Unique Russian medicine “Areplivir” curing COVID-19 patients

About 1 month ago I wrote about the first in the world Russian vaccine against COVID-19. And now Russia comes with another break-through – a medicine that blocks COVID-19 and cures patients already infected with the virus. The medicine is now available in the apothecaries in Russia and is sold based on doctor’s prescription.

Here are some of the highlights from the “Argumenty i Fakty” article from 22.09.2020, titled “A Special Tablet: The makers on their Russian medicine against COVID-19”:

  • The medicine is called “Areplivir” and is created by “Biochemist” factory, which has over 60 years in experience of creating medicines.
  • The medicine blocks RNA-dependent-RNA-polymesasys, thus preventing the virus from replicating (therefrom comes the name of the medicine). The virus of COVID-19 lives 10 hours, so blocking its replication leads to a quick cure.
  • 80% of the patients experience improvement after 24 hours.
  • “Areplivir” is taken as a massive dose of 8 tablets 2 times a day for the first day, and 3 tablets twice a day thereafter.
  • 80% of the patients are cured after 5 days with no side-effects. The treatment is prescribed to last for 10 days, totaling 70 tablets.
  • The efficiency of “Areplivir” is 98%. Patients in medium to heavy conditions were participating in the clinical trials, and none of the patients died or required ALV.
  • The medicine uses “phavipiravir” as its active component, which has high safety grading with almost no side-effects. It should not, however, be taken by pregnant women and children.
  • “Areplivir” works against other virus types with the same reproduction mechanism: influenza, rinovirus, rotovirus.
  • Other laboratories in the world, in particular in China, are working on developing medicine based on phavipiravir, however the devil is in the detail, and so far only Russian “Biochemist” manages to develop an efficient composition.
  • An analogue of “Areplivir” is temporarily registered in Italy.