“Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023)” – a black book with over 400 testimonials

Ukraine's crimes 2022-2023In June I wrote about a recent black book covering the Ukrainian atrocities, with my translation of the preface. “The Black Book. Atrocities of the modern Banderites – the Ukrainian neo-Nazis in 2014 – 2023” – by Maxim Grigoriev & Mihail Myagkov was in Russian and continued the work of the Russian Foreign Ministry and their White Hooks covering the years 2013-2014: Recent Ukraine human rights violations released in ‘White Book’ report

Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023) is also compiled by Maxim Grigoriev (Russian language Telegram channel of the author).

The book was published on the Maxim Grigoriev’s English-language Telegram channel «War Crimes in Ukrake» and announced in this post on the Telegram channel of the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs.

➡️ The PDF of the book can be downloaded directly from this site.

Below are the introduction and the table of contents of the book:


The book ‘Ukraine’s Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023)’ contains more than 400 testimonies of victims and eyewitnesses of Ukrainian war crimes and terrorist acts against civilians, committed between 2022 and 2023.

These testimonies have been collected by various public initiatives and organizations, including the International Public Tribunal on the Crimes of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Their Accomplices, the Foundation for the Study of Democracy, and many others. The non-governmental nature of the work of these organizations, and limited resources has allowed only a small number of the tens of thousands of Ukrainian war crimes to be documented.

The evidence of crimes presented in this book contains direct speech — the accounts of victims and witnesses of crimes — and is classified according to the types of crimes under international humanitarian law. In each case photographs and full details of the victims and witnesses are provided, allowing them to be re-interviewed both by the media and by national or international judicial structures.

The accounts presented in this book testify to massive Ukrainian war crimes, which under international humanitarian law are classified as crimes against humanity and have no statute of limitations.

We would appreciate if you could repost this message with this book in social media or pass it to the media and human rights organizations of your country.

М. Grigoriev

President of the Foundation for the Study of Democracy


  • Introduction
  • Deliberate killings and shootings of peaceful citizens (from small arms, hand weapons, multiple launch rocket system, artillery and mortar fire)
  • Usage of peaceful populations as “Human Shields”: holding hostages, obstruction of women and children’s evacuation, allocation of military positions in civilian buildings
  • Taking and holding of hostages, obstruction of peaceful population evacuations
  • Firing positions established in residential areas
  • Firing under the cover of residential areas
  • Killing of civilians for propaganda purposes, torture and inhuman treatment of civilians by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)
  • Torture and inhuman treatment of civilians
  • Torture of Russian prisoners of war
  • Shelling and attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on hospitals. Targeted destruction of civilian objects in cities controlled by Ukraine
  • Destruction of peaceful homes and enterprises on territory under Ukrainian control by Ukrainian Military Forces
  • Mass mining of cities and villages, armed robberies carried out by Ukrainian Military Forces
  • Robberies carried out by Ukrainian Military Forces
  • Targeted shelling by Ukrainian Military Forces of the gathering places for civilians and civilian buildings in the Donetsk (DPR) and Lugansk (LPR) People’s Republics
  • Chronology of Ukrainian shelling and terrorist acts (2022–2023)