Before we proceed to the article by Olga from the Telegram channel “Siberian Matrëshka”, let us read what Russian Foreign minister Lavrov had to say at the UN:
Lavrov on the West’s attempts to dismember Russia
We are witnessing a clear desire to cancel our country. Entirely. As it was in 1945, when World War II had not yet ended, when the summits in Yalta and Potsdam were held, when the Allies were celebrating victory – now documents have been published that show that the West was preparing plans to attack the Soviet Union even before the end of the war in the Pacific. To dismember it. And now those plans have come to life.
There was another historical epoch – 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, the West thought that the new authorities, the then Russian authorities, would be in its pocket – it didn’t work out. And now again some marginal people, clearly at the behest of the West, non-governmental organizers, Russian former citizens who fled to Europe and the United States, have begun to create structures for the decolonization of Russia. They mention 7 or 8 parts into which our country should be divided.
So this mentality of cancelling everything that you don’t like and that competes with you is present. Speaking of competition, fair competition has long been cancelled by our Western colleagues, including through the imposition of sanctions. Now the Mexicans, the Panamanians, the Danes, I think a number of other countries, will be able to experience what the abolition of competition is like. Chinese friends have responded harshly. And no other language is understood by people who want to dominate.
As it will become apparent from the article, the USSR was always on the menu of the West. On June 24, 1941, just 2 days after Hitler attacked the USSR, the future president of the USA wrote in The New York Times: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible…”. This quote is confirmed in the archived
article at The New York Times from 1972
Whereas Roosevelt tended to be flexible in coping with the Russians, Truman held sterner views. “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.. . ” he said as a Senator in 1941. This basic attitude prepared him to adopt, from the start of his Presidency, a firm policy.
And even before that, in 1940, UK and France were itching to attack the USSR. This is the topic of today’s article.
England and France were preparing an attack on the USSR in the summer of 1940: Operation Pike.
Olga🪆August 24, 2024
The consequences of the destruction of the Baku oil fields could have been very serious for the USSR, if not deadly. There is no doubt that England and France would have carried out their intentions, implementing their Operation “Pike”, which went in unison with Hitler’s plans to attack the USSR. A blow from the combined forces of Europe: Germany, England and France could have been deadly for the USSR. But these intentions violated the business interests of the USA.Operation Pike: England and France planned to attack the USSR in the spring of 1940. This would have radically changed the course of World War II and the entire history of the 20th century. The question arises: who prevented a scenario that would be disastrous for the USSR and why?
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