SputnikNews, which the West blocked and censored for presenting the uncomfortable truths, is running a series of articles documenting and analysing the genocide of the Russian Donbass population by the ukro-Nazis, the genocide that Germany’s Olav Sholtz was laughing at, finding it amusing…
As always, you will need a VPN with an exit outside of the Western countries to access SputnikNews. A Singapore exit point should do the trick. Below is the link to the articles and a screenshot of the front-page for the reference, so that you know what the West does not want you to know about.
Earlier I did a full repost of the article Zombified Nation: How Young Ukrainians Were TAUGHT Children to Hate Russians. If you want any other articles reposted, please say so in the comment section. I will do it if it remains technically feasible.
This special project was launched to shed light on what has happened in Donbass over the past eight years, with the aim to show not only episodes of crimes by the Kiev regime against the civilian population, but also to explore the roots of the disaster occurring in the region.
In 2014 the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs was keeping a White Book of the Ukrainian atrocities in Donbass. I wrote about it back then in this post: Recent Ukraine human rights violations released in ‘White Book’ report. With time, the sheer number of atrocities became so overwhelming, that the Russian side stopped logging them in those White Books, but rather transferred the handling of those cases from the ministry of foreign Affairs to the Russian Investigation Commission. I kept the copes of those White Books on my site at the post mentioned above.
See also some of my other posts from that time: #JeSuisDonbass, The Unreported War in Ukraine, “Everyone has a grudge against Ukraine”How teachers and workers become militias, Dutch journalist: Truth in the war in the Ukraine plays a minor role, and many more…
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