The roots of the looming global religious war uncovered

In her recent article, Lada Ray covered some very important, yet hidden for a Westerner facts about the brewing religious war, which USA and Canada are instigating by promoting the schism in the Orthodox (Pravoslavnaya – “True Faith”) Church.

Please read the full article at

NEW From the Creators of Kiev Maidan: USA Actively Subverting Greece & Instigating Religious War!

with a fragment reposted below:

HOW’S THAT POSSIBLE? Why such sudden change in Greece’s behavior? What caused it? You may think I sound like a broken record when I tell you that it’s all because of the US. Some may even roll their eyes.

Ah, but I have direct proof. We don’t even need to know all the details of the situation. All we need to know is one fact only.


‘Geoffrey Pyatt is the New US Ambassador to Greece. US Ambassador to Greece David D. Pearce is being replaced by Geoffrey R. Pyatt, a former US Ambassador to Ukraine. The USState Department has chosen an experienced and firm diplomat as the next American Ambassador to Greece. May 6, 2016.’

Geoffrey Pyatt is the New US Ambassador to Greece | GreekReporter

Who is Geoffrey Pyatt?

It is the same man who successfully subverted Ukraine and organized, along with Victoria Nuland, the Kiev Maidan!

After Pyatt successfully subverted Ukraine they sent him to another hot spot, aka, another Russia-friendly country and Russia’s KEY ally in Europe! In other words, to Greece.

What’s happening in Greece today, due to the US interference, is directly connected to the global Orthodox religious schism, which may result in the global religious war, and which is a direct stab at Russia. This stab, for which Ukraine is being used yet again, is extremely dangerous and very significant, even for those of us who aren’t religious or Russian Orthodox.

It is a stab directly into the heart of the Russian identity. It is a direct attempt to sabotage and destroy the Russian World form within, therefore, attempting to destroy Russia the Great Balancer!

Orthodox Schism Sorry to say, the meddling of the US has gotten out of control. The situation is bizarre and completely illegal. It basically is a hostile takeover, with the idea to weaken and dismember Russia and Ukraine further. As of now, 11 out of 15 independent Orthodox churches (if we count the Moscow Patriarchy), and various divisions of the church, said no to Ukraine’s autocephaly and church independence.

Soon we’ll know how much the US can twist arms and how far they are prepare to go. My prediction: unfortunately, all the way…

That was a year ago: Putin treated like king (or emperor) at the Greek Orthodox monastery, while on a trip to Greece. That Golden throne of sorts in which he stands (one must stand in the Orthodox church during a service) was reserved millennium ago for Byzantium Emperors. Putin was blessed for his future word and deeds to benefit humanity, by the Greek monks.

The so-called ‘Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew’, whose very tiny, comprised of only a few thousand believers flock is located in the Phanar (Fener) quarter of Istanbul, Turkey. Bartholomew, a Greek by nationality, is Turkish citizen, and he once served in the Turkish army.

Bartholomew recently made an announcement that Ukrainian church will receive the autocephaly (independence) and separate from the Moscow Patriarchy very soon.

This announcement is already being compared to the Great Christian Schism of 1054, when Christianity split into Orthodox and Catholic.

The consequences facing Ukraine are also being compared to the St. Bartholomew Day’s Massacre in France, and it is noted that the Constantinople Patriarch’s name isn’t Bartholomew by accident.

It is also said that the Constantinople Patriarch has no authority to interfere into the affairs of the Russian Church in Ukraine. He isn’t the Pope and the structure of the Orthodox church is very different. There is no formal head, but 15 independent churches, which decide their affairs collectively.

Out of 15 independent Orthodox Churches 11 (including Russian) are against the schism and against autocephaly for Ukraine. Greece turned out to be one of the four churches who said ‘yes’, or are silent. this was so unexpected that only one conclusion can be made: the US fingerprints are all over it!