The terrorist state of Ukraine with its US-NATO sponsors seeking to create a nuclar disaster by attacking the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant

Over the past few days the terrorist state of Ukraine with full appoval from its US-NATO sponsors have been repeatedly shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe – the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant (NPP). If one keeps in mind hoe Zelensky boasted about the creation of a dirty nuclear bomb – which is one of the reasons Russia had to start the special military operation – it is not surprising that Russia was from the first days trying to keep the monkey away from the nuclear grenade. It did not help that what Russian specialists found at Zporozhie NPP was quite alarming – a certain amount of unregistered nuclear waste, which did not exist according to the papers and thus could have been used by Ukraine to create the aforementioned dirty bomb.

The reason I am writing this post is to translate a couple of Telegram articles from the journalist channel Rybar, and as a response to a conversation with Igor on a post on Lada Ray’s channel:

The idea of closing down Zaporozhie NPP has been aired in the comments, and by many other people. The following two posts first outline the problem and the danger presented to the Zaporozhie NPP from the acts of terrorism – the Ukrainian shelling, and then also addresses the question of closing down of the NPP, or, rather, why it should not be done. The original posts are linked below the translations.

Zaporizhia NPP, the “second Chernobyl” and innocent Ukraine

Due to the shelling of Europe’s largest Zaporozhye NPP, panic reigns in the world media: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (sic!) want to arrange for a nuclear catastrophe and do not allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to save the world. The fact that the strikes are inflicted by the Ukrainian side does not bother anyone.

The @rybar team decided to conduct an analysis and explain whether a new catastrophe is in store for the world, who is to blame and why what is happening is happening.

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Symbolic: Joining NATO Is an Act against Peace in the World

I’ve written about the Finnish aspirations to become the future battlefield for the NATO’s war on Russia, and what consequences it will have for Finland economically.

What I just saw on the wire bears a very symbolic meaning: Joining NATO is a definitive act against Peace in the World. Finland just demonstrated this with their actions by dismantling the monument “Peace in the World” that USSR gifted Finland in 1990, following the fall of the Berlin wall, at about the same time when NATO promised to Gorbachev not to move East by a single inch.

The post above contains video of the dismantling of the Peace in the World:

The Helsinki authorities dismantled the monument “Peace in the World” presented to Finland by the Soviet Union.

This was reported by YLE TV company.

The six-meter sculpture was installed in January 1990. The monument depicts people from different continents holding a globe decorated with leaves.

Officially, the Helsinki authorities do not name the reasons for the dismantling of the Soviet sculpture.

I guess they’re just against peace in the world🤷‍♀️

Ukraine continues with terrorist attacks and war crimes to the silent approval of the West

In the past days the Ukro-nazis conducted several terrorist attacks and war crimes.

First, just as the Azov Nazi battalion POWs just started talking, realising that the premised “extraction” from Ukraine was not coming, the Ukrainian military stuck the prison facilities where those POWs were held in the town of Elenovka. Ukrainians did a similar attempt previously, just after the Azov militants exited the Azovstal plant, but back then the strike came from a high-dispersal rocket launcher, and the damage was minimal – as far as I remember no one died. This time, Ukrainians got the American HIMARS systems, sporting accurate GPS-guided firing, and they hit the detention centre once again, killing almost half of the inmates, depriving Russia of the valuable witnesses for the prosecution, and then, customary, shifting the blame on Russia, though Russia has nothing to gain and everything to lose from the extrajudicial death of those Azovites.

Ukraine is acting as a serial killer, which has gone unpunished for one, two, tree murders, and is now feeling invincible, killing with impunity, right left and centre. And the regimes in Washington, London, and Brussels are acting as guarantors for the unpunished war crimes of Ukraine, making it feel like that serial killer. Moreover, the West is shipping more and more weapons to the serial killer, hoping to see more blood.

And so this post is about two other, much more heinous war crimes of the Fourth Reich, aka. Ukraine, again going largely unnoticed in the West.

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The British government imposes sanctions on own citizen – Graham Phillips – for giving the people of Donbass a voice

There was a great British novelist and humanist for whom I have great respect, Terri Pratchett, who in his work “The Wee Free Men” put these important words in the mouth of one of his heroines:

“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

― Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

Graham Phillips, a British independent journalist for whom I have a great respect as well, has done just that ever since the ukro-Nazi regime in Kiev took power though the Western-backed coup in 2014 and started oppressing and conducting the genocide against the Russian population of the eastern Ukraine. Graham gave the voice to the people of Donbass, which the Western Main stream Media denied them by first pretending for 8 years that the conflict was not happening and that Kiev was not shelling the people of Donbass on a daily basis

And in 2022 he he once again gave the Western audience a glimpse into the life and hopes of people of the now-former Eastern Ukraine as it became liberated from the Nazi occupation, seeing as the Western MSM went on a complete perversion of truth, and blocking any access to the views of the locals that could have been told by the outlets like RT and Sputnik News. Now he also helps organise and distribute the humanitarian aid among the population of Donbass, who were left in dire straits following the “scorched earth” retreat technique applied by the Ukrainian Army under the NATO tutelage.

For this, on the 26th of July 2022, the British government placed sanctions on the British journalist and froze (stole) all his assets at home without any due legal process. It bears reminding that the German government did a similar thing against the German independent journalist in Donbass, Alina Lipp. Below are two Telegram posts, one linking to an article in The Telegraph, and the other is Graham’s response to the news, of which he learned from his subscribers – the government did not official inform him of this extrajudicial decision!

Russian FM Sergej Lavrov’s Article “On dramatizations as a method of Western politics”

I have written a few times previously on how the fake flags and false flags are constantly being staged by the West. Ad even now, former Ukraine is sending drones of both attack and kamikaze types at the Zaporozhije nuclear power plant (the largest in Europe, so a nuclear disaster there will make Chernbyl look like child’s play) in the hopes of blowing it up (never mind the fall-out – literally – in the former Ukraine itself and Europe) only in the hopes of blaming Russia for the disaster. The West has already laid the groundwork for this nuclear false flag through the publications in the MSM.

Yesterday I came across an article written by the Russian Foreign Minister Segrej Lavrov for newspaper “Izvestija”, which really accentuates this particular Western mindset and it is finally said by the top Russian diplomat, taking the diplomatic gloves off.

I first saw a shortened highlights-only version of it on Yandex Zen, and then found the article proper on the site of “Izvestija”. I decided to translate the complete and unabridged article, as no one cane say it better, than Mr. Lavrov himself.

On dramatizations as a method of Western politics

Today, the Russian Armed Forces and the DPR and LPR militias are confidently solving tasks within the framework of the special military operation (SMO), seeking to end blatant discrimination and genocide of Russians and eliminate direct threats to the security of the Russian Federation created by the United States and its satellites on the territory of Ukraine for years. Losing on the battlefield, the Ukrainian regime and its Western patrons do not disdain to stage dramatizations “with blood” in order to demonize our country in the international public opinion. There have already been Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk, Kremenchuk. The Russian Ministry of Defence regularly warns about the preparations of new staged incidents with facts in hand.

Provocative dramatizations performed by the West and its minions have a recognizable handwriting. And they did not start with Ukraine, but much earlier.

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A short look at the short history of Kazahstan through the lens of a 1922 map

The result of sitting on two chairs with one side of your backside on each chair is well-known, especially when the chairs are steadily moving apart.

Yanukovich barely made it alive in 2014, while Ukraine became engulfed by the Brown Plague which tormented the South-East of the country for long 8 years, before Russia was forced to put an end to it.

Lukashenko waited until a Polish-Ukrainian attempt at a colour revolution was staged in Belorussia, but stood his ground with massive Russian help. He drew the right conclusions about who’s Belorussia’s real friend. Thankfully.

Tokaev faced a colour revolution in Kazahstan and only with the collective help of Russia and the ODKB military block did Kazahstan avoid being plunged into a civil war. One can listen to it in greater detail in Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Report 9: ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN. WHO DESTABILIZES EURASIAN UNION?. But it does not seem that he drew any conclusions from that and continues the dual-chair-sitting act. Newly, he tried to please the US/NATO-West by imposing sanctions on Russia in a round-about way, while trying to make it look like he doesn’t. As the result came a mild warning, and the oil export from Kazahstan was suspended “for technical reasons” through the Caspian Sea. (There is a real technical reason for suspension, but the Russian authorities did not look too closely at it before Kazahstan started making destabilising moves in the Southern underbelly of Russia.)

Before the start of the Special Military Operation to free Ukraine from the Brown Plague, President Putin said in his address to the nation – and the World at large – that there are countries that have their statehood and territories thanks to the presents from Russia. It did not apply just to Ukraine, but it seems not all had ears to listen. Even Ukraine can sport a history that is about 60 years longer than that of Kazahstan…

I came across a map from the textbook “History of the USSR” published in 1971, depicting a map of the foundation of the USSR in 1922 and the emergence of the Central-Asian Republics in 1924-1925. I remember this map well, having had a similar textbook in my schooldays.

USSR 1922
(Click on the map to enlarge)

Let me give a short translation of some parts of the map above:

The big map is the formation of the USSR on the 30th of December 1922, where Russian SFSR was established on the 7th of December 1917, Ukrainian SSR on the 25th of December 1917 with the capital in Harkov. Orange is the tiny Belorussian SSR (01.01.1919) founded on the remains of the Minsk Governorship of the Russian Empire. Between the Black Sea and the Caspian is the Trans-Caucasian Socialist Federative Republic, founded on the 12th of March 1922.

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The Slow Flow of the Special Military Operation Explained

Some time ago Lada Ray made an excellent audio report on the reason of the slow flow of the military operation:

And a couple of days ago I saw that Russel Bentley posted a series of posts on his Telegram channel that explain well the reason for the slow progress of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine (and also why it is a SMO, and not a War). By the looks of it, the English text is a translation from Russian. I am reposting the text here in full and unaltered.


Why so slow?

The liberation of Donbass is not going as fast as we would like. And probably it seems especially slow to those who are waiting for it the most. Unbearably slow.

One of the reasons for the low speed of advance is the numerical superiority of the enemy and the well-fortified positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which were built over 8 years.

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Potential False Flag alerts – Ukraine prepares false flags: Scorched earth in Avdeevka and “chemical attack” in Odessa

The best false flag is the one that does not materialise due to a preliminary world-wide exposure of its preparation. Kiev, using both NATO and Nazi handbooks is constantly seeking to set up false flags, but luckily the majority of them are exposed ast the preparation stage. The latest two that came into the spotlight yesterday are centred around the city of Avdeevka, which the Ukrainian forces are preparing to abandon, and around Odessa, which is the next strategically important direction for the denazification of the former Ukraine.

UPDATE 02.07.2022: Russian MoD issued yesterday another warning for Odessa that a “White Helmet”-like fake flag is about to be staged. And today something happened on a children’s resort centre, owned by Moldavia… Coincidence?

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“Amstor” shopping center fire – exposing a Ukrainian fake flag

A few days ago I wrote an article, differentiating false flags from fake flags: Warning: a “fake flag” was allegedly prepared by Ukraine in Nikolaev. Yesterday we had a textbook example of a fake flag in Ukraine in the form of a fire at the “Amstor” commercial centre. Zelensky immediately accused Russia of bombing a civilian target with 1000 shoppers inside. His words were dutifully parroted by BBC, which also showed some footage from the site.

Several visual facts immediately lead to questions: If there are 1000 shoppers inside, why is the parking lot in front of the mall empty, save for a couple of civilian cars, fire truck and some military personell? Where are all the victims, their relatives, ambulances? Where is the damage from an explosion – only a typical fire was shown? And as if this was not enough, people started digging up some interesting facts from Google.

First, a German reader in a comment to this post on Russell Bentley’s Telegram channel pointed out that the center is marked as “Permanently closed” by Google

Then AzMilitary1 Telegram channel posted a number of photos and also discovered that France 24 and The Guardian stuffed the news about the bombing into Google 24 hours prior to the event!

Then on Z News Telegram channel in a comment to this post a reader showed that Google suddenly updated the status of the mall from “Permanently closed” to “Open”. A single review was also deleted – one that told that the mall was closed 4 months ago. It is also so that the flow of Google reviews of the mall stopped the same 4 month ago. The comments under that post continue to discuss the possibility of a deliberate arson of the defunct mall as the real target – a military warehouse is some distance away.

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Lithuanian Blockade of Kaliningrad – the suicidal move by a limitrophe to please its master

Lithuania has newly stopped the transit of the Russian trains and trucks to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, thus playing a dangerous game on the behest of its master, the USA. The thing is, the ratification of Lithuania’s eastern border and it ascension into EU is directly couple with a written guarantee of unimpeded transit of the goods to the Russian territory from the mainland Russia. This is just one of several jabs that the US-NATO are trying to make to distract Russia from the denazification of Ukraine and trying to stoke the flames of a regional conflict that bears the characteristics of a civil war into a pan-European or even global war. the other prods come from Finland with it militaristic rhetoric and the militarisation of the Finnish-Russian border; the blockade of good transport to the Russian settlement on Svalbard/Spitsbergen by Norway; the threat of Poland annexing Western Ukraine; and the threat of Romania annexing Moldavia and re-igniting the Pridnestrovie/Transnistria conflict. In any case, Russia will not be distracted, as reacting to those jabs would mean accepting the agenda of the enemy and losing the initiative. As the old military and strategic game adage goes: never do what you opponent wants and expects you to do.

But back to the little Lithuania, one of the three self-proclaimed “Baltic tigers”. Below I want to present translations of two articles that look at the issue from slightly different angles – a historical and a geopolitical one.

The first article appeared on Yandex Zen on May the 12th and is called “The last drop of patience and… de-pugification of Lithuania”. It refers to the famous fable by Krylov of “Mos’ka” (a pug or a mongrel) and an elefant, where the tiny dog barks loudly as the elephant is walking along the streets, and people around are saying, look, that tiny dog must be incredibly powerful that it dares to bark at an elephant. The Russian transliteration of “Demos’kofikazia” is also a play on words alluding to the ongoing denazification of Ukraine, yet denying Lithuania event that pleasure. The article has a historical and an opinion parts.

The last drop of patience and… de-pugification of Lithuania

(The Scrat-like creature over Lithuania holds a banner “We’ll stop Russian aggression!”, while the perplexed Russian Bear is reading a book with the title “Curing acute mental illnesses”)

The stunning news of the holidays is that the Lithuanian Seimas unanimously recognized Russia as a terrorist state. From the rhetoric of Russophobia, which no one is paying attention to… the Lithuanians have moved on to the first official document, according to all the canons of diplomacy, which is an act of direct aggression against Russia. You can justify yourself as much as you like, they say… this is just a parliament, the case will not get a legal move in the European Union and the Lithuanian government.

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“As a result of the joint war against Russia, the European Union has rallied as never before” (Adolf Hitler. June 30, 1941)

Commemorating June the 22nd 1941, when Germany with its European allies – official and otherwise – invaded the USSR. Yesterday I reposted Lada Ray’s Open letter: Lada Ray Repost: IMAGINE… AND WAKE UP! An Open Letter by LADA RAY to all English-speaking people. That open letter, while powerful in itself, serves also as a foundation to understanding of the article that I am about to translate now, an article pointing out some very uncomfortable truths for Europe, so of which the USSR prefererd not to remind Europe about, letting it to start from clean slate. Whatch also the documentary, which I translated several years ago: The Great Unknown War. A must-see documentary about the WWII prelude. By Andrei Medvedev.

The article was written by Sergey Vasiliev and published on Cont yesterday.

“As a result of the joint war against Russia, the European Union has rallied as never before” (Adolf Hitler. June 30, 1941)

Sergey Vasiliev
22.06.2022 10:08

The Finnish poster “Road to Freedom” from the 22nd of June 1941, depicting the whole future EU baring its teeth on the USSR.

The title of the article is a quote. These are Hitler’s words, spoken on June 30, 1941. Recorded by Franz Halder. An amazing hit, isn’t it?

Looking at the contented, well-fed, and most importantly – never repenting faces of the captured Nazis of Azov, shuddering at the sight of the Russian cities of Donbass being shot from NATO guns, turning away from the monitor screen when viewing the mockery of the “them-Europeans” (translator note: the reference to Ukrainians after the slogan “Ukraina ce Evropa” – “Ukraine is Europe”) over prisoners and civilians, you suddenly realize that you have already seen it all before.

We, the generation born in the 60s, read in textbooks and books, watched in newsreels and Soviet feature films. We knew all this so well, as if the War ended just yesterday, in the early 80s, when we graduated from schools and universities. “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!” – we repeated it at school lessons of courage, at the meetings with living veterans and at the monuments to the fallen. “This must not happen again!” – sounded from TV screens and tribunes, starting from the most modest rural recreation center and to the presidium of the Party Congresses.

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Lada Ray Repost: IMAGINE… AND WAKE UP! An Open Letter by LADA RAY to all English-speaking people

Commemorating the 22nd of June 1941, I am reposting Lada Ray’s powerful open letter and a call to remembrance. Indeed, the game of assigning blame is ever so much on in the West, as I wrote only a few days ago: A case study of projection and blame-shifting. But as long as the Truth is remembered, the world has a chance of surviving…

I fully agree with Lada that at times the urge to give up and throw the towel just creeps in. At these times it is actually the words of a British writer that come to mind. The writer who departed from this world all too early and who shone the torch of truth through satire. I am thinking of Terry Pratchett, and the quote here comes from a novel for young readers “The Wee Free Men”:

Them as can do has to do for them as can’t. And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.

An Open Letter by LADA RAY to all English-speaking people






Still, I decided to write it, because there are a few who do hear and pay attention! Who do care about the truth and who calibrate high enough to see the world for what it is!


I was first inspired to write this essay as a follow-up to Stanislav’s How They Broke Through Prohibitions of Everything in Germany! and mine VICTORY DAY 2022 mega-EVENT! Those Who Never Learn from History… and How Banned Becomes LARGER THAN LIFE!

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Warning: a “fake flag” was allegedly prepared by Ukraine in Nikolaev

First let me clarify the title. Everyone knows about the “false flags” – it is when someone performs a lethal attack on their own to blame it on the other side. Case in point – Bucha, where Ukrainian “forces” spent two days killing the pro-Russian people and setting up the stage for the “Wester indignation over Russian atrocities”.

Then there are outright fakes – staged footage or simple hear-say, which gets disproved pretty quickly, but leaves a scar of mistrust. For example, Gonzalo Lira exposed fakes from James Vasquez, but it was deleted by YT (or, maybe the Ukrainian KGB – SBU). “Untold Truths” has a mirror below:

And finally, there is something that I called for a “fake flag”. It’s like a mix of the two above, a staged performance with limited to no casualties, but aimed at igniting the “indignation of the ‘civilized’ West”.

Incidentally, the White Helmets terrorists did all three things in Syria, which is not surprising, given that both the White Helmets before and the Ukrainians now are tutored and controlled fromt the same centres. The “chemical attack” video shoot is the most exposed example of the White Helmets’ “fake flag”.

Back on June the 3rd the Russian Ministry of defence posted the following Telegram post with two videos of the “behind the scenes” of the British/Ukrainian filming effort that was leaked:

Against the backdrop of Kiev’s political catastrophe in Mariupol and military failures in Donbass, the Kiev regime, with British financial support, has organised the production of “morale raise” videos for Western and Ukrainian audiences.

▫️In particular, on May 28, staged video was filmed near Meshkovka, Nikolaev Region, of the alleged “high efficiency” of the use of Western weaponry by Ukrainian nationalists.

▫️To add more drama to the future film, at the insistence of British supervisors, a re-enactment of never-existing battle between Ukrainian Nazis and outnumbered “Russian soldiers” was created on the set.

▫️The roles of “opponents” of the Ukrainian Nazis in the staged short film were performed by members of the local territorial defence unit wearing red armbands.

▫️In the absence of trophy Russian equipment, the mock enemy appears in the frame using Ukrainian APCs and armoured vehicles.

▫️The next video shoot is scheduled for June 5 and 6.

And now to the warning. On June the 18th they published the post with the following message (quoting for those, without Telegram). What it describes is the quintessence of a “fake flag”!

⚠️ According to reliable information, it has been established that Ukrainian special services in Nikolaev have organized the preparation of video clips of allegedly destroyed private households and local residents left homeless as a result of shelling by the Russian Armed Forces.

▫️More than 40 actors were involved in the staged video filming and all participants were paid cash reward of $25.

▫️In the future, the staged footage will be distributed in the Ukrainian and Western media, accusing the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate strikes against civilian targets.

▫️Once again we emphasise to the entire international community that such fakes, cultivated by the Ukrainian “lie factory” at the order of Western curators, do not contain reliable and objective information.

❗️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation treat civilians extremely humanely and do not strike at civilian infrastructure.

➡️ More

A case study of projection and blame-shifting

Wester media and Ukrainian propaganda have two things in common – a rampant trend of projection and blame-shifting, and the fact that both take their marching orders from the same origin.

An earlier article worth reading in this context is Russian FM Sergej Lavrov’s Article “On dramatizations as a method of Western politics”.

Exhibit A:

This exhibit was reposted on

Bloomberg: Gas Rationing Is Getting Closer for Europe

The region is on high alert after Russia made its biggest moves yet to use energy as a weapon.

Throughout the entire Cold War and in the decades since, Russia was a stable supplier of gas to Europe. That changed this week.

Russia slashed gas supplies in apparent retaliation over Europe’s support for Kyiv. After its biggest moves yet to use energy as a weapon, gas rationing in the region is now a very real prospect.

The squeeze caused prices to surge, added pressure to the region’s economy and could strain European solidarity — all victories for the Kremlin that came as European leaders underlined support for Ukraine during a high-profile trip to the country.

With European utilities forced to tap reserves intended to cover needs for the winter, government controls of gas distribution could start within months. If Russia completely shuts its main link, the region could run out of supplies by January, according consultant Wood Mackenzie Ltd

This is the customary shifting of the blame onto Russia. The reality that the Western business knows of, but which the regular people have little to no idea about is far different. But articles, like the Bloomerg’s above, aim to leave the people with the feeling that it is Russia that is responsible for their freezing the coming winter and the increasing utility bills.

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Ukraine sets a new anti-record in shelling of the civilians. War crime caught on camera.

Ukrainian “army” was very desperate at drawing the Russian troops away from Severodonetsk and wanting them to instead start a frontal assault on the well-fortified Avdeevka, where the Ukrainian troops have dug in using the civilians as the human shield. These were the reasons for the indiscriminate terrorist shelling of the residential areas of Donetsk city of the past days. A few days ago Ukraine set an 8-year record in shelling of the civilians: 13.06.2022 – The most brutal shelling of Donetsk city over the past 8 years. Now with French munitions, but yesterday, they beat it and shelled with an even greater ferociousness.

400 shells were fired at the city. 5 people were killed. over 20 wounded.

The Russian Air Force finally obliged the Ukrainian wish and returned fire, but using high-precision rockets, striking 12 firing position. As the result, 4 platoons of the “Grad” Multiple Rocket Launcher Systems and 4 platoons of the American-supplied M777 155mm howitzers were destroyed.

One attack by the Ukrainian terrorists on University street in Donetsk was captured on a security camera, and by the looks of it, it was a cluster bomb with exploding sub-munitions – this is a war crime, as such munitions are forbidden against targets where civilians might be found.

Graham Phillips drove through Donetsk as the shelling commenced. A video where one can see the destruction, a bloodied car. Towards the end of the video Graham evacuates two scared women:

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