreover, the authors developed a plan for the “systematic destruction” of Soviet bloc urban-industrial targets that specifically and explicitly targeted “population” in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw. Purposefully targeting civilian populations as such directly conflicted with the international norms of the day, which prohibited attacks on people per se (as opposed to military installations with civilians nearby).

Russian EDaily published information about this report in Russian, titled:

Man-eater in the role of a global leader: The plans of US nuclear war against USSR have been declassified

In summary: In the first stage of the planned American nuclear war, all Soviet and Chinese airports would have been turned into craters from powerful nuclear explosions. Among the relevant test, it is known that the detonation of a thermonuclear warhead munition with the equivalent of four megaton explosion creates a vast area of ​​devastation with diameter of almost 12 km and the heat wave is causing 3rd degree burns within a radius of 21 km. The second stage of the nuclear attack by the US assumed total ruthlessness in destroying with nuclear weapons most of the Soviet cities and key cities in China and Eastern Europe. Where US nuclear planners did not reckon with any international conventions and rules of warfare in the planning of mass destruction of civilians. It is obvious that the published document – this is the first documented evidence of the absolute cannibalistic plans for the destruction of millions of people by the American military. Previously, such plans of mass destruction of cities was known a priori. Now it has documentary evidence.

This is not the first times, when USA’s plans to annihilate USSR through the massive nuclear strikes becomes known. Here is an article from 2012:

Jimmy Carter’s Controversial Nuclear Targeting Directive PD-59 Declassified

What can I say? Those brave souls, who assisted USSR in getting a nuclear bomb in the nick of time, are true heroes, who saved hundreds of millions of lives! What Hitler did during WWII, killing 27 million people in USSR alone, is a child’s play, compared to USA’s plans…