As promised, I am presenting here translations of several more articles, pertaining to the topic of the American biolabs on the territory of Ukraine. Three articles, to be exact. They have some intersecting information, and some unique aspect, all of which help build a fuller picture of the situation there.
But first, a word from China… It is not often that China speaks up on the international affairs, and it was pretty reserved on the Russian ukro-nazi clean-up operation, to the point where Australia had to yup-up, demanding China broke its silence. Well, China just did that, but not in the way Australia wanted:
China urges Pentagon to open up about ‘biolabs’ in Ukraine
China’s foreign ministry has called on the US to disclose information on the Pentagon’s alleged biological laboratories in Ukraine “as soon as possible”.
Speaking at a press briefing on Tuesday, however, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian claimed that, according to his country’s information, the laboratories in Ukraine are just “a tip of an iceberg” and that the US Department of Defense “controls 336 biological laboratories in 30 countries around the world.” This is done under the pretext of “cooperating to reduce biosecurity risks” and “strengthening global public health,” Zhao said.It is the first time that Beijing has disclosed the alleged figure. Zhao said that according to data “released by the United States itself,” there are 26 US laboratories in Ukraine. In light of Russia’s military offensive in the country, he urged “all parties concerned” to ensure the safety of the labs.
“In particular, the United States, as the party which knows these laboratories best, should publish the relevant details as soon as possible, including which viruses are stored and which research has been carried out,” he said.
He claimed the US “has been exclusively obstructing” the establishment of an independent verification mechanism. Such behaviour, Zhao said, “further aggravates the concerns of the international community.”
Before we proceed, however, there is a need to comment on the difference in the reported number of the biolabs: 15 in some cases, 30 in other. The reason for this can be gleaned from my previous translation, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation: Kiev has created a network of 30 biological laboratories commissioned by the United States. Counting seems to depend on how the different laboratories are classified, if they are institutes, labs or epidemiologic centres. I think it is best to go with the number presented by the Russian Ministry of Defence, while other numbers can serve as more “optimistic” references.
But back to the translations. First in line was published on Cont on the 7th of March 2022.