Our answer to NOT-A-Chamberlain, by Maria Zaharova. On Imperial British foundation of Nazism.

This is our translation of the response by Maria Zaharova to British Foreign Secretary David Lammy’s blabbering. The article was published on Telegraph. In this context, we would highly recommend re-reading the article How the Anglo-Saxons Promoted Fascism in the 20th Century and Revived It in the 21st – Dmitry Medvedev.

Our answer to NOT-A-Chamberlain

Maria Zaharova, Nikolai Lahonin September 17, 2024

Maria Zaharova, Official Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Candidate of Historical Sciences;
Nikolay Lahonin, Chief Advisor to the Russian Foreign Ministry

Published on the web portal IZ.ru and in the Izvestia newspaper on September 17, 2024.

The other day, the head of the Foreign Office, David Lammy, on the air of one of the British TV channels, talked himself into such a state that he used, two words, apparently of his own invention, in relation to our country – “imperialist fascism”. Our embassy in London immediately commented on this illiterate attack. And I promised to publish a separate article about the Nazi past of the British elites, about how Britain tainted itself by interacting with the Nazis.

We have repeatedly addressed this topic before, whenever David Lammy’s predecessors gave us a reason for it. For example, when the Anglo-Saxons unleashed an information war against the Sochi Olympics in 2014, and in 2018 repeated a Russophobic salvo at the World Cup in Russia.

This time, let’s rummage in the very innards – the intertwining of the Third Reich and Britain.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ideological foundations and the worst practices of Nazism were laid in the “Foggy Albion”. The mutual sympathies of the ruling circles in Berlin and London played the role of the trigger of the Second World War, during which Hitler did not stop trying to create a united anti-Soviet front through his secret British supporters. While after the war, it was Britain that carefully collected the remnants of the collaborationist formations, partially giving them roof of their heads them at home, partially sending them overseas to the USA and Canada for use against the USSR, and took upon itself the fascist mission to fight our people.

But all in due course. What gives us reason to study the British roots of German Nazism? The works of famous island scientists at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, first of all, Thomas Carlyle (“the masses are only a tool in the hands of great personalities”), the racial theorist Houston Chamberlain, as well as Darwin’s cousin and the founder of the pseudoscience of “eugenics” on human selection, Francis Galton.

Their spiritual connection with the founders of the Third Reich is indicated by an entry in the diaries of the future Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels dated May 8, 1926: “Chamberlain is breathing his last. Broken, babbling… He’s holding my hand and won’t let go.… Our spiritual father, greetings to you. A pioneer. The first one…”.

The English aristocrat, sociologist and philosopher Houston Stewart Chamberlain wrote the most significant works on the superiority of the Aryan race and the right to exterminate others. Chamberlain’s most famous book is the essay “Fundamentals of the XIX century”. It was this work that later formed the foundation of Hitler’s now-banned “Mein Kampf”.

Chamberlain attributed the Saxons, Germans and English to the race of “white masters”, borrowing this classification from the Scotsman Thomas Carlyle, the luminary of British literature and philosophical thought of the XIX century and at the same time the first ideologist of Nazism.

Darwin’s teacher, physician Robert Knox, justified Britain’s right to genocide of indigenous peoples around the world in this way: “Europeans can hope for prosperity, because … the blacks will soon disappear… If the natives are shot in the same way as crows are shot in some countries, then the number of the native population should decrease significantly over time.”

The very theory of racism was invented by the British. Racial anthropology at the end of the 19th century was considered an official science that systematized people according to various anthropological principles. Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton became the founder of the so–called eugenics – the pseudoscience of human selection to breed an ideal race. He had his own laboratory in London, where he measured the skulls of men, women and children. The Germans then did the same in their laboratories and concentration camps.

At a briefing in April 2018, we talked in detail about British state crimes: the introduction of concentration camps during the Anglo-Boer War, which later inspired the Nazis to create their own “death camps”, the complete cultural destruction of states in the space stretching from Ashanti in Africa to China, the massacres committed by the British army in Ireland, the looting of Bengal, exploitation of natural resources on an industrial scale, global slave trade, etc. At that time, we did not label this body of facts with examples of real imperial Nazism. Now it’s a sin not to do it.

In the 30s of the XX century, the “British Union of Fascists” was a legal and very influential inter-class political association, whose ranks and influence grew until 1940. The union was headed by Sir Oswald Mosley. Members of this national Socialist organization travelled to Germany for an internship, and upon their return they taught the British the superiority of National Socialist ideology. There were many members of the royal family among the sympathizers of Hitler and the Third Reich. They also sympathized with their relatives in Germany. For example, the cousin of King George V of England, Charles Edward, the last Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, acting at the same time as Gruppenfuhrer, Imperial Commissioner for Transport, deputy of the Reichstag and president of the German Red Cross. Queen Elizabeth II’s husband Prince Philip had four sisters. Margaret married Gottfried of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, the son of a German prince and a British princess. Gottfried was a committed Nazi, a member of the NSDAP, and the head of Wehrmacht intelligence on the Eastern Front. Another sister of the British prince, Sofia, became the wife of the German Prince Christoph of Hesse, also a member of the NSDAP, who held a high post in the Air Force of the Third Reich.

Until a certain time, the Windsors did not hide their ties with the Third Reich and demonstrated them in every possible way. In 2015 there surfaced a “bad video” from 1933-1934 [AiF link], in which the royal family is depicted: The young Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II (7 years old), her sister Margaret, their mother Elizabeth Angela Margaret Bowes-Lyon, as well as the uncle of the current queen, Prince Edward of Wales. Girls and adults enthusiastically throw up their hands in a Nazi salute.

Prince Edward of Wales, later King Edward VIII of England, became famous for sending birthday congratulatory telegrams to Hitler and warmly spoke about his activities. After abdication, Edward and his wife visited Nazi Germany, met with Hitler and other senior leaders of the Third Reich. Moreover, after the outbreak of World War II, Edward took a “defeatist” position and even indirectly encouraged Germany to continue bombing England in order to ensure its early surrender.

In the 30s, the Anglo-Saxons did everything to revive the military power of Germany and direct its aggressive plans to the East – against the USSR.

Hitler came to power literally with British money. Financing of Hitler’s Nazi regime was carried out by British banking structures with the help of American bankers. Moreover, all sides did not hide these facts much. The head of the Reichsbank, Hjalmar Schacht, had close friendly relations with the head of the Bank of England, Montague Norman. The Bank of England transferred money to Hitler’s election campaign. For this purpose, the Bank for International Settlements was established with a central office in Basel, through which transfers from Anglo-American companies to German ones were made.

In 1934, members of the British Parliament created an imperial political group that lobbied for cooperation with Hitler, and in 1935, when the Nuremberg racial laws restricting Jews in rights had already been passed, the “Anglo-German Brotherhood” was also formed under the leadership of Lord Mount Temple.

We return once more to the information we previously announced. At the briefing on March 29, 2018, was presented the original copy, stored in our archives, of the official brochure of the Fascist Ministry of Propaganda dedicated to the XI Olympic Games. It lists all the distinguished guests who arrived in Berlin from London, members of the House of Lords, bankers, ministers, high-ranking sports officials, including:

1) Lord P. Laverstock, Chairman of the National Olympic Committee of Great Britain;
2) Captain E. Hunter, General Secretary of the National Olympic Committee of Great Britain.

Representatives of Great Britain in the International Olympic Committee:

1) Lord Aberdare;
2) Lord D. George Bergley, Marquis of D’Exeter;
3) Sir N. Curtis Bennett.

International Sports Federations:

1) W. Jones, Secretary General of the International Basketball Federation;
2) Sir W. Burton, Chairman of the International Sailing Federation;
3) Major H. Smith, Secretary of the International Sailing Federation.

At that time, in 1936, German troops invaded the Rhineland, and concentration camps were already operating in Germany. In 1937, at his Berghof residence, Hitler receives the leader of the House of Lords of Great Britain, Halifax. The confidant of the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain arrives to discuss the common foreign policy goals of two strategic allies – Great Britain and Nazi Germany. From the transcript of their conversation:

“Members of the British government are imbued with the consciousness that the Fuhrer achieved a lot not only in Germany itself, but that as a result of the destruction of Communism in his country, he blocked the latter’s path to Western Europe, and therefore Germany can rightfully be considered a bastion of the West against Bolshevism.”

In March 1938, Germany committed the Anschluss of Austria, directly violating the Treaty of Versailles, without any clear reaction from London. A characteristic episode, of which we also reminded David Lammy’s predecessor at the time, was the Nazi greeting of English football players in May 1938 before a match in Berlin. It turns out that they were encouraged by the British ambassador to Germany, Sir Neville Henderson. Together with the secretary of the English Football Association, Stanley Rose, he convinced the players that it was necessary to raise their hands for the sake of… Anglo-German relations.

In September 1938, London, along with Paris, let the Third Reich tear to pieces Czechoslovakia. According to many historians, this Munich conspiracy was precisely what led to the outbreak of the Second World War.

At that time, the USSR was on the verge of war simultaneously with Germany in Europe and Japan in the Far East. British diplomacy, in an attempt to accelerate the outbreak of a full-scale war between Japan and the Soviet Union, concluded the Arita-Craigie Agreement with Tokyo on July 22, 1939. London agreed to recognize Japanese territorial seizures in China and guarantee non-interference in Tokyo’s actions. This decision by the UK was accelerated by the events at Khalkhin Gol. Counting on the expansion of the Khalkhin Gol events to a full-scale war, the British government pledged not to create problems for Japan in the rear: “His Majesty’s Government does not intend to take any actions or measures detrimental to the implementation […] of the tasks of the Japanese army.” This agreement, concluded at the height of the Khalkhin Gol events, encouraged Japan to expand military operations against the USSR. At the same time, the trilateral negotiations on the conclusion of a mutual assistance agreement between the USSR, Great Britain and France in August 1939 in Moscow were brought to an impasse by the efforts of Westerners.

By the way, if London has nothing to hide about its ties with Nazi Germany, we urge David Lammy to declassify the remaining documents on the visit of Hitler’s deputy for the party, Rudolf Hess, to Britain in 1941 for negotiations. It’s time to put all the dots on this story.

Our Embassy in Britain has already stated that David Lammy’s attacks offend not so much the leadership of our country as the memory of all those who fought the “brown plague” during World War II, including his own compatriots. In this regard, it may be recalled that the hands of British diplomacy are stained by numerous attempts to conduct behind–the-scenes negotiations with Hitler’s envoys on a separate peace – in 1944 (in Stockholm), in 1945 (in Switzerland). Thanks to the efforts of Soviet intelligence, these facts became known to the leadership of the USSR, which eventually made the necessary statements of protest to the allies.

It would be even more insulting for the British, who fought with the soldiers of the Red Army against the Nazis, to learn back in the day about London’s plans to continue the Second World War with the Germans against the USSR. In October 1998, reports were published in the British and world press about the military plans of Winston Churchill’s cabinet for the Soviet Union, developed in the spring of 1945. The key one is the May 22, 1945 emergency plan for operation “Unthinkable”, prepared by the joint planning staff of the War Cabinet. According to this plan, the war was to begin on July 1, 1945, with a sudden attack by Anglo-American troops on the positions of the Red Army.

The purpose of the operation was to force Moscow to submit to the will of the United States and the British Empire. Specifically, it was meant to “push the Red Army out of Poland.” The reasons for this decision are not disclosed in the document.

Further, it was suggested that total war is the only reliable means of achieving the goal and for this it is necessary to “occupy those areas of the internal Russia, having lost which, this country will lose the material means of waging war and further resistance.”

The events that are currently unfolding in Ukraine are obviously a logical development of the “Unthinkable” plan.

The Kiev neo–Nazis, with the ideological support of the Banderites, who were carefully preserved by the Anglo-Saxons, and the material assistance of the “collective West”, are trying to achieve the goal that the British ideologists of racial purity and their Hitlerite followers set themselves at the time – the liberation of “living space”. It’s just that today it became needed by the liberal fascist regimes.

And the phrase about “imperialist fascism” was probably not coined by the current head of the Foreign Office, David Lammy. He was just using a stable expression that characterizes British history. As the Russian saying goes, people talk of whatever pain-points they themselves have.

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