A Historical Curiosity: Russian Subjects in Sweden Are Joining NATO

I translated earlier an article outlining one historical discrepancy or paradox that Poland has in-fact reverted to a de-juro state of war with Russia: Polish People’s Republic… Or Not? A Historical Review. Today I want to translate another article digging into another historical anomaly, now in relation to Sweden’s wish to join NATO.

Russian citizens are joining NATO

May 28, 2022, 08:00
Yuri Gorodnenko

While Sweden is rushing into the North Atlantic military bloc, it turned out that the inhabitants of the island of Gotland remain Russian subjects.

The decision to start the procedure for Sweden’s admission to NATO has not yet been made, while Stockholm has already engaged in ensuring the defence of the “left wing” of the Alliance. The Swedish government has allocated $163 million to strengthen the defence of the island of Gotland and sent additional units of its armed forces there.

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