People against NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia – archived documents of solidarity from 25 years ago


Reading time: 28 minutes

25 years ago, on the 24th of March 1999, NATO began bombing Serbia, disintegrating the state of Yugoslavia, and Time magazine authoritatively explained why this was a good thing, under a cover title “Bringing the Serbs to heel. Massive bombing attack opens the door to peace”.

This was a stark example of applying “white gloves to the bloodied hands”, that was so aptly illustrated in a Soviet caricature from 1980 that we showcased yesterday on our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”!

Already several months before the aggression against Yugoslavia started, it was clear what the USA was planning.

This article is comprised of four archival materials that have been waiting in my digital archive for the past 25 years.

  1. The warning from October 1998.
  2. “Hey, Joe! – Message to the Troops of NATO”.
  3. April 24th, 1999 – Stop the War, a small rally in Heidelberg.
  4. May 1st, 1999 – reportage from the large anti-war campaign throughout Germany.

The first, is a warning that was written by yours truly on the 12th of October 1998 – five months before US-NATO started its act of terrorism – and posted on several forums and message boards. A warning, not dissimilar to the one appearing in this blog in 2014 with regard to the coup in Ukraine: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again?.

NATO bombed Yugoslavia on the 50th anniversary of its existence, raining on the country the radioactive democracy of mass destruction (a link to a must-see documentary on the blog!). Today NATO is depopulating Ukraine on its 75th anniversary.

The Warning

The United States are about to start an aggression against an independent state – Serbia. I say the United States, and not NATO because NATO-countries would do exactly what USA tells them to do.

This mindless aggression can bring us to World War III. The USA have learnt nothing from its earlier experiences – Hiroshima and Vietnam. I wish to remind everybody that several years of bombing in Vietnam didn’t break the will of Vietnamese liberation army. Meddling with internal affairs of a state (especially with a case of civil disagreements) brings nothing but misery and destruction to all the nations involved.

The USA and the world are utterly inconsistent in their moves. When Russia had a case of civil war with Chechen republic, the world community (read USA) did not react in any way – more precisely, they did not send bombers to crush Russia. Why? Because Russia could fight back, because Russia had atomic weapon, after all, because Russian territory is so large. Serbia does not have atomic weapon, Serbia, marauded by rebels, cannot fight back, and Serbia is small. Thus it can be attacked without any great fear for being hit back. That’s cowardice! The following quote only confirms it: “The six B-52s that arrived Sunday at a British air based would be used to launch cruise missiles from outside the range of Serb’s air defences.” (from

So why to launch this assault at all? The answer is: to justify NATO’s existence and to show who is the boss. Since the threat from Soviet Union disappeared NATO was in acute lack of enemies. So the enemies and wars should be created to justify budgets. Iraq was first, Serbia is next.

Why World War III? Russia has newly declared its support to Serbia – diplomatic and military – as to a bother-state. In an utmost case this would mean that any country declaring war on Serbia, declares war on Russia, meaning that Russia can strike back, targeting any European country.

USA behaves now like “the wold’s hooligan”, striking the one who is weaker, but avoiding the one who is equal or stronger. It was not so long ago we saw banners “USA out of Vietnam”. I am afraid that soon we will see banners “NATO (USA) out of Serbia!”

This paragraph is for Americans only in connection with their constant paranoia: No, I am not a communist; I am a person who loves the thing that Americans lost long ago – freedom.

The 12th of October 1998.

Hey Joe! Where ya going with that gun in your hand?

Message to the Troops of NATO

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Democracy of Mass Destruction. A Documentary by Pavel Selin (with English subtitles)


Reading time: 27 minutes

Ever wondered what is the common denominator between Vietnam, Yugoslavia and Iraq? How democratic values are dropped from the US war planes? Why Agent Orange, white phosphorus and depleted uranium are the tools of democracy?

I have earlier posted a short article about two revealing Russian documentaries. Now, translation of one of them is done. The original untranslated video is published here: Демократия массового поражения. Фильм Павла Селина (no longer available after YouTube started enforcing “free speech and democracy” in 2022).

The formatted subtitle file in ASS format can be downloaded separately. Full text of the script is below the video frame.

UPDATE, June 2023: In 2023 this “democratisation” took a new step with the UK providing the Ukraine with depleted uranium munitions. However, before the whole of Donbass could have been contaminated with them , the stash was destroyed by the Russian aerial strike, with the radioactive plume travelling with the wind towards Poland, Scandinavia, and – in a “return to sender” gesture – to the UK. The dangers of the depleted uranium are described in the article Ukraine’s Depleted Uranium Blast: Europe on Brink of ‘Environmental Disaster’ by Dr. Chris Busby, physical chemist and scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk.
After YouTube made the translated video private, removing it from public view, we have now re-uploaded it to Odysee.

Backup at Rumble.

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“One for the Road” – A poem by Sergey Lavrov

Reading time: 2 minutes

Did you know that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, who celebrated his 75th birthday on March 21, 2025, was a poet, too?


“One for the Road”

by Sergey Lavrov, March 1989
Translated by Putinger’s Cat

Well, here it is – a horse-drawn carriage,
Drivers’ hangover’s gone away,
And, in the dawn’s haze, one can manage
To see the fires of yesterday.
Black trusty horses have been harnessed,
The roadway’s clear of any block,
And, scabbard-free, the sword is out,
As if there is no turning back.

New shoulder boards replaced the old ones,
Balm for the soul poured on, with purpose,
And holy bows have all been done
Before the native graves and crosses.
Black horses stab the ground with hooves,
Old monograms are cleared of dust,
Old debts have all been paid in full
With brand new promissory notes.

The carriage starts moving, with rattling,
While it, quite low, on axels sags,
The driver’s steering for Manhattan,
His whip raised high above black backs.
And, now, rolling on, still faster,
The wheels are tracking through the mud,
Yet, it’s as if somebody’s grabbing
And holding tightly, from behind.

Each step, through clay, growing more heavy,
Black horses’ve slowed down to a walk.
It is not possible to break it –
A navel chord straight from the еarth.
And, just like that, one can’t break oneself,
Much as it’d seem one almost did it.
Here’s to our weakness. To our Russia.
To our fate and to our limit.
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“Political Chernobyl has blown up.” How Burbulis justified the collapse of the USSR

Reading time: 8 minutes

Despite the majority of the Soviet citizens speaking out in favour of the preservation of the Soviet Union, their will was completely disregarded. In this article, which was published by “Argumenty i Fakty” on June 20,2022, Gennady Burbulis is giving his justification for the process. We shall make a note of when he is referencing a Western-sponsored myth about the USSR as part of his justification. Make sure you have read first the article The referendum on the independence of Ukraine on December 1, 1991: how Kravchuk deceived Sevastopol and Crimea, which uncovers the motivations for Kravchuk’s actions, which may seem as coming out of the blue in Burbulis’ story.

“Political Chernobyl has blown up.” How Burbulis justified the collapse of the USSR
– by Vitaly Tseplyaev

President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin and Secretary of State under the President of the Russian Federation Gennady Burbulis

Gennady Burbulis, one of the closest associates of the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, died on June 19 (2022) at the age of 77. In December 1991, he held the position of Secretary of State of Russia, which was specially created for him, and played a crucial role in signing the Belovezha Agreements, which ended the existence of the Soviet Union. In a recent interview with AiF, Burbulis explained why he considered the collapse of the USSR to be an “optimistic tragedy” and did not regret what he had done.

— In December 1991, the Soviet Union practically did not exist. Moreover, a new Union Treaty had been prepared, and its signing was scheduled for December 9th. We chose this date specifically in order to wait for the results of the presidential elections in Kazakhstan and the referendum in Ukraine, which took place on December 1.

On Gorbachev’s initiative, on September 5, Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to the Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR to dissolve itself and create transitional governing bodies of the Union. And such a decision was made. There was no mention of the USSR in the text of the Treaty on the creation of the Union of Sovereign States (note the “Union” in the formula here! See: On March 17th 1991, the referendum on the preservation of the USSR was held) as a confederate democratic voluntary association, which was finally agreed upon in Novo-Ogaryovo on November 28-29.

Even before August, Gorbachev defended the erroneous formula of the 9+1 treaty, where 9 are republics and 1 is the Kremlin, the Union center. But by December, everything had changed. By that time, not a single organ of the union government was functioning normally. The country was on the verge of the most dangerous anarchy, and Gorbachev himself knew this best of all. Therefore, our decision (to sign an agreement on the establishment of the CIS in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on December 8. — Ed.) was vital and necessary. We had no choice.

“We spent the whole day trying to convince Kravchuk”

Vitaly Tseplyaev, — Why didn’t you wait for December 9th? Did you want to disrupt the signing of a new union treaty?

Gennady Burbulis: — Leonid Kravchuk said from the very first minute of our meeting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha that the mandate of the Ukrainian people, which he received in the elections and in the referendum, forbids him to discuss any options for a new Union Treaty: Ukraine declared itself a sovereign independent state. Such a categorical position came as a surprise to us. For a whole day we tried to convince Kravchuk that the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus cannot just leave for nowhere. It was unthinkable at the time. And after difficult conversations, reflections, and the realisation that a unique empire filled with nuclear weapons was disintegrating, in my opinion, it was Kravchuk who proposed this compromise form: the Commonwealth of Independent States. Here one can glean more than just a good analogy with the British Commonwealth.
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World War Zero, or the so-called “Crimean” War. A documentary.

Reading time: 2 minutes

There was a question from one of the subscribers at a friendly channel if there exist an honest English-language documentary about the Crimean war.

As a matter of fact, there is one 4-part Russian documentary with English subtitles, from Star Media, called “World War Zero”

All 4 episodes can be accessed though this YouTube playlist. Make sure to turn on subtitles and select your language.

Here are the introductory lines of the first film:

The Battle of Sinop, 1853
These four hours of the battled passed quickly, like one minute.
The tension reached its utmost point, when the enemy broke down and opened fire.
In the blink of an eye the sky, the water, and the land were became red as flame and blood. That was a magnificent victory of the imperial fleet.
The entire world witnessed again the decisiveness and courage of the Russian warriors. It seemed that the Black Sea would be safe forever.
It only remained to wait till the sea becomes calm, the smoke from the fires disperses, and it would be safe again to approach the home coast, the bay of Sevastopol.
Only one person, the winner, a famous admiral, Nakhimov, standing on the deck of Empress Maria, understood: this was only the beginning of a terrible and merciless world war.
This war is most often called the Crimean War.
But the Crimean battles, including the famous defence of Sevastopol, are only a part of a greater war.
The warfare embraced vast territories, from the Baltic Sea and Arctic to the Caucasus and the Pacific Ocean.
The war was waged on the lands that were remote from each other, its players were pursuing global goals.
With every new step the ideological struggle was growing more intense.
These factors are signs of a world war.
That was namely the reason why the Crimean War of the mid-19th century was called the Zero World War.
It became a kind of a rehearsal for the upcoming First and Second world wars.

While we are on the subject, we have earlier written a short overview article on the topic: The “Crimean” War misnomer – A bigger picture

“Bussification”, or the snatching of people off the streets in Ukraine

Reading time: 5 minutes

Initially published on March 7, 2025; extended on March 21, 2025.

“Forced mobilisation” in Ukraine will go down in textbooks as genocide of the Ukrainian people.
— Russian FM spokeswoman Maria Zaharova

🙈 Suddenly the West started seeing

From our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldnmaiden”.

The term “Bussification” is a neologism that appeared 1.5 years ago in Ukraine to denote the forced “conscription”, when people are grabbed off the streets, pushed into busses, and are driven off to the front. It became the Ukrainian word of the year in 2024.

1.5 years after the start of mass bussification*, videos where the Ukrainians are snatched and sent for meat began to enjoy great popularity among the Americans, who suddenly began to show them on mainstream channels, although just a few years ago this topic was actually tabooed and labeled as “Russian propaganda”.

Now, the barriers have fallen and the stream of videos with the cannibals has flooded into American social networks.

From the point of view of information warfare, it is important to pump up American social networks in the coming weeks with such videos, and you don’t even need to invent anything here — such content is pouring out of Ukraine every day with dozens of videos per day.

To the brave Ukrainians who, despite the prohibitions and threats, are filming all this — your efforts were not in vain, you are beginning to be heard in the West. Shoot more, show more, fight against the snatchers — the chances of being heard are increasing now.

Source: Colonel Cassad

👉 One such channel with a lot of videos of the snatchers at work is called just that: Bussification.

‼️ We have created a “short” video, running at “just” 1 hour and 30 minutes, comprised of a little over 100 episodes of bussification. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We are sure that if used all video clips that can be found on various Ukrainian telegram channels, there would be enough material for over 24 hours of this. And even that would be just a small fraction of totality, as not all episodes get recorded on camera – in fear of reprisals.

Backup at Rumble.

Nothing changes in Fascism!

In 1943, after the defeat at Stalingrad, propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels cried for “Total War” and “Total Mobilisation”.

Here, Adolf Hitler is “vacuuming” the streets of Germany in search of fresh soldiers, as so aptly depicted by the Soviet artist Boris Yefimov.

The non-elected puppet Führer of Ukraine, Volodomyr Zelensky, is now doing the same thing 80 years later to provide fresh cannon fodder for his western masters.

From “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”

“Total” mobilisation in Germany, now in Ukraine

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False flag alert: Another provocation by the Kiev regime is being planned in Sumy Region

Reading time: 2 minutes

Our sources in the Sumy underground report that a film crew from one of the major Ukrainian state channels arrived in the city of Putyvl.

According to these sources, the Ukrainian government brought preschool children to the city for the purpose of implementing their plans. The goal of their visit was to create a video allegedly showing the consequences of an attack by the Russian Armed Forces on a kindergarten. This video is intended to show that the Russian army is allegedly deliberately striking civilians and civilian objects on the territory of Ukraine.

For the filming, they chose a destroyed building of the former “Ukraine” bank, owned by a Ukrainian citizen and supporter of the Kiev regime, Sukachev Oleksandr Oleksandrovych, where restoration work was underway.

The coordinates of this place are: 51.334960, 33.871440. Until recently, AFU units were stationed in the building.

✨Thus, these actions are aimed at creating a false impression and misleading the international community about the goals and actions of the Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine.

We have already seen similar actions by the Kiev regime, when in the city of Bucha staged video footage was crudely fabricated.

Two Majors according to Control SigmaOriginal msg

source: Rybar in English

They “survived incorrectly”. A Mariupol resident telling about how AFU “buried” own Ukrainian artists.

Reading time: 10 minutes

🕯 March 16, marks three years since the terrible tragedy in Mariupol – the explosion in the Drama Theatre

Ukrainian militants lured people there to stage another provocation, blaming Russia. But those who miraculously managed to survive on March 16, 2022, remember who exactly is to blame for the death of their loved ones.

Our correspondent Irina Yefremova recalled together with eyewitnesses what the Drama Theatre looks like today and who actually blew it up.

Backup at Rumble.

Text source: Eva Karene Bartlett
Video source: “Vesti Donetsk”, with our added translation

From our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”.

Commemorating this tragedy, we are publishing a translation of an article from “Argumenty i Fakty”, dated August 3, 2022.

They “survived incorrectly”. A Mariupol resident telling about how AFU “buried” own Ukrainian artists.

Actor Damir Sukhov spent the entire active phase of the fighting for Mariupol in the building of the drama theatre, which was then blown up by Ukrainian militants. In the interview to he told about how the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the theatre on a bet, and the Azov militants took cars away from people.

Dmitry Grigoriev, — Damir, tell me a little about yourself.

Damir Sukhov: — I was born in St. Petersburg, but grew up in Ukraine. Here I studied at the theatric school, but then returned to St. Petersburg, continuing theatrical education there. I starred in films in Russia for a while, and returned to Ukraine in 2016. The I lived with my family in Berdyansk and simultaneously acted in films in Kiev. Russian actors are in high demand in Ukraine, as most of the films shot there were sold to Russia.

— When did you arrive in Mariupol?

— I finished filming a big TV series in Kiev and came to Berdyansk. It is important to understand that Berdyansk is a small town compared to Mariupol, where there were much more opportunities for the development of the child and for my wife and me. I decided to move to Mariupol and started working at the Drama Theatre, and at the same time decided to launch a film school here. My wife was supposed to arrive later. We rented a room, started making repairs, purchased equipment, and even recruited the first students. I moved here in January 2022, just a month before the start of the special operation. In fact, I just got used to Mariupol, and this nightmare began.

The authorities of Mariupol fled the city before the start of the SMO

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Oscar-winning film lies about the Red Army. A re-blog of MFA statement

Reading time: 7 minutes

The re-writing of history is happening in two planes – the erasure of the actual history through the destruction of the monuments, and the implanting of a “new” narrative in the minds of the people. We told about the destruction of the monuments through a video clip from the film “Warsaw ’21” in the article “Warsaw ‘21” – a political thriller with a fragment on the essence of the Polish destruction of the Soviet memorials, while the alteration of the history with the “new narrative” is happening though the films, like the one criticised below.

For an additional story about the liberation of Poland, and how that event gets malformed in the minds of the Poles, see our 2015 article The Sorrow of a Warsaw Woman. Why Poland is not happy to be liberated from fascism?

Soviet and Polish soldiers plant the victory banner. Warsaw, January 1945. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Oscar-winning film lies about the Red Army

Nikolai LAKHONIN, Chief Counselor, Foreign Ministry Information and Press Department
March 17, 2025

The annual Oscars Academy Award ceremony attracts attention of the whole world. Recently, another such show took place. We would like to talk not about the American film Anora (rated R) with Russian actors (we congratulate them on their great success), but about the drama A Real Pain (rated R) directed by Jesse Eisenberg.

It is also an American film, made by Americans primarily for Americans and about Americans. This is important. The picture is about historical memory in the perception of American descendants who survived the Holocaust. The genre is a road film: the main characters travel to memorial sites, get acquainted with monuments in the Polish capital and go to the Majdanek concentration camp museum. The picture has already been seen by millions, and after it received the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, even more people will see it. The screenwriters of such films lay down powerful narratives. And since they contain a distorted view of the most important events related to our country, we cannot remain silent.

The myth of the Red Army

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No LRADs used at Belgrade Demonstration – False flag in Serbia

Reading time: 2 minutes

💢 No LRADs used at Belgrade Demonstration‼️

Contrary to media narratives being pushed everywhere, there was no sound cannon used during the protests in Belgrade Serbia on March 15th, 2025

Backup at Rumble.

📣 – The evidence presented is conclusive – Case closed

Here we see and hear what really happened – with new video, leaked audio – and a clear perspective.

‼️ For immediate distribution – SHARE, COPY, FORWARD‼️

Thanks to the guys – Putinger’s Cat and Working Brother.

Source: Xoaquin Flores

The day before, we published this post at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”

🇷🇸 A new attempt at a colour revolution in Serbia

Backup at Rumble.

Backup at Rumble.

Now that the CIA is running out of bodies to be thrown into the meatgrinder in Ukraine, they desperately need a new bloody conflict, and Balkans is the place to go.

The current attempt at a colour revolution has all the CIA playbook bullet points to it. Just compare the two videos — the second one is from the 2014 Ukraine, where the CIA handlers are inspecting their handiwork (! Don’t mix Serbia and Ukraine!

But there is one difference. Snipers have been used too many times before — both in Moscow, Vilnius, Damascus, Kiev, to name a few places. So now the CIA used something different — crowd control.

RT reports:

Serbia to investigate ‘gross disinformation’ on sound cannon allegedly used on protesters — Vucic
Pres. hasn’t said anything about mysterious sound heard in video yet

We include the video in question in the comments. The point about the sound is significant, as it is not an overwhelming sound, but a short burst of noise, as if a signal to the ringleaders within the crowd to start acting and to lead the crowd into a stampede.

Once the stampede is organised, there are bound to be some victims, which will later can be given some “poetic” name, for example, in this case, “the heavenly half-hundred”.

The referendum on the independence of Ukraine on December 1, 1991: how Kravchuk deceived Sevastopol and Crimea

Reading time: 37 minutes

This in-depth research and chronology article by Lyubov Ulyanova was published in the Sevastopol publication “ForPost” on November 30, 2022.

Without understanding the events and manipulations happening in the Ukrainian SSR in 1991, it is impossible to understand the mechanics behind the collapse of the USSR.

On March 17, 1991 the majority of the Soviet citizens voted for the preservation of the Union. But this vote was disregarded. Moreover, Ukraine held a referendum on independence, first denouncing the Union treaty of 1922, while Crimea was falsely assured that Ukrainian SSR has no intention of leaving the Union. This largely made the referendum on the secession of Crimea from Ukraine inevitable at some point in time, and that finally happened on March 16, 2014, after USA, dissatisfied with their already significant control of Ukraine, decided to push the country even further away from Russia though a Nazi-powered coup d’etat.

The article, while being long, is very much worth every minute that you will spend reading it, as it clears up many questions. One can summarise the key takeaways:

  • The “granite” colour revolution of October 1990, when protesters were taken with busses from Western Ukraine to Kiev.
  • Ukraine denounced the 1922 treaty, which means that Ukraine reverts to it’s pre-USSR state of not existing at all.
  • Ukraine expected to keep the borders as they were within the Union (i.e., following the 1922 Treaty and its amendments)
  • Ukraine used the “right to self-determination” to hold a referendum on independence
  • Ukraine denied Crime to have the UN-enshrined right to self-determination to hold its own referendum on independence
  • Ukraine promised that it will not leave the Union
  • Ukraine left the Union
  • Ukraine regarded USSR as “former”, non-existent
  • Ukraine deferred Crimea to the head of the USSR (Gorbachev) to repeal the 1954 decree of transfer of Crimea, thus recognising USSR as existing.
  • The process was closely guided from Canada and the USA
  • Crimea could appeal to the leadership of the USSR to repeal the 1954 decree, with a logical legal implication that as Russia is the legal heir of the USSR, Russia can repeal that decree on behalf of the USSR.

The referendum on the independence of Ukraine on December 1, 1991: how Kravchuk deceived Sevastopol and Crimea

Ukraine ratified a completely different text of the Belovezha Agreements compared to Russia and Belarus, and this calls into question the legal force of the Agreement as a whole.

Kravchuk distracted and deceived Sevastopol and Crimea in 1991.
The caption reads: “One must decide today that what can be decided today”. Date: 26.10.1991

Lapshin M.I. (Stupinsky territorial electoral district, Moscow region)… I have a question about the denunciation of the 1922 Union Treaty… Just look at the map of the USSR in 1922, and we will see that the states that have denounced the treaty today were located within completely different borders. Does the denunciation mean a return to the old days, when Russia was without the Far Eastern Republic, Kazahstan and Central Asia were part of the RSFSR, the border of Belarus was just west of the Minsk region, and Ukraine, to put it mildly, could show for itself quite different territory from what it currently has (most likely, it was, first of all, a hint at Crimea and Sevastopol – author note). Are we not creating the basis for huge territorial claims against each other by denouncing the Union Treaty?”

USSR 1922

This question, asked on December 12, 1991 by one of the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR during the discussion in the Russian Supreme Council of the Agreement on the creation of the CIS, a few days after the “Belovezha”, was basically ignored by other participants in that discussion.

However, today, more than 30 years later, it cannot be said that this question was completely meaningless.
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Moving documentary about The All-Union Referendum on the Future of the USSR, which was held on March 17, 1991

Reading time: 13 minutes

9 out of 15 republics took part in the referendum, while 6 republics — Lithuanian, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldavia — did not take participate, having held earlier separate referendums on cession. However, even in those republics, the All-Union referendum took place at the local level.

‼️ The definitive majority of the citizens of the USSR voted for the preservation of the Union!

We translated a documentary, found at the YouTube channel “We Are from the USSR”. It is based on several materials: news programs from that time, as well as fragments of a documentary “The Chronicles of Our Time #7. The First All-Union Referendum of 1991”.

Backup at Rumble.

The material is also presented at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”.

Here is a portion of the transcript, where the results are presented:

In total, 184.2 million people were included in the list for voting at the referendum.
147.5 million people participated in the vote.
112.1 million Soviet citizens said “yes” to the Union.
This is 76.3% of all those who participated in the referendum.
2.7 million ballots were recognised as invalid.

Here’s what significant:
While this data came in its entirety from 9 republics in which the referendum was held and the Central Commission of the referendum was created, then in 6 republics the Central Commission was not created.
Here the vote was held at the labour collectives, at a number of councils, and so on.

What is the ratio of these results relative to the entire electoral body?
If this data are compared with the total number of voters in the past All-Union elections, and then there were 192 million people in the lists, then 58.3% of the citizens voted for the Union on this scale.

More than half, anyway.

The documentary ends with an open question about the implications of the referendum:
Did it solve the conflicts that had arisen? Or only gave birth to new illusions? The future will tell.

The future is happening now, but not the way people voted back then, as the will of the people of the USSR was ignored and the Union destroyed through several manipulative steps.

The transcript of the documentary

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On March 17th 1991, the referendum on the preservation of the USSR was held

Reading time: 5 minutes

On March 17th 1991, the referendum on the preservation of the USSR was held. we are commemorating the event with a series of posts at our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, as well as publications here and at our Odysee and Rumble channels.

The question at the referendum was formulated as follows:

“Do you consider it necessary to preserve the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, in which the rights and freedoms of people of any nationality will be fully guaranteed?”

113.5 million people voted in favour of preserving the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, that is, almost 78% of those who voted.

In accordance with Art. 29 of the USSR Law “On National Voting” of December 27th 1990 No. 1869-I, a decision made through a referendum of the USSR is final and can be cancelled or changed only through a new expression of the will of the peoples of the USSR.

“The fate of the peoples of the country is inseparable; only through joint efforts can they successfully resolve issues of economic, social and cultural development”, stated the official commentary of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

On November 6th 1991, Yeltsin banned the Communist Party throughout Soviet Russia.

On December 8th, the will of citizens to live in a single multinational state was cynically and brazenly trampled on, when in Belovezhskaya Pushcha Yeltsin, Kravchuk and Shushkevich, without any legal authority to do so, with the criminal inaction of Gorbachev, secretly signed an agreement from the people that “The USSR as a subject of international law and as a geopolitical reality ceases to exist”.

On December 25th Yeltsin officially dissolved the Soviet Union. Next day, USSR to longer existed.

Word to the Rector — on the disappearance of the CIS documents

Backup at Rumble.

Russia is the legal successor of the USSR on the territory of all the Union republics.
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A posthumous sentence. How the French legalised Petlyura’s murder

Reading time: 10 minutes

The extrajudicial execution of the Ukrainian Nazi Demyan Ganul yesterday bears a certain resemblance to the extrajudicial execution of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist and mass-murderer, Simon Petlyura, 99 years ago. Demyan Ganul was, among other, one of the people behind the Odessa massacre of May 2, 2014, for which a few days ago, the European Court of Human Rights has found Ukraine to be responsible.

Read on and compare. The article is from “Argumenty i Fakty”, published on October 26, 2014.

A posthumous sentence. How the French legalised Petliura’s murder

A bust of Simon Petlyura in Rovno, Ukraine.

Three shots fired at a Paris shop window

On May 25, 1926, a stranger approached a man who was looking at a street window at the corner of Paris Boulevard Saint-Michel and Rue Racine. After asking the man a question in Ukrainian and receiving an answer that satisfied him, the stranger took out a revolver and shot the man three times.

The shooter did not try to escape, but remained at the scene until the police arrived. After handing over the weapon to the police, he stated that he had shot a murderer.

The victim of the attack was taken to a nearby hospital on Jacob Street, where the man died fifteen minutes later.

The killer’s name was Samuel Yakovlevich Schwarzburd. His victim was Simon Petlyura, the former head of the Directory of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, one of the most well-known figures of the time of the Civil War.

Both the killer and his victim were, as they say, “products of the era”.
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Indoctrination of the Ukrainian children with the Nazi ideology

Reading time: 7 minutes

The indoctrination of the children with the Nazi ideology in the so-called Ukraine will be the biggest challenge during the denazification that Russia will have to eventually conduct on these ancient Russian lands, which currently fell under the sway of NATO. Grown-ups, once they are removed from the isolation of the propaganda source have a chance to revert to normal. The children, on the other hand, are like birds imprinted with the ideology, so undoing the damage done by NATO will be so much harder.

We have earlier published articles “Ukrainian children – zombified, brainwashed and trained by “Azov” terrorists to become children-soldiers” and “Cannibalistic master class for Ukrainian children”, which illustrated the many angles of attack on the mind of the Ukrainian children.

In this article we will show more of the Ukrainian schoolbooks and the Ukrainian mobilisation for the very young. But first, let us start with a few videos. Watch this cartoon from 1943, and tell yourself, is there any difference between it, and the subsequent video clips? Some of the materials come from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”, starting with this post.

Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi, 1943

Backup at Rumble.

Ukrainian kids, brainwashed with Nazism

Backup at Rumble.

“Innocent kids”… preparing to burn people. Odessa, 02.05.2014

Backup at Rumble.

Underage Ukrainians are filling explosive components of strike drones with ball bearings

Backup at Rumble.

Ukraine to its children: Snitch on your family!

Backup at Rumble.

To round it off, we created a meme combining Zelensky and Hitler’s Volkssturm, referring to the current Ukrainian initiative to reduce the conscription age to 14 years, which we described at our Telegram post here.

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Europe: Destined for Conflict? – George Friedman, 2015

Reading time: < 1 minute

On February 4, 2015, George Friedman held a talk at the Chicago Council for Global Affairs. The complete recording of this revealing presentation is available on YouTube.

We created a 14 minute long extract from the Q&A section of the talk with what we feel are highlights of the American plan for the Ukraine in particular and Europe in general, adding a few of our comments and illustrations.

Backup at Rumble.

Now, 10 years later we can all safely say that the American plans were playing out before our eyes as outlined in the talk.

From our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”

Macron’s belligerent talk, Russian MFA’s sharp reply, and the lesson of the “civil” war from 1918

Reading time: 8 minutes

Macron recently decided to play the role of one of the riders of Apocalypse and delivered a very belligerent speech, which drew a shap response from the Russian Foreign Ministry, which we reblog in full below.

But first, to the events of 1918, when another, similar crusade against Russia was started by the West. The same fratricidal “civil war” as we see now in Ukraine, where Russians are killing Russians.

The material is from our Telegram channel “Beorn And The Shieldmaiden”.

On March 6, 1918, an English landing force landed in the port of Murmansk from the cruiser “Glory”. The open military intervention by the Entente of Russia began.

On March 14, the British cruiser “Cochrane” arrived in Murmansk with a new detachment of interventionists.

March 18 – French cruiser “Admiral Ob”.

The Americans joined later: on May 27, the American cruiser “Olympia” entered the Murmansk port, from which a detachment of American infantry soon disembarked.

The topic of foreign intervention against Soviet Russia in 1918-21 has been completely cast out of sight, completely “blurred”, and sometimes even disputed. There is practically no mention of it in the modern media.

This intentionally or unintentionally creates the myth of the Civil War as a war exclusively between “Whites” and “Reds.” Which is obviously a manipulation.

So, shall we remember who supported the “Whites” against the “Reds” with their manpower and equipment?

1. 🇬🇧 England. 28,000 soldiers – Arkhangelsk (1918), Murmansk (1918), the Baltic (1918), Revel (1919), Narva (1919), the Black Sea (1920), Sevastopol (1920), the Caspian Sea (1920), Transcaucasia (1918), Vladivostok (1918).
2. 🇺🇸 USA. 15,000 soldiers. – Arkhangelsk (1918), Murmansk (1918), Trans-Siberian Railway
3. 🇫🇷 France – Arkhangelsk (1918), Murmansk (1918), Odessa (1918), Kherson (1918), Sevastopol (1918), Siberia.
4. 🇦🇺 Australia – 4,000 soldiers. Arkhangelsk (1918), Murmansk (1918).
5. 🇨🇦 Canada – Arkhangelsk (1918). Murmansk (1918).
6. 🇮🇹 Italy – Murmansk, Far East.
7. 🇬🇷 Greece – 2,000 soldiers. Odessa, the Black Sea.
8. 🇷🇴 Romania – Bessarabia.
9. 🇵🇱 Poland – The North of Russia, the South, Siberia.
10. 🇯🇵 Japan. 28,000 soldiers – Far East (Vladivostok, Sakhalin)
11. 🇨🇳 China – Arkhangelsk (1918), Murmansk (1918).
12. 🇷🇸 Serbia – “Serbian Battalion”. The North of Russia.
13. 🇫🇮 Finland – Karelia. The Karelian and Murmansk legions, created by the 🇬🇧 British.
14. 🇩🇪 Germany. Ukraine, the Baltic States, part of European Russia
15. 🇦🇹🇭🇺 Austria-Hungary. (Germany’s ally)
16. 🇹🇷 Turkey (the Ottoman Empire). Transcaucasia.

🇨🇿 We can also recall the Czechoslovak Corps, which became the trigger of the Civil War.

In total, more than 20 countries took up arms directly or indirectly against the young Soviet Republic. Do not forget that the “Whites” were also fully funded by the Entente.

It was no accident that Stalin was saying, “The so-called Civil War”.


👉 Read also Occupation of Russia by the USA in 1918-1920. The “international intervention” during the post-revolutionary unrest.

What do English, French, coming with war against us, want?

— A “Civil war” flyer by the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, 1918.

THEY SEIZED the road to Murmansk, the entire coast of the White Sea, Onega Lake, Arkhangelsk.
THERE WERE TRAITORS who helped them.
The peaceful population was shelled with GUNS from the cruisers — for what, what have we done to them?
They will say WE WANT PEACE, WE hate WAR, but we still don’t have the strength to overthrow those who send us to the slaughter!
And what do you want, king, president, lords and dukes, merchants, bankers, landowners of America, England, France, Japan?
— Ha ha ha! What do we want? WE WANT TO DEVOUR YOU, we want to take over your forests in the north, as well as harbours, your roads.
WE WANT flax and hemp, forest and bread, everything your country is rich in, copper and iron, lead, silver, platinum, gold — WE WANT to capture IT ALL.
WHAT DO WE WANT? — these gentlemen will say, we want to capture both the North, the Volga, the Urals, and Caucases. We need your oil sources, your mines, your fishing grounds, we’ll take everything!
WHAT DO WE WANT? — they will say WE WANT TO PUT ON YOUR NECK THE TSAR, because in our country, King George is a relative of Romanov, because our bourgeoisie is relatives of yours, and our landlords are relatives of yours.
You have overthrown the NOBILITY, and WE WILL AGAIN PUT THEM ON YOUR NECK.
You overthrew the landowner, and we’ll put him on your neck again.
Do you want to live a free independent life? And we’re thrusting you back into slavery.
— That’s what these people want.

Foreign Ministry Statement regarding French President Emmanuel Macron’s speech

In the run-up to the EU summit dedicated to Ukraine crisis and confrontation with Russia, and clearly trying to set the tone for the upcoming gathering, French President Macron made an extremely aggressive anti-Russia speech calling our country, as he did on multiple previous occasions, a “threat to France and Europe.” Without providing any evidence, as he usually does, he accused our country of all the deadly sins from cyber attacks and interference in elections to our alleged plans to attack other countries in Europe.

We have heard him come up with similar fabrications and provocative claims before as well. Perhaps, this was the first time he laid them out in such an intense and irreconcilable manner which made them sound like a catechism for the Russophobic action programme.

Notably, the French leader has repeatedly made public his plans to call President Putin on the telephone to discuss ways to achieve peaceful settlement in Ukraine and to ensure security in Europe. The Russian side has always been open to discuss these matters. However, Macron, this time again, confined himself to clamorous public rhetoric.

The French President is trying hard to convince the French citizens of an “existential threat” coming from Russia. In fact, Russia has never threatened France, but, instead, helped it defend its independence and sovereignty in two world wars. However, Macron’s statements, in fact, pose a threat to Russia.
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