Malaysia MH-17 down – theories in abandon

The timeline of the disaster reports

Boeing-777 was downed by Ukrainian MiG-29, Romanian expert says

US analysts conclude MH17 downed by aircraft

Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts
From the above, it looks like the theory of the mistaken identity with Russian Presidential plane is not that far-fetched, after all:

Some independent analyses of the initial evidence from the crash site suggest the jetliner may have been destroyed by an air-to-air attack, not by an anti-aircraft missile fired from the ground. Yet, the working hypothesis of the U.S. intelligence analysts is that a Ukrainian military Buk battery and the jetfighters may have been operating in collusion as they hunted what they thought was a Russian airliner, possibly even the plane carrying President Vladimir Putin on a return trip from South America, the source said.

Here is a must-watch summary video:
Flight MH17 – What You’re Not Being Told
And a comprehensive compilation article of all known facts:
MH-17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed False Flag

After the fall of the Malaysia MH-17 flight, Kiev and the West were quick to blame Russia for everything, with the Australian PM demanding that Russia takes responsibility. This is consistent with the initial feeling that the whole thing is a false flag operation from US-backed Kiev to further provoke Russia and drag it into the war, now that constant shelling of Russian territory fails to entice needed reaction. See my article Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?

Russian media were much diverse in the theories presented:

  1. Technical failure on the plane
  2. Plane shot down by freedom fighters of Novorossia by mistake
  3. Plane shot down by Kiev using Buk with the intention of falling on Russian territory
  4. Plane shot down from a fighter jet
  5. Plane shot down, as a mistaken identity, taking it for the President’s plane

#5 was refuted pretty quickly: even though the planes do bear some similarities, the President hasn’t been overflying Ukrainian territory for several months now.

#1 is still on the table, until definite proof of a missile strike is found

#2 was refuted as well. The freedom fighters simply lack equipment – they have shoulder rocket launchers, capable of reaching 5km, while the plane was at 10km. They don’t have Buks, and even Ukrainian Prosecutor General denied that freedom fighters could have captured any. Also capturing a Buk does not mean you can fire it. It’s a complex system consisting of 3 vehicles, that requires extensive lengthy training and a crew of 17 people to operate.

#4 is interesting in that a Spanish air traffic controller working in Kiev saw on his radar two jets shadowing the plane before it disappeared. He twitted about it. Later that account was removed, the posts modified, and the account was re-activated again with modified information. The controller is reportedly fleeing for his life.

#3 Ukraine has the means – they have and actually produced Buks for the Soviet Union. Ukraine shot down a passenger plane in 2001 in a similar fashion. Kiev was very quick in pointing the blaming finger to Russia. A TV statement was made minutes after the crash, when nothing was really known. Within 30 minutes of a crash, Poroshenko made TV speech, where he in no uncertain terms blamed Russia, no further proof needed, and where hen mentioned calling Dutch head of state and offering condolences (shouldn’t he have called Malaysia first?). The speech gave an impression of being ready-made for the occasion. Kiev release customary fakes that turned out to be recorded the day before the disaster. Ukrainians were also quick to say that 80 children died on board, and that there were American on board. Both statements were later falsified.

Fox news reported the plane’s downing site as being near Kremenchuk, which is 430 kilometres from Donetsk, about half-way to Kiev.

Interestingly, while the British envoy to UN was raging, blaming Russia for everything and demanding that investigators are allowed to the crash site, 30 OSCE investigators were already on site, protected by freedom fighters, who announced a one-sided seize-fire.

UPDATE: I’ve just had an epiphany. There is a logical discrepancy. The American intelligence reported within hours that they have information that the plane was shot down by a SAM missile. Shouldn’t they then have the location of the SAM site that performed the launch of said missile? Seeing as US is highly interested in choking the freedom movement in their new colony (yes, it’s time everyone starts noticing the big pink elephant that is US in the room, that is Ukraine), if the freedom fighters were indeed the ones that launched that missile, the intelligence agency would have trumpeted it across the globe. What we see is sideways insinuations against Russia, all the while Kiev releasing fake videos, and today filming in Dniepropetrovsk a fake news report, as if it was filmed at the crash site. These actions speak quite loudly that it might have been a Kiev-controlled SAM doing the shooting, and US in their desperation to cover the tracks, are releasing only a half-truth on their intelligence service report. Alternatively the US intelligence might not have had any data to report, and were simply relaying information from Russian military, that said that SAM radio activity was spotted in Ukraine prior to shooting.

Here is a map, showing, where the plane disappeared from the radars, well inside Kiev-controlled territory:

By the way, doesn’t it seem strange that the relatives of the victims are completely out of picture. In “normal” disasters we see a lot of indignation from the relatives, demands to see the crash site, demands to see and identify their loved ones. Here, we have an information vacuum, when it comes to relatives and their reaction. Seeing that locals on whom the bodies were falling, said that the bodies (except for the pilots) were not fresh, is it possible to assume that there are no relatives, and one or two short clips that we’ve seen are filmed with actors?

The history tends to repeat itself. KAL Flight 007 comes to mind.

Links to more information, summed up in this post: