Nets of Deception – False Reality. Documentary fragment (with English subtitles)

In this documentary, the authors demonstrate how falsification, information war, confidence tricks, financial pyramids and other unsavoury behaviour aimed to deceive the people works. I translated the first 10 minutes of the video, which would be of interest to an international viewer.

We also publish this documentary on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”. Please subscribe!

UPDATE 2022: The original untranslated video was published here: Сети обмана. Фальшивая реальность, but is no longer available after YouTube “freedomofspeeched” the channel of the Vesti News.

After watching the documentary, I can recommend reading the following article by Lada Ray: How to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)

The formatted subtitle file is available in ASS format can be downloaded separately. Full text of the script is below the video frame.

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

The previous version of the fragment is available on YouTube.

February 2003.
An extraordinary Security Council meeting
is taking place at the UN Headquarters.
US State Secretary Colin Powell,
while trying to prove that Iraq possesses chemical weapons,
is demonstrating a small test tube to the assembly.
“Less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax, a little bit about this amount”
[Iraq has] “tens upon tens upon tens of thousands of teaspoons.”
In our practice we call that glance for “a liar’s glance”.
He tells a block of lies, casts a glance around to make sure,
‘Am I being believed?’, if yes, then he would continue speaking.
Half a year later Baghdad becomes subjected to bombings.
However, no traces of the Anthrax or any other
chemical weapons would ever be found there.
The statements of the Secretary of State turned out to be lies.
5 grammes of an unknown substance…
5,000,000 people killed.
No one knows to this day what was in that test tube.
But implying that Saddam Hussein has WMDs justified
a global military operation against Iraq, which involved several countries.
It is often more difficult to uncover a lie, than to concoct that same lie.
What is our life? One continuous illusion,
which somebody makes us believe in.
We live in a world, woven from impression,
which often have very little to do with reality.
If a world of crafty inventions and fables,
told to us in an entertaining way by untruthful politicians,
by unscrupulous historians, by incompetent “experts”.
[Elena Lavrova. Psychologist. Teacher at the Faculty of psychology at the Military University of the MoD of RF]
Our brain is working in such a way,
that it does not want to check all of the incoming information all the time.
In the Internet, when it seems to us that
we are more pro-actively selecting information,
our brain turns into the brain of a child,
who got offered a lot of sweets to choose from,
and he starts grabbing this and that and is less critical in its perception.
The global network is a true paradise for liars and manipulators of all kinds.
A huge portion of the information, which appears in the Internet publications,
often turns out to be untrue.
Sometimes a lie camouflages under pretentious headlines.
While sometimes is takes such intricate forms
that it becomes difficult to discover the lie.
Mystifications, falsifications, defamations and bluffs
have long ago become norms in the net-sphere.
Lies, presented as truths, make it possible to conduct wars.
Lies make it possible to justify crimes,
and to manipulate the consciousness of the masses.
They allow to score political points, and to make profits out of thin air.
[Dmitrij Bondarenko. 2008-2014, Russian committee for education control]
A society has a lot of trustful, and outright stupid, people.
This is the foundation for all confidence trickster behaviour,
it’s based on their understanding of the fact
that a society has a lot of stupid people.
And if they’re so numerous, why not trick them?
[Igor Bruk. Marketologist]
They want to be deceived. They really want to be deceived.
And for some reason a dream of a magic wand exists all the time.
That if you buy a magic pill, a magic phone,
take a magic loan, then all will be tip-top without requiring work.
A sweet lie clouds human mind,
and often appears as more appealing than the truth.
What makes people unconditionally trust those, who can’t be trusted?
Why is a false reality created around us?
How not to become entangled in the web of lies,
especially if it’s so masterfully woven?
31st of August 1939.
A group from the Nazi security service, following Hitler’s order,
stages a take over of a German radio station in Gleiwitz by the Poles.
One of the participants of the provocation broadcasts a false radio message
that the Polish army crossed the German border.
Then the provocateurs shoot German prisoners,
clad in the Polish military uniforms.
In his speech, explaining the motives for the invasion of Poland,
the Fuhrer also refers to the falsified incursion in Gleiwitz.
[Andrei Kondrashov. Host at Rossia-1 TV channel]
In the beginning simple pretexts, simple provocations were needed.
This way, the first two World Wars were started:
with the murder of the Austrian duke,
with the falsified raid on a radio station by Poland,
which was the pretext for the Nazi invasion.
Before, only the pretexts were needed.
Nowadays, justifications are required,
because in a globalised world,
when we all have access to the mass media,
one can always be put into question. any of the motives of some “good”
that sets out to fight the “evil”.
Therefore, the technologies nowadays are polished to the finest details,
they become monstrously professional.
The criminal methods of igniting wars have changed little over the last decades,
thinks the political observer Andrei Kondrashjov.
However, the methods of conducting said wars became different.
Nowadays, the wars are conducted not only in the trenches,
but also on the newspaper pages, blogs and social networks.
The power of the information weapons is comparable to that of WMDs.
After all a virtual warfare leads to real victims.
[Andrei Kondrashov. Host at Rossia-1 TV channel]
The technology of brainwashing was
first used around the time of the Korean War.
But now it has been brought to perfection.
We see how before our very eyes the brains
of millions of people populating Ukraine are turned upside down.
It was enough to tell them that those people, whom you burned in Odessa,
are not people, but some “Colorados”,
and millions were screaming in the social networks,
that those who made the grill out of
these so-called “Colorados” are such a clever bunch.
And if this is also accompanied by a huge amount of fakes,
then the success of this ideological war is guaranteed.
Information falsifications, photo and video fakes
were actively blossoming during the Balkan conflicts.
Back then, the West was actively making the Serbs look as real monsters.
Images that made the rounds across many of the world’s publications:
Worn out people behind barbed wire fence
are reaching out a hand for a scrap of bread.
“This is a concentration camp, organised by the Serbs.”, said the press.
[Andrei Kondrashov. Host at Rossia-1 TV channel]
Look! The distance between the barbed wires is half a meter.
Any normal, physically fit person,
would climb out of such enclosure in three steps, if he’d feel so inclined.
Because that is not a concentration camp.
As it became known later, that was a muster point for the Bosnian refugees.
Those people were not repressed,
they were simply staying at the refugee meeting point.
And they were talking to the journalists through the barbed wire,
because the journalists asked them to.
However, this is precisely what became the pretext
to accuse Miloshevich of crimes against humanity,
when they were proving to everyone that he must become isolated.
Falsifications play a significant role in the modern information warfare.
And the technology of their creation is very simple.
One just has to unabashedly, many times over,
and in many variations repeat one and the same lie.
Тhat, for example, the resistance are themselves shooting
at their own cities from their own “Grads”,
or that people burned themselves in the Trade Union house in Odessa.
[Elena Lavrova. Psychologist. Teacher at the Faculty of psychology at the Military University of the MoD of RF]
The information field is over-saturated.
There are very many sources of information:
it’s the social networks, and simply Internet, and TV, and radio.
When we are inside such a current, there are two options:
for some critical thinking is reduced,
white another person stops trusting any sources of information,
he starts thinking that the goal is always to deceive him.
[Andrei Kondrashov. Host at Rossia-1 TV channel]
During our everyday work at the news studio,
we come across such examples of propaganda
production of a global kind, that it becomes laughable.
Because, for example, many pictures brought by our own reporters from Syria,
become twisted into the illustrations of the would-be
fight of the resistance in the Donetsk or Lugansk People’s Republics.
And yet, the experts think it is possible to identify an information falsification.
One just needs to remember that the devil is always in the details.
The easiest method is to find the original source.
It is enough to see whom it references.
Who is the author of the photo or video published by it.
Where and when it was made.
It’s date.
Does anyone else confirm this information,
at least according to this source.
Sometimes they don’t even really bother
to observe 2-3 common rules of journalism,
because the sensation that they are
spewing out is intended to overshadow everything else.
It strikes emotionally.
And that’s one of those cases:
if an emotion is pouring out
of the frame that should pass for a sensation,
and there is no normal journalism behind that emotion,
then it’s the first indicator of a fake.
However, if a sensationalist statement is not corroborated
by video or photo from the scene of the events,
then it’s also a cause for concern: might the statement be false?
One must also become concerned
if different sources give exactly the same text.
“Don’t trust your own eyes!”
This phrase must become a motto for all,
who gets information through the Internet.
There will be more lies.
And the deception will become even more sophisticated.