Newsflash: Ukraine is amassing troops on Donbass border – preparing for an invasion during World Cup in Russia

Reposting the alert from Futurist Trendcast:

This has been in the works for months and DPR and LPR have been warning that Kiev is preparing an all-out attack against both Donetsk and Lugansk during World Cup 2018 in Russia. I warned about it since last year, too.

Ukraine seem to be now fully prepared to escalate the hostilities from their daily shelling of the residential areas and murder of the civilians to a full-fledges invasion and genocide of the population of Donbass!

The Olymp-sized disgrace of IOC and WADA – Political Attack on Russia #noRussiaNoGames


The spirit of the Olympics is dead. It was dying for several years, but with each of the recent games, the politics took over the Olympics more and more. The final culmination is now a blanket ban of Russia with an attack on its symbols and language, based on thinly veiled lies coming from an American-sponsored doping criminal who was heading RUSADA and made a runner to the US as soon as his activities started being investigated.

This Rodchenkov character is but the last of the similar attacks on Russia, where the West uses criminals as poster boys. One of the previous ones was the blown out of proportion death of an accountant specialising in tax evasion – Magnitsky – and the con artist Browder, who made illicit billions in the Wild 90s Russia. But I digress.

The Olympic games were used for the past years as attacks on Russia: 08 August 2008 – Georgian invasion into South Ossetia and killing there of the Russian peacekeepers – right after Rice visited Georgia with instructions, and on the opening ceremony day in Bejing. In 2014 Nuland and co was visiting Ukraine, managing to start an armed coup d’etat just as Olympics were underway in Russia. In 2016 in Rio, the athletes were openly humiliated and their lives and training were made impossible. And now, for the games in Korea, the Dark State in the face of IOC and WADA have imposed a blanket ban.

No evidence is presented. The supposed “evidence” (the tempering with the bottles) was debunked by several independent labs, as well as the Swizz manufacturer of the tubes. Incidentally, earlier Russian samples were destroyed by Rodchenkov before he made a runner to the US, so it is now impossible to the earlier years’ tests. More on the game-by-game analysis read Lada Ray’s REPORT: Dirty Geopolitics of Olympics and Globalism – Will Russia Say NO and Start Alternative Games?.

This is a pure attack on Russia in general and one of the attacks before the presidential campaign to interfere in the Russian internal politics. Sample this from McFaul:

In the wake of the Russian Olympic ban, a couple of days ago McFaul wrote that Russians should know that the Russian team, flag and anthem ban are all because of bad Putin. It is Putin who is to blame for the Russian athletes’ predicament, he proclaimed. In doing so, he: 1. confirmed that Russian athletes’ ban is politically motivated, 2. revealed fully who he is working for. It is clear that the whole ‘Russian Olympic ban’ psyop has been designed to divide Russian society and to try to damage Putin’s reputation before the upcoming Russian elections 2018.

The whole “neutral” IOC thing is a pure aggression against Russian symbolism, Russian language, Russian people and Russian sports. It is well-summed in the following caricature:

The red signs read: “Neutral flag”, “Neutral surname”, “Neutral form”. The speech bubble in the German-accented of Bach “This fantastic Vanja. Das uniform is gut for you”.

Here are the details, as reported by RT:

IOC releases Olympic kit requirements for Russian athletes

  • Abbreviation “RUS” is forbidden – only a nondescript “OAR”. (Attack on the country name)
  • Cyrillic lettering is forbidden – only English. (The ever-present urge to latinise Russia)
  • Monochrome or dual-coloured uiforms, but not with the colours that could be combined into the Russian flag (Attack on the state symbol). Russian forums circulate a few jokes that Russia should just design a pure red uniform with buttons formed as hammers…
  • The anthem will not be sounding. And the athletes are strictly forbidden to associate themselves with Russia. As an experience from Rio showed – humming the Russian anthem can disqualify you.
  • In addition on prohibition on humming or singing of the anthem a’capella, the athletes are forbidden to mention Russia in their conversations or in social media and to refer to themselves as Russians.

So what we have, are the Gestapo-level measures to eradicate all things Russian. Something like this was outlined in Hitler’s operation Barbarossa, by the way.

So, why stop now, IOC – just take the extra step and make the athletes wear the yellow star of David!

Shocking as it is, the Paralympics are even more rotten than the Olympic platform. Time to create our own.


The process of deciding which Russian athletes will be allowed to participate under the “neutral” guise is arbitrary. The athletes are sentenced by a one-man jury at IOC without being given any evidence. Here is how the process is described by the Russian skiing champion Nikita Kryukov (who, incidentally, stated that he’ll boycott the games regardless of the verdict):

On the 20th of December the IOC Commission will consider the case of Nikita Kryukov and two other representatives of the national team of Russia in ski racing — Alexander Bessmertnyh and Natalia Matveeva.

The information that appeared newly, indicated that their cases will be reviewed by the Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) under the leadership of Denis Oswald. We offer a commentary by Nikita Kryukov, that we got just received:

— Yesterday the President of Federation of ski racing E. V. Vyalbe said that the hearing by Oswald will be held on the 20th. What I expect from this hearing? The same resolution that was delivered the rest of our guys. We are no longer hoping for a miracle. Those, who went to Oswald, told how it all happens – you are only given the final word and then they read out the verdict.

This topic has now become quite boring and no one is surprised that they call out new names all the time.

When I was told that they were waiting for me at the meeting I was, of course, a little shocked. But I’m not the first and probably not the last one to take such a hit. I hope the lawyers will help and we will quickly send an appeal to a civil court.

They will make sure that only the least experienced, weakest athletes are allowed to compete…

In addition, the support teams of the athletes will not be allowed to follow them. It’s like sending a car to Formula 1, but saying that all the mechanics and pit-stop technicians are barred. Only driver is allowed to go. Oh, and the driver will have to do with a car provided by the race organisers.

A follow-up from Nikita Kryukov on the “tribunal” at IOC, where 11 athletes were “processed:

“I was asked only one question: how tightly did I close my doping sample in Sochi? To which I replied: as tight as possible. I always do so, at all doping tests.
Then I was allowed to speak.
— I, personally, was not familiar with Gregory Rodchenkov. I had never heard of any state-support system of doping in Russia, and was not familiar with it, I said.
— I’m for clean and honest sport. I am a clean athlete. I am ready to confirm my words on the polygraph or under oath.
After they listened to all the athletes, the hearing continued.
The day before the hearing we were informed that our samples were tested by the Lausanne laboratory for the presence of the T-shaped scratch marks and salt. Personally, I was told that they checked 3 of the Sochi samples and they all tested negative for the presence of scratches and salt.
But back to the point. The prosecution argued at the end of their speech, that we should not pay attention to the fact that the samples have not yielded positive results. It’s all part of the state system. I will not go in depth here, as I was not able to listen to in in full, but one thing I remember exactly is that when we go to CAS, Rodchenkov himself will already be present there.”

In other words: IOC said – who cares about the evidence. We said Russians are guilty therefore they are guilty!

Stealing Russian Treasure: Amsterdam Court Gives Crimean Scythian Gold to Kiev (a Lada Ray Reblog)

Reblogging Lada Ray article Stealing Russian Treasure: Amsterdam Court Gives Crimean Scythian Gold to Kiev. The Scythian gold is the property of the Crimean Museums, so what the Amsterdam court sanctioned is, indeed, a theft.

The Court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has made a decision that Scythian gold, which was on loan from the Crimean museums to the Dutch museums in 2013-14, belongs to Ukraine. The gold has been taken out of Dutch museums and shipped off to an unknown location in 2014, after Crimea voted to re-join Russia.

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BREAKING! Trump Prepares to Drop Ukraine: Operation Poroshenko Dump. The Song Flashmob Marathon in Ukraine, Moldavia and Russia. Reblog from Lada Ray

My heart is singing at these news, especially at the solidarity the people of the Russian World are showing in the face of intimidation and outright Fascism.

Re-publishing a larger porting of this Lada Ray report. Follow the link below for the complete material with links and videos:

My Ukraine predictions are beginning to spectacularly come true!

As my followers know, I have predicted since the very beginning of 2014 that between 2016 and 2018 US and EU will dump Ukraine, albeit slowly. More than once I used the words ‘they’ll throw Ukraine out as a squeezed-out lemon.’ I also predicted that between 2016 and 2018 Ukraine will turn back to Russia, but only after Ukraine’s economy is destroyed.

The economy has been destroyed by the Kiev junta’s actions and by those oligarchs and ukro-nazis who have been stealing what little is left of Ukraine’s former riches.

The ongoing “Russian World” song flash mobs is rolling through Ukraine like wildfire. In these flash mobs, organized at the train and bus stations, people sing their favorite Russian songs. The song flash mob has spread to Russia, where people sing Ukrainian songs, to show their love and solidarity, and to Kishinev, Moldova, where people have beautifully sang famous Soviet songs, chanting “Moldova, Ukraine, Russia – together.” The Kishinev flash mob so far has been the largest and longest, with a true mini-concert organized at the train station. You can find several first song flash mobs here:

The song flash mob marathon continues, and it has already come to Siberia, Crimea, Nikolaev and Donbass. More former Soviet republics are expected to join in soon. The idea of this flash mob is simply spectacular. In fact, I like it so much that I decided to re-post some of the videos of the song flash mobs on my YT channel. Stay tuned for that.

As per my 2014 prediction, the people are awakening, they are slowly but surely losing their fear of ukro-nazis and violent Ukraine oligarchs. They are remembering their true roots, despite the mass brainwashing attempts of the past 20, and especially last 3, years.

The soft and peaceful song flash mob protests have shown where the affinities and allegiances of the population residing in Ukraine and Moldova really lie. These flash mobs bring hope and confidence that there is a better tomorrow. And this is just the beginning!

It is happening per my other original prediction: Ukraine citizens have to wake up and start acting themselves. Waiting for someone else to come and save them won’t work.

The Kiev regime, installed in 2014 by the US and EU, is on its last legs. By 2017 we will see HUGE, HUGE changes beginning to manifest in Ukraine. As I also predicted, Russia has been doing everything to keep Ukraine intact. But the trick is that it has to be a Russia-friendly territory. I also predicted that whether it would end up as a very loose confederation or federation, or whether it will simply become a part of Russia, the word ‘Ukraine’ won’t be used in 10 years time (or less). The territory that will emerge out of this chaos will bear a different name(s).

Also, per my original 2014 prediction: Putin’s slow, purposeful and peaceful remolding of the situation is succeeding. After the US/EU successfully subverted Ukraine, the plan was to turn the situation around carefully and peacefully, in such a way as not to antagonize the masses of the population, preserving as many Ukrainian lives and as much Ukrainian industry as possible.

The key to success is the remolding done asymmetrically and internationally. In this delicate and volatile situation, it is the butterfly effect that works wonders. Every seemingly unrelated global move by Russia has influenced the outcome in Ukraine. It is a masterful surgical intervention, which is subtle and delicate, yet effective.

Every peace of the puzzle has to fall into place. US and EU neo-con/neo-liberal NWO agenda has failed. They overshot and overestimated their capability. You can’t go point-blank against Russia – The Great Balancer, and expect to get away with it. Napoleon and Hitler tried…

This hybrid 4D war isn’t like any war fought before. But it’s still a war and the result will be the same. Every Russian move in Syria and the Middle East; Putin’s recent BRICS, Japan, China, India and Central Asia deals; Turkish Stream and Nord Stream 2; the Crimean Kerch Bridge and the railroad to bypass Ukraine; new pro-Russian presidents in Moldova and Bulgaria and anti-establishment revolts in the EU – all these have worked towards the shift in Ukraine. The election of Trump and Democrats suffering a staggering defeat in these US elections seal the deal.


Please recall that in 2014 I also said that only Russia will be able to restore the territory we now call Ukraine. Only Russia can resurrect its industry and economy. Neither EU nor US are either capable or interested in doing so.

This prediction of mine is also materializing. US can’t wait to dump Ukraine. The only thing both EU and US need is a way to save face.

Trump’s election made it natural and logical to shift the foreign policy of the US in such a way as to save face and get out of the rotten Ukraine deal. But additional push was required. That’s how “Operation Poroshenko Dump” was born. Incidentally, this is my own title no idea what the US calls it.

Here’s the scoop. A Ukraine Rada deputy turned whistleblower, Alexandr Onischenko, escaped to London. In his pocket he carried damning evidence against Ukraine president and oligarch Petr Poroshenko. Below is Onischenko’s exclusive live interview with Russia24 channel during talk show 60 Minutes.

Per Onischenko, he was recently recruited by US to record compromising conversations within Ukraine’s corridors of power.

(LR: Please note that Onischenko is far from being above board: he himself got rich assisting Poroshenko’s corruption and illegal schemes.)

On Poroshenko’s behalf, he delivered cash to buy votes of Rada deputies. This was done routinely, as a matter of course. Onischenko says that there were many laws and government appointments which passed Rada only because Poroshenko bought votes. Each deputy was paid amounts commensurate with their weight and popularity. The votes were bought to remove from important state posts anyone who wasn’t Poroshenko’s men and to install those Poroshenko had in his pocket. This included the post of Prime Minister, Attorney General and Rada Speaker.

Onischenko confirmed that if Poroshenko really wanted to stop the war in Donbass, he could do so very easily, by ordering Rada to vote in a specific way. But Poroshenko wants war in Donbass because he is a ‘greedy bastard’ (there were a few strong words used throughout). He makes huge profit from the war and confrontation.

(LR: Poroshenko owns the heavy industry brand Lenin’s Forge. He kept the name of this globally recognised plant, built by the USSR, despite ban on Soviet symbolism in Ukraine. The plant makes much of the tanks and weapons that kill the people of Donetsk and Lugansk. Poroshenko made a killing during this civil war: his fortune exploded by 7-fold and more during the period between 2014 and 2016, making him a billionaire.)

Onischenko said that IMF, US and EU loans were stolen and split up between Poroshenko and those in power, as soon as they were disbursed.

Onischenko described how Poroshenko, abusing his post as president of Ukraine, engaged in racketeering and mafia tactics to squeeze other oligarchs. The example given is that of Renat Akhmetov. Poroshenko gave order to start a media smear campaign against Akhmetov’s company. Armed thugs were sent to his plants, where they intimidated and beat up managers; several deaths were reported. Then Poroshenko demanded money. Akhmetov ended up paying him $200 million. After that, smear campaigns and attacks against Akhmetov properties ended.

(LR: Renat Akhmetov once was the richest oligarch in Ukraine, who was Yanukovich’s handler. Akhmetov, much like the rest of Ukraine oligarchs, lost a lot after 2014 coup. Poroshenko is the only oligarch who made a killing. Same is true for ex-PM Yatsenyuk, who simply stole a cool billion dollars. Per data I received, Yatsenyuk now resides in the US. He purchased two dosen (24) luxury condos and mansions throughout the US. More in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 3: OLIGARCH WARS).

Poroshenko did similar numbers on other oligarchs. Alexandr Onischenko recorded a number of such secret negotiations and conversations conducted in Poroshenko’s office.

Spy stuff: the recorder was located in his wrist watch. He passed all the recordings and his additional testimony to the US Department of Justice. It has been announced that the official investigation into Poroshenko and Rada has begun.

Lada Ray: Poroshenko and his cronies immediately branded Alexandr Onischenko ‘Putin’s agent.’ Onischenko has taken this very badly and got nervous, indignantly responding to the effect that he is an ‘honest crook’ and, if anything, ‘he is a US agent’ (lol).

Incidentally, Onischenko mentioned that he has been friendly with Donald Trump. Whether it’s true or just his fantasy is another story.

Again, let me stress that Onischenko is just as guilty as the rest of them. He was the one who participated in many of these schemes and who personally delivered million dollar bribes to Rada deputies. Just like the rest of these criminals, he got rich off Ukraine people’s misfortune.

But he has been a good Trojan Horse inside Ukraine junta, fulfilling his role admirably. The fact that he was recruited as a spy means that US is getting ready to dump Poroshenko. In fact, in Ukraine there is more and more talk that Poroshenko should be hung for his crimes.

Trump and the new people who come with him need solid evidence to save the US face and justify what Trump is preparing to do in 2017: dump Ukraine as a bad dream. Trump will make a deal with Putin. The release of Ukraine out of USA’s clutches will be Trump’s peace offering to Russia.

One of the reasons to do so is to get on a better side of Russia. But there is another: USA is financially in a much worse situation than being admitted; militarily and politically it is stretched too thin. US needs to consolidate its resources. USA under Trump is gearing towards dropping the non-performing ‘assets’ such as Ukraine. Hence dropping the Kiev junta and Poroshenko after supposedly finding out how corrupt he and his regime are (as if it wasn’t clear from the start). After all, Ukraine failed to fulfill its purpose: it didn’t become a convincing anti-Russia, as Soros, Nuland and the rest intended.

Ukraine Events Heating up and Accelerating – Newsflash Reblog

Below I am re-blogging beginnings of three of the latest Lada Rey articles, relaying the latest developments from Ukraine. Please follow the links to read the articles in full!

Ukraine Events Heating up and Accelerating

Dear friends,

I thought this would be a great time to summarize some news coming in from Ukraine and from other places.

The events in Ukraine are beginning to heat up and manifest in an accelerated fashion. The Kiev junta and oligarchs are getting nervous and the people are beginning to awaken. At the same time, the ukro-nazi element is also activating. My prediction about Ukraine turning around between 2016 and 2018 is beginning to materialize, but unfortunately, with a lot of hardship for the population. The problem is, also per my prediction, that the population has to go through this hardship and the economy has to get destroyed, in order for the people to awaken and start acting.

The events are developing very swiftly: yesterday ex-president Viktor Yanukovich testified in the trial against the Berkut police. Berkut is accused of killing a number of activists during the Kiev Maidan. Kiev tried very hard to prevent this testimonial and the hearing was sabotaged by Ukraine’s ministry of interior and ukro-nazi thugs. But it did happen, with some scandalous revelations. Yanukovich promises more to come.

More high-level Ukraine operatives, preparing to blow up military targets, were arrested in Crimea. To date, Russian FSB neutralized a huge network of spies and terrorists, however, the work continues.

Not being able to cause real damage in Crimea and to somehow get back at Russia, Kiev kidnapped two Russian servicemen of Ukrainian origin from Crimea. The story is a bit like a thriller and I’ll talk about it as well.

After all the failures, no doubt in an attempt to save face and show how tough they are, in the beginning of December, Kiev threatens to do missile launches near Crimea and breaching the Russian airspace, which are bound to generate a danger for the civilian aircraft and tourism. MH17 comes to mind, as well as the 2001 catastrophe when Ukraine training missile shot down Russian civilian plane flying from Israel, killing all passengers on board. Kiev never issued a clear admission of its responsibility. Most recently, Kiev threatened civilian aircraft from Belarus with being shot down (I’ll talk about all this in the upcoming video).

They are indeed accelerating, for better or worse, though it does look like it will get even darker before the dawn comes…

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Lada Ray Report: Putin’s visit to Slovenia, Union of Southern Slavs and Russia (reblog)

This Lada Ray’s report, Putin’s visit to Slovenia, Union of Southern Slavs and Russia talks about the recent visit by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the tragic events of WWI, remembered through the Russian chapel.

I do urge my readers to go and read the full report, but in this re-blog, I’d like to concentrate on its second half – the history, language and ties of Slovenia…

Another striking point: Slovenia stands for dialogue and peaceful resolution of all outstanding issues and disputes.

It’s important to correctly understand certain things about Slovenia, Serbia and former Yugoslavia

First, let’s remember this: in the Balkans and elsewhere, one’s attitude towards Russia is connected closely with one’s attitude towards Serbia. If Serbia is perceived as an enemy and/or a rogue state, then Russia is likely perceived as at least not a friend – and vice versa.

Slovenia is the only early breakaway former part of Yugoslavia that never was involved in an armed conflict with Serbs, as opposed to Bosnia and Croatia, plus Kosovo. Conversely, Macedonia (FYRM) and Montenegro (Chernogoria) were split from Serbia later, in order to further weaken it. The collective West, at the time spearheaded by Bill Clinton, correctly perceived that the weakening of Serbia meant by default the handicapping of Russia.

Slovenia is a Slavic-populated country – as attested by its name; the language spoken is Slovenian (Slovene).

In truth, the differences between Yugoslav languages are minor and they really should be considered dialects of the same South-Slavic (aka, Yugoslav) tongue. The differences in many cases are akin to the degree of closeness of the Russian – Belorussian language relationship. In other words, it’s even closer than Russian – Ukrainian language relationship. And even Ukrainian, in my professional opinion as a linguist and native language carrier of both, should be considered a dialect. Read about that in Discovering The Real Belarus and in Earth Shift Reports: ESR2: Ukraine Truth, Lies & Future Hope and ERS6: Ukraine – New Khazarian Khaganate.

Southern Slavic languages are also very close to Russian. As an example, the name of the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, doesn’t really need a translation. Without knowing the language, I can tell you that it is very close to the Russian word lyubov’, which means love. Therefore, Ljubljana is likely translated as ‘the city of love,’ or perhaps, ‘the beloved place/city.’

Incidentally, those with a keen eye will recognize the same root ‘lyub’ in the English love. This again attests to something I often stress: we are ALL ONE, we all come from the same root, and all these barriers – political, military or linguistic – are artificial! Read more in Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? and under Category: Forbidden Linguistics.

Historically, Slovenia is arguably the most ‘Westernized’ of all Yugoslavia and the closest to Austria and Hungary, having been a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As a result of religious conversion, the population is presently primarily Catholic.

As it so often happened in history, the difference in religion is what served as the foreign-induced pretext for the ’90s civil wars of Orthodox Serbs vs. Catholic Croats & Muslim Bosnians/ Kosovo Albanians. US/EU needed to breakup Yugoslavia pronto while Russia was at her weakest – and they succeeded admirably. Therefore, it is remarkable that Slovenia actually remained neutral through the ’90s war and it attests to the peaceful character and wisdom of the residents (of course it helps that geographically Slovenia is furthest removed from Serbia).

After the war ended and hot heads cooled down, those who retained reason and common sense began to question the war and resulting artificial separation. It’s much harder for Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia to come around in relation to each other, due to a deep-running resentment and mistrust. Kosovo situation is even worse: it is regarded in Serbia as an outright theft and humiliation. Of course, this division, resulting in lack of sovereignty and animosity was the end target of then US president Clinton and the globalist West.

The ‘divide and conquer’ worked in Yugoslavia’s case all too well. There is never such thing as one side exclusively being guilty of all sins. Since the ’90s, Serbia and Serbs were exclusively vilified, while the atrocities of Croats, Bosnians and Kosovo Albanians were ignored or whitewashed. Moreover, the barbaric NATO bombings of Serbia were presented as a great triumph of Western democracy against evil dictatorship.

The ultimate goal was to humiliate and suppress Serbia so it couldn’t continue being the heart of undesirable sovereignty in the middle of the EU. This goal was achieved. And here I have to tell you the truth, which will be hard for the Serbs to hear. The reason this goal was achieved so easily and so handily is because Serbs ALLOWED it to be achieved. By taking the foreign bait of inter-confessional conflict and civil war they opened an entry point for NATO to tear the country apart. If they were wiser and acted in such a way that would quell the conflict, the degree of the disaster we are observing today could have been diminished in big part.

As a stark contrast to that catastrophic mistake, let’s recall how Russia and Putin had handled the situation with the late ’90s – early 2000s Chechen war. Later in 2008, Russia wisely managed the situation with S.Ossetia/Georgia conflict. And the latest: how differently Russia and Putin are handling the situation in Ukraine! As you know, I predicted from the start of 2014 that Russia would never send troops to Ukraine and that Russia would, conversely, concentrate on peacefully remolding the situation, on turning it around carefully and slowly to de-escalate both regional conflict and WWIII potentiality. As we see, the situation has developed, and continues developing, exactly as predicted. (As always, read PREDICTIONS on top bar).

Therefore, the unwise actions of both sides in the ’90s Balkans conflict caused a rift from which it would take long to recover. However, those parts of Yugoslavia that don’t have much bad blood between themselves have started waking up.

We’ve seen the attempts to reach out to Russia and protest NATO and EU expansion in Macedonia and Montenegro – so far, squashed by the West.

I’ve noticed that for years Slovenia’s government and parliament quietly invited speakers and advisors who were anti-US/West establishment and steadily grew relations with Russia. As I said, Slovenia is the kind of country that will try to get along with everyone. They won’t fight and protest so much as they’ll try to quietly get where they want to be, while others are distracted by fighting. Kinda reminds me of how Zakarpatie (Transcarpathia) Rusins behave, who are presently under Kiev, but want to secede. Incidentally, both were for centuries under Austria-Hungary, so they learned to work quietly for fear of suppression.

Slovenia is the kind of country that is technically a part of EU and NATO, but at the same time it tries to develop and maintain a good relationship with Russia. This is a necessary job – we do desperately need the ‘bridge-countries’ that would help develop and keep connections between Russia and West, despite the destructive forces currently at work in the EU and West in general. Countries like Slovenia keep a small flame alive, protecting it from the raging hurricane and reminding those who would listen that there is another way. Slovenia tries to gently remind Europeans that if the continuing foreign-induced conflict between EU and Russia were to be replaced with cooperation, everyone would win. They aren’t the only ones. Austria tried to do the same, Czech president did as well, while being isolated by his own parliament and government, Hungarian PM Orban tried…

But as I wrote many times before, the crumbling US Empire simply cannot afford Russia and European countries working peacefully and cooperatively together. The artificially built new Iron Curtain is in the works, using the sell-out Poland, Romania and the Baltics, through NATO expansion and BMDS in Eastern Europe.

It’s the Grand Chess Game, however. Putin’s Slovenia visit is one of Russia’s counter-moves. Slovenia sees Russia getting stronger, while EU and US are busy with their own problems. Therefore, Slovenia can make a move of her own. It’s a small and meek move, but it’s an affirmation of a certain allegiance and a nod to the historic memory.

All in all, this is a very good start!

In addition, it’s important to remember that Russians routinely helped ‘brothers’ Slavs, including Slovenians, during several previous great wars. This includes liberating many of the Slavic and Orthodox ‘brothers’ in the Balkans and Eastern/Southern Europe from the Ottoman Empire yoke and helping them during WWI and WWII. The liberation list is very long and includes Czechia, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and all of Yugoslavia, including of course, Serbia and Slovenia. There indeed are many Russians who fell in the Balkans.

If there are readers from those parts, I invite them to share their experiences in the comments! TRUTH ONLY accepted!

On another note, Slovenia, as much of the former Yugoslavia, has magnificently beautiful nature, with pristine forests, mountains, some parts of ex-Yugoslavia also have a lovely sea shore. I hope it stays that way!


The Union of Southern Slavs & Russia

It is my strong opinion that the Yugoslavs (the word means ‘Southern Slavs’) need to unite in one country, based on mutually respectful, cooperative principles. They need to use wisdom and reason – not their pride and overinflated egos, while doing so. Failing that, they’ll always be a yo-yo in someone’s unscrupulous hands, ready to be manipulated on moment’s notice.

Uniting is the only way for them to re-gain sovereignty and to be strong enough to withstand foreign pressure and invasions. Incidentally, this South-Slavic/Balkan Union should include Bulgaria. The inclusion of Greece, plus possibly Cyprus (as non-Slavic, but Orthodox countries), is a long shot; but if that were to happen, it would be greatly beneficial for both Greece and all Yugoslavs.

This is what Serbia tried to do: create a union of Southern Slavs. However, for this union to be lasting, Serbs and others have to tuck away their egos and pride and work together for the greater good of all.

The weakness of the Balkans is that it doesn’t have a border with Russia. If it did, history, as we know it, would have been very different… WWI and Yugoslavia ’90s bombings may have never happened. The Russian Empire attempted to establish a friendly corridor to the Balkans via creating from scratch in the 19th century what was thought of back then as ‘friendly’ Romania, having liberated that area from the Ottomans. However, it didn’t take long for Romania to get seduced by the UK, turning it into a problem rather than part of the solution. Therefore, the larger the Union, the more stable it will be. When these little countries are apart they are easy pickings for predators.

If such union of Southern Slavs is created, it would serve as powerful ADDITIONAL counterweight to NWO/globalists, US and EU. It would become a great help for Russia’s global rebalancing efforts. By default, it would mean the strengthening of Russia.

Meanwhile, Russia would also be in much better position to help the Southern Slavic Union to defend itself and to develop its economy. For instance, South Stream pipeline project would be automatically revived as then the YugoSlavic Union, not EU or US, would be deciding whether it should go through Bulgaria or not.

Eventually, Eurasian Union can and should be expanded to include the Southern Slavic Union.

But this is exactly what globalists are afraid of and this is exactly why they want to keep Balkans broken up into small parts.

People can make a difference by uniting, setting aside their old grudges and creating a new reality. I’ve more than once seen my ideas and recommendations materialize into reality, after I voiced them out on FT or in Earth Shift Report.

LADA RAY REPORT: End of Olympics? Plot to Remove Russia from International Sports Revealed (reblog)

With the highly-politices Rio Olympics approaching, it is imperative to know what is happening around it, how it is used as a weapon against Russia and Blazil (BRICS). All this is covered in Lada Ray’s excellent extensive report

LADA RAY REPORT: End of Olympics? Plot to Remove Russia from International Sports Revealed

Below is the beginning of it:

Bad things happen when good people are silent – or indifferent!

Why should you pay close attention to what is happening in global sports and Olympics, even if you are indifferent to them? Because just like anywhere else, if you look the other way, they’ll sneak in NWO before you know it!

The modern Olympics movement was started in the end of 19th century by the French Pierre de Coubertin. Russia is presently rebalancing the severely tilted to the West world, which has become utterly imbalanced, with an unfair advantage assigned to the West, at the expense of the rest of the globe. It is fitting that an era of the West will end in the disbanding or slow dying of the Western initiative of the modern Olympics.


includes some damning evidence, Lada’s bold predictions & recommendations:

-A summary of facts in the anti-Russia hybrid war in sports
– NTV bomb from the horse’s mouth: proof of US/EU/WADA/USADA/IAAF collusion
– Lada’s complete geopolitical Earth Shift analysis: real reasons for the Russian Rio ban
– Lada’s recommendation: what steps Russia should take to reformat the corrupt global sport & Olympics

Russian team ban from Rio Olympics

Russia lost it’s Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) appeal on Thursday, 7/21, against an Olympic ban on its track-and-field athletes. Russians were holding their breath for the decision, still hoping for some justice from the ‘democratic’ European court. The court located in Switzerland, had some wishy-washy closing words to say: on one hand the appeal cannot be granted because the IAAF (Intl Athletic Federation) ruling is within its rules; on the other hand – how strange that IAAF and WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) waited till June to come out with allegations and issue the ban, thus leaving no time for ‘clean’ athletes to appeal before the start of Rio Olympics on August 5, 2016. The ban was upheld, nevertheless.

But it gets worse: Russia faces a potential blanket Rio 2016 ban after losing appeal against IAAF ruling on track-and-field athletes. The total number of the Russian athletes who were supposed to participate in Rio was 400 before the ban.

The entire Russian track-and-field team, except 1 – about 68 athletes in total – were banned from Rio Olympics participation, including many who never failed a drug test in their life. Why did they single out one random athlete to allow her participation in Rio? Because this one single person is chosen to put a rift within the team and underscore further just ‘how corrupt the entire team is.’

WADA/IAAF/US also tried to seduce some of the athletes to participate in Rio not under the Russian flag, but under a neutral IOC banner, basically denouncing their country. This was a clear provocation designed to create suspicion and rift within Russian society and sports community. There were no takers among track-and-field team. I guarantee if there were any takers, such athletes would have been immediately allowed to compete in Rio.

It has to be mentioned that for most athletes being at the games is a once in a lifetime opportunity and the psychological trauma of being denied that chance can break one’s life. Therefore, giving them a choice to participate at the expense of betraying their country constitutes an especially exquisite torture.

This ban includes 2-time Olympic and 7-time world champion, multiple-time world-record holder Yelena Isinbayeva. Isinbayeva, named more than once World Athlete of the Year and widely known to never take any drugs, recently came back from maternity leave in order to train hard for participation in her last Olympics. Isinbayeva is one of the best known names in the contemporary sport and she was the spokesperson for the Russian team during the CAS appeal.

Yelena Isinbayeva has been very outspoken about the injustice of the IAAF/WADA decision, and the attack on Russian athletes based on political motives. It is interesting that most world’s national athletic federations have been silent about the decision, while the retired athletes and sports bureaucrats internationally spoke out against it.

Meanwhile, it has been announced that ten countries demanded Russian blanket ban, among these: USA, Canada, UK, Switzerland and Germany. A British competitor of Yelena Isinbayeva said that she (Isinbayeva) ‘doesn’t deserve justice because she is a heterosexual (aka, not gay!), and Putin supporter(!).’ Just imagine how much her competitors have hated her coming back after childbirth and how much they are afraid of her!


I strongly urge everyone, who is indefferent to the direction our world is heading to read the full report here: LADA RAY REPORT: End of Olympics? Plot to Remove Russia from International Sports Revealed

How Malorossia Was Turned into the Patch-quilt of Discord that is “Ukraine”

Lands that are presently collectively known under the name of “Ukraine” had a turbulent history, especially in the last 300 or so years. In this post I want to take a look at a few maps, and present some short historical information, pertaining the term “Ukraine” and how it came to be. I will finish this post with some quite obvious genetic discoveries.

Let us first start with the following 4 maps, and explanation to them, coming strait out of Lada Ray’s excellent Earth Shift Report 2. Ukraine: Truth, Lies & Future Hope. It is a highly recommended, well-researched for-donation report of a size of a small book, for everyone who want to learn what is going on in Ukraine behind the scenes, its history and what lies ahead.


This map shows how the size of Ukraine changed through history. NOTE! What is shown here in yellow as ‘Ukraine in 1654’ was in fact the territory of the Zaporozhie Cossacks (Zaporozhskie Kazaki). There was no country or territory called Ukraine before Lenin and Bolsheviks created the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the USSR.


This map shows one of the ideas of how the division of Ukraine should happen by oblast, if it was done in 2014, before civil war began. It shows one big DNR consisting of Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhie, Kherson and Kharkov. For some reason it omits Dnepropetrovsk, which should be within this affinity, but that probably didn’t happen since at the time Kolomoysky was at the helm in Dnepropetrovsk . The center, incl Kiev, remains under Ukraine flag, western Ukraine’s 5 oblasts are obviously under nazi flag. Zakarpatie (Transcarpathia) with Rusins (ruthenians) has its own republic with a flag resembling Russian. Red/white/gold Odessa flag with anchor on it unites Odessa and Nikolaev oblasts (I’d add Kherson and certainly Pridnestrovie, plus possibly Gagauzia – part of Moldova). This kind of voluntary peaceful divorce could have happened if we were dealing with mature people and if Ukraine was a sovereign state, not under foreign occupation.

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Bird’s Eye Perspective on the Russian Federation

I get a feeling that many people, with whom I talk about Russia, have a perception about it as a large monolithic blob of unknown somewhere in the East. And as we know, everything that is unknown, becomes feared and distrusted. This perception is formed by the Western MSM, which seldom mentions Russia, and when it does, only the negative angle is allowed to reach the audience. This is very well put in Lada Ray’s article Desperate for Up-To-Date Truth About Ukraine and Novorossia?.
In this regard, it is an interesting exercise just to fire up Google Earth and take a bird’s eye view of the Russian Federation:

Russian Federation

And the first thing one notices is that, yes, it is a Federation. Notice all the territories, the Federal Subjects, that comprise the Russian Federation. They all have a large degree of autonomy, with their own regional laws, that take into account the specifics of the nationalities that populate them, most of them have one or more national languages, besides Russian – like Crimean Republic, which has Ukrainian and Tatar as official languages. And they all have a common desire for peaceful existence and prosperity. And Russia, just like about any other country, only as strong as it stands united

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Ukrainians are taught that dying for the US interests is their purpose

American instructors are hard at work turning Ukrainians into brainwashed killing machines. A video below show ones such example.

Some of the recipients of the motivational speeches from these advisors are former convicts, formed into multiple so-called Territorial Defence Battalions or, politely-called “#police battalions”, but are in effect punishers, who have been documented molesting and killing local population that disagrees with the Nazi rule imposed on them, just like it happened durig the German NAzi occupation of these same territories in the 1940s.

Lada Ray analyses the video and highlights some of the unsettling aspects both with it and with the situation in Ukraine in her article Damning Evidence: “No Feelings.” How US Advisors Teach Ukrainians to Be Killing Machines!. The beginning of the article and the video are presented below, and I strongly advise my readers to follow the link above and read the article in full.

The damning video below shows a training session in Kiev, Ukraine, for the Ukraine army/national guard soldiers. This American, who explains that he used to work in the US, rehabilitating the worst drug addicts and axe murderers, says he ‘believes’ in people. “No feelings in war,” he repeats like a mantra. This is brainwashing at its best, as many of us have suspected all along. It has been suspected for the longest time that Americans are using all kinds of open brainwashing and MK ultra techniques on Ukrainians, and no doubt, on other Eastern Europeans. Finally, the evidence is coming out!

“Your senses have to be fully alert, but no feelings and emotions” (yes, god forbid you feel sorry or remorseful for the children you’ve killed in Donbass). This is a nazi killing machine preparation protocol in action!

The whole thing is in English, plus the translator is providing Russian translation. In the background, you can see the poster reading: “Believing in yourself, believing in Ukraine.” A very American poster, I must say, as no one talks like that in Ukraine!

The poster is also in Russian, not Ukrainian, which proves another thing a lot of Russian analysts have been pointing out: US is bent on creating ANTI-RUSSIA in Ukraine, using Russians and Russian-speakers living in Ukraine. The Gallup Poll of 2007 indirectly confirmed that over 80% of Ukrainians consider Russian their native language, not Ukrainian, despite many years of brainwashing. If they couldn’t do it through schools and media, they decided to create the anti-Russia, using Russians.

Shedding light on the real history of Ukraine

The history of Ukraine has been muddied over the recent years, especially with the release of modified school books for Ukrainians and the accentuation of the agenda “Ukraine is not Russia”. The new school books teach that Julius Caesar and Homer are Ukrainians, that Ukrainian is a separate ethnos and other such nonsense.

I urge the reader to study the following articles, coming from two authors, who bring back the historical truth and make the current events in Ukraine to start making sense.

FREE Earth Shift Report 2: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History

Ukraine – The US Vote at the UN is Holocaust Denial – Here’s Why

Ukraine | Why Bandera Have the Largest Geo-Political Voice in EU