The denazification of Ukraine should take into account the mistakes and shortcomings in the denazification of Germany in 1940-1960

The demilitarisation of Ukraine (and the Greater Ukraine – that is NATO) is going to switch into another gear in a few days, and it will hopefully be concluded to a satisfactory degree some time in the next year.

This brings to the fore the other objective – denazification of the former Ukraine. Here, one must draw on the experience of the denazification of Germany done after the conclusion of WWII – in fact on the outcomes of two different approaches to the denazification. I am presenting below a translation of a historical work, that was published on, with a back-up re-publicationon Cont. The article gives an excellent retrospective of the process. One thing that it should have mentioned is the process of denazification on the Banderite-festered territories of the Western Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and in the Blatic states. Sadly, after Hrushev came to power, he undid much of the effort to prosecute the Bandera Nazi collaborators, pardoning all of them. The majority settled in the city of Kharkov, which is one of the explanations why Kharkov of all cities had such an unexpectedly large concentration of the neo-Nazi Bandera followers – the descendents of those insufficiently denazified banderites.

The denazification project. How did the USSR and the West arrange the denazification of Germany after World War II?

8th of April 2022
by Alevtina Zapolskaya

The trial of Nazi war criminals at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg. Photo: AP

Denazification is named among the main goals of the Russian special operation in Ukraine. But unlike demilitarization, which methods and goals are quite clear, few people are able to say what exactly lies behind the concept of “denazification” today. According to Moscow’s official position, its meaning is to abolish all laws and institutions that discriminate against citizens on the basis of language and nationality. And it’s time to turn to history in order to determine how this work should be carried out in practice. After the Second World War, Germany underwent a complex and multi-stage process of denazification. This gave her the opportunity to build relations with her neighbours from scratch and eventually become part of the world community. However, Moscow’s experience in this regard differed from the approach adopted in the zones controlled by the allied forces of the United States, Great Britain and France. What was the difference between the two approaches to denazification, why did USSR achieve the best results and how applicable this experience is today, — was analysed by

Goals and objectives

Battles were still raging on the fronts of the Second World War, while the allied countries were already thinking about what peaceful life would be like after the defeat of the Third Reich. Everyone understood perfectly well that the post-war settlement should also be political. It was necessary not only to destroy the German war machine, but also the regime itself, which unleashed the largest war in world history.

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Stop Nazi Games – an animation by French Barracuda that says it all in under 2 minutes

This short animation by the French studio “Barracuda” says all there is to say about the root cause to the current conflict in Ukraine and other world conflicts in just under 2 minutes. A true case of when a picture – or a shot video – says more, than a 1000 words.

A must-watch John Mark Dougan interview – “I took a LIBERAL, ANTI WAR Protester to see the truth in Donbass, and THIS Happened!”

UPDATE 30.05.2024: This post is retained for historical purposes. John Mark Dougan has discredited and dishonoured himself, as best described in the following post by Graham Phillips:

The interview/project that he published yesterday is something that everyone should watch, especially those, sceptical of the situation in Donbass.

This is my most powerful interview yet. I took Maria, a fierce liberal, anti-war protester to the FRONT LINES of the war in the Donbass to see things for herself, to speak to the people for herself. This woman, with balls of steel, even walked with me through the streets of Svyatogorsk, with Ukrainian snipers just 200 meters away, to speak to civilians trapped in their basements and bring them food. How much of what she believed was right? Or wrong? This is an interview you must see to believe.

UPDATE: In March 2023 YouTube deleted the entire channel of John Mark Dougan (to fortify free speech, I presume), so here is the documentary on John’s Odysee channel:

Not much to add, just some comments from YT that sum it up the best:

As Schopenhauer stated: ‘Truth has three stages. First, it’s ridiculed. Second, it is violentally opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident’. Truth is not what we would like it to be: Truth is the naked reality… God bless you, John, for showing the Truth to the world…

When you discover that the people you trust lied to you, it’s like finding your lover with another person. It’s shocking, heartbreaking, betrayal, confused.
I think she experienced all of these feelings. And I’m sorry she went through that. I’m thankful you were there when it “hit her”.

It’s hard for me to comment… because I have never doubted my country, my president’s intentions, I have never felt ashamed for a second that I am Russian. I perfectly remember the events of 2014 in Odessa, when all the channels showed how people were burning, how the Nazis of the right sector drove, locked and set people on fire. It was hell. After that, I didn’t have a single question about the existence of Nazism in Ukraine. I only had the question “Why did we wait 8 years?”. Over 14,000 people have died in the Donbas during this time. It is enough to see a photo of only one alley of angels, as it becomes clear why this should be stopped. I admire Putin’s patience, but at the same time I understand that he is acting too gently. After all, Azov and APU are now equal. Those who littered Donetsk with petal mines deserve the most severe punishment.
But respect for Maria for allowing doubts to lead her on the right path.
Mark, Thomas, thank you so much! What you are doing is truly priceless!

PS: Indoctrination of Ukrainian Children, Interview with Yan Gagin

The terrorist state of Ukraine with its US-NATO sponsors seeking to create a nuclar disaster by attacking the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant

Over the past few days the terrorist state of Ukraine with full appoval from its US-NATO sponsors have been repeatedly shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe – the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant (NPP). If one keeps in mind hoe Zelensky boasted about the creation of a dirty nuclear bomb – which is one of the reasons Russia had to start the special military operation – it is not surprising that Russia was from the first days trying to keep the monkey away from the nuclear grenade. It did not help that what Russian specialists found at Zporozhie NPP was quite alarming – a certain amount of unregistered nuclear waste, which did not exist according to the papers and thus could have been used by Ukraine to create the aforementioned dirty bomb.

The reason I am writing this post is to translate a couple of Telegram articles from the journalist channel Rybar, and as a response to a conversation with Igor on a post on Lada Ray’s channel:

The idea of closing down Zaporozhie NPP has been aired in the comments, and by many other people. The following two posts first outline the problem and the danger presented to the Zaporozhie NPP from the acts of terrorism – the Ukrainian shelling, and then also addresses the question of closing down of the NPP, or, rather, why it should not be done. The original posts are linked below the translations.

Zaporizhia NPP, the “second Chernobyl” and innocent Ukraine

Due to the shelling of Europe’s largest Zaporozhye NPP, panic reigns in the world media: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (sic!) want to arrange for a nuclear catastrophe and do not allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to save the world. The fact that the strikes are inflicted by the Ukrainian side does not bother anyone.

The @rybar team decided to conduct an analysis and explain whether a new catastrophe is in store for the world, who is to blame and why what is happening is happening.

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Symbolic: Joining NATO Is an Act against Peace in the World

I’ve written about the Finnish aspirations to become the future battlefield for the NATO’s war on Russia, and what consequences it will have for Finland economically.

What I just saw on the wire bears a very symbolic meaning: Joining NATO is a definitive act against Peace in the World. Finland just demonstrated this with their actions by dismantling the monument “Peace in the World” that USSR gifted Finland in 1990, following the fall of the Berlin wall, at about the same time when NATO promised to Gorbachev not to move East by a single inch.

The post above contains video of the dismantling of the Peace in the World:

The Helsinki authorities dismantled the monument “Peace in the World” presented to Finland by the Soviet Union.

This was reported by YLE TV company.

The six-meter sculpture was installed in January 1990. The monument depicts people from different continents holding a globe decorated with leaves.

Officially, the Helsinki authorities do not name the reasons for the dismantling of the Soviet sculpture.

I guess they’re just against peace in the world🤷‍♀️

Ukraine continues with terrorist attacks and war crimes to the silent approval of the West

In the past days the Ukro-nazis conducted several terrorist attacks and war crimes.

First, just as the Azov Nazi battalion POWs just started talking, realising that the premised “extraction” from Ukraine was not coming, the Ukrainian military stuck the prison facilities where those POWs were held in the town of Elenovka. Ukrainians did a similar attempt previously, just after the Azov militants exited the Azovstal plant, but back then the strike came from a high-dispersal rocket launcher, and the damage was minimal – as far as I remember no one died. This time, Ukrainians got the American HIMARS systems, sporting accurate GPS-guided firing, and they hit the detention centre once again, killing almost half of the inmates, depriving Russia of the valuable witnesses for the prosecution, and then, customary, shifting the blame on Russia, though Russia has nothing to gain and everything to lose from the extrajudicial death of those Azovites.

Ukraine is acting as a serial killer, which has gone unpunished for one, two, tree murders, and is now feeling invincible, killing with impunity, right left and centre. And the regimes in Washington, London, and Brussels are acting as guarantors for the unpunished war crimes of Ukraine, making it feel like that serial killer. Moreover, the West is shipping more and more weapons to the serial killer, hoping to see more blood.

And so this post is about two other, much more heinous war crimes of the Fourth Reich, aka. Ukraine, again going largely unnoticed in the West.

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