Newspaper “Pravda” commemorating the 30th anniversary of the “Black October” of 1993


In this post I am continuing with the remembrance of the events of September — October 1993 resulting in Yeltsin’s unconstitutional power grab. After Yeltsin’s coup, the newspaper “Pravda” was forbidden, which was highly symbolic, as “Pravda” means “Truth” in Russian, and so after October of 1993 and for a long time The Truth was forbidden. The previous posts in the series are: Autumn of 1991 as a Prelude to the “Black October” of 1993 and the “Wild ’90s” in Russia and The Bloody October of 1993. Retrospect. The Last Interview with Ruslan Hasbulatov.

The newspaper published a series of Telegram posts and articles, commemorating that turn to the worse in Russian history. Below, I will translate three materials from Telegram, finishing with a longer article by Doctor of Political Sciences Sergej Obuhov, who asks several highly-relevant questions about those times and how the events echo in today’s Russia.

All the images can be clicked on for higher resolution.

Telegram post 1:

“The Black October”: 30 years

A barricade leaflet.

Today, after exactly 30 years, our editorial office publishes the historical Moscow edition of the newspaper “Pravda”, published on the 1st of October 1993 under the general headline “Politics is over. The dictatorship has begun”. It truly became a barricade leaflet, a “battle leaflet” that contained both a chronicle of what was happening, an analysis of the situation, and the thoughts and experiences of the participants in the events. Even now one can see in it the intensity of those events, the nerve of that time of troubles. For the edification of future generations.

In just two days there will be a bloody suppression of the popular uprising in the worst traditions of Pinochet, and “Pravda” became banned for a long time.

Here’s what the deputy editor-in-chief of Pravda, Viktor Linnik, wrote: “…It is absolutely not necessary to admire Hasbulatov and Rutskoy in order to be outraged by Yeltsin’s utterly cynical actions. Although it is precisely today that both Rutskoy, Hasbulatov, and every defender of the “White House” deserve the gratitude of the Russians for daring to throw the gauntlet in the face of tyranny.

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Our answer to NOT-A-Chamberlain, by Maria Zaharova. On Imperial British foundation of Nazism.

This is our translation of the response by Maria Zaharova to British Foreign Secretary David Lammy’s blabbering. The article was published on Telegraph. In this context, we would highly recommend re-reading the article How the Anglo-Saxons Promoted Fascism in the 20th Century and Revived It in the 21st – Dmitry Medvedev.

Our answer to NOT-A-Chamberlain

Maria Zaharova, Nikolai Lahonin September 17, 2024

Maria Zaharova, Official Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Candidate of Historical Sciences;
Nikolay Lahonin, Chief Advisor to the Russian Foreign Ministry

Published on the web portal and in the Izvestia newspaper on September 17, 2024.

The other day, the head of the Foreign Office, David Lammy, on the air of one of the British TV channels, talked himself into such a state that he used, two words, apparently of his own invention, in relation to our country – “imperialist fascism”. Our embassy in London immediately commented on this illiterate attack. And I promised to publish a separate article about the Nazi past of the British elites, about how Britain tainted itself by interacting with the Nazis.

We have repeatedly addressed this topic before, whenever David Lammy’s predecessors gave us a reason for it. For example, when the Anglo-Saxons unleashed an information war against the Sochi Olympics in 2014, and in 2018 repeated a Russophobic salvo at the World Cup in Russia.

This time, let’s rummage in the very innards – the intertwining of the Third Reich and Britain.

It is no exaggeration to say that the ideological foundations and the worst practices of Nazism were laid in the “Foggy Albion”. The mutual sympathies of the ruling circles in Berlin and London played the role of the trigger of the Second World War, during which Hitler did not stop trying to create a united anti-Soviet front through his secret British supporters. While after the war, it was Britain that carefully collected the remnants of the collaborationist formations, partially giving them roof of their heads them at home, partially sending them overseas to the USA and Canada for use against the USSR, and took upon itself the fascist mission to fight our people.

But all in due course. What gives us reason to study the British roots of German Nazism? The works of famous island scientists at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, first of all, Thomas Carlyle (“the masses are only a tool in the hands of great personalities”), the racial theorist Houston Chamberlain, as well as Darwin’s cousin and the founder of the pseudoscience of “eugenics” on human selection, Francis Galton.

Their spiritual connection with the founders of the Third Reich is indicated by an entry in the diaries of the future Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels dated May 8, 1926: “Chamberlain is breathing his last. Broken, babbling… He’s holding my hand and won’t let go.… Our spiritual father, greetings to you. A pioneer. The first one…”.

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“Norwegian Break-up With NATO Is Our Goal” – Jens Stoltenberg, 1985

This material was previously postet under the title “The meandering steadfastness of Jens Stoltenberg” at out Telegram channel, “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”. There, we accompanied this material with a number of recent video-quotes of Jens Stoltenberg to emphasise the duplicity and to set the contrast to his 1985 self.

Some time ago, Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, answered the question of “Is NATO bracing for a full-scale war with Russia?” thus:

It’s important to draw a distinction between official NATO policies and what have increasingly become the independent statements of a NATO secretary general who is divorced from reality.

Incidentally, a version of that question was raised in an article on the pages of this blog on June 24 2014: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?, but we digress.

Let us assume for a moment that Jens Stoltenberg was not “divorced from reality”, but was actually trying to fulfil the political goal of his youth: To free Norway from NATO!

– What better way to achieve that than to destroy NATO from within?

Facsimile of the article in Aftenposten from 23.02.1985, reprinted in

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane with Jens. Below, is the English translation of the 1985 interview in one of Norway’s main newspapers.

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Ukrainian SSR of 1991 vs. Ukraine of 2016: Shocking statistics of the pogrom (with “Fainting Piglet”)

Today is Ukraine “independence day”. It’s definitely a day of independence from common sense and brains for that forlorn territory…

The author of the “Fainting Piglet” satirical cartoons made an impromptu film for the occasion, citing as her inspiration an article with statistics from Free Press.

Here is what the author of the series said on her Telegram channel:

I made the video in one day, so there are bugs in it. And it was also very difficult to write a song in Ukrainian when you don’t speak it. But the goal was not so much a video as an advertisement for a very useful article that I would like you to read. An article about the degradation of Ukraine since its separation from the USSR. It specifically shows the degradation from the moment of the collapse of the USSR until 2016, so that they would not start shouting “we are degrading because you are bombing us.” No, Ukraine started rolling towards its grave much earlier.

I am grateful to the people who write such articles. This makes it much easier for me to search for information. Today, the lands of Ukraine are actively sold to foreign corporations not in order for the Ukrainians to live happily on them. The West does not give a damn about the population of Nezalezhnaya and its ecology. Almost every one of us has relatives, loved ones, friends or acquaintances living in Ukraine, so we DO care, but for the West we are all second-class people for whom there is not pity. It is a shame that Ukraine has not caught up on this yet. Therefore, when she celebrates independence day from Russian protection, it is like a patient in the last stage of cancer would happily celebrate oncology day.

As an aside, we would like to note that back in 2014 we published on the pages of this blog an article Two Ukraines – with a Statistical and Historical View at Novorossia, where there was a comparison of some of the statistics for the Ukrainian SSR anno 1990 and and Ukraine of 2013.

Ukraine vs. the Ukrainian SSR: Shocking statistics of the pogrom

by Svyatoslav Knyazev

After the collapse of the Union, Nezalezhnaya [translator note: a by name for “independent [Ukriane]” in Ukrainian] had every chance to become one of the most successful countries in Europe

The escape of European Ukraine from the “totalitarian Soviet hell” is going according to plan. As of late, it is difficult to surprise anyone with an analysis of the collapse of the Ukrainian economy compared to the “pre-Maidan” year 2013. But the topic of socio-economic changes that have occurred in Ukraine in comparison to the Soviet period has been undeservedly forgotten. So more the pity! After all, the main “scapegoat” enemy of Kiev today, along with Russia, is its – Ukraine’s – communist past. A separate law is dedicated to the fight against the spiritual heritage of the USSR (even the Russian Federation is not awarded such an “honour”). All Soviet symbols are officially banned. As of August 2017, a total of 2,389 monuments objectionable to the Kiev regime were demolished in Ukraine, most of which glorified the achievements of the Soviet era.

It is very curious that they decided to start an active war with the “spirit” of the USSR almost 25 years after its collapse and more than 30 years after Mihail Gorbachev began dismantling the classical Soviet system, when only those who were either just under or well over 50 remembered the real manifestation of domestic socialism. Until a new “desovietized” generation grew up, the authorities of the “Nezalezhnaya” did not dare to conduct such experiments…

I was prompted to write this material by a small note about the statements of the Ukrainian economist Sergei Korablin. This Doctor of Economics, professor and former director of the Monetary Market Analysis and Forecasting Department of the Ukrainian National Bank estimated back in 2015 that Ukraine had set an absolute global anti-record, showing the worst n planet earth GDP dynamics, managing to bypass even Zimbabwe and the Central African Republic. Having become curious about what I had read, I decided to find out what Ukraine had actually lost by seceding from the USSR and abandoning everything Soviet. This was helped by open data from the State Statistics Service of “Nezalezhnaya” and Ukrainian experts.

Given the complete uselessness of nominal GDP dynamics in the context of what we are investigating, I decided to look for data on changes in the level of gross domestic product of Ukraine at purchasing power parity. It is clear that this indicator is speculative to a certain extent, but it allows one to at least start from something.

Wikipedia, with reference to IMF data and taking into account extrapolated values, claims that by 1991 the GDP (PPP) of the Ukrainian SSR reached about 505.5 billion dollars. The indicator of independent Ukraine in 2016 is approximately 353 billion. The drop is over 30%. This is indeed an absolute world record. Zimbabwe’s similar figures for comparison over the same period are only 2-3%…

However, given the fact that the very methodology of calculating GDP (PPP) leaves some room for manipulation, I decided to look at how specific socio-economic indicators, which can be, figuratively speaking, “touched with one’s hands”, changed in Ukraine compared to the Soviet times: from sausage production and pig population to the number of schools and hospitals.

So, only dry figures, some of which I directly borrowed from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, and some from tables collected by VOX UKRAINE on the basis of data from the same State Statistics Service.

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‘Miracle in the East’: New WWII history book hits the shelves – RT reblog

RT recently published an article about a history book about WWII. A much needed and important resource to counter the massive history rewriting by the West (only in the EU over 3000 memorials to the Soviet soldiers have been demolished!).

The download link to the book is included in the article. However, in case the original link goes dead, we made a back-up, served from our site.

Special thanks to our reader JMF for finding this material. The material is also published at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”.

‘Miracle in the East’: New WWII history book hits the shelves

The publication is based on the work of Western war correspondents covering the Eastern front.

The Russian History Perspective Fund has released a new history book covering the events on the Eastern Front and battles between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

The book, titled ‘Miracle in the East. Western war correspondents report. 1941–1945.’, is based on wartime publications by Western war correspondents.

The book has been published in both Russian and English, with the latter featuring additional multimedia materials.
The English version was released by the Fund on Friday and is available on its website.

“The emphasis is on telling a consistent story, because in the modern world the idea of the role of the Red Army and the Soviet people in the victory over fascism has been lost. Moreover, the entire history of World War II is being revised and distorted,” the NGO said in a statement.

The publication is expected to spark particular interest in the West, given that it is based on the first-hand experience of Western war correspondents who were working in the field at the time.
The view provided by these witnesses to the dramatic wartime events sharply contrasts with the revisionist take on World War II that has spread in the West over the past decades, the Fund noted.

“This English version of the book is particularly relevant, as it addresses readers both in the US and in Europe. These are original articles from leading newspapers and magazines in the Western world: Time, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and others,” it noted.

Adolf Hitler’s Führer Directive #21 – blueprint for Operation Barbarossa

A publication from our Telegram channel «Beorn And The Shieldmaiden».

On June 22, 1941, a genocide, indeed, a Holocaust was unleashed upon the Peoples of the Soviet Union.

Today is a Day of Memory and Sorrow, and commemorating June 22 in the toxic western information space climate of 180° reversion of historic truth by media, politicians and intellectuals, even deepens the pain – and factual contradiction of the rewriting of history is certainly called for.

Here we will present a translation of an authentic historical document: Adolf Hitler’s “Führer Directive #21” of the 18th of December 1940, ordering German forces to prepare for an attack on the Soviet Union in 1941, designated Operation Barbarossa.

The orders in the directive specifically outline the overall operational goals and considerations in the coming operation for each branch of the armed forces of Germany, as well as those of their allies, primarily Finland and Romania.

Launched by Hitler’s order on June 22, 1941, Operation Barbarossa was the single largest invasion in the history of mankind – and its failure in December 1941 outside of Moscow signaled the beginning of the end for the 3rd Reich.

Today, the imperialist powers are going to extremes to rewrite the history of the Second World War. The Soviet Union that defeated fascism is shamelessly smeared with lies and projections, by the same forces that promoted, financed and directed Nazi-Germany towards the East.

The latest twist on the imperialist narratale that switches Hitler with Stalin, thus construing the USSR as the attacking aggressor against Europe, serves precisely the horrific purpose of blinding the populations to that repetition of history, the plundering imperialists are now planning.

“Führer Directive #21” refutes and make obsolete all such attemps to distort the historical facts. And therefore it needs to be solidly imbedded in our collective memory.

The Führer and Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces
OKW/WFSt./Abt.L(I) Nr. 33 408/40 gK Chefs.
The Führer’s Headquarters
18 December 40
(only through officer)
9 copies, 4th copy

Directive Nr. 21
Case Barbarossa

The German Wehrmacht must be prepared to crush Soviet Russia in a quick campaign (Operation Barbarossa) even before the conclusion of the war against England.
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The Art of Timely Betrayal. Why the Finnish SS avoided punishment?

With the Finnish President Alexander Stubb complaining that Russia “invaded” his country during World War II, the level of history re-writing goes off the charts.

On our Telegram Channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden” we previously addressed the “Finish question” through the poster of the “United Europe”, and Boris Yefimov’s caricatures “The Finnish Shapeshifter Cooking The Books” and “An Awkward Camouflage”. And in the previous posts in the blog: “Kill the Russians.” 105 years ago, the Finnish army staged the massacre in Vyborg. The truth must come out! and Finland – Life after NATO.

The article below was published in “Argumenty i Fakty” on the 18th of March 2023.

The Art of Timely Betrayal. Why the Finnish SS avoided punishment?

by Andrey Karelsky

Marshal Mannerheim, along with a German general, welcomes Finnish soldiers to the occupied Soviet territory. Finnish Military Archive sa kuva

About 80 years ago, in the spring of 1943, the Finnish SS battalion “Nordost” ceased its activities and was soon officially disbanded, while the volunteers who were part of it returned to their native Finland. Thus, the Finnish “SS men” did not partake in the fate of the other followers of the Third Reich, and did not suffer any punishment for war crimes committed on the territory of the Soviet Union.

Moreover, until now, it was believed in Finnish society that they did not commit any atrocities – and even if they reached the foothills of the Caucasus as part of the troops of Nazi Germany, it is rather a reason to be proud of the military prowess of the “hot Finnish guys”.

In Suomi, they didn’t want to hear about the killing of civilians, the shooting of prisoners of war and the massacre of Jews.
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How the Anglo-Saxons Promoted Fascism in the 20th Century and Revived It in the 21st – Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev, the vice-Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, published on the 9th of May 2024 – The Victory Day – an extensive article with 5 questions, addressed to the former allies. The publication was made in the form of a PDF file at the site of the Security Council. Here we present a translation of the article. Special thanks to Denis Efremov from Putinger’s Cat Telegram channel for drawing our attention to this publication and facilitating its translation.

How the Anglo-Saxons Promoted Fascism in the 20th Century and Revived It in the 21st


Return to the most inhuman and odious ideologies of the past became the historical nonsense of the 21st century. Fascism was vanquished almost eight decades ago. Finally and irrevocably, as it seemed back then. The Nuremberg Tribunal handed down the verdict to its leaders and accomplices. For many years, even the demonstration of Nazi symbols, not to mention other symbols and ideas of Hitlerism, was legally prohibited in the world. The United Nations and all international institutions acting in accordance with its Charter had their weighty say at that time.

However, in the new millennium, we are forced to fight the reincarnation of fascism, its zombie spawn, which embodies the disgusting and cynical great-grandson of Hitlerism – the Nazi regime of Kiev. To live in a world that our opponents are furiously striving to turn upside down, split and burn in the conflagration of the Third World War. At the same time, any normal person cannot but be angered and outraged by what the collective West is doing these days – the United States, Great Britain and other countries of the “Anglo-Saxon part” of the planet, along with their vassals and accomplices.

Our former World War II allies enthusiastically feed, stuff with weapons and incite the new Nazis, whose goal is to erase Russia from the map, and force the whole world to live according to gangster concepts, forgetting about the postulates of international law. While the remnants of the “forest brothers”(a) are choking on their Russophobia in the underdeveloped European states, the major Western powers are waging a hybrid war against us, imposing blockades and sanctions regimes, allocating billions to purchase weapons for neo-Nazis. Staging provocations and unprecedented bloody terrorist attacks by the hands of scoundrels, destroying entire cities and hundreds of civilians. In fact, today Washington and Brussels are acting with greater cynicism and scope, than Hitler and his accomplices in the 1930s and 1940s. All this is crudely interspersed with lamentations about “helping the weak” and calls for the “restoration of democracy”, as well as threats to start a full-fledged war with Russia.

Those who shook hands on the Elbe, landed in Normandy, participated in the resistance movement in the territories of European countries occupied by Germany and its allies could not have imagined such a thing in the worst of their nightmares. Those soldiers who found mountains of ashes near the furnaces of the liberated Auschwitz or Mauthausen. Those residents of peaceful European cities who brought flowers year after year to the monument to the Russian Alyosha on Bunardzhik Hill in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to the obelisks on Mount Gellert in Budapest and in Berlin’s Treptow Park.

The peace treaty signed in the Mirror Gallery of the Palace of Versailles did not bode well for either the victorious powers in the First World War or the loser Germany.

There is no way to get rid of the feeling that, together with the elderly leaders of the United States, the statesmen of modern Europe have finally fallen into irreversible dementia. But no. Looking back, we can conclude with absolute certainty: the memory of our former allies is simply excellent, they hold up the traditions with top marks. Nazism did not come out of nowhere. At one time, it was our imaginary allies who actively helped it to be born and establish itself so as in the future to give it command: “Attack!”. The Anglo-Saxons created a breeding ground and support for Hitlerism at the turn of the last century and the century before last. And then, they were feeding and nurturing it like a bastard, with whose hands they were going to achieve their goals in the near future, and then throw it away as it became unnecessary. Just as its current successors. Everything repeats itself, except with an allowance for technological progress, the geopolitical context and other signs of the new time.

It is very important to understand who we are dealing with now, what we are fighting right up to the victorious end and complete rout. Let us recall and compare historical facts. And let us address five simple questions to the Anglo-Saxons.
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Cannibalistic master class for Ukrainian children

As a continuation of the topic in The Cannibalistic Ukraine with full NAFO support, here is the latest from the “defender of the European values:

“Fun” master class for Ukrainian children. As part of the master class, it is proposed to prepare the following dishes:
“Burning Crocus”
“Belgorod under the rubble”
“Angels of Donbass under the rubble” (referring to the memorial for the children of Donbass, who died from Ukrainian bombardments since 2014)

10 Years since Ukraine launched a war on its citizens in Lugansk

To those who still not understood:

From Russell Bentley’s Telegram channel:

On June 2, 2014, an AFU Su-25 aircraft struck the monumental building of the Luhansk Regional Administration and the square in front of it with unguided rockets. Eight residents of the LPR were killed. A total of about 20 munitions were fired at Luhansk that day.

Before that, there was the killing of Berkut special forces in Kiev, the shooting of buses with Crimeans near the city of Korsun, the killing of dozens of Odessa residents in the House of Trade Unions, the shooting of Mariupol residents on Victory Day, May 26 Donetsk Airport.

The symbol of that day, June 2, 2014, was the “woman in red” – Inna Kukuruza. Her last minutes of life after her legs were practically torn off were captured on video by a local resident who came running to the scene of the shelling.
Not everyone will find the strength to watch this video. But those who saw it will not forget her eyes, looking into the camera, will never forget her death throes.

In addition to the Regional State Administration, bombs were dropped on the square named after the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War and the parking lot.
Behind the administrative building there were multi-storey residential buildings, kindergarten “Zhuravlik”, a few dozen meters from the place of shelling there was a playground where children were playing.

Ukrainian politicians who came to power as a result of a neo-Nazi coup d’état, under the flags of Nazis and fascists, supported by the United States and Europe, sent volunteer battalions of neo-Nazis and the AFU army to Donbass with one goal – to conquer, to bring Donbass to its knees. And if it fails – there was an order to kill, to cleanse Donbass from the unruly.

For 10 years of civil war in Ukraine, unleashed by neo-Nazis and Banderaites, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians died and disappeared without a trace! Tens of millions have fled Ukraine. Today Ukraine is a concentration camp with a ruined economy, total corruption of the elites and total mobilization of ordinary Ukrainians for using them in so called “meat” assaults!

And Donbass…
Today Donbass is Russia! Militia with great combat experience have become soldiers of the Armed Forces of Russia, who are cleansing Ukraine from neo-Nazi filth!

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The Srebrenica “genocide” UN resolution – a closer look

On the 24th of May 2024, the UN General Assembly adopted the scandalous resolution on the “genocide in Srebrenica”:

84 countries voted in favour,
19 against,
68 abstained.

On our Telegram channel “Beorn and the Shieldmaiden”, we published a note of protest and translated two responses – one from the Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Nebenzia, and one from Serbia:

Nebenzia said that the initiators of the adoption of the resolution on the “genocide in Srebrenica” are pushing Bosnia and Herzegovina to confrontation. The Russian Federation sees the resolution as a threat to peace and security in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region as a whole


In response to the scandalous UN resolution on Srebrenica, Belgrade began displaying a running line on a high-rise building:
“We are not a genocidal people. We remember.The proud Serbia and Republika Srpska.”

This elicited a rather vehement reply in the chat from someone who claims to have lived through the events. The ensuing discussion did not result in any agreement. However, the discussion itself was very valuable and polite. In the discussion, we referenced fragments of one report that we now decided to present in full below.

Genocide is a term that needs the strictest caution when used. The discussion directed attention to several points as to whether the claim of genocide is substantiated. These points get omitted when emotional responses to the tragedy in 1995 stand alone. Here, we want to address and outline those points:

  1. Was what happened in Srebrenica a genocide? No! The very name, limiting the scope of the crime to one place, indicates this. In the discussion, Israel and the genocide of the Palestinians was argued as a parallel with a request that we abstain from using double standards.
    Here, the case in point is: if some IDF officer bombed out one Palestinian village without the consent of the top command, then that would not be a genocide either, but a war crime, a massacre. What makes the killing in Gaza a genocide is precisely the fact that the IDF is acting systematically and methodically, exterminating all Palestinians with political consent of Netanyahu and the top Israeli military command.
    Hence, Srebrenica can be classified as a war crime, a massacre – just like the massacre of the Serbs in the village of Sijekovac by the Croatian army in April of 1992.
  2. In continuation, what the UN ruling on Srebrinica does is to dilute the definition of what “genocide” is, making it less meaningful in those cases when the genocide is really taking place.
  3. The resolution seeks to place guilt on the Serbs alone. This is done as a continuation of the fragmentation of the Serbian society into several enclaves and, where they can not be displaced, sucking the life force out of them as a nation. The same was done to Russia during the “Wild ’90s” when the constant imposition of guilt and the demand to apologise for all the achievements of the USSR was forced upon the Russians, singling out that one nationality.
  4. Who profits? The strong Serbian communists were the backbone of the Yugoslavian anti-fascist partisan forces during WWII, and the Serbian people to this day carry the collective memory of suffering from collaborators and horror.
    The festering ripping off of old wounds and the push for disintegrating internalisation of blame into a feeling of guilt is intended to become for Serbia what the “Versailles Treaty” was to Germany. The two likely outcomes – either Serbia collapses directly and Serbs disappear, or Serbs fight back, causing the war to flare up again with chaos and countless victims, including as many Serbs as possible – are equally beneficial to US-NATO as they both serve the ultimate goal since the start of the breakup of Yugoslavia: To end the existence of a Serbian people.
  5. The long-term goal of the “Srebrenica genocide” resolution is the real systematic genocide of the Serbs – just like the one that happened during WWII – and which won’t be treated as a genocide as the USA would say it’s OK, having pre-emptively labelled the Serbs as “sub-humans” with, among other things, this resolution.

Before going on, a highly-recommended documentary to watch is “The Murder of Yugoslavia. The Shadow of Dayton.” A Documentary by Alexei Denisov with English subtitles. The interview with Thierry Meyssan at VoltairNet, “Serbia was my textbook about lies”, is also of highest relevance.

Srebrenica, facts without propaganda


While collecting material on the events in Srebrenica, I very often saw references to this article or quotes from it, but this is how I saw the entire article for the first time. I hope the reader will be interested to read it. Moreover, over the past few months, Srebrenica has once again become a very hot topic. This happened after the publication in July 2021 of the report of the Independent International Commission for the Study of Crimes against All Peoples in the Srebrenica region in 1992-1995. The chairman of this Commission, Gideon Greif, who himself survived all the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp in childhood, made a report to the Government of the Republika Srpska on June 11 last year [2021]. The need to create such a Commission is also mentioned in this article.

Of course, the events in Srebrenica were investigated before the work of this Commission, and many research papers were written. I would like to bring one of them to your attention. There are a lot of myths and various judgments around the events in Srebrenica. Let’s try to figure out the most common ones.

SREBRENICA 1995 – 2015


Authors: Stefan Karganovich, Aleksandar Pavich
Consultants: Branko Pavlovic, Chaslav Mancic
Preparation: Miodrag Zharkovich
Editor: Mr. Anya Filimonova
Published by the Strategic Culture Foundation
Belgrade, June 2015


The twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Srebrenica enclave in July 1995 is a very important event. We appeal to those who are primarily interested in the truth, not the politicization of events. The 20th anniversary is an occasion to draw a line. Enough time has passed to collect in one place everything that is reliably known, what can be assumed, what can only be guessed. This is an event whose consequences have shaken the entire former Yugoslavia and influenced global world politics in general. The purpose of this publication is to present both to an expert and a layman in this matter in a concise form everything that has been determined so far on the basis of the verdicts of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), as well as what is still being disputed.

What motivated us to work on this publication?

– The truth is always needed by both victims as well as the accused and convicted, by historians who care about science, and politicians who care about the moral side of the case.

– When we do not know for sure what happened, we can confidently say that it did not happen, and the denial will be presented as the truth. The figures presented in the information space at the international level, on the territory of the former SFRY and for the Serbian public – about the “genocide” and the execution of 7-8 thousand Muslim prisoners of war from the Srebrenica enclave committed by “Serbian forces” do not stand up to any criticism. They simply do not correspond to the established facts;

– Arbitrary figures, virtually unsupported accusations, parliamentary and international “resolutions” and even sentences are used to poison the social, political, interreligious and interethnic atmosphere, sow discord, deepen disagreements and encourage extremism in the territory of the former SFRY. And this is definitely not in the interests of all countries and peoples. Except for those who are interested in constant destabilization, unrest and artificial separation of peoples;

– Srebrenica has been used many times and is still used as a convenient pretext for military aggression against sovereign states or interference in their internal affairs and for provoking internal conflicts (“we must prevent another Srebrenica” is a usual battle cry). That’s why it’s so important to establish the truth about what happened there, no matter how painful or cruel the truth may be for any party in that tragedy;

– After almost 20 years, the ICTY has failed to establish the truth, but only to label an event that has not yet been properly investigated, there is no reliable information about it. Therefore, in order to definitively establish the truth about the events in Srebrenica in July 1995, it is extremely important to create an international independent commission to determine exactly what happened in Srebrenica, so that this event ceases to have a political connotation and the mention of it ceases to be abused. This would finally bring peace to the victims, satisfy the families of the victims – and all normal people sympathize with these families, and it is not disputed anywhere that a crime occurred. The work of such a commission would open up an opportunity for truly facing up the past and for the reconciliation.

This publication is our contribution to the establishment of the truth about Srebrenica in the hope that it may encourage interested international forces, albeit with a huge delay, to take appropriate measures to finally determine its rightful place for this international problem. Without abuse, not to be used as a tool in politics, with no hidden intentions.

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How the US and NATO reuse the 1990s Yugoslavia wars playbook in Ukraine – RT repost

The following is an article published on the 29th of March 2023 on RT, written by Nebojsa Malic, a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. The article becomes even more relevant now that UN has played the faux-“genocide” card with regard to Srebrenica. I am reposting it in full in the blog.

How the US and NATO reuse the 1990s Yugoslavia wars playbook in Ukraine

If certain strategies and tactics seem familiar, that’s because they are over 20 years old

The emotionally charged and often hyperbolic terms used by the US and its allies to describe the conflict in Ukraine gives the notion that it is something unprecedented and unseen since the Second World War. That is quite literally not true.

If anything, the behaviours, tactics and even strategies embraced by the government in Kiev and its Western patrons bear an uncanny similarity to the conflicts that destroyed Yugoslavia in the 1990s. In sharp contrast to all the reminiscing – though nowhere near enough remorse – on the recent anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, even the critics of the Western establishment seem to have forgotten about the Kosovo War, which began on March 24,1999.

After all, Operation Allied Force (NATO’s official name for the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia) is proof that NATO’s claim of being a “defensive alliance” is a lie. So is the notion that changing borders by force is something that is simply not done in the “rules-based world order,” what with the US-led bloc occupying Serbia’s province of Kosovo and endorsing its “independence” in 2008. The West was so law-abiding, it tried to justify the unjustifiable by inventing the doctrine of “responsibility to protect” and setting up an “independent” commission to declare the war “illegal but legitimate.”

No wonder, then, that the “international community” wants this forgotten, to the point where they are trying to pressure Serbia to legitimize it by threatening sanctions, isolation, and “internal turmoil.”

In May 1999, after weeks of failing to bomb Serbia into submission, NATO sought to shore up its unity and credibility by having its pet tribunal in The Hague charge President Slobodan Milosevic with war crimes. Parallels with events of the past weeks write themselves.

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The Sad State of the Modern Ukrainian Anthem

Ukraine hasn’t died yet…

Those who have heard the present-day Ukrainian anthem wondered what it is they’ve just listened to. It’s such a sorry wailing, indeed… In fact, one a capella performance inspired a netizen to overlay it with Frédéric Chopin’s “Marche Funèbre” (Funeral March), which resulted in a perfect match! Many think that the Ukrainian anthem starts with the line “Ukraine hasn’t died yet…”, and while not exactly correct, there is a grain of historical truth to it.

But it wasn’t always like this. As a republic of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had a joyous anthem, starting with the words “Live, Ukraine, beautiful and strong,…”. But then came 1992, and Ukraine – like the rest of the former republics of the Union – traded its heroes for ghosts.

State Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR (1949 – 1953)

More about this edition of the anthem at our Beorn And The Shieldmaiden Telegram channel.

State Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR (1978 – 1992)

More about this edition of the anthem at our Beorn And The Shieldmaiden Telegram channel.

The article below is one of a series tackling the myths surrounding Ukraine, addressing the history of their modern anthem. Some of the surrounding events are also described in Project ‘Ukraine’. Documentary by Andrei Medvedev (with English subtitles)

Myths about the origin of Ukraine and Ukrainians.
Myth 4. A requiem instead of an anthem

The origin of the anthem of Ukraine, like everything related to Ukrainians, is shrouded in a fog of lies. When you listen to the Ukrainian anthem, its tedious, drawling melody, there is no desire to cry with pride for the country and admire this symbol of the state. Many people don’t even want to stand up. It is not so much an anthem, but a requiem, a memorial song.

It cannot be said that when listening to the anthem, there is a feeling of weight and spaciousness. On the contrary, the very first line of the anthem (“Ukraine hasn’t died yet…”), combined with the melody in minor tune, creates a feeling of heaviness, monotony, sadness and oppression. Why is that? Why is the Ukrainian anthem – a carbon copy of the Polish anthem, which outlines the program for the revival of the Polish state?

Before talking about the authorship and melody of the anthem, it is worth recalling the historical period when this anthem was written. It is 1862, Poland as a state has not existed for more than half a century. It is divided between Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Polish uprising of 1830 was suppressed, and a new uprising was being prepared, which would also end in failure in the following 1863.
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A 1935 conversation between I.Stalin and Lord Keeper of the Seal of Great Britain, A.Eden

The documentary by Andrey Medvedev, “The Great Unknown War” mentions an episode taking place towards the end of the meeting between Iosif Stalin and Anthony Eden in Moscow on the 29th of March 1935, illustrating that the Soviet leadership were fully aware of who igniters of the coming war are, and the inevitability of a war in Europe, despite Soviet Union’s best efforts to prevent it.

The League of Nations.
The Geneva Lawyer: “Where do you see war? Which war? I have no war registered here.”

This 1932 caricature by the famous Soviet caricaturist Boris Yefimov illustrates the reservations regarding the potency of the League of Nations, that the reader will notice in the transcript of the entire meeting, which adds more eye-opening details of the British-German-Soviet relations. And ponder, how similar this is to the West turning a blind eye on Ukraine – with the OCSE “not noticing” the regular shelling of Donbass by Ukraine between 2014 and 2022. (This caricature is presented in our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”)

Additional reading: President Vladimir Putin on keeping the records of the pre-WWII time straight.

Stalin I.V. – Recording of a conversation with the Lord Keeper of the Seal of Great Britain A. Eden

March 29, 1935

The source: Stalin I.V. Works. – Vol. 18. – Tver: Information-publishing center “Soyuz”, 2006. pp. 86-91.

The visit took place in the Kremlin, in the office of comrade Molotov. Attended by: comrades Stalin, Molotov, Litvinov, Maysky, and from the British side – Eden, the British Ambassador, Chilston and the head of the League of Nations section in the British Foreign Office, Strang. The whole conversation lasted about an hour and a quarter.

After the first greetings, Eden began the conversation. He said something like this:

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Exhibition of Samples of Trophy Weapons (1943-1948). An article and a documentary.

The article you are about to read is dedicated to the exhibition of the weaponry from Germany and their accomplices, trophied after their invasion of the USSR on the 22nd of June 1941.

On the 22nd of June 1943, exactly two years after the Nazi Germany invaded the USSR, the central park of Moscow, bearing the name of Maxim Gorky, opened its gates to an extensive exhibition over the trophied armaments of Nazi-Germany and its accomplices. The exhibition lasted until 1948.

The article consists of three parts: first comes the cinematographic essay, filmed in 1943 to give an overview of the exhibition, then a short note with the documents from Moscow City Archive, and finally, a portion of a historiographic work, dedicated to the exhibition.

Only one thought to add – the tradition that started during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 has now seen a rebirth during the present-day Patriotic War, with the exhibition of the weaponry of the Nazi Germany’s successor being displayed on the Poklonnaya Mountain in Moscow from the 1st of May 2024.

We publish about the trophy exhibition, past and present, at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, for example in this and this post.

Let’s go!

Trophies of the Great Battles

A short cinematographic essay, filmed in colour, presented the visible testimony over the ongoing victories on the battlefield over the invading horde.

The essay is full of jabs and snide remarks, mixed with facts and figures – just the way we like to watch the parallel present-day events unfold now, 80 years later.

Visible evidence of our victories: The Moscow Main Archive tells about the exhibition of captured German weapons


The Main Archive of the capital contains documents documenting the creation of an exhibition of samples of weapons and military equipment trophied by the Red Army in battles with Nazi troops and their allies. The exposition was opened on June 22, 1943 and operated until 1948.

The decision to create an exhibition pavilion “Trophies of War” on the territory of Gorky Park was made back in December 1941, when the successful counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Moscow provided residents of the capital with exhibits of the most diverse kind. In 1942, the exhibition pavilion began to operate. However, it was located deep inside the territory of the park, near the border with the Neskuchny Garden, and did not attract mass attention. A more impressive demonstration of our combat achievements was needed.
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The “black transplantologists” in Ukraine working on pre-orders from the USA and Europe

Presenting a translation of the “Argumenty and Fakty” article from the 30th of April 2024:

They work on pre-orders. Ukraine sells organs of the AFU soldiers to the USA and Europe

Special mobile refrigerators were noticed in the war zone in Ukraine. According to military officers, their staff is engaged in organ transplantation of seriously wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). They are supplied to the USA and Europe.

Several telegram channels reported on the operation of mobile refrigerators at once. According to the channel “Welders”, while the exhausted fighters of the AFU, who are still alive and loyal to their government, are trying to fight back on the territory of the refractory plant in Krasnogorovka, black transplantologists “are already gutting those who have dropped out of the game”.

“Our sources from the field report that for the second day there has been a guarded mobile refrigerator connected to electrical wires near Krasnogorovka. The truck is driven up to it, the wooden boxes are loaded and then transported, then they are brought back empty to the thermal car. Ukrainians work off every penny invested in them, giving their organs to Europe after their death,” the authors of the telegram channel wrote.

This information was confirmed by Roman Alekhine, a military volunteer. “It is precisely such refrigerators that are often used to create mobile operating units in them, and in this case, organ removal units. They take them immediately deep into the interior in order to quickly transfer them to customers in Europe and the USA, as well as not to risk valuable goods,” the volunteer shared.

He cited the prices for the organs of the AFU soldiers. So, the heart costs $200,000, the lungs – $50,000, the liver – $30,000, the kidneys – $15,000 – $25,000 dollars, bone marrow – $20,000, legs – $10,000, eyes – $6,000, ears – $3,000, hands – $2,000, a liter of blood is $150.

At the same time, Roman Alyohin wrote back in 2022 that not only black transplantation is flourishing in Ukraine, but also child trafficking. “Kids who are enslaved, as a rule, have two paths. The first is to become a doll for sexual pleasures. The second is to be disassembled into “spare parts” if there is a customer whose child is suitable for the victim’s biomaterial. But for both, one thing is needed: a lawless zone, where there are either no law enforcement agencies, or they are as archaic as possible, not posing a threat,” he noted.

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