Italy jumps on the bandwagon of the Golodomor myth. Maria Zaharova’s comment.

The «Golodomor» myth (intentionally misspelled in the West as «Holodomor», more on that in a later post that dispels the myth) has gripped Europe, engulfed in the fervent russophobia. Italy is the latest to jump on the bandwagon of this hoax.

As it is asked in the expanded comment by Maria Zaharova of the Russian Foreign Ministry, what about those who were starving in those lean years in the Volga basin area. The term «golodajushie Povolzhja» – «the starting of the Volga basin» has become an idiomic part of the Russian language to describe someone in dire need for help.

And the famine of those years engulfed all of the Southern and Eastern Russia. In my own family, my grandmother’s grandmother died of hunger at that time. The catch: that branch of my family lived in the Altai Krai of Russia, that is, in Sibera.

Comment by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, M.V.Zaharova, in connection with the recognition by the Italian Senate of the “Holodomor” as a genocide of the Ukrainian people

On July 26, the Senate of the Italian Republic adopted a resolution recognizing the so-called Holodomor as a “genocide of the Ukrainian people.” Earlier, a similar document was approved by the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the start of a special military operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

We regard this anti-Russian step as another evidence of the short-sighted policy of official Rome aimed at encouraging the most unbridled Russophobic manifestations actively promoted by the Kiev authorities and their patrons.

At the same time, Rome does not take into account the millions of people who became victims of the famine of 1932-1933 in the Russian Volga region. We invite Italian citizens to ask their government: is such disregard of facts caused by ignorance of world history or is there an undisguised segregation of people on a national basis?

It is quite obvious that the continuation of the line on the “Ukrainization” of the Italian political class and society, expressed, among other things, in the thoughtless execution of the increasingly brazen and unceremonious demands of the Nazi Kiev regime, may lead in the not so distant future to the adoption by the Italian Parliament of resolutions on perpetuating the memory of the anti-Semite S. Petliura or the Nazi collaborator S. Bandera.

Such decisions of the Italian legislators, who in this case did not show any depth of analysis of historical events, nor political foresight and wisdom, certainly make the prospects for normalization of Russian-Italian relations more distant.

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Stalin’s Address to the Nation on the 3rd of July 1941 – The manuscript published for the first time. The complete text of the speech is included.

In the historical work “2 Years”, the Danish underground resistance publication in the German occupied Denmark that we recently published in this blog, we took a special note on page 6 of how rumours were spreading in the West, grounded in the silence from Stalin, and how they abruptly vanished once the historical speech was held on the 3rd of July 1941. There we reproduced a fragment of the speech. Now, thanks to the translated RIA Novosti publication (a news agency which is, incidentally censored in the freedom-of-speech-loving West), we can take a closer look at how that speech came to be.

The manuscript of Stalin’s appeal in connection with the beginning of the Second World War was published for the first time

03.07.2023 © RIA Novosti

The Presidential Library has published the manuscript of Stalin’s address in connection with the outbreak of the War

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Archive photo

MOSCOW, July 3 – RIA Novosti. 82 years ago Joseph Stalin planned to begin the appeal to the Soviet people in connection with the Great Patriotic War strictly officially, confining himself to the word “comrades”, while the famous words “brothers and sisters”, “I am addressing you, my friends” did not sound according to the original handwritten text of the speech – this follows from its photocopy, published for the first time on the website of the Presidential Library.

According to historians, Stalin’s speech to the citizens of the USSR on the radio on the 3rd of July 1941 played an important role in the mobilization of the population in the initial period of the war. The text of the speech was prepared in an extremely short time span, and at a critical moment for the Soviet state: the situation at the front was catastrophic, on the 28th of June, Soviet troops left Minsk. On the 30th of June, at Stalin’s residence at the “Near Dacha” in Kuntsevo, a decision was made to create the State Defence Committee, which concentrated the full power in the country in its hands.

The text of the speech of the head of state with an appeal to the people in connection with the outbreak of war was compiled in the first days of July. The text, dictated by Stalin, was written down by his assistant Alexander Poskrebyshev using a simple pencil. Stalin also made edits and additions with just a pencil.

The radio broadcast was conducted directly from the Kremlin. At 6 a.m. on the 3rd of July 1941, the announcer of the All-Union Radio, Yuri Levitan, announced Stalin’s upcoming speech, after which he held the speech.

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9 Years Since Ukraine Shot Down MH-17. With Vasily Prozorov’s Remarks

Ever since MH-17 was shot down by Ukraine on the 17.07.2014, flying in the direction of Donbass, over a war zone, controlled from the Dnepropetrovsk control tower, with the air traffic controller disappearing into thin air after he instructed MH-17 to descend toa lower altitude; with the fighter pilot Voloshin first making an armed sortie, then getting a “Hero of Ukraine”, and then committing suicide; since Ukraine was made part of the investigation much like if a rapist is made a part of an inquiry into a rape case; after the kangaroo court of Netherlands, when all inconvenient evidence provided by Russia was simply ignored.

Ever since that time I return to the topic of the MH-17 shoot-down on the pages of this blog – all the past posts having the MH-17 tag – and knowing that Russia will not forget this case and will ultimately bring the guilty to justice. Maybe next year, on the 10th anniversary?

As Olga so poignantly wrote on the Putinger’s Chat Telegram channel chat:

Today is another date.
Which for some reason was not remembered by Ukrainian channels. I didn’t see it, maybe it was somewhere. But I have not seen any mention in the foreign press.

This picture was painted by the Dutch artist Emily Rose. Dedicated to the plane crash with the Boeing MH17. Why is memory so short, fellow Europeans?

Then the bodies didn’t even have time to cool down there – “Russians are killers”, “Putin is the killer”.
There was simply nothing known at all.
The plane just crashed…

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The Cannibalistic Ukraine with full NAFO support

When I first heard the term “NAFO” last year, I did not go looking for what it was, but rather deduced from the context of its usage that it was some kind of derogative term “North Atlantic Organisation” where “F” stood for “fool” at best or one of the other eF’ings at worst, and that its meaning was to describe a person who lacked any capacity for critical thinking. A week ago I learned that NAFO was an actual thing with people parading under this abbreviation. Their actions, however, only reinforced by initial interpretation of what NAFO means.

The other inspiration for the definition of NAFO being…

Anyway, at the NAFO summit in Lithuania, convening before the NATO summit, NAFO revealed themselves in the context of Ukraine, which has had a standing mental NAFO condition. As I do not cover severe mental disorders on these pages, and have no tags for that, a combination of NATO and Ukraine should do the trick to illustrate the total “Borderline condition of the Brain”, also known as “Ukraine of the Brain” (“ukraina/ukraine”, meaning “borderland”).

Maria Zaharova, the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry had several choice scathing remarks to make about NAFO and NATO:

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas found a couple of minutes in her busy schedule, and between two Nazi salutes to the Kiev regime, she recorded a solemn video message in support of anonymous Internet trolls from NAFO – North Atlantic Fella Organization. Kaya sang praises to the “humour, intelligence and enthusiasm” of the fighters against “Russian disinformation” and thanked them “for their service.”

Let’s take a closer look at these intellectual comedians.

The community first made itself known on Twitter in May 2022. The “fellas” loudly proclaimed their goal of supporting Ukraine and “countering Russian propaganda with the help of memes.” However, the whole struggle came, in fact, down to harassment by a pack (a tactic habitual for neo-Nazi rabis-infected “activists”) on Twitter of all insufficiently pro-Ukrainian commentators and, in general, of everyone who doubts the line of Washington and Brussels, and also, as they call it there, “shitposting”. If the comedians come across hard nuts on their path, who do not give in to a tsunami of slops, then the “fellas” bombard the administration of the social network with tons of complaints in order to block the victim’s account.

Anthony Burges, exploring the theme of ultra-violence, wrote the novel “A Clockwork Orange”, which was then made into a film production under the same title by Stanley Kubrick. Watch it – it is precisely about the inner world of such bandits.

The group was marked by truly cannibalistic antics: for example, at yesterday’s “NAFO Summit in Vilnius” (apparently, at the opening act for their senior comrades from NATO, who will gather there for their summit in a couple of days). A plush shark was brought onto the stage amid hooting and idiotic laughter, in order to once again laugh at the recent tragedy with a Russian in Hurghada. the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis did not fail to deign this revolting meeting with his presence, and he, of course, also appreciated the “humour and intelligence” of the NATO protégés. At the same time, progressive Europeans are very proud that “fellas” is a gender-neutral term. In the context of this orgy, the name “cannibals” would be more appropriate.

NAFOs personify exactly what until recently the EU itself seemed to be fighting: hate speech, intolerance, trolling, spam, bullying, and all possible types of xenophobia.

Now, however, the Estonian prime minister is openly expressing gratitude towards this Internet scum, although it seems that until recently the “advanced” Western democracies were hysterical from the mythical “pro-Kremlin trolls”, who were, according to their morbid fantasies, allegedly interfering literally in all processes of state administration abroad.

This is the whole point of the innate hypocrisy of the West, which they now prefer to call for a “rules-based order”. And they modernized the rule “this is a son of a bitch, but this is our son of a bitch”. Now it sounds like this: “we ourselves will become sons of bitches, if only to spite Russia”.”

Moving on to the cannibalistic nature of Ukraine, the epitome of the “Ukraine of the Brain” condition that I talked about above is described in the following AiF article from 09.06.2023. The comments in the parenthesis are my translator notes, clarifying the terms and giving the context.

After the article there is a set of Telegram posts illustrating what the article is talking about.

The Shark and The Cannibals. The death of a Russian in Egypt became a diagnosis for Ukraine

“A steak in vyshivanka (Ukrainian embroidered shirt) was served to the wolves in the Carpathians”, “A chubby fan of Bandera went to the wolves for dinner”, “A lover of lard was devoured by the lovers of hohlyatina (ukros)” — it is impossible to imagine such headlines in the Russian media.

“I want to see more often how a shark devours Russians alive”

Despite everything that has happened in Nezalezhnaya (“independent” Ukraine) in recent years, Russians are not thrilled about the death of Ukrainians. And certainly, if a Westerner (Western-Ukrainian) had fallen into the clutches of hungry wolves, no one would have savoured such a tragedy.

But the “svidoms” (“the conscientious ones” as Ukrainians call themselves), who declare themselves as a part of the “civilized world”, have a completely different idea of what is good and what is bad.

Creepy footage from the Egyptian Hurghada, where a young Russian became a victim of a shark, has become a real hit in Ukraine. A wave of schadenfreude and “bubbly humour” covered both the media and social networks. So much so that it seems that the events at the front in Zaporozhye have receded into the background for the residents of Ukraine.

“I want to see more often how a shark devours Russians alive”, “While taking a subway, I watched a video where a shark eats a Russian, and smiled for the first time in a day” — this is the softest thing that can be found in Ukrainian social media. Believe me, it gets even worse the further one goes.

The legacy of the “ancestors”

As far as we know, the deceased guy had nothing to do with either the SMO or the army structures in general. An ordinary person, far from political passions, who has done nothing wrong to Ukrainians. But here a conditioned reflex got triggered — the death of a Russian is good, savouring a tortured body is great.

As you know, the Banderites of the 1940s, elevated by the current Kiev regime to the rank of heroes, loved not just to kill, but to torment their victims. Babies with broken heads, stabbed with bayonets, women with opened up bellies, men sawed alive into pieces — all these are common practices of the “fighters for freedom of Ukraine”. Such “intimidation tactic” was rapidly turning the humans of yesterday into animals on two legs.

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‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

Continuing the topic of yesterday’s Newsflash: Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine, Pentagon is doubling down on their rhetoric of the genocide of the Russian civilian population of Donbass.

Just like Senator Graham Lindsay said about a month ago that “Russians are dying. It’s the best investment the USA has made” (imagine the outcry and moaning if he said “Jews” and not “Russians” in that statement, but apparently the genocide of Russians is all dandy), while laughing in that Hillary Clinton-slyled laughter, so does the Pentagon reiterate that “‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths”, while being well aware that the “civilian deaths” are the Russian people of the former Ukraine who made their chose not to follow the Nazi path all the way back in 2014. Also being well-aware that Kiev’s promises to “not to use cluster munitions in civilian-populated urban areas” are worth nothing, based on all the previously-broken promises, staring with the Minsk agreements. Knowing that in the areas where Russia has already won, like in Mariupol, the civilian life has returned to normal and the post-war reconstruction and rebuilding is in full swing.

It is those civilians that Pentagon knowingly wants to murder.

Below is a repost of an RT article from an uncensored mirror. But before that, a note that it seems that not all of the NATO is eager to partake in the blood-binding war crime:

US allies slam plan to send cluster bombs to Ukraine

Both Canada and the UK have said they are against using the weapons on the battlefield

‘Russian victory’ worse than civilian cluster-bomb deaths – Pentagon

A US official has defended the decision to supply Ukraine with the weapons, which are banned in more than 100 countries

US fears of Russian success on the battlefield outweigh concerns that deliveries of cluster bombs to Ukraine could result in civilian casualties, a senior Pentagon official acknowledged on Friday.

Speaking to reporters, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl defended the White House’s decision to approve another $800 million weapons package for Ukraine, including cluster munitions. The weapons are banned in more than 100 countries.

When they detonate, the munitions release many small bomblets over a wide area. A percentage of bomblets fail to detonate on impact, however, and unexploded elements pose severe risks to civilians for years after fighting ends.

Asked if the Pentagon has assured its allies that the munitions will not cause excessive civilian harm, Kahl replied: “I’m as concerned about the humanitarian circumstance as anybody, but the worst thing for civilians in Ukraine is for Russia to win the war. And so it’s important that they don’t.”

He added that Kiev had promised not to use cluster munitions in civilian-populated urban areas and to keep records of where the weapons are deployed to make future de-mining efforts easier. The official also portrayed the deliveries as a stop-gap measure until Kiev’s Western backers can ramp up production of conventional shells.

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Newsflash: Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine

Biden approves of USA committing a war crime by supplying cluster munitions to their proxy war in Ukraine.

Cluster munitions are prohibited by all possible conventions and their usage constitutes a war crime. That much was even stated by the Jen Psaki last year:

🇺🇸 Throwback to 2022: Jen Psaki says using cluster bombs is a war crime

Now that Washington has confirmed that it’s sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, it’s “obviously” not a war crime.

Yet, Biden green-lighted supplying Ukraine with cluster munitions from the American stockpiles, citing the fact that the USA has run out of other conventional 155mm artillery shells in their proxy war against Russia.

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Reblog: 80 Years Ago – The Battle of Kursk: Largest Tank Battle In History

On the 22nd of June 2023 we published on these pages a commemorative re-issue of the Danish underground publication “2 Years”, marking the 80th anniversary of its initial publication in Denmark in that turbulent year of 1943. The events depicted in the book end just before the Battle of Kursk – or the “Kursk Arch”, as it is better known in Russia – unfurled and drove the final nail into the German-Nazi coffin.

It would have been interesting to be an observer as to how the German media presented the Kursk Battle – just like with the preceding 2 years, it is sure to have provided ample parallels to the current battle against Nazism in Ukraine.

Not having such a chance, let us simply commemorate the 80th anniversary of that monumental battle that lasted between the 5th of July and the 23rd of August 1943. Below is a partial re-blog of an article published at SouthFront on this occasion:

80 Years Ago – The Battle Of Kursk: Largest Tank Battle In History

Written by Dr. Leon Tressell

German Leopard tanks have been destroyed in Ukraine’s ongoing summer offensive in combat with Russia forces. There is a delicious sense of irony that this is happening on the 80th anniversary of the largest tank battle in history at Kursk in July 1943. Just as in 1943 these much hyped ‘wunderwaffe’ have failed to break Russian defences much to the chagrin of the collective West.

Following the calamitous defeat at Stalingrad in early February the German Wehrmacht faced a series of Red Army offensives which were designed to bring about the destruction of Army Group Centre and Army Group South as well as the lifting of the siege of Leningrad. These simultaneous assaults on all three German army groups, across a thousand mile front, envisaged the liberation of Ukraine the second largest republic in the USSR. These over ambitious attacks tore great holes in the German front lines as the Red Army advanced 150 miles westward. The German armies which had threatened Moscow during 1941-1942 had been driven westward removing the threat to the capital of the USSR. The offensives in the south led to the capture of major cities in Eastern Ukraine such as Kharkov, the fourth largest city in the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, in the north the southern shore of lake Ladoga was swept clean of German units and a land corridor was established between the starving inhabitants of Leningrad and the rest of the country.

As the Wehrmacht was being mauled all along the entire front Field Marshall Manstein, commander of Army Group South, observed how the Red Army had over extended itself with its over ambitious offensives and launched a series of counter attacks which led to the recapture of Kharkov. The Red Army’s attempt to liberate the Donbass and reach the Dneiper river had been frustrated. Once the spring thaw (Rasputitsa) had set in a large salient, about half the size of England, jutted into the German front. At the centre of this salient lay the city of Kursk.

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Russian Tzars Didn’t Even Think That They Were Founding Ukrainian Cities

A photocopy of an article from “Komsomolskaja Pravda” dated 14.04.2014 caught my attention a few days ago. The short article was published just as the Nazi coup in Ukraine unseated the last legitimate government of the failed country, and Ukraine firmly set its course on becoming “not Russia”.

Russian Tzars Didn’t Even Think That They Were Founding Ukrainian Cities

Politicians, historians and bloggers on both sides of the Russian-Ukrainian border are arguing today, breaking microphones and keyboards, whose ancestral land is the South-Eastern Ukraine, or, as it was called earlier – Malorossiya (Rus Minor) and Novorossiya. Who worked it? And monuments to whom should stand here – to Bandera or, for example, to the Russian tzars?

Let us not get involved in this argument, but rather list those who founded the main cities here:

Harkov – founded in the 1630-s by the Russian Tzar Aleksei Mihailovich Romanov. Sailors who fleeing from the Poles from the right bank of Dniepr settled there.

Sumy – founded not later than 1655 by Tzar Aleksei Mihailovich Romanov. The tzar allowed
refugees-Malorossians, who were killed by the Poles, to settle here.

Kirovograd – founded in 1754 by the Russian Empress Elizabeth Petrovna under the name of Elisavetgrad as a fortress to protect the southern boundaries of Russia from Tatars.

Zaporozhie – founded in 1770 by the Russian Empress Catherine II undere the name of Alexandrovsk.

Krivoj Rog – founded in 1775 by the Catherine II.

Dnepropetrovsk – founded in 1776 by the Catherine II under the name of Ekaterinoslav.

Herson – founded in 1778 by Catherine II for the construction of the Russian fleet. The Russian Count Potemkin built the fleet and the city.

Mariupol – founded in 1778 by Catherine II. She allowed Greek immigrants from
Crimea to settle there.

Nikolaev – founded in 1789 by Catherine II. At that time Russian Count Potjomkin was building there the ship “St. Nicolas” (“St. Nikolai”).

Odessa – founded in 1794 by Catherine II at the site of a fortress previously built by the Russian Commander Suvorov.

Lugansk – founded in 1795 by Catherine II. People from central and north-western counties of the Empire came to work here at the iron foundries.

Donetsk – founded by the Russian Emperor Alexadner II in 1869 during the construction of the iron foundry in Yuzovka.

As for Crimea:

Sevastopol – founded in 1783 by the Russian Empress Catherine II at the site of a fortress previously built by the Russian Commander Suvorov. The Russian Count Potjomkin was building the city.

Simpferopol – founded in 1784 by Catherine II. Count Potjomkin was building it at a site of a military camp of the Russian Commander Suvorov.

Worker’s social benefits in Russia seen through a 1913 recruitment advertisement

Today I came across a copy of a recruitment advertisement from 1913 Russia published by the Russo-American rubber company “Triangle”. The company was recruiting female workers and listed some pretty decent social benefits. They advertise themselves as a prosperous company, yet to stay competitive and within the legal framework of the country they had to offer such incentives. In a capitalist world, that Russia was entering at that time, a company, even a wealthy one, would have naturally tired to cut costs.

This reminded me of a series of articles that I translated in 2017 When Rouble Was Golden – Russia that we lost in the ashes of WWI and the coup d’etats of 1914-1917 and how well it illustrates that Russia was not some backward country before 1917, as is the common view in the West and in Russia alike.

Partnership “Triangle” in St. Petersburg.

The largest and wealthiest rubber factories in Russia.

Always needed healthy female workers aged 18-30.

8-10 working hours per day.

Until own accommodation is found – full accommodation free of charge in up to ___ weeks.

Our factories constantly employ 15000 people.
Our factories have:
 Free nursery for 500 children of the workers,
 Free school for 500 children of the workers,
 Free medical assistance to male and female workers,
 Own medical cabinet, doctors, nurses, midwives,
 Free apothecary,
 In the city hospitals there are reserved free beds for our male and female workers,
 After illness, in case health restitution is needed, there is free rest in our special colony in a healthy dry forest area.
 Support for the old age, accident insurance.
 Premiums for long-term employment.
 Several large houses with well-equipped apartments for workers with families.

The factories are located along the Ring Canal of St.Petersburg.

The Partnership of the Russo-American Rubber Manufacture under the trade mark of “Triangle”