The USA’s track record of chemical weapons use and ISIS military support.

We’ve all long known that whenever USA “involves” in “democratising” a country, that country turns to dust. Or a radioactive waste. It once started with firebombing and nuking of Japan, then continued with invasion and split up of Korea, then with turning Vietnam into a chemical wasteland with Agent Orange.

But it really took off when USA would no longer be balanced out by Russia and started feeling that it can do whatever it likes without any consequences. It really took off with the invasion of Yugoslavia, splitting it up and turning parts of it (the Serbian Slavic parts) into a radioactive wasteland. Then came Iraq, Lybia, Egypt,

In Ukraine, after the US-sponsored Ukro-Nazi violent coup d’etat, Ukros used white Phosphorus bombs against its own population. Besides Ukraine, only USA and Israel used white Phosphorus against humans.

And now Syria with the US-created ISIS…

Some time ago I translated a documentary Democracy of Mass Destruction, which detailed much of the above. And now the Yugoslavian drama continues. Finally Serbia takes the aggressors to court:

‘Up to 15 tons of depleted uranium used in 1999 Serbia bombing’ – lead lawyer in suit against NATO

An international legal team is preparing a lawsuit against NATO over the alliance’s alleged use of depleted uranium munitions during its bombing of Yugoslavia. These have allegedly caused a rise in cancer-related illnesses across the region over the years.

“The NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 used between 10 and 15 tons of depleted uranium, which caused a major environmental disaster,” said Srdjan Aleksic, a Serbian lawyer who leads the legal team, which includes lawyers from the EU, Russia, China and India. The legal team was formed by the Serbian Royal Academy of Scientists and Artists.

“In Serbia, 33,000 people fall sick because of this every year. That is one child every day,” he claimed.

NATO’s press office says it’s now aware of Serbia’s allegations, but gave no further comment.

When asked as of why Serbia has decided to sue NATO 19 years after the attacks, the lawyer said “considering the horrific consequences for our population… it is never too late to sue someone who has caused an environmental catastrophe, someone [who] bombed Serbia with a quasi-nuclear weapon, i.e. depleted uranium.”

The Serbian lawyer says 19 countries that were part of NATO at the time need to pay compensation for “for the financial and non-financial damages… to all the citizens who died or fell sick as a proven result of the NATO bombing.”

“We expect the members of NATO to provide treatment to our citizens who are suffering from cancer,” Aleksic said, adding that the bloc “must also provide the necessary technology and equipment to remove all traces of the depleted uranium” from Serbia.

“The use of banned weapons” by the US-led military alliance in the Balkans “was a violation of all the international conventions and rules that protect people” from such kind of weapons, the lawyer claimed, adding that NATO also used depleted uranium in Iraq in 1991.

But USA is still continuing with its atrocities and uses chemical weapons, only admitting to it, when backing out and shifting blame becomes completely impossible:

US-led coalition admits use of white phosphorus in Mosul amid mounting criticism

A New Zealand general has confirmed that the US-led coalition fighting in Mosul has used munitions loaded with white phosphorus. It comes amid mounting criticism over the use of the multipurpose weapon, which can be extremely dangerous to civilians.

US admits using toxic depleted uranium against ISIS in Syria

More than 5,000 rounds of depleted uranium (DU) ammunition were used in two attacks on Islamic State oil tankers in eastern Syria, the US military has confirmed. The US-led coalition previously pledged it would not use the controversial ordnance.

The strategy is still the same – poison the land and make it uninhabitable if you fail to completely take over it. And it looks like USA are failing to take over Syria. In their last attempt they resort to attacking Syrian forces in Syria, claiming they pose danger to the invading (!) American forces.

Tomahawk missile strike on Syria was ‘after-dinner entertainment’ – US commerce secretary
US strikes pro-govt forces in Syria, shoots down drone
US-led coalition downs Syrian army plane in southern Raqqa

In Russia they are exasperated and started to call the spade for the spade, discarding the protocol:

US-led coalition’s downing of Syrian plane ‘act of aggression’ & ‘support for terrorists’ – Moscow

“What is it then, if not an act of aggression, an act directly in breach of international law,” Ryabkov told journalists in Moscow.

“If you want, it’s actually help for the terrorists the US is fighting, declaring that they are conducting a counterterrorism policy,” the official added.

Ryabkov added that he believed the strike “should be first of all regarded as the continuation of the US agenda of neglecting the norms of international law. Regardless of who has power in Washington, people there are used to the fact that there are circumstances allowing them to arrogantly look down on – and in some situations, to openly ignore – the basics of international relations.”

And Russia is going to act upon it. Next time an American war plane tries some such atrocity in the foreign skies, it will be shot:

Russian military halts Syria sky incident prevention interactions with US as of June 19 – Moscow

“In the areas of combat missions of Russian air fleet in Syrian skies, any airborne objects, including aircraft and unmanned vehicles of the [US-led] international coalition, located to the west of the Euphrates River, will be tracked by Russian ground and air defense forces as air targets,” the Russian Ministry of Defense stated.

The ministry emphasized that Russian warplanes were on a mission in Syrian airspace during the US-led coalition’s attack on the Syrian Su-22, while the coalition failed to use the communication line to prevent an incident.

“The command of the coalition forces did not use the existing communication channel between the air commands of Al Udeid Airbase (in Qatar) and the Khmeimim Airbase to prevent incidents in Syrian airspace.”

Russia tried to act a a gentleman with the USA, warning and talking, but the USA acts and understands only bullying and force, so force they shall get

The American action in Syria may seem stupid and reckless acts of invasion. They are indeed invasion of a sovereign state, but they are not reckless. They have a goal of pushing the ISIS forces towards the government positions, but before that weakening the Syrian forces and not allowing them to take on ISIS first. that would have allowed USA to secure for itself about 60% of Eastern Syria and potentially splitting the country in two, like what they did with Korea. Take a look at the following situation maps from Rossi Barbera’s analytical blog post series “Never fight with the Russians”:

Left: Real situation of the 25th of May. Right: hypothetical situation if the US-supported forces succeeded.

And this (in green) would have been the de-facto US controlled part of Syria in case of American success and the Syrian forces’ failure.

That is the real reason and goal for the Amerecans bombing Syrians and supporting ISIS.

The following Op-Edge describes it really well:

‘US becoming de facto defense shield for Islamic State in Syria’